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      • 一带一路背景下国际汉语教育中的成语难易梯度研究

        张艳萍(Zhang, Yanping),刘迪(Liu, Di),肖洋(Xiao, Yang) 한국국회학회 2019 한국과 세계 Vol.1 No.2

        “일대일로” 이니셔티브가 지속적으로 발전하고 있으며 이로 인해 많은 외국인들이 중국어와 중국문화 대한 큰 관심을 가지고 있다. “일대일로” 배경하에 외국인을 대상으로 한 중국어교육(즉 대외중국어교육)이 활성화 되는 반면, 대외중국어 교육수준 재고를 위한 많은 연구가 필요하다. 특히 사자성어는 중국어 실력을 판단하는 하나의 중요한 측정도구이고 사자성어의 난이도를 측정할 수 있으면 중국어능력평가시 많은 도움을 줄 수 있다. 하지만 기존 연구는 대외중국어교육 중 사자성어의 난이도 측정에 대한 언급조차 없었다. 본 논문은 대외중국어교육시 가장 많이 쓰이는 대강(权威大纲) 5세트, 고급단계 종합교재(高级阶段综合教材) 4세트, 그리고 “국내외 대외중국어교재 데이터베이스(国内对外汉语教材语料库)”에서 나타난 사자성어를 CLL데이터베이스의 사자성어과 사용빈도(使用频次) 및 피복률(覆盖率)등 치수로 비교하였다. 그리고 HSK 동태작문데이터베이스 (动态作文语料库)의 편차률과 비교한 결과로 900개의 사자성어를 지정하였다. 이어서 이 900개 사자성어로 질과 양적인 연구를 통해 3가지 난이도로 구분하였다. 또한 이를 외국인 학생 대상으로 층별교습법(分层教学法, hierarchical teaching)을 통해 교습하여 실증연구하였다. 연구결과로 사자성어 난이도를 측정하여 층별 교습 시 효과가 더욱 좋다고 나타났고, 학생도 빠르게 사자성어를 습득할 수 있다는 결론도 도출하였다. The “Belt & Road initiative depicts a new blueprint for the world to seek common development. The construction of the Belt and Road has not only effectively promoted the Chinese language’s internationalization, but also put forward higher requirements for the international communication of Chinese. Language intercommunication is the premise of “five factors of connectivity”, namely policy communication, road connectivity, unimpeded trade, monetary circulation and understanding among people. How to provide language service in Chinese international education has become an important issue in academic circles. One important sign to measure the level of Chinese is the degree of mastery and use of idioms. Strengthening the teaching of Chinese idioms is an important part of enhancing Chinese international education. Idioms in Chinese international communication should and can be defined. However, for many years, there have been some problems in the teaching of idioms, such as lack of objectives, methods and standards. This paper, based on 5 sets of authoritative syllabus, 4 sets of advanced stage comprehensive textbooks and idioms in domestic Chinese teaching material corpus , compares the frequency and coverage of idioms used by native speakers in CLL corpus and the error rate of HSK dynamic composition corpus, and 900 idioms are determined to be the quantity range for foreign students to learn and master. Both qualitative and quantitative studies are conducted on these 900 idioms, which are ranked into three levels, namely easy, relatively difficult and the most difficult levels. Then an empirical study is conducted on the hierarchical teaching methods of idioms with different difficulty levels. The results show that the hierarchical teaching method can quickly improve the level of foreign students memory and the use of idioms, which thus effectively improves the effect of foreign students idiom acquisition.

      • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Practice Reform for College Students Majoring in Food - Independent Intellectual Property Probiotics Research and Development as An Example

        龙兴瑶(Xingyao Long),时仅(Jin Shi),刘迪(Di Liu) 아시아사회과학학회 2024 International Science Research Vol.4 No.1

        In recent years, with the continuous improvement of higher education quality, university innovation and entrepreneurship education has gradually strengthened and made significant progress. This educational model has played an important role in enhancing the quality of education, promoting the comprehensive development of students, facilitating the employment and entrepreneurship of graduates, and serving the modernization of the country. However, innovation and entrepreneurship education also faces some challenges in its implementation. This article tackles the issues currently present in the food industry's innovation and entrepreneurship, taking proprietary probiotic projects as an example. It proposes a series of measures aimed at cultivating qualified talents for innovation and entrepreneurship, in order to support the development of food functionalization, intelligence, and informatization. 近年来,随着高等教育质量的不断提高,高校创新创业教育逐渐加强,并取得显著进展。这一教育模式在提升教育质量、促进学生全面发展、推动毕业生就业创业以及服务国家现代化建设方面发挥了重要作用。然而,创新创业教育在实施过程中也面临一些问题。本文针对现目前食品行业创新创业的问题,以自主知识产权益生菌项目为例提出了一系列措施,旨在为食品功能化、智能化和信息化发展培养合格的双创人才。

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