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      • Research Trend of Creatine in Sport Using Social Network Analysis

        ( Yuan Wang ),( Kyungsik Kim ),( Wang Songjia ),( Ding Pan ),( Shao Qingyang ) 한국융합과학회 2022 한국융합과학회 국제학술대회자료집 Vol.2022 No.0

        Since Michel Eugène Chevreul(1786-1889) firstly discovered Creatine in skeletal muscle in 1832[(Volek JS et al., 2012), Research on creatine has caught scholars' attention. Research results showed that Creatine was consumed in the diet and synthesized in the body and is widely utilized as an ergogenic aid for strength and performance gains(Wax B et al.,2021). In addition, a large body of compelling evidence demonstrated high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass would be improved by creatine supplementation(Cooper R et al.,2012).When used appropriately, creatine has very few adverse effects and has repeatedly proven to be safe for clinical use with similar beneficial applications across all age groups. In addition, Creatine supplementation has always been considered as a feasible way to treat muscular, neuromuscular or neuromuscular diseases. Including the treatment of arthritis, chronic congestive heart failure, disuse atrophy, circular atrophy, muscle phosphorylase deficiency, Huntington's disease, diversified neuromuscular diseases, mitochondrial diseases, muscular dystrophy and neuroprotection, B. Willer(2000) analyzed effects of creatine supplementation on muscle weakness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, results of which showed that creatine may be beneficial to neuromuscular disorders. Also, M. Flint(1999 )’ research results indicated that Creatine was twice as effective as the current prescription drug riluzole in prolonging the liver life of rats with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which may be on account that available energy of injured nerve cells increased and chemical pathways causing cell death are blocked. Although many qualitative studies on creatine have been conducted, few studies on quantitative analysis of creatine were found. Therefore, three questions arouse the author's thinking as following, How is Research Trend of Creatine in Sport? What are hot topics on creatine research in recent years? In order to respond to these questions, it is necessary to analyze the changes in Creatine research over past years. Recently, social network analysis, which focuses on analyzing the degree centrality and betweenness centrality of keywords in a social network composed of core keywords, has been widely utilized in various research fields to identify research trends and assess sub-research fields. Researchers describe that the research trends can bee derived in a given field by observing the changes of core keywords in networks(Kim & Yim, 2017). In this paper, centrality and frequency changes of top keywords on Creatine by periods were conducted to identify research trends and assess detailed study areas. Methods In this study, detailed bibliographic information of 513 articles on Creatine was collected through searching the Web of Science. The bibliographic information includes journal title, article title, authors, abstract, keyword, and year of publication. To analyze the trends of Yoga therapy by specific periods, we divided the analyzed period into four parts (2000-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016-2020). When identifying research trends using social network analysis, the main element used was the abstract of articles, with the keywords in abstracts being extracted through textmining. To identify research trends, centralities and cohesion group analysis were performed using python and Netminer. First, degree centrality analysis and betweenness analysis were performed to identify keywords with influence within quantified abstract data to identify the development trends of Yoga therapy research. Second, cohesion group analysis was conducted to identify detailed sub-research areas within the network (Kim, 2018;Kim et al., 2020). Findings and applications The findings for the quantitative abstract data and visual network analyses are as follows. By counting, combining, and analyzing the keywords in Creatine research across the four different analyzed periods. The analysis results are as follows, degree centrality of top keywords, such as supplementation, effect, muscle, exercise, increase, placebo was high in four periods, which implied that the similar hot topics on effect of Creatine as supplementation on muscle in the four periods. Maybe the difference between Creatine and placebo during exercise also was the top topics during the four periods. Besides, keywords with high degree centrality also showed a high tendency in betweenness centrality. By contrary, compared the keywords of 4 periods, Differences can be noticed in research topics involving period, man and weight during 2006 and 2010y, and during 2016 and 2020y, keywords ck, player, supplement, serum and measure were covered, which indicated that new topics on ck, player, supplement, serum and measure were conducted, but the other two periods of research didn’t involve. In addition, four specific areas centered on creatine and CK, Creatine and effect, creatine and placebo effect, and Creatine and performance, were derived through cohesion group analysis. o it can be said that the results of keyword network analysis clearly show the sub-research fields of Creantine, which allow future researchers to make more well-informed decisions as to which detailed study areas to focus on. On the other hand, the overall research trend of Yoga therapy is confirmed through keyword network analysis, which will play a supplementary role in the further sub-research on Creatine.

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