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      • Modeling of Breast Cancer Prognostic Factors Using a Parametric Log-Logistic Model in Fars Province, Southern Iran

        Zare, Najaf,Doostfatemeh, Marzieh,Rezaianzadeh, Abass Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.13 No.4

        In general, breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women in developed as well as some developing countries, often being the second leading cause of cancer mortality after lung cancer. Using a parametric log-logistic model to consider the effects of prognostic factors, the present study focused on the 5-year survival of women with the diagnosis of breast cancer in Southern Iran. A total of 1,148 women who were diagnosed with primary invasive breast cancer from January 2001 to January 2005 were included and divided into three prognosis groups: poor, medium, and good. The survival times as well as the hazard rates of the three different groups were compared. The log-logistic model was employed as the best parametric model which could explain survival times. The hazard rates of the poor and the medium prognosis groups were respectively 13 and 3 times greater than in the good prognosis group. Also, the difference between the overall survival rates of the poor and the medium prognosis groups was highly significant in comparison to the good prognosis group. Use of the parametric log-logistic model - also a proportional odds model - allowed assessment of the natural process of the disease based on hazard and identification of trends.

      • Effects of Two Chemotherapy Regimens, Anthracycline-based and CMF, on Breast Cancer Disease Free Survival in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Asia: A Meta-Analysis Approach for Survival Curves

        Zare, Najaf,Ghanbari, Saeed,Salehi, Alireza Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.3

        Background: To compare the effects of two adjuvant chemotherapy regimens, anthracycline-based and cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorourical (CMF) on disease free survival for breast cancer patients in the Eastern Mediterranean region and Asia. Methods: In a systematic review with a multivariate mixed model meta-analysis, the reported survival proportion at multiple time points in different studies were combined. Our data sources were studies linking the two chemotherapy regimens on an adjuvant basis with disease free survival published in English and Persian in the Eastern Mediterranean region and Asia. All survival curves were generated with Graphdigitizer software. Results: 14 retrospective cohort studies were located from electronic databases. We analyzed data for 1,086 patients who received anthracycline-based treatment and 1,109 given CMF treatment. For determination of survival proportions and time we usesb the transformation Ln (-Ln(S)) and Ln (time) to make precise estimations and then fit the model. All analyses were carried out with STATA software. Conclusions: Our findings showed a significant efficacy of anthracycline-based adjuvant therapy regarding disease free survival of breast cancer. As a limitation in this meta-analysis we used studies with different types of anthracycline-based regimens.

      • Comparing Role of Two Chemotherapy Regimens, CMF and Anthracycline-Based, on Breast Cancer Survival in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Asia by Multivariate Mixed Effects Models: a Meta-Analysis

        Ghanbari, Saeed,Ayatollahi, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi,Zare, Najaf Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.14

        Purpose: To assess the role of two adjuvant chemotherapy regimens, anthracycline-based and CMF on disease free survival and overall survival breast cancer patients by meta-analysis approach in Eastern Mediterranean and Asian countries to determine which is more effective and evaluate the appropriateness and efficiency of two different proposed statistical models. Materials and Methods: Survival curves were digitized and the survival proportions and times were extracted and modeled to appropriate covariates by two multivariate mixed effects models. Studies which reported disease free survival and overall survival curves for anthracycline-based or CMF as adjuvant chemotherapy that were published in English in the Eastern Mediterranean region and Asia were included in this systematic review. The two transformations of survival probabilities (Ln (-Ln(S)) and Ln(S/ (1-S))) as dependent variables were modeled by a multivariate mixed model to same covariates in order to have precise estimations with high power and appropriate interpretation of covariate effects. The analysis was carried out with SAS Proc MIXED and STATA software. Results: A total of 32 studies from the published literature were analysed, covering 4,092 patients who received anthracycline-based and 2,501 treated with CMF for the disease free survival and in order to analyze the overall survival, 13 studies reported the overall survival curves in which 2,050 cases were treated with anthracycline-based and 1,282 with CMF regimens. Conclusions: The findings illustrated that the model with dependent variable Ln (-Ln(S)) had more precise estimations of the covariate effects and showed significant difference between the effects of two adjuvant chemotherapy regimens. Anthracycline-based treatment gave better disease free survival and overall survival. As an IPD meta-analysis in the Italy the results of Angelo et al in 2011 also confirmed that anthracycline-based regimens were more effective for survival of breast cancer patients. The findings of Zare et al 2012 on disease free survival curves in Asia also provided similar evidence.

      • Estimation of Completeness of Cancer Registration for Patients Referred to Shiraz Selected Centers through a Two Source Capture Re-capture Method, 2009 Data

        Sharifian, Roxana,SedaghatNia, Mohammad Hossein,Nematolahi, Mohtram,Zare, Najaf,Barzegari, Saeed Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.13

        Background: Cancer has important social consequences with cancer registration as the basis of moving towards prevention. The present study aimed to estimate the completeness of registration of the ten most common cancers in patients referred to selected hospitals in Shiraz, Iran by using capture-recapture method. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was performed in 2014 based on the data of 2009, on a total of 4,388 registered cancer patients. After cleaning data from two sources, using capture-recapture common findings were identified. Then, the percentage of the completeness of cancer registration was estimated using Chapman and Chao methods. Finally, the effects of demographic and treatment variables on the completeness of cancer registration were investigated. Results: The results showed that the percentages of completeness of cancer registration in the selected hospitals of Shiraz were 58.6% and 58.4%, and influenced by different variables. The age group between 40-49 years old was the highest represented and for the age group under 20 years old was the lowest for cancer registration. Breast cancer had the highest registration level and after that, thyroid and lung cancers, while colorectal cancer had the lowest registration level. Conclusions: According to the results, the number of cancers registered was very few and it seems that factors like inadequate knowledge of some doctors, imprecise diagnosis about the types of cancer, incorrectly filled out medical documents, and lack of sufficient accuracy in recording data on the computer cause errors and defects in cancer registration. This suggests a necessity to educate and teach doctors and other medical workers about the methods of documenting information related to cancer and also conduct additional measures to improve the cancer registration system.

      • Survival Prognostic Factors of Male Breast Cancer in Southern Iran: a LASSO-Cox Regression Approach

        Shahraki, Hadi Raeisi,Salehi, Alireza,Zare, Najaf Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.15

        We used to LASSO-Cox method for determining prognostic factors of male breast cancer survival and showed the superiority of this method compared to Cox proportional hazard model in low sample size setting. In order to identify and estimate exactly the relative hazard of the most important factors effective for the survival duration of male breast cancer, the LASSO-Cox method has been used. Our data includes the information of male breast cancer patients in Fars province, south of Iran, from 1989 to 2008. Cox proportional hazard and LASSO-Cox models were fitted for 20 classified variables. To reduce the impact of missing data, the multiple imputation method was used 20 times through the Markov chain Mont Carlo method and the results were combined with Rubin's rules. In 50 patients, the age at diagnosis was 59.6 (SD=12.8) years with a minimum of 34 and maximum of 84 years and the mean of survival time was 62 months. Three, 5 and 10 year survival were 92%, 77% and 26%, respectively. Using the LASSO-Cox method led to eliminating 8 low effect variables and also decreased the standard error by 2.5 to 7 times. The relative efficiency of LASSO-Cox method compared with the Cox proportional hazard method was calculated as 22.39. The19 years follow of male breast cancer patients show that the age, having a history of alcohol use, nipple discharge, laterality, histological grade and duration of symptoms were the most important variables that have played an effective role in the patient's survival. In such situations, estimating the coefficients by LASSO-Cox method will be more efficient than the Cox's proportional hazard method.

      • Esophageal, Gastric and Duodenal Disorders : The Associated Factors of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Shiraz, Southern Iran

        ( Mehdi Saberi Firouzi ),( Famaz Khademolhosseini ),( Maryam Yousefi ),( Davood Mehrabani ),( Najaf Zare ),( Seyed Taghi Heydari ) 대한소화기학회 2007 SIDDS Vol.9 No.-

        Aim: Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) represent one of the most common problems in the western world. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and symptoms of GEFD in a healthy general population in relation to demographic, lifestyle and health-seeking behaviors in Shiraz, southern Iran. Methods: 1978 subjects of >35 years old who referred to Gastroenterohepatology Research Center and completed a questionnaire consisting of 53 questions for GERD in relation to demographic, lifestyle and health-seeking behavior were enrolled in our study during a period of five months. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were determined. Results: The prevalence of GERD was 15.4%, which was more in females (17.3%), in rural areas (19.8%), in illiterate subjects (21.5%) and in the mean age of 50.25 years. There was significantly a lower prevalence in subjects having fried foods (14.8%), and fruit and vegetables (14.6%). We noticed more symptoms in subject consuming pickles (22.1%), taking Aspirin (21%) and in subjects with psychological distresses. (27.2%) and headaches (22%). The correlation between GERD and halitosis (18.3%), dyspepsia (30.6%), anxiety (19.5%), nightmares (23.9%) and restlessness (18.5%) was statistically significant. Their health seeking behavior showed that there was a significant restriction of diet (20%), consumption of herbal medicine (19%), using over-the-counter drugs (29.9%), and visiting a physician (24.8%). Presence of GERD symptoms was also significantly related to previous family history of the disease (22.3%). Conclusion: GERD was significantly more in females, rural and illiterate subjects and had a correlation with consumption of pickles, headache, psychological distress, dyspepsia, halitosis, anxiety, nightmare, restlessness and pervious history of GERD in the family and aspirin intake but the correlation was inverse with consumption of fat and fiber intake.

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