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      • 美术馆公共教育在中国大陆的兴起

        양응시(Yang, YingShi)(杨,应,,) 한국박물관교육학회 2020 박물관교육연구 Vol.- No.24

        중국에서 미술관은 공공 문화 서비스의 중요한 플랫폼으로서 국민의 자질 향상, 창조정신 증진, 문화적 자신감 증진, 문화 교류 증진 등에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 미술관 공교육은 미술관(박물관, 도서관, 문화관, 과학기술관 등 기타 공공문화시설로 분립)의 공공성과 공익성을 기본 속성으로 제공하는 대중 교육서비스를 강조한 것이다. 미술관은 대중 교육의 사명을 더욱 잘 짊어지고 공교육 자원을 활성화하며 전문 분야로의 혁신을 모색해야 한다. 미술관 공교육은 관람객 연구의 토대 위에서 서로 다른 사람들의 수요에 따라 차별화 교육을 진행해야 한다. 중국 미술관 공교육은 신시대를 지향하여 대중교육의 중요한 구성부분으로서 더욱 개방적이고 적극적인 자세로 새로운 발전을 도모하고 사회의 수요에 부응해야 한다. Art museums in China had an great roles in people’s education, creative mind, cultural confidence, cultural exchange as a public culture service platform. The nature of public education in art museums is publicity and public interest and art museums emphasized public education services. Art museums should respond the public education missions and invigorate the public education assets. And also should find the innovation for professional sectors. The public education in art museums should provide different education service for the different people in the academic bases. The public education in art museums should aim the new era and should be more open and meet for social needs.

      • KCI등재


        和红,梅(He, Hongmei),,仅,(Shi, Jin),贾,露(Jia, Lu) 한국정치사회연구소 2021 한국과 국제사회 Vol.5 No.5

        印度半岛是世界上宗教历史最悠久的区域,宗教贯穿了从古印度到英属印度,再到后来印巴分治的历史发展过程。第二次世界大战结束之后,随着世界民族解放运动热潮澎湃,再加上英属印度境内的印度教徒和穆斯林之间的对立不断激化,宗主国英国推出了《蒙巴顿方案》来承认穆斯林建立独立政权的权力,这最终导致印度于1950年正式构建了民族国家,紧接着1956年巴基斯坦构建了共和国。宗教因素对印巴两国的民族国家构建,以及对建国后的从政治经济等各个领域都起到了重要的作用。本文在比较分析印度教对印度建国的作用和伊斯兰教对巴基斯坦建国的作用后,论证了宗教在印巴两国民族构建作用方面的相同点和差异性。本文发现了宗教是印巴两国构建民族国家的思想基础,但在凝聚力方面存在明显差异;宗教思想不同程度的影响了两国的国家政策和施政纲领;宗教还不同程度的强化了两国各民族对于国家的认同感。 The Indian peninsula is the region with the longest religious history in the world. Religion runs through the historical development process from ancient India to British India, and then to the partition between India and Pakistan. After the second world war, with the booming of national movement for emancipation, coupled with British India suffering from intensified confrontation between hindus and muslims, suzerain Britain introduced the ‘Mountbatten Plan’ to admit Muslim to establish a separated regime, which ultimately led to the construction of India nation-state in 1950, and the formation of Pakistan followed in 1956. Religious factors played an important role in the nation-state construction, as well as in various fields including politics, economy and so on after the establishment of the two countries. After a comparative analysis of the Hinduism’s role in the founding of India and that of Islam in the founding of Pakistan, this paper demonstrated the similarities and differences of religions’ roles in India and Pakistan. As a result, this paper found that religions were the ideological basis for both India and Pakistan to build a nation-state, but there are obvious differences in cohesion. Religious thoughts have influenced the national policies and administrative programs of the two countries in different degrees. Religions also more or less have strengthened the sense of national identity of each ethnic group in the two countries.

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