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      • 다중프로세서시스템의 동적 부하균등화에 관한 연구

        오종진,백두권,조용환 한국정보과학회 1986 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.13 No.2(1)

        본 논문은 다중프로세서시스템에 있어서 각 프로세서마다 독립된 운영체계와 기억 장치를 가지며 Job의 할당을 결정하는 Job Controller를 통하여, Multiple Job Class의 효율적인 처리를 위한 동적스케쥴링 방침을 시뮬레이션을 통하여 제시하고 기존의 정적스케쥴링 방침과 비교분석하고자 한다.

      • 多品種生産 · 販賣企業의 C·V·P分析과 最適賣出構成의 決定에 관한 硏究

        吳鍾鎭 광주대학교 1985 광주개방대학 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        In traditional C.V.P. analysis enterprices set to manufacture and sale only single-kind production forth as a premise. But most enterprices actually manufactures and sales over two-kinds productions. If an enterprice produces and sales various kinds of productions at same time, the combination relations of sales mix or product mix have a very important effect in detemining break-even point of entire enterprices. So to speak, the change of sales production mix is related to cost-volume-profit. And if enterprices set multi-kinds production & sale forth as a premise, they will become to fact the problems of decision of optimum sales mix, when they produce and sale miti-kinds. It is wrong that they generally choose the highest productions of contribution margin. Because high profitable productions don't always make high gross profits. As it lies in given resources and restriction factors, we should apply pre-plan laws in order to settle these things. And so this paper is an attempt to find out the C.V.P. analysis methods of enterprices and to study methods on the decision of optimum sales mix, taking full advantage of linear programming. But if we use linear programming, we have to know to depend on the exact measurement of technical coeflicients and objective function coefficients in the decision of optimum sales mix.

      • 大學의 敎育原價 分析과 活用에 관한 연구

        오종진 광주대학교 산업경영연구소 1996 산경연구 : 광주대 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to suggest the technique to count the educational costs in universities and to develop a model to determine the tuition level based on the technique. I established the basic concepts about the way how to use informations on the universities' educational cost and used the technique to count the educational cost according to the colleges, subcolleges, and grade unit. It will be necessary to investigate alternative models of college and university tuition differentiation based on the educational cost analysis. But the excessive difference of tuition between the subgroups is undesirable even though it is owing to the educational cost difference. So it should be adjusted considering the social contribution of each field. Also the demand elasticity of higher education fee must be taken into consideration in the next research.

      • 效率的 原價營理 方案

        吳鍾鎭 광주대학교 1986 광주개방대학 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        In order to promote cost control strongly, all personel must be aware of cost sense fully. For the purpose of this, the organization need someone's leadership. Through management, for example, has strong leadership. There will be a failure unless all personel has to reconite the meaning and results in poor emplementction only with manager's endeavor of special section. In this sense, all personel must reconite cost sense. Also, in order to make clear about cost responsibility, it is desireable that employer gives discretionary power to each manager and peranits him to do his best original idea and duty in the sphere of the discretionary power. In this case, it should be better to use as a means of deciding and delivering the sphere of ceach responsibility using cost numerical value. Lost control study needs such compound researches us the effectiveness of motivation, the establishonent of cost standard, the decision of economic product quantity, the establishnent of burget for capital loan and research and the formation of Zero-based burgeting, and needs such researches as factory location and material purchase, stock problems, industrial engineering problems, organization behavier problems. In Korean case without resources, there can be no alternative in terms of the purchase of lawmaterials. But, we first must implement the cost reductiong using cost standard and burget system through industrial engineering researeh and account system R & D., second must emplement cost reduction policy steadly through the better conversion of all personel thought, our cost control results in great effectiveness, I'm sure of.

      • KCI등재

        터키의 에너지 수급현황과 에너지 안보정책 : 한국과의 협력을 위한 정책적 함의

        오종진 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2011 지중해지역연구 Vol.13 No.4

        Recently, Turkey is the one of the fastest growing economic in the world. Thus it energy demand for its sustainable development is increasing rapidly as well. However, Turkey’s geo-political location is crucial to diversify and secure the energy-transportation routes for the EU energy market. Turkey is utilizing its geo-political and geo-strategical position to play as an energy hub in the region. For Turkey and Europe, energy Hub is the emerging concept of new energy security not only to secure new energy supplies but also to diversify long-distance, cross border pipelines. Like wise Turkey is initiating various new green energy policy to meet with global demand and its energy diversification. Thus, this paper will review the development of the turkey’s green energy policy and its current situation. Hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy, and other green energy (or renewable enter) in Turkey will be analyzed. Their future potential role in Turkey’s energy security will be debated in the paper. Both Turkey and Korea is a member of G20 and important emerging market in the world. Therefore, there are many field that both country can cooperate. In this article, by reviewing the Turkey energy market and energy security, it will try to find out its implication for the future energy cooperation between turkey and Korea. To accomplish the research aim various Turkish governments’ documents and websites were analyzed. Particularly, energy related Turkish government organizations were reviewed and evaluated by the researcher.

      • KCI등재

        사립대학 예산회계제도의 효율적 운영방안 : 광주전남지역 사립대학을 중심으로

        오종진 한국산업경제학회 2007 산업경제연구 Vol.20 No.6

        본 연구는 전국대학과 광주전남지역대학의 자금예산서와 결산서를 수집하여 자료를 분석하고 그 특징과 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 자료를 분석한 결과 사립대학들의 예산편성과 결산시의 특징은 ① 수입예산인 운영수입과 자산및부채수입 및 미사용전기이월자금을 과소계상하였다는 점이다. 특히 미사용전기이월자금은 일정부분 예측이 가능한 계정인데도 불구하고 지나치게 과소계상되었다는 점이다. ② 지출예산 편성시 운영지출과 고정자산매입 지출은 과다계상하고, 투자 와 기타자산 지출과 미사용차기이월자금은 과소계상하였으며, ③ 또한 특정항목의 과다 또는 과소계상으로 인해 생긴 자금은 결산시 투자와 기타자산이나 미사용차기이월자금으로 확보해 가고 있었다. 이와 같은 대학들의 예·결산 정책은 합리적인 운영을 저해할 뿐만 아니라 기업에 비해 실효성이 떨어지는 공시제도와 결합되어 결국 정보비대칭의 문제를 낳게 된다. 본 연구에는 이러한 문제들을 개선하기 위해 다음과 같은 4가지의 대안을 제시했다. ① 회계정보의 유용성증대를 위해 예결산 공시제도가 강화되어야 하고, ② 대학들의 영속성 유지비용은 양성화시키되 미사용이월자금에 제한을 두는 방안이 마련되어야 한다. ③ 대학 내 구성원들의 의견을 예결산에 반영할 수 있도록 의견수렴 절차를 의무화하고, ④ 대학에 대한 경영투명성의 요구가 실효성을 거둘 수 있도록 정부지원금 규모의 확대 및 지원정책의 다양화가 선행되어져야 한다. In this study I tried to identify various features of the budget making and settlement systems of private universities using their budget plan and settlement of accounts. The results of this research, while most of the universities put their own funds too small, put the operational expenses and the cost of purchasing fixed assets excessively. The shortage amount caused by this accounting mechanism was replenished by operational income, most of which was the student's fee. After they enlarged the earnings through this accounting system, the actual balance caused by the excessive appropriation of the operational expenses and the purchasing cost of fixed asset was reserved as funds or transferred as the not-executed-balance carried forward. In this paper I suggested four proposals to solve these problems as follows; ① The public announcement of accounting systems should be strengthened to improve the usefulness of the accounting information. ② The cost needed for sustaining the private universities should be acknowledged and brought into the open but the amount of not-executed-balance carried forward to the next year should be limited. ③ The procedures to reflect the different opinions of the parties concerned within the university should be made a rule for the effective budget making and settlements. ④ The government should increase the subsidiary funds and make various policies to help universities achieve the purpose of the transparent management in university.

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