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      • KCI등재

        여와(餘窩) 목만중(睦萬中)의 시에 나타난 현실 인식과 대응 양상

        박희인 ( Hee In Park ) 한국한시학회 2011 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        목만중은 18세기 남인 문단에서 활동하였던 대표적인 시인이다. 그의 시는 당대에 이미 많은 사람들로부터 인정받았다. 그러나 그의 시세계는 매우 방대하므로 본 논문에서는 현실 인식과 대응 양상이라는 측면에 국한하여 살펴보았다. 목만중은 젊은 시절부터 벼슬에 나아가 어지러운 사회를 바로잡는 일에 참여하고자 하였다. 그러나 그의 꿈은 좌절당하였고 이후 그는 오랜 시간 칩거 생활을 하게 된다. 칩거 생활 동안 그는 자신의 꿈을 펼 수 없는 현실에 분노를 느끼고 질타를 가하지만 또 한편으로 그러한 현실에 대응하는 자신만의 방법을 깨닫기도 하였다. 목만중이 깨달은 자신만의 대응 방법이란 가치를 상대적인 것으로 인식하고 자신의 뜻을 펼 수 있는 때가 오기를 기다리는 것이었다. 목만중은 당시의 조선 사회가 매우 혼란스럽다고 인식하였으며 외부의 문물이 조선에 유입되어 사회를 더욱 혼란시킬 것을 우려하였다. 때문에 청 문물과 서학의 유입에 대하여 강경하게 대응하였다. 목만중은 자신이 겪는 번민과 고통을 꿈을 통해 위로하기도 하였다. 꿈은 그리운 대상을 떠올려 작자를 위로하고 때로는 이루지 못한 것들을 완성하고 마음껏 누리게 하기도 하였다. 결론적으로 현실 인식과 대응 양상이라는 측면에서 살핀 목만중의 시세계는 주류에서 소외되었던 당대의 한 지식인의 사회에 대한 도전과 관심 그리고 좌절된 자신에 대한 위안과 위로를 담고 있다고 하겠다. In this paper, I analyzed the poems of Mok Man-jung(1727-1810) who was a representative poet of the Nam-in(南人) literary world in the 18th century. His poetry world was voluminous and so I especially focused on analyzing his poems in the aspects of sense of reality and literary responses. In his early days, Mok Man-jung had tried to contribute to improving the troubled society by a public official. However, his ambitions was frustrated and he lived in seclusion from the world. During seclusion, he was very indignant with the injustice society and denounced it; on the other hand, he realized his own way of literary response to the society. Mok Man-jung responded to the social situation of his time in following three ways. Firstly, he waited the appropriate time when he could realize his aspirations, as recognizing the relativity of value. Secondly, he was unbending in his opposition to the introductions of Qing and Western thoughts because he believed that the thoughts would have harmful effects on Chosun society. Thirdly, he consoled himself with his dreams. In the dreams, he reminded his precious old memories and sometimes achieves his unfulfilled desires. In conclusion, Mok Man-jung`s poetry world has not only an alienated intellectual`s interests in his times and challenges against the injustice world but also consolation to his frustration.

      • KCI등재

        둔전금광산 북광상에서 산출되는 다상포유물내의 고상

        박희,이찬희,Park, Hee-In,Lee, Chan Hee 대한자원환경지질학회 1991 자원환경지질 Vol.24 No.1

        North ore deposits of the Dunjeon gold mine is disseminated-stockworks deposits emplaced in Ordovician Dongjeom quartzite. Six types of fluid inclusions are recongnized in the stage I quartz. Among them polyphase inclusions(type-IV-A, B) are predominent in the lower part of stage I quartz crystals whereas liquid and gas inclusions(type I, II) are abundant in the upper part of the same quartz crystals. Liquid $CO_2$-bearing inclusions(type III-A, B)occur as pseudosecondary inclusions. Solid phases in polyphase inclusions are identified by using scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The solid phases are as follows; halite, sylvite, hydrophyllite, quartz, muscovite, calcite, ankerite, K-Mg-Fe-Al-Si mineral, Ca-Fe-Si mineral, Mg-Al-Si mineral, two kinds of Fe-mineral and Cu-Fe mineral. Results of freezing and heating experiments of fluid inclusions and identification of daughter minerals in polyphase inclusions in the stage I quartz reveal that ore fluids were high saline system NaCl-KCl-$CaCl_2$-$H_2O$ in the earier stage and then evolved to rather simple system NaCl-$H_2O$ in the later stage, and temporally fluid mixing occured with system $CO_2$-$H_2O$. Homogenization temperatures and salinity of fluid inclusions in the stage I range from 290 to $454^{\circ}C$ and from 0.2 to 54.2 wt. % equivalent to NaCl.

      • KCI등재

        屯田金鑛山 南鑛床의 鑛石과 流體包有物

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅),Young Kyun Woo(禹榮均),Chan Hee Lee(李讚熙) 대한자원환경지질학회 1987 자원환경지질 Vol.20 No.2

        The south ore deposits of the Dunjeon gold mine is a fissure-filling vein emplaced in the granitoids, skarnized and hornfelsified rocks of Ordovician Dumudong formation. The vein mineral paragenesis is complicated by repeated fracturing but three distinct depositional stages can be recognized; (1) base metal sulfides stage, (2) base metal sulfides, antimony-bismuthsulfosalts and native metals stage, (3) barren carbonates stage. Gold was mainly deposited in stage II. Fluid inclusion data indicate that fluid temperatures were from 310℃ to 402℃ during stage I and then declined steadily to 148℃ in the closing late stage III. Salinities were in the range of 0.4 to 5.0 equivalent weight percent NaCl and do not reveals any systematic trend through stag I, II and III. Ore mineralogy suggests that temperatures and sulfur fugacities in the earlier stage II were in the range of 340℃ to 360℃, 10⁻⁸ to 10⁻⁹ atm. respectively and then declined steadily to the range of 185℃ to 200℃ and 10⁻¹⁷ to 10⁻¹⁹atm. in the later stage II.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 형석광상(螢石鑛床)의 유체포유물(流體包有物) 연구(硏究)

        박희,Park, Hee In 대한자원환경지질학회 1976 자원환경지질 Vol.9 No.1

        The flourite in Hwacheon, Hwanggangri and Keumsan district are major fluorite producing areas in Korea. The fluorite deposits of Hwacheon district are wholly fissure filling hydrothermal veins embedded in Precambrian gneiss and schists and Jurassic granites. Also some fluorite deposits are emplaced in felsite whose age is unknown. Emplacement of most fluorite veins of the district are controlled by EW fracture system. Fluorites are generally accompanied to chalcedonic quartz and also kaolinite, montmorillonite, dickite and calcite in parts. Vertical and lateral mineral zonings are not distinct. The fluorite deposits in the Hwanggangri district are wholly embedded in limestone and other calcareous sediments of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group. Most of the fluorite deposits belong to one of two categories which are steeply. dipping veins and gently dipping replacement deposits adjacent to Late Cretaceous(83-90mys) granite bodies. The strikes of fluorite veins of Hwanggangri district mostly occupy the fractures of $N30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}E$ and $N30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}W$ system. Fluorites are accompanied to calcite, milky quartz, chalcedonic quartz, and also montmorillonite, kaolinite in parts. But in some deposits, scheelite, various sulfide minerals and barite are accompanied. Emplacement of fluorite deposits are largely controlled by lithology and structures of this district. In some deposits fluorite veins gradate to scheelite veins and also telescoping of the mineral zones are found in this district. In the Keumsan district, fissure-filled fluorite veins and replacement deposits are mostly emplaced in limestone of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group, late Cretaceous quartz-porphyry, granite and sandstone. Some deposits are emplaced in Precambrian metasediments. Mineralogy and other characteristics of the deposits in this district is similar to those of Hwanggangri district. Fluid inclusion studies reveal the difference of salinities, $CO_2$ contents of ore fluid and temperatures during fluorite mineral deposition in the these districts. In Hwacheon district, ore-fluids were comparatively dilute brine and low $CO_2$ content. Filling temperatures ranges $104^{\circ}C$ to $170^{\circ}C$. In the Chuncheonshinpo mine, most deeply exploited one in this district, salinitles range 0.5-2. 2wt. % NaCl and filling temperatures range from $116^{\circ}C$ to $143^{\circ}C$. In the Hwanggangri district, ore fluids were complex and filling temperature ranges very widly. In the contact metasomatic fluorite deposits, ore fluid were NaCl rich brines with moderate $CO_2$ content and filling temperatures range from $285^{\circ}C$ to above $360^{\circ}C$. Fluids inclusions in tungsten and sulfide minerals bearing fluorite veins show high $CO_2$ content up to 31wt. %. Filling temperature ranges from $101^{\circ}C$ to $310^{\circ}C$. Fluids inclusions In mainly fluorite bearing veins were more dilute brine and low $CO_2$ contents. Filling temperatures range from $95^{\circ}C$ to $312^{\circ}C$. Filling temperature of fluid inclusions of Keumsan district are between $95^{\circ}C$ and $237^{\circ}C$. Data gathered from geologic, mineralogic and fluid inclusion studies reveal that fluorite mineralization in H wacheon district proceeded at low temperature with dilute brine and low $CO_2$ content. In Hwangganri district, fluorite mineralization proceeded by several pulse of chemically distinct ore fluids and formed the mineralogically different type of deposits around cooling granite pluton which emplaced comparatively shallow depth.

      • KCI등재

        多德鑛山 楓井脈의 金銀鑛化作用

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅),Suck Won Choi(崔錫源),Sang Sun Lee(李相善) 대한자원환경지질학회 1988 자원환경지질 Vol.21 No.3

        Ore deposits of Dadeok mine, the largest in the Bonghwa gold mining district, are composed of numerous gold and silver-bearing quartz veins emplaced in granite batholith. Mineralization of the Pungjeong vein, one of the representative vein in the mine was investigated. K-Ar age of sericite in the vein is 84±5 Ma. Hypogene 6pen-space filling can be devided into four paragenetic stages; (1) fine grained quartz and carbonate; (2) quartz and carbonates with base metal sulfides, electrum, native silver, argentite, polybasite, freibergite, pyrargyrite, and Cu-Ag-Fe-S minerals; (3) quartz with base metal sulfides; (4) quartz and calcite with or without pyrite. Composition of electrum ranges from 44.17 to 56.50 atomic % Ag. Meanwhile FeS content of sphalerite coexisting with elctrum in stage II range from 0.01 to 1.67 mol. %. Homogenization temperatures for quartz and sphalerite of stage II (239° to 310℃), quartz of stage III (206° to 255℃) and quartz and calcite of stage IV (232° to 253℃) show little time-space variation during mineralization. Salinities of the fluid inclusions range from 5.5 to 12.8wt% NaCI in stage II, 7.3 to 12.3wt% in stage III and 4.5 to 8.0wt% in stage IV. Based on the homogenization temperatures, Fe content of sphalerite and Ag content of electrum, tempera ture and sulfur fugacity for stage II are estimated to be 208° to 310℃ and 10-9.2-10-12.8 bars, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        金嶺 및 基邱鑛床의 銅鑛化作用

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅),Yongkoo Seol(薛龍九) 대한자원환경지질학회 1992 자원환경지질 Vol.25 No.3

        The Keumryeong deposits is a low grade copper deposits in which copper minerals form disseminated grains and thin veinlets in felsic volcanics seem to be dacite. Alteration of the volcanics consists mainly pervasive propylitization and silicification. Potassic alteration characterized by biotite developed locally adjacent to southwestern contact of granodiorite body. Principal sulfide minerals in altered zone are mainly pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite content in potassic zone is relatively higher than that of surrounding propylitized zone. Pyrite and chalcopyrite accompanies magnetite, molybdenite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, pentlandite, marcasite, hematite, ilmenite, rutile, bismuthinite and native Bi as disseminations, veinlets and knots. Granodiorite body is propylitized and contains veinlets of pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite. Fluid inclusions in sulfide-bearing quartz veinlets and quartz grains of felsic volcanics and granodiorite in altered zone consist of liquid-rich, vapor-rich, CO₂-bearing and halite-bearing inclusions. These four types of inclusion intimately associated on a microscopic scale and indicate condensing or boiling of ore fluid during mineralization. Homogenization temperature of coexisting fluid inclusions are mostly in the range of 350 to 450℃. High salinity fluid contains 28.6 to 48.4 weight percent NaCl equivalent and moderate salinity fluid cotains 0.5 to 12.5 weight percent NaCl equivalent. Pressure estimated from CO₂ mole fraction of CO₂-bearing inclusion range 160 to 375 bars. The Kigu copper deposits is a fissure filling copper vein developed 500 m south from the Keumryong deposits. Mineralogy and fluid inclusion data of the Kigu deposits are similar to that of the Keumryeong deposits. Homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions from the Kigu deposits are reasonable agreement with temperature estimated from sulfidation curve of cubanite-chalcopyrite-pyrite-pyrrhotite and pyrite-pyrrhotite mineral assemblages. Not only mineral occurrence and wall rock alteration in the Keumryeong deposits but also fluid inclusion data such as temperature, salinity, pressure and boiling evidences are similar to those of porphyry copper deposits.

      • KCI등재

        덕흔ㆍ法田鑛山의 金-銀鑛化作用

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅),Jeong Hwang(黃政),Deog Lae Kim(金悳來) 대한자원환경지질학회 1990 자원환경지질 Vol.23 No.1

        Gold-silver deposits of Deogheun and Beopjeon mines are composed of veins emplaced in Jurassic granite batholith. Based on ore structure and ore mineralogy, four distinct stages of mineral deposition are recognized in these ore deposits. Gold and silver minerals in Deogheun and Beopjeon-A ore deposits are precipitated in stage Ⅲ and stage Ⅱ, respectively. Mineral constituents of ores from these deposits are pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, tetrahedrite, electrum, quartz and rhodochrosite. Cubanite, argentite and pyrargyrite occur only in Deogheun ore deposits. Ag content of electrum range from 42 to 66 atomic % in both ore deposits. Filling temperature of fluid inclusion from both ore deposits are as follows ; stage Ⅰ, 211-289℃ ; stage Ⅱ, 205-290℃ ; stage Ⅲ, 190-260℃ ; stage Ⅳ, 136-222℃ in Deogheun ore deposits. In Beopjeon-A ore deposits, stage Ⅰ, 255-305℃ ; stage Ⅱ, 135-222℃ ; stage Ⅲ, 148-256℃ ; stage Ⅳ, 103-134℃. Salinities of fluid inclusions range from 1.6-8.5 wt.% equivalent NaCl in both ore deposits. Sulfur fugacities through stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ in Deogheun ore deposits inferred from data of mineral assemblage and fluid inclusion range from 10-11.0-10-16.1 bars. Fluid pressure estimated from fluid inclusions which reveal boiling evidence range from 30-190 bars during mineralization in Deogheun ore deposits.

      • KCI등재

        富平鑛山의 金鑛石과 選鑛産物

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅),No Young Park(朴魯榮),Kyu Shik Suh(徐圭植) 대한자원환경지질학회 1986 자원환경지질 Vol.19 No.2

        The Bupyeong Silver mine which is located approximately 35km west of Seoul is currently the leading silver producer in Korea. The deposits occur as stockwork deposits hosted in Jurassic pyroclastic rocks. Occurrences of ore deposits and mineral paragenesis suggest a division of mineralization into four stages: Stage I, deposition of iron oxide and base metal sulfides; Stage II, deposition of tin oxide and silverm inerals; stage III, deposition of native silver and other silver minerals; Stage IV, formation of pyrite bearing siderite veinlets, Silver minerals in ore are native silver, argentite, freibergite, pyrargyrite, canfieldite, polybasite, dyscrasite and Ag-Fe-S mineral. The most important silver mineral is native silver among them. Chemical composition of important silver minerals were determined by electron probe microanalyser. Assay, size and modal analyses for floatation products were carried out. In floatation products, relative proportion of native silver for total important silver minerals have following ranges: feed, 64.7 to 74.74 wt.%; A-cleaner concentrate, 80.58 to 98.79 wt.%; and final tailing, 28.12 to 72. 57 wt. %. Average degree of liberation for native silver in feed and A-cleaner concentrate are 60.49% and 77.57% respectively. Negative relationship can be recognized between native silver and argentite in their abundance and behavior in floatation precesses.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 螢石鑛床의 流體包有物 硏究

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅) 대한자원환경지질학회 1976 자원환경지질 Vol.9 No.1

        The flourite in Hwacheon, Hwanggangri and Keumsan district are major fluorite producing areas in Korea. The fluorite deposits of Hwacheon district are wholly fissure filling hydrothermal veins embedded in Precambrian gneiss and schists and Jurassic granites. Also some fluorite deposits are emplaced in felsite whose age is unknown. Emplacement of most fluorite veins of the district are controlled by EW fracture system. Fluorites are generally accompanied to chalcedonic quartz and also kaolinite, montmorillonite, dickite and calcite in parts. Vertical and lateral mineral zonings are not distinct. The fluorite deposits in the Hwanggangri district are wholly embedded in limestone and other calcareous sediments of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group. Most of the fluorite deposits belong to one of two categories which are steeply dipping veins and gently dipping replacement deposits adjacent to Late Cretaceous(83-90mys) granite bodies. The strikes of fluorite veins of Hwanggangri district mostly occupy the fractures of N30°-40°E and N30°-40°W system. Fluorites are accompanied to calcite, milky quartz, chalcedonic quartz, and also montmorillonite, kaolinite in parts. But in some deposits, scheelite, various sulfide minerals and barite are accompanied. Emplacement of fluorite deposits are largely controlled by lithology and structures of this district. In some deposits fluorite veins gradate to scheelite veins and also telescoping of the mineral zones are found in this district. In the Keumsan district, fissure-filled fluorite veins and replacement deposits are mostly emplaced in limestone of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group, late Cretaceous quartz-porphyry, granite and sandstone. Some deposits are emplaced in Precambrian metasediments. Mineralogy and other characteristics of the deposits in this district is similar to those of Hwanggangri district. Fluid inclusion studies reveal the difference of salinities, CO₂ contents of ore fluid and temperatures during fluorite mineral deposition in the these district. In Hwacheon district, ore-fluids were comparatively dilute brine and low CO₂ content. Filling temperatures ranges 104℃ to 170℃. In the Chuncheonshinpo mine, most deeply exploited one in this district, salinitles range 0.5-2.2wt. % NaCl and filling temperatures range from 116℃ to 143℃. In the Hwanggangri district, ore fluids were complex and filling temperature ranges very widly. In the contact metasomatic fluorite deposits, ore fluid were NaCl rich brines with moderate CO₂ content and filling temperatures range from 285℃ to above 360℃. Fluids inclusions in tungsten and sulfide minerals bearing fluorite veins show high CO₂ content up to 31wt. %. Filling temperature ranges from 101℃ to 310℃. Fluids inclusions in mainly fluorite bearing veins were more dilute brine and low CO₂ contents. Filling temperatures range from 95℃ to 312℃. Filling temperature of fluid inclusions of Keumsan district are between 95℃ and 237℃. Data gathered from geologic, mineralogic and fluid inclusion studies reveal that fluorite mineralization in Hwacheon district proceeded at low temperature with dilute brine and low CO₂ content. In Hwangganri district, fluorite mineralization proceeded by several pulse of chemically distinct ore fluids and formed the mineralogically different type of deposits around cooling granite pluton which emplaced comparatively shallow depth.

      • KCI등재

        奉化-蔚珍地域의 錫, 重石鐵化作用

        Hee In Park(朴喜寅),Sang Man Lee(李商萬) 대한자원환경지질학회 1984 자원환경지질 Vol.17 No.1

        The tin and tungsten deposits are embedded around the age unknown Buncheon granite gneiss which intruded the Precambrian schists, gneiss and amphibolites in Bonghwa-Uljin area. Pegmatite dike swarm developed intermittently about 4km along the southern border of Buncheon granite gneiss at Wangpiri area. Thickness of pegmatite dikes range from 0.5 to 15m. Pegmetite is consisted of quartz, microcline, albite, muscovite and frequently topaz, tourmaline, garnet, fluorite, fluorapatite and lepidolite. Pegmatite dikes are greisenized, albitized and microclinized along dike walls. Cassiterites are irregularly disseminated through the intensely greienized and albitized parts of the pegmatite. Cassiterite crystals are mainly black to dark brown and contain considerable Ta and Nb. Average Ta and Nb contents of the four cassiterite samples are 5300 and 3400 ppm. The Ssangjeon tungsten deposits is embedded within the pegmatite dike developed along the northern contact of Buncheon granite gneiss with amphibolite. This pegmatite developed 2km along the strike and thickness varies from 10 to 40m. Mineral constituents of the pegmatite are quartz, microcline, plagioclase, muscovite, biotite, tourmaline and garnet. Ore minerals are ferberite and scheelite with minor amount of molybdenite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, pentlandite, bismuthinite, marcasite, and fluorite. Color and occurrence of quartz reveals that quartz formed at three different stages; quartz Ⅰ, the earliest milky white quartz formed as a rock forming mineral of simple pegmatite; quartz Ⅱ, gray to dark gray quartz which replace the minerals associated with quartz Ⅰ; quartz Ⅲ, the latest white translucent quartz which replace the quartz Ⅰ and Ⅱ. All of the ore minerals are precipitated during the quartz Ⅱ stage. Fluid inclusion in quartz Ⅰ and Ⅱ are mainly gaseous inclusions and liquid inclusions are contained in quartz Ⅲ and fIuorite. Salinities of the inclusion in quartz Ⅰ and Ⅱ ranges from 4.5 to 9.5 wt.% and 5.1 to 6.0 wt.% equivalent NaCl respectively. Salinities of the inclusion in fluorite range from 3.5 to 8.3 wt.% equivalent NaCl. Homogenization temperatures of the inclusion in quartz Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ range from 415 to 465℃, from 397 to 441℃ and 278 to 357℃. Data gathered in this study reveals that tin and tungsten mineralization in this area are one of prolonged event after the pegmatite formation around Buncheon granite gneiss.

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