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      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어의 정형과 비정형 연구

        張興錫(Zhang, Heung-seok) 중국어문학연구회 2020 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.124

        There are the concept of finiteness and non-finiteness in languages. some grammatical category exist in a explicit form, some grammatical category exist in a potential form. Italian type language decide them as tense and agreement, verb tense and inflection status are especially an important elements. in case of Chinese, its verb doesn"t be inflected, and then use various elements and syntactic means, it embodies the tense or makes it appear through the semantic category. this paper we suppose there is the concept of finiteness and non-finiteness in Chinese, according to the generation grammar"s theory, we tried to study principles and parameters of them in detail, we came to the following conclusions. According to Morphological Uniformity Principle, a predicate verb doesn"t be inflected, it is different from Italian type language. verb is only used side by side after being duplicated, and we add postposition or complement behind the verb. we appear tense after using time information marker and several elements. we mainly use time adverb, temporal noun in front of predicate, and we use postposition behind predicate. some sentences don"t use time information marker, they form a sentence, they mean objective truth or the present of things. the standard of judgement are Morphological Uniformity Principle, time information marker status, null subject pro in the finite sentence. pro-drop is the feature of Italian type language, pro appear in the subject position of finite sentences. on the contrary to this, when we judge non-finite sentences, its verb isn"t a major predicate, they don"t have any time information marker. and null subject PRO appear in the subject position of non-finite sentences. the sentence of finite feature have time adverb and temporal noun, they are located in front of predicate, it was used for Adjunct, the Adjunct of finite sentence was added to maximal projection, Adjunct was projected in TP, vP, VP. according to Adjunct Projection Principle, it can"t be added to argument NP or CP. Adjunct is generated in surface structure, it doesn"t need to move position, it is merged into the left in tree diagram, a predicate verb mean action, it is a light verb, it constrains the meaning of predicate verb materialize, we can project this like paper 〈picture2〉. when it is non-finite sentence, null subject PRO appear in front of predicate V, it has same indices with subject. Time information marker is used for Adjunct, we add postposition behind of predicate verb, null subject PRO is used according to sentence feature, this facts are the sole phenomenon of chinese, it is the parameter of language. we need to modify the definition of finiteness and non-finiteness in generative grammar.the negative color of the latter.

      • KCI등재

        형식동사의 부가어 연구

        張興錫(Zhang, Heung-seok) 중국어문학연구회 2021 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.127

        Dummy verbs is used as predicate like general verb, they are weakened the original meaning of movement or action. they didn’t display substantive meaning, they formed a phrase with object that displayed movement. their name is very various, the object property of them is different from the property of general object. it is not clear about category, feature, and function, so many problems still are in constant discussion. we need to study about it, the adjunct of dummy verbs has not yet been studied. this paper according to the generation grammar’s theory and adjunct condition, we considered classification, feature and generative processes in the adjunct of dummy verbs, we came to the following conclusions. the adjunct of dummy verbs are made up of adverbs, auxiliary verb and prepositional phrase. they are used of adverbial in front of dummy verbs. several adjuncts can also be used together. and dummy verbs isn’t a overt light verb or covert light verb. the meaning of verb is weakened by itself, they have properties and functions of verb, they can use dynamic postposition behind dummy verbs, and they can use negative adverb, auxiliary verb in front of dummy verbs, and the object of them stand for movement, they have a property of noun. the adjunct of dummy verbs was added to maximal projection, it can’t be added to argument NP or CP. light verb phrase vP hasn’t the feature of argument, adjunct can be added to vP. adjunct was projected in vP head according to Adjunct Projection Principle. adjunct is generated in surface structure, it doesn’t need to move position, it merges on this right spot. we don’t check features because it has the feature that was projected in maximal projection. the adjunct of dummy verbs it is merged into the left in tree diagram, and it is consisted of one structure, so we can’t extract any element among them. according to the related generation grammar theory and adjunct theory, we progress the syntax project in the adjunct of dummy verbs structure, we can project like this paper 〈picture 5〉 and 〈picture 7〉. the adjunct of dummy verbs is located in front of them, it is merged into the left in tree diagram. several adjuncts can also be projected together, we can’t extract any element among them, this is the sole parameter phenomenon of chinese, we have to modify category and properties of generation grammar adjunct.

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