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      • 대학 경영에의 마케팅 컨셉트 도입에 관한 연구

        김동식 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Universities in Korea are confronting the new social environments. In the era in which the new educational-industry viewpoint on the university is on the rise, universities in Korea are trying to find a new strategy, to overcome the crisis of competitions in the educational society. The purpose of this thesis is to consider and examine the introduction of marketing viewpoint or marketing concept orientation to the university management as a university strategy. To get these objectives, the literature studies on the university marketing and questionnaire surveys have been executed. The first survey was for the knowledge about how much the university management is correspondent with the marketing concept, by sampling 40 of the secretary personnel who work for the university from five randomly nation-wide selected universities. And the second survey was conducted for any implications to plan strategy, by sampling 320 university students from the eight randomly nation-wide selected universities. The findings and suggestions of this study are as follows: ① The evaluation items and preferences on their university (especially, discourses, reputations, and alumni factors) are significantly different between male-students and female-students and according to the characteristics of each university. Then, the discrimination strategy can be recommended. In other words, Each university should put some characteristic treatment to the required subjects and develop some special program which can be the school career. ② The enrollment fee is evaluated too high as compared to the education quality. Almost of respondents prefer the national university to the private university. So, the private university should try to find out the new target group who want to major a little bit rare field which may be socially demanded in the future, and prepare new courses or programs in which more qualified students can be cultivated. ③ By now, there have been lacks of university promotions. The university students feel that the alumni, the possibilities of university growth, the university reputations, and university career are the important factors of their university selection. Then the university identity system may be recommended to promote university itself. ④ Many students are feeling that the service activities from university such as, in the application process, in the payment of scholarship, job commencement service, extra-curricular activity service are not enough. More fund raising activities to give more scholarship and expand better facilities and extracurricular work may be recommended for the Korean universities. ⑤ To get more enrollment, multi area campus strategy can be well evaluated in the more localized environment. ⑥ To satisfy the enrolled students, the university authority should improve the central library services and reserved library services in the information era. ⑦ To be more competitive, the financial employment should be efficiently worked. The new financial strategy which the university reserved budget can be invested more effectively, and aggressively should be executed.

      • CEO의 윤리경영이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        신성수 동아대학교 경영대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        최근의 글로벌 금융위기는 기업의 윤리경영과 경영대학원의 윤리교육을 강화하는 계기가 되고 있다. CEO에 의한 기업의 윤리경영이 해당 기업의 기업성과에 얼마나 지대한 영향을 미치는가하는 점은 국내외 여러 기업의 사례를 통해 잘 알 수 있다. CEO에 의한 기업의 윤리경영이 궁극적으로는 기업의 번영과 생존을 낳는 것을 잘 알 수 있는 것이다. 즉 21세기에 와서 기업윤리경영의 문제는 단지 해당기업의 도덕적 선택의 수준이 아니라 이제는 하나의 경쟁력의 원천이며 경영전략상 필수가 되었다. 국제사회에서 있어서도 기업윤리는 기업의 경쟁력을 정하며 심지어 기업의 생존과 번영에 심각한 영향을 미치는 중요 요소로 대두되었다. 이제 우리나라에서도 CEO의 윤리경영 및 사회적 책임 그리고 기업 본연의 목표인 이윤 극대화의 관계를 어떻게 정립할 것인가에 대한 논의는 불가피한 쟁점이 되어버렸다. 그중에서도 CEO의 윤리경영이 기업성과와 어떤 연관이 있는 것인가에 대해 조금 깊이 생각해볼 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 이런 상황에 맞춰 CEO의 윤리경영이 기업경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 것이다. 이 논문을 읽다보면 조직구성원의 CEO의 윤리경영에 대한 인식의 수준에 따라 CEO와 경영진에 대한 신뢰수준이 높아지고, 그에 따라 당연히 조직구성원의 임무에 대한 몰입도가 높아지고 동료들과의 관계에서 일하는 즐거움도 생기면서 동시에 업무에 대한 보다 강한 추진력이 발휘되어 결국은 개인과 조직의 성과가 높아지면서 궁극적으로는 기업성과에 있어 성공적인 결과를 이끌어낸다는 것을 알 수 있게 된다. 즉 성공적인 기업성과를 위해서는 구성원사이의 ‘관계의 질’의 향상이 중요하며 그것을 구성하는 가장 중요한 요인이 바로 ‘신뢰’일 것이며 신뢰의 바탕은 기업에서의 CEO의 윤리경영일 것이다. 본 논문은 이런 배경을 바탕으로 하여 가설을 세우고 표본을 수집하고 분석하였으며 가설검증을 하였다. 가설은 조직구성원들의 윤리경영인식도의 수준은 조직신뢰의 정도에 영향을 미치며 이것은 기업성과에 영향을 미친다고 설정했다. 표본은 부산지역에 거주하는 중소기업의 종업원들을 대상으로 하였으며 자료 수집은 설문지조사를 실행했으며 자료의 분석은 요인추출법을 실행했다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 조직구성원들의 CEO의 윤리경영에 대한 인식의 정도는 CEO등 경영진에 대한 신뢰의 수준에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며, 그렇게 높아진 조직구성원들의 경영진에 대한 신뢰의 수준은 조직구성원들의 직무만족, 조직몰입, 부서간의 원활한 소통의 친조직적행동 등 업무집중력의 향상 및 기업신뢰성과 기업사회적합성에 또다시 긍정적 상승을 불러오고, 이런 결과들은 결국 기업경영성과에 긍정적 영향을 미친다. 또한 조직구성원들의 CEO의 윤리경영에 곤한 인식부분에서 조직구성원의 복지향상부분과 공정한 인사에서 높은 수준을 나타내며 상대적으로 사회복지부분에서는 낮은 인식수준을 나타냈다. 윤리경영은 일시적 유행이 아닌 시대적 요구사항이며, 선택사항이 아니라 21세기 기업 생존을 위한 필수 요건이 되었다. 즉 CEO의 윤리경영은 조직구성원들로부터 CEO에 대한 신뢰를 가져오며 윤리경영을 통해 조직구성원들과 기업의 성과와 가치를 다함께 나누며 합리적인 생활문화를 이룰 때 윤리경영을 실천하는 CEO의 기업은 장기적 존속과 재정적 이익 등 기업경영성과를 기대할 수 있다. 즉 본 연구를 통해 CEO의 윤리경영이 기업성과에 긍정적인 유의한 영향을 미친다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 金融市場의 開放에 따른 銀行産業의 經營合理化 方案

        이상영 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Most of all, the business rationalization of bank is essential in order to survive under the opening of financial market. Domestic bank didn't have efficiency of competitive theory, because the government thought much of public interests and concentrated on spot transaction in the course of economic development. In this point, domestic 'banks, under the opening of financial market, have to remove weak points in completive power and pursue the business rationalization in order to compete with advanced banks and survive. Therefore, this thesis analyzed the actual business conditions of domestic banks and compared domestic banks with advanced bands of america in profit, safety and efficiency. And this thesis suggests the business rationalization plan of domestic banks under the opening of financial market as follows : 1. Systematic and political aspect. a. The relief of regulations in banking service. That is, autonomous widening of banking service is necessary to cultivate the competitive power of bank itself under the opening of financial market. b. Strengthened function of the central bank. c. Inducement of banking business rationalization by strengthened financial control. 2. Development of brand-new product. a. Market interest must be reflected and various brand-new products must be developed. b. Planning power on development of product has to be strengthened and creative products, like as non-interest product and service product, must be developed. c. In order to examine the needs of customers, market research and segmentation must be done. d. Composite and complicated products and the development of product after cooperation of industries and abolition of regulations are to be considered. e. The product, which can control the self-capital rate and manage the risk, must be developed. 3. A high level of risk management. a. Banks have to try to reexamine and develope the risk control system which can recognize and measure new risks. b. Banks have to try to replenish self-capital to the highest degree. c. Bank managers certainly have to understand the risk management system or model and definitely recognize the limitation of the way of measurement. Domestic banks have to try to achieve business rationalization through the improvement of financial service and the development of tip financial product. The CEO of bank have to cope with the opening of financial market with positive and bold strategy.

      • 釜山地域 注油所의 經營改善에 관한 硏究

        홍순경 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Petroleum which has been used since the end of the 19 centry in Korea has become one of the most important energy resources through industrialization. The domestic petroleum distribution market through the process or development in the petroleum industry has changed rapidly. Also, the new types of management for the distribution market should be requested correspnd to the trends of open-door policy and globalization. Therefore, this study has the aim to find the rationalization plans of gas station management in the Pusan area which is one of the largest ports in Korea. First of all, to achieve the aim of this study, the theoretical study is employed in this research. Through the theoretical study, the factors to be considered about the present situation of the gas station market in Pusan are grasped and the problems of management based on them are concretely established. This study intends to find the rationalization plans of gas station So the results of analysis are management based on the present problems. as follows : 1) The introduction of MBO(Management By Objectives) 2) A training program for gas station management 3) Diversification of management 4) The reinforcement of sales marketing activities 5) The improvement of quality control 6) The introduction of POS(Point Of Sale) systems

      • 호텔企業의 國內需要에 대한 經營環境과 經營戰略에 관한 硏究

        천재권 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Since 1960s, Korean government has laid a great stress on fostering tourism as a national strategic industry, aiming at acquisition of foreign currency and attraction of foreign tourists But now in the 1980s, due to the increase of national income and leisure, demand for domestic tourism has recorded 20% annual growth, thereby forming a part of national life. Furthermore, domestic tourism pattern has been shifted into a high-paid and diversified one, by the increase of leisure expenses, rise of national income, and change of viewpoint. And a lot of change have taken place both in people's preference of deluxe hotel and in quality and quantity of domestic tourism. A fierce competition arose among hotel industry because of surplus of accomodation of facilities. And the gap between them has been ever-widened. As a result, there have been winners and losers at the same time. Taking a look at the hotel management in Korea, Koreans make up about 70% of the total numbers of hotel users, and contributes about 53% of the total income of hotels. In terms of financial structure, because hotel industry poured much of money into fixed investment, they are always under pressure of slow circulation of operating expenses. So that stability and profitability of hotel industry are eroded by high debt-to-assets ratio and large payment of interest. Here are some suggestions which are conducive to forster a healthy hotel industry under above-mentioned social and environmental circumstances. 1. To develop managerial structure systematicaly by using commodities, multilateral service strategy and by strengthening co-operations between the concerned business. 2. To establish efficient principles of the management for the security and maintenance of growth of enterprises. 3. To facilitate marketing-oriented management by collecting information, planning of commodities sales and booting of sales. 4. Instead of negative and reduction management to establish a positive and active growing strategy by reducing the management expenses. 5. To preserve superiority to the other enterprises by strengthening the competitive position based on the differential strategy in the grown-up society. 6. To develop new commodities which meet needs and expectations of customers by anticipating the change of tendency, for example group traveling and strengthening the co-operation with the travel agencies of the traveling groups. 7. Small-scale hotel enterprises are profitable by strengthening the direct sales system and by cooperating with the agencies of the traveling groups and by developing the specified and peculiar commodities. 8. To raise customers expenses by promoting the technical services on management, commodities, planning and sales. 9. To research and develop the service of the superior commodities to be purchased satisfactorily on the part of the customers through the synthetic quality control and activities. 10. To push ahead a synthetic management to establish an unique image of the enterprise. In above-mentioned different situation surrounding hotel industry, a hotel can survive and prosper only by pursuing adequate management strategy. Among other things, a positive management should be on top priority.

      • 외식 가맹본부의 지원이 가맹점과의 관계결속 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향

        김형신 동아대학교 경영대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        전 세계적으로 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 사업의 유형을 들면 프랜차이즈로 나타나고 있는데, 지난 2005년 이후 연평균 10% 이상의 성장률을 보이면서 꾸준히 성장을 하고 있다. 특히 다양한 프랜차이즈 중에서 외식업이 차지하는 비중은 약59%에 이를 정도로 그 차지하는 정도가 높은 것으로 나타나고 있다(지식경제부, 2010). 이처럼 외식 프랜차이즈 분야가 빠르게 성장하여 국내 경제에서 높은 비중을 차지하게 되면서 고용창출과 지역경제에 기여하고 있다는 긍정적인 평가도 있지만, 다양한 요인들로 인하여 연간 약11%에 달하는 비율이 폐업을 하는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 이는 외식 프랜차이즈 가맹점들이 대체로 영세하여 생존율이 낮고, 가맹본부의 사업구조가 불안정하여 창업과정과 창업 이후 체계적인 지원이 부족하고 가맹점에 대한 통제 및 관리 능력이 부족하기 때문인 것으로 나타나고 있다. 또한 국내 외식 프랜차이즈의 경우 많은 가맹본부가 양적으로 가맹점수를 늘리는 것을 우선적인 정책을 펼치게 되면서 가맹점과의 관계에서 조직적이고 합리적이지 못한 경영을 실시하거나 본부와 가맹점 간의 계약 불이행, 부실한 자금력, 외식 가맹점 운영에 관한 전문인력 부족, 단순한 경험만으로 책임감이 없는 숫자 늘리기, 지속적인 메뉴개발 및 매뉴얼 부족, 직원의 교육훈련 부족 등과 같은 문제점을 지니고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있다(김성은, 2006; 한국외식산업연감, 2006; 이재한·이용기·한규철, 2010). 이에 본 연구에서는 외식 가맹본부의 지원이 가맹점과의 관계결속에 대하여 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 가맹본부의 지원은 가맹만족에 대하여 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는 지, 그리고 가맹본부와 가맹점 간의 관계결속은 가맹만족에 대하여 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는 지에 대하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 또한 가맹본부와 가맹점 간의 관계결속과 가맹만족은 각각 가맹점의 경영성과에 대하여 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는 지, 그리고 인구통계적 특성에 따라서 가맹본부 지원과 경영성과에는 어떠한 차이가 있는 지를 실증적으로 규명하기 위하여 연구를 실시하였으며, 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 즉, 외식 가맹본부의 지원은 관계결속과 가맹만족에 대하여 부분적으로 유의한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 관계결속은 가맹만족에 대하여 유의한 영향을 미치며, 관계결속과 가맹만족은 경영성과에 대하여 부분적으로 유의한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 그리고 인구통계적 특성에 따라서 가맹본부 지원과 경영성과 인식에는 부분적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 대상은 매장의 크기와 규모가 대규모형보다는 적으면서 업소에서 판매하고 있는 메뉴가 가격측면에서 중저가이다. 따라서 이용하는 고객들이 방송이나 뉴스 혹은 CF등에 의존하기 보다는 일상생활 속에서 친숙하게 접할 수 있는 곳에 점포가 위치하고 있기 때문에 프랜차이즈 본부의 마케팅 지원이나 교육 지원보다는 현실성이 있는 메뉴개발, 물적 지원 등과 같은 직접적인 것에 대한 요구가 강한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소규모로 점포를 운영하는 관계로 인건비에 대한 의존도가 높기 때문에 자체적인 영업결과를 분석할 수 있는 전문적인 노하우를 겸비하고 있지 못한 것이 현실이다. 이에 프랜차이즈 본부에서 슈퍼바이저를 운영하여 점포 운영으로 바쁜 자신들의 영업결과를 분석하여 발전적인 영업 전략의 수립과 영업 방향을 제시해 주기를 바라는 것으로 확인되었다. 또한 계약서에 명기되지 않은 것일지라도 가맹본부의 유·무형적인 지원이 가맹점의 매출 증진과 이익 개선에 중요한 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 간과하지 말아야 할 것이다. 주요어 : 외식, 프랜차이즈, 가맹본부, 가맹점, 지원, 관계결속, 가맹만족, 경영성과, 재무적 성과, 비재무적 성과, 경쟁력, 이미지·품질

      • 韓國企業의 經營環境變化에의 對處方案에 관한 硏究

        김영 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Modern business enterprises are absolutely influenced by many types of environmental and conditional changes. So they should seek their future by overcoming various difficulties arising from the environmental changes. It is generally recognized that enterprises in one nation have their own characteristics different from those of other nations. In order to enhance the efficiency of enterprise management and to cope with environmental changes of the business, it is necessary to analyze and examine the business characteristics of the nation. This thesis attempts to analyze the managerial characteristics of the enterprises in Korea in the respect of finance, production marketing, personnel management and organizational management. This thesis also analyze the environmental changes enterprises face on the basis of outside factors and inside factors. The outside factors of enterprises are politics, society and technology of the enterprises. The most important things that may be working as variables in Korea are oil prices, international monetary interest rate, dollor-won exchange rate, the advanced nations' pressure to open market in Korea, rapid development in technology, rapid growth of enterprise in Korea and competitive power in international market. What is inside factors of the enterprise in Korea? They are namely, changes of consciousness on the part of laborers, productivity and quality of the goods, technique and know-how, training of technician and securing manpower. The enterprises have to keep in mind the followings for continuous prosperity and growth. 1. Quality improvement and cost down to meet the advanced nations' pressure to open Korean market. 2. Appropriate management of foreign exchange. 3. More investment in high technology and know-how development 4. Production improvement and competition. 5. Production of varieties of goods on small scale and parts development. 6. Independent operation of labor union and management. 7. Internationalization of the enterprise business. To accomplish above-mentioned objectives effectively in our diversifying societies, the enterprise business in Korea should seek independent and desirable relationships with regard to social responsibilities before we face more pressures from the outside. By so doing we can implement and practice these principles in harmony with various environmental elements to whole business management in Korea.

      • 우리나라 經營參加制度의 運營과 發展方向

        조중섭 동아대학교 경영대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Under the present age of globalization and endless competition beyond national borders, advanced countries have chosen steadfast development of labor-management relations as one of the essential strategies for national development. In other words, they are all the more accelerating to build up a participant and cooperative labor-management system based on human-respecting company culture and organization, while cultivating superior manpower through various education and training sponsored by the government and industries as well. Such new paradigm to meet the changing needs of the era is mostly realized by the so-called management participation system. Basically, the labor-management relationships are different from country to country according to its history, culture, tradition, system of values, and level of industrialization. However, they have something to do with the trend of global development. Therefore, this study first analyzes the concept, necessity, and characteristics of business management participation. Again, the types of the management participation system in such advanced countries as Germany, England, the USA, France, and Japan were examined in relation with system traits, labor-management relations, and any suggestions for us. Based on this theoretical speculation, the historical changes and general aspects of Korea's two representative management participation systems, collective bargaining and labor-management conference, were studied with a focus on their management and future development directions. As a result, for productive and cooperative labor-management relations in Korea, the environment of a reasonable system is a must. The management participation system is believed to help produce cooperative labor-management relationships in our country. In addition, according to the progress of Korea's industrial democracy, business management of workers is expected to exert its influence on each company, industries, and government's labor-related policies. In sum, building up our own reasonable management participation system fitting Korea's cultural properties and realities will contribute to the security and progress of labor-management relations in the future.

      • 주유소 경영개선에 관한 연구

        장호철 東亞大學校 經營大學院 2003 국내석사

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        The purpose of this study is to know how to raise the competitiveness of gas stations that have experienced environmental changes such as keen oil price competition and high turnover of their workers since the introduction of free oil price system in 1997. In other words, the study aims at proposing various ways of increasing gas stations' competitive power based on management improvement. For the purpose, this researcher reviewed the historic growth and development of the local gas station industry and current states of gas station businesses in foreign countries such as U.S. and Japan and then conducted a field survey of local gas station managers to know their managerial techniques. In addition, the researcher investigated current problems with gas station management and proposed ways of improving those problems. Considering results of the study, the researcher would make the following suggestions. First, a number of gas stations are now under keen competition. To survive such competition, gas stations should establish strategies based on management knowledge avoiding conventional methods. Second, most gas stations are suffering from much difficulty in recruiting workers. Such difficulty may be resolved through introducing methods of systematic personnel management. In conclusion, gas station managers should precisely analyze changing environments related to their business and thereon build up appropriate strategies of management. At the same time, they should make efforts for better personnel management in order to resolve difficulty in attracting workers. Gas stations could not be competitive any longer only with conventional techniques of management. They are now requested to better cope with environments by utilizing theories of managerial strategy in which personnel management is a very important point.

      • 畜産經營의 成果 및 質的分析에 관한 硏究

        유점석 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The korean livestock industry has enlarged through the increase of livestock product consumption and magnification of the means of livestock production. But with the starting of WTO, We have faced with the problem of livestock production market opening and needed to consider a counter-plan for strengthen the competitiveness of the domestic livestock management. So very important problems for us to solve are improvement of livestock product quality and waste water (made from the process of livestock) disposal which can protect environment and ensuring the price competition from imports. For the obtain of the competition against the livestock production market opening. It's essential to bring up the scale of specialized livestock business. But most of all we must have a long term plan to support for the domestic livestock industry. For example improvement the quality and productivity of livestock product, improving the circulating structure and reforming the system. To achieve the competition, we have to carry out performance analysis and quality analysis exactly. The study of performance analysis for the livestock management, I discovered something. At first it's necessary to improve productivity and efficient investment through the scale and facility expansion and input specialized raising technology for each livestock. Second we have to do our best for improving profitability. For that, it's necessary for us to manage with recording everything systemically. And through the quality analysis, we have to remove the cause of hindrance in the specialized livestock business and enterprise business, and equip the relative laws and regulations. Also, it's necessary for us to make a plan for developing technology about livestock and perform financial valuation considered the character of financial structure in livestock management.

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