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      • 동계 제주항의 미생물학적 수질오염에 관한 연구

        오덕철,김재하 제주대학교 해양연구소 1980 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        Distribution of total coliform bacteria (T.C), fecal coliform bacteria (F C) and general bacteria (G.B)together with pH, water temperature and air temperature were surveyed periodically from December 1979 to 1980 at sic sites in Jeju Harbor. The sampling was done from both surface and bottom level for each sites. The average water temperature throughout the period of investigation was 15˚~16.75℃. It was indicated that at the estuary where a large amount of inland water is flowing in, the temperature of surface water showed lower than bottom layer. The lowest and the highest pH showed at site 4 and site I whose value were 7.83 and 8.33 respectively. Overall pH value throughout the investigation period was between 7.7 and 8.6. The highest viable counts of TC, FC and GB were observed on site 4 with 86,166/100ml, 9,208/100ml and 52,496/ml respectively, while the lowest counts were on site 1 with 245/100ml, 81/100ml and 425/ml respectively. Differences in counts between surface and bottom were not much agreeable throughout the tested sites, but surface levels were remarkably higher than bottom for every sites. The ratio of Fecal coliform to Total coliform(Fc : Tc) were ranged from 4.46 % to 37.9 % Reviewing the data obtained in this investigation, it is obvious that a large amount of fecal bacteria are flowing into Jeju harbor through untreated city sewage. Therefore, it is desirable to set up sewage disposal facilities in order to prevent serious pollution problems with pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella ,Vibrio etc.

      • 제주시 지역 삼개 하천의 세균학적 오염에 관한 연구

        오덕철 제주대학교 해양연구소 1981 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.5 No.-

        From June 1980 to February 1981, the degrees of bacterial pollution of the three brooks (streams) which flow through Jeju City, and the fresh water inflow to the sea were investigated. Studied items were air temperature, water temperature, pH, General Bacteria(GB), Total Coliform (TC), Fecal Coliform(FC) and Fecal Streptococci(FS). 1. Water Temperature: 11~17.5℃(average, 14.3℃) at Sanji Brook, 4~31℃(average, 15.8℃) at Byeong-mun Brook and it was 7~28℃(average, 16.9℃) at Han Brook. 2. pH: 6.5~7.l(average, 6.7) at Sanji Brook, 6.6~7.3(average, 6.9) at Byeongmun Brook and 6.5~7.2(average, 6.8) at Han Brook. 3. GB Density: 230,000-14,150,000/mI at Sanji Brook, 350,000-16,600,000/ml at Byeongmun Brook and 400,000~17,850,000/ml at Han Brook. GB Density was high in summer season(Ju1. -Oct. ) and low in winter season(Nov. -Feb.) 4. TC Index : 49×10^(4)~16×10^(6)/100ml at Sanji Brook, 23×10^(4)-35×10^(5)/100ml at Byeongmun Brook and 33×10^(4)-35×10^(5)/l00ml at Han Brook. Average value at Sanji Brook was most high and the index of summer season (Jun. -Oct. ) was higher than that of winter season. 5. FC Index: The average index at Sanji Brook was 349×10^(4)/l00mI, at Han Brook was 14×10^(6)/100ml and at Byeongmun Brook was 72×10^(3)/100ml. The highest index was 92×10^(5)/100ml in October at Sanji Brook. The lowest one was 13×10^(4)/100ml in February at Byeongmun Brook. Considering these indexes, the possibility of presence of Salmonella is high. 6. FS Density: The average value at Sanji Brook was 11,256/m1, 6,897/m1 at Byeongmun Brook and 6,348/ml at Han Brook. The highest value was 30,250/ml in October at Byeongmun Brock and the lowest one was 850/ml in June at same Brook. 7. The Ratio of FC/TC: 0.32-1(average, 0.62) at Sanji Brook, 0. 2-l(average, 0.5) at Byeongmun Brook and 0.37-l(average, 0.76) at Han Brook.

      • 冬李 濟州港의 徵生物學的 水質汚染에 關한 硏究

        吳德鐵,金在河 濟州大學 海洋資源硏究所 1980 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        1979年 12月부터 1980年 1月까지 濟州港域의 6個所 海水를 採水하여 水層別로 Total Coliform(TC ), Fecal Coliform(FC) 및 General Bacteria (GB) 를 調査하고 pH, 水溫, 氣溫등도 함께 側定하였다. 水溫은 平均 15∼16.75℃ 였으며 陸水의 流入이 많은 곳은 表面數가 深層水보다 낮았다. pH는 陸水의 流入이 가장 많은 Site 4가 가장 낮아서 平均 7.83이였고 Site 1이 平均 8.33으로 가장 높았으며 全體的으로 全期間동안 7.7∼8.6 사이였다. TC, FC 數는 Site 4가 가장많아 100ml當 各各 86,166, 9,208이고 GB는 ml 當 52,496 個體였으며, 가장 낮은 쪽은 Site 1로서 各各 100ml當 245,81 및 ml당 425 個體였다. 水層別로는 採水場所에 따른 差異는 있으나 모든 곳이 다 表層이 越等히 많았다. FC와 TC 比率은 全般的으로 4.46에서 37.9% 사이였다. 調査된 資料를 分析할때 多量의 奮便性 細菌이 濟州市 下水를 通하여 濟州港으로 流入되고 있음이 나타났고, Salmonella 등 病原性 細菌의 存在가 예상되어 下水의 處理가 要望된다. Distribution of total coliform bacteria (T. C), fecal coliform bacteria ( F C ) and general bacteria ( G. B) together with pH, water temperature and air temperature were surveyed periodically from December 1979 to January 1980 at six sites in Jeju Harbor. The sampling was done form both surface and bottom level for each sites. The average water temperature throughout the period of investigation was 15℃∼16.75 ℃. It was indicated that at the estuary where a large amount of inland water is flowing in, the temperature of surface water showed lower than bottom layer. The lowest and the highest pH showed at site 4 and site 1 whose value were 7.83 and 8.33 respectively. Overall pH value throughout the investigation period was between 7.7 and 8.6. The highest viable counts of TC, FC and GB were observed on site 4 with 86, 166/100ml, 9,208/100ml and 52,496/ml respectively, while the lowest counts were on site 1 with 245/100ml, 81/100ml and 425/ml respectively. Differences in counts between surface and bottom were not much agreeable throughout the tested sites, but surface levels were remarkably higher than bottom for every sites. The ratio of Fecal colifom to Total coliform (Fc:Tc) were ranged from 4.46 % to 37. 9 %. Reviewing the data obtained in this investigation, it is obvious that a large amount of fecal bacteria are flowing into Jeju harbor through untreated city sewage. Therefore, it is desirable to set up sewage disposal facilities in order to prevent serious pollution problems with pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, Vibrio etc.

      • 겨울철 홍천강의 위생학적 수질조사연구

        오덕철,김선균,주왕기,조동현,김우호,윤경민 江原大學校附設體力硏究所 1976 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.1

        The water quality of the Hong-Cheon river was investigated during the winter season. The rate of contamination of the low tide was a little more than the high tide. But all values of the analyzed-items were similar to those in the clear water.

      • 광합성 세균에 대한 연구 : II. 야생형 Rhodos pirillum rubrum에 의한 수용성 색소의 생산

        오덕철,이현순 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        1. Korean strain of wild type of Rhodospirillum rubrum excretes water-soluble pigments into the medium when grown anaerobically under light. 2. The absorption spectrum of the supernatant medium shows peaks at 392.5 (main peak), 500,535 mp together with shoulders at 370, 555 mp. 3. Water-soluble pigments show pinkish-orange fluorescence under short-wave ultraviolet light. 4. The optical density of the supernatant medium increases markedly with time when aerated under dark, room temperature. 5. The culture of R. rubrum shows no distinct differences in the excretion of water-soluble pigments when cultured in orthophosphate or pyrophosphate medium as inorganic phosphate source. 6. It is postulated that the water-soluble pigments excreted by the wild type of R rubrum are mixture of a few kinds of porphyrins.

      • 光合成 細菌에 대한 硏究 : Ⅰ.Rhodospirillum rubrum의 Polyphosphate 生合性에 있어서 燐散源에 따른 差異 Ⅰ. The Differences on Polyphosphate Biosynthesis by the Phosphate Source in Rhodospirillum rubrum

        吳德鐵,李賢順 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        1. 光合成細菌 R. rubrum을 Ortho P, Pyro P가 各各 包含된 培地로 明ㆍ暗狀態로 培養하여 收率, pH變化, Polyphosphate含量등을 조사하였다. 2. pH는 Ortho P배지보다 Pyro P배지에서 더 높았다. 3. 收率은 明培養때는 Ortho P배지에서가 낮고 暗培養인때는 反對였다. 4. Poly P함량은 明ㆍ暗區別 없이 Pyro P배지에서 월등히 높았다. 5. 암배양의 경우 Ortho P배지에서 배양할 때 상당량의 Pyro P가 生合成되는 것으로 보인다. 6. Pyro P는 어떤 經路이건 직접 long chain Poly P合成에 관여되는 것으로 보인다. 1. Photosynthetic Bacterium R. rubrum was cultured in Orthophosphate or Pyrophosphate-containing medium under light or dark condition. Cell Yeild, pH Change, Polyphosphate content were investigated. 2. pH of Orthophosphate medium was low than Pyrophosphate medium. 3. Cell Yield was low with Orthophosphate medium under light, but was low with Pyrophosphate medium in case of dark culture. 4. Polyphosphate content was always very high with Pyrophosphate medium. 5. It looks likely that under dark culture with Orthophosphate medium R. rubrum synthesize Pyrophosphate with substantial amounts. 6. It seems that Pyrophosphate concern directly in biosynthesis of long chain Polyphosphate.

      • 광합성 세균의 Cytochrome bc_(1)Complex를 실험주제로 한 생물실험교육의 모형화

        오덕철 濟州大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 1988 科學敎育 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this research is the designing a model of the biology experiment which can apply to a student, who will be a biology teacher of the secondary school, of the biology education major at university. A model was extracted from the experimental procedure of the isolation, purification and characterization of cytochrome bc_(1) complex which is a membrane protein complex and a part of the electron transport system of the respiratory and photosynthetic systems of the photosynthetic bacteria. The various discusstion processes between the supervisor and student(s) were arranged in each experimental step for the achievement of the satisfactory experimental purpoose. And the criteria which can also include other fields of the basic natural sciences other than biological science were suggested for each step. A multipurpose educational model for biology experiment was suggested by the connection of the discussion processes with the establishment criteria.

      • 濟州道産의 버섯 Ⅰ. 濟州道産의 記錄種 버섯

        吳德鐵 濟州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1993 基礎科學硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        Recorded mushrooms in Cheju-do, Korea are composed of 1 division, 2 subdivisions, 4 classes, 3 subclasses, 14 orders, 41 families, 96 genera and 186 species. Because of dual recording of synonyms of 5 genera and 16 species, the numbers of genera and species in the list are 101 and 202 respectively.

      • 한라산 자생버섯의 서식분포와 유용성에 관한 연구

        김수철,이정배,오덕철 濟州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 2002 基礎科學硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        제주도 한라산에 자생하고 있는 균류자원의 서식분포와 유용성을 조사하기 위하여 1999년 3월부터 2001년 3월까지 견월악, 관음사 등산로, 성판악, 물장올, 영실, 수악교, 검은오름, 물영아리, 제주마 방목지 일대에서 버섯 채짐을 실시하였다. 조사된 자생버섯은 담자균류 266종과 자낭균류 45종으로 모두 311종이었다. 용도별로는 약용버섯이 171종으로 가장 많았으며 식용버섯 124종, 독버섯 42종 및 용도를 모르는 버섯이 104종이었다. 식·약용 버섯 중 인공 재배되고 있는 것은 19종이었다. 채집지 고도별로는 580∼650m 지역에서 가장 많은 228종이 채집되었고, 월별로는 8월이 218종으로 가장 많았으며 약 87%가 7,8,9월에 채집되었다. 서식처별로는 토양에 서식하는 종이 171종으로 가장 많았고, 고사목, 생목, 떨어진 잎이나 나뭇가지, 다른 버섯 위나 곤충 그리고 동물의 배설물 등의 순으로 서식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. The distribution, habitat and usability of wild mushrooms were investigated in several areas, such as Gwaneumsa, Seongpanak, Muljangol, Eorimok, Yeongsil, Suakgyo, Mulyeongari, Geomunoreum, Gyeonweolak, of Mt. Halla, Jeju Island from March, 1999 to March, 2001. A total of 311 species was collected and identified. Among them, 266 species beIonged to Basidiomycota and 45 species belonged to Ascomycota. In terms of usability, the medicinal mushrooms were 171 species, the edible mushrooms, 124 species, the poisonous mushrooms, 42 species, and 104 species could not be determined. Nineteen species of edible and medicinal mushrooms have been being cultivated in Korea. Based on the result of investigation, 228 species (approx. 70% of total species) were dominantely distributed in 580-650m altitude area. In terms of monthly occurrence, 218 species were collected in August and 6 species were in April. About 87% of total species were collected through July, August and September. In terms of habitat, 171 species(approx. 54%) were found to be inhabited on soil, followed by dead trees, living trees, fallen leaves, fallen branchs, other fungus or insects and animal feces.

      • 신장수여자의 수술경과시간에 따른 자기존경감, 희망감, 염려 및 스트레스원의 차이

        이 철,김창윤,한오수,박인호,유희정,한덕종 울산대학교 의과대학 1993 울산의대학술지 Vol.2 No.2

        This study attempted to examine the differences of self - esteem, hopes, concerns and total stress scores of 110 kidney recipients in before(N=32) and fellowing kidney transplantation [1 to 6 months(N=29), 6 to 12 months(N=23), 12 to 36 months(N=26)] and utilizing severity rating scale of 44 potential stressors on a 5-point scale of 110 kidney recipients in before(N=32) and following kidney transplantation operation [1 to 6 months(N=29), 6 to 12 months(N=23), 12 to 24 months(N=15) and 24 to 36 months(N=11)]. On scores of hopes and total stress, pretransplant group exhibited significantly higher scores than three posttransplant recipient groups. But, it was found that there was no significant differences among four transplant kidney recipient groups on the scores of self - esteem and concerns. In the pretransplant group, craving for foods was identified as the most stressful event, on the contrary, changes in friends was identified as the lowest stressful events. In the 1 to 6 months posttransplant group, side effect of medications was identified as the most stressful event, however, loss of contact with dialysis patients was identified as the lowest stressful event. In the 6 to 12 months posttransplant group, cost of medication, changes in body appearance were identified as the most stressful event, on the other hand, managing of medications at home was identified as the lowest stressful event. In the 12 to 24 months posttransplant group, cost of medication and insurance coverage were identified as the most stressful event, but possibility of dying and competence of nursing staff were identified as the lowest stressful event. In the 24 to 36 months posttransplant group, changes of body appearance was identified as the most stressful event, on the contrary, possibility of infection was identified as the lowest stressful event. Insurance coverage was a continuing concern throughout posttransplant period.

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