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      • Using bottom pressure to quantify tidal form drag on a sloping headland

        Warner, Sally J University of Washington 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Bottom pressure is used to quantify and understand form drag induced by tidal currents as they flow over and around Three Tree Point (TTP), a sloping headland in Puget Sound, WA that is typical of topography found in high latitude, coastal regions. By dividing the bottom pressure field into parts that are due to different physical processes, it can be determined how inertia, internal waves and eddies all contribute to form drag. In chapter 2, idealized numerical models of vertical-walled headlands are combined with theory to show how the oscillatory nature of the flow can increase the magnitude of the form drag, but cannot increase the magnitude of the tidally averaged work done on the flow. In chapter 3, an array of seafloor pressure sensors is deployed across the topography to directly measure total form drag for the first time in the ocean. It is found that form drag is much larger than frictional drag, and that a linear wave drag law is a better parameterization of form drag than a bluff body drag law. The form drag is estimated to convert 0.2 W m<super> -2</super> of tidally averaged power away from the barotropic tides. In chapter 4, a numerical model of TTP is used to investigate the tilted eddies and internal lee waves that are generated at this site. It is found that the sea surface and isopycnal perturbations tend to counteract each other within the eddy, but work in tandem in the internal lee wave. Therefore, despite the large sea surface depression in the eddy, the eddies and the internal lee waves remove the same amount of energy from the barotropic tides. Through this thesis, it is shown that form drag—not frictional drag—is the dominant mechanism for removing energy from the tides at TTP. Steps are made toward betters parameterizations of drag that may be implemented into larger scale models that do not resolve the scales important to form drag.

      • Divide to Rule: Deconcentration as Coalition Manipulation

        Warner, Zach ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Deconcentration---the creation of new subnational units of government---has quietly become commonplace, with nearly 400 episodes across 126 countries over the period 1960-2010. Recent studies have argued that deconcentration is the product of local and national elites jointly pursuing patronage and electoral gain. Yet this perspective leaves unresolved why patterns of contestation over deconcentration fail to map onto dominant cleavages such as partisanship or ethnicity. Nor does it clarify the constraints that determine when and where attempts to deconcentrate succeed. This dissertation proposes a new explanation centered on elite bargaining over political coalitions---groups of agents who choose and implement a joint course of action, such as parties or factions. I argue that politicians pursue deconcentration because it allows them to manipulate the structure of these coalitions. Creating new subnational units of government empowers new politicians, altering the potential coalitions that can emerge from elite bargaining. Thus, politicians form preferences over deconcentration according to how they believe it will impact their position in the coalition structure. Deconcentration is in turn constrained by the institutions structuring coalition bargaining. I test the empirical implications of this theory in three ways. First, I introduce new data on deconcentration worldwide over the period 1960--2010, and use supervised machine learning models to demonstrate that the observed variation in deconcentration matches my theoretical expectations. Second, I show that sudden leadership deaths destabilize coalition structures and thereby substantially increase the probability of deconcentration. Finally, I draw on primary documents held at the National Archives of the United Kingdom to trace the coalition-manipulation mechanism through a close case comparison of three statehood movements in Nigeria over the period from 1946 to 1966. This study contributes to a number of areas of scholarly interest. In particular, this dissertation documents the global surge in deconcentration over the last sixty years, and its implications for relationships between citizens and states the world over. It also sheds new light on debates over selectorate theory, the endogenous evolution of representative institutions and party systems, and why self-interested political actors trade away their own power.

      • Ficciones corporales: Cuerpo y nacion en los cuentos naturalistas hispanoamericanos

        Warner, Theresa A Temple University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This doctoral dissertation examines the intersection between body and nation in the context of Spanish American naturalist short stories from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The many forms of naturalism are useful for exploring national and societal concerns, yet most existing scholarship focuses exclusively on the naturalist novel. By combining the theories of Michel Foucault, Benedict Anderson, and Cesare Lombroso, among others, this dissertation considers the treatment of characters' bodies in their historical contexts and the larger national concerns they portray. Collections by three authors from the Southern Cone are studied: Sub terra, Baldomero Lillo (Chile, 1904); Cuentos de la Pampa, Manuel Ugarte (Argentina, 1903); and Campo, Javier de Viana (Uruguay, 1896). The prologue introduces the theoretical framework that supports the analyses in subsequent chapters and describes the cultural context of the literary movement. It argues that the short story is a particularly useful tool for exploring this topic because, due to its brevity, characters' bodies must often relay vital information. Chapter one analyzes Sub terra and the Chilean miners it presents, studying its connection to the Chilean national body's exploitation at the hands of foreign capitalists who are solely interested in extracting its wealth of natural resources. Chapter two moves to Argentina and examines Cuentos de la Pampa, exploring those characters who reside in limbo between past and present, civilization and barbarism. Chapter three is dedicated to the study of Campo and the ways in which Javier de Viana uses the degraded gaucho body to represent the societal decay plaguing the Uruguayan countryside. For all of these authors, naturalist short stories prove an effective means of exploring national concerns. Within the genre of short fiction, every word is of vital importance and, thus, the body frequently serves as a vessel to communicate ideas such as moral and physical decay, weakness, abuse, and excess. Characters' bodies are a microcosm of the national body as a whole, whose maladies these three authors explore in a variety of ways.

      • Mindfulness as a protective factor for the relationship between self-injury and suicide

        Warner, Alia The Florida State University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Suicide and self-injury are prominent issues among college students (Pristorello, Fruzzeetti, MacLane, Gallop, & Iverson, 2012). This manuscript seeks to explore the primary research question: Does mindfulness serve as a moderating factor for the relationship between recent self-injury and recent suicide attempts among college students? Data collected in 2011 by the National Research Consortium of Counseling Centers in Higher Education was used for the current study. The 2011 study yielded a sample of 26,292 college students from 75 different 4-year universities across the United States. Participants completed a 79-item survey, which included the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R), demographic variables, and items related to suicide-related behaviors. Multi-level modeling was utilized to explore the main research question, using mindfulness, self-injury, and demographic variables on the individual level, and participants' schools on the second level of the model to account for any clustering of the data. Results indicate that self-injury (X2 = 2167.26, p <.001) and mindfulness (F = 146.19, p <.001) are significantly related to suicide attempts, in the positive and negative direction, respectively. As well, mindfulness significantly moderated the interaction between self-injury and suicide attempt(s) (beta = .063, p =.034). This manuscript suggests that mindfulness may be a beneficial element of prevention efforts for suicide, especially among those who have self-injured in the past.

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