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      • Powerful Structure: Inspecting Infrastructures of Information Organization in Wikimedia Foundation Projects

        Thornton, Katherine University of Washington 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation investigates the social and technological factors of collaboratively organizing information in commons-based peer production systems. To do so, it analyzes the diverse strategies that members of Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) project communities use to organize information. Key findings from this dissertation show that conceptual structures of information organization are encoded into the infrastructure of WMF projects. The fact that WMF projects are commons-based peer production systems means that we can inspect the code that enables these systems, but a specific type of technical literacy is required to do so. I use three methods in this dissertation. I conduct a qualitative content analysis of the discussions surrounding the design, implementation and evaluation of the category system; a quantitative analysis using descriptive statistics of patterns of editing among editors who contributed to the code of templates for information boxes; and a close reading of the infrastructure used to create the category system, the infobox templates, and the knowledge base of structured data.

      • Physiology of Growth and Metabolism of Skeletal Muscle in Beef Cattle

        Thornton, Kara Jean University of Idaho 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Physiological factors that influence growth and metabolism of muscle are important since skeletal muscle attributes yield and determine the properties of the marketable product; meat. This thesis is a compilation of molecular physiology, applied animal science and in vitro experiments driven towards improved understanding of skeletal muscle tissue. I utilized modern transcriptome and proteome analyses of the longissimus dorsi of cattle with high vs. lower carcass quality grades and discovered novel candidates that may influence marbling score and accordingly variation in quality grade. Of special importance was the discovery that rather than the predominant differences being observed in lipogenic genes that promote marbling and thus grading quality, we observed many more divergent genes associated with lean muscle hypertrophy in lower quality cattle. Additionally, I examined 129 day inclusion of dietary potato by-product on growth, carcass traits and meat quality in beef cattle. I substituted corn based ration with 10% (dry-matter basis) potato by-product in a finishing diet and observed no differences in growth, but some changes in color stability of longissimus dorsi steaks. Further, I administered 50 g/head/day of histidine, a potentially limiting amino acid, and determined no changes in growth traits but rather meat quality improvements relating to improved color stability of longissimus dorsi and gluteus medius steaks, potentially due to enhanced antioxidant levels. Modern selection for feed efficient cattle is ongoing but it is imperative that this does not compromise end-product quality. I tested Fl calves from sires with divergent maintenance energy EPD's and observed no negative impacts on fresh meat quality. Rather, more efficient animals selected in this manner exhibited differences in fiber type proportions that may improve meat quality. Finally, I developed an improved in vitro co-culture system of bovine satellite cells, intramuscular preadipocytes and extracellular matrix proteins and a method for laser-capture of cells from these cultures for gene expression analyses. I tested the effect of polyamines on myogenesis utilizing this co-culture system discovering that putrescine and spermine enhance expression of myogenic regulatory factors. This dissertation contributes to an improved understanding of the physiological regulation of skeletal muscle growth and metabolism within livestock.

      • The Cultural Politics of Evangelical Christianity in the Dominican Republic

        Thornton, Brendan Jamal University of California, San Diego 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        My dissertation, The Cultural Politics of Evangelical Christianity in the Dominican Republic, is broadly concerned with questions of religion, identity and culture. Through ethnography, I explore the dynamic intersections of religious identity, culture and morality as they are lived in the context of urban poverty. Based on over two years of ethnographic fieldwork in Villa Altagracia, Dominican Republic, my dissertation examines the lives of Pentecostal community members and the ways in which they negotiate identity, status and power in the context of religious heterodoxy and Catholic cultural supremacy. My dissertation contributes new insight into the dynamics of religious heterodoxy and pluralism, religion as strategic identity, and Pentecostalism as an important social and cultural institution at the local level. Pentecostalism is the fastest growing religious denomination in the Dominican Republic. This dissertation is concerned with the social and cultural effects of this growth at the local level and the ways in which Dominicans put their faith to work in their everyday lives. Pentecostalism in the Dominican Republic, because it is an entrenched feature of barrio life, features prominently in everyday negotiations of identity, status, and power. As such, Pentecostalism is an important vector in identity politics at the local level as well as social process and communion throughout the country. In the first chapter of this dissertation I explore exchange in the religious field and the relationship between Catholicism, Dominican vodu , and Pentecostal Christianity in the barrio and show how meaning is both shared and contested at the local level. In the second chapter I outline a politics of distinction at the center of local Pentecostal practice and show how Evangelical identity enables converts to transcend hierarchies of stigmatizing difference. In the third chapter I explore the relationship between the church and youth gangs. I explain the simultaneous popularity of both institutions for young men and conclude that both offer residents popular alternative spaces for critical agency and oppositional culture. In the last chapter I locate Pentecostalism within the context of Dominican ideas about masculinity, fidelity, and morality and explain how believers use Christian identity to claim respect in their communities.

      • Topic teams in the newsroom: A qualitative inquiry into how they work (or don't)

        Thornton, Leslie-Jean The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Newspaper newsrooms in the 1990s, hard-hit by financial pressures and steady declines in circulation, sought ways to be more efficient and attract more readers. One result was the creation of topic teams: groups of journalists assigned to produce reports on topics deemed to be of interest to targeted readers. As newspapers reorganized to enable such teams, newsrooms became more participatory and less authoritarian, altering decades of journalistic routines, culture, and job descriptions. Although the first experimenters were greeted with jeers and suspicion, topic-team newsrooms were widespread by the turn of the century. This study is the first to contextualize the adoption of topic teams in the United States in terms of history and journalistic experience. In-depth interviews with topic-team journalists yielded insights into management, professional values, newsroom practices, and the interaction of all three. Within a continuum, three types of teams emerged: negative, cohesive, and synergistic. Negative teams, which were the least functional, were associated with the highest degree of management control and the lowest degree of reward for the team member. Synergistic teams offered the highest reward with the least degree of management control. Cohesive teams were moderate in both regards. Management risk appeared greatest at both extremes. A model of topic team instrumentality, using these findings, is proposed.

      • High Fidelity Localization and Map Building from an Instrumented Probe Vehicle

        Thornton, Douglas The Ohio State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The lack of high fidelity data sources measuring roadway infrastructure has long handicapped the modeling of vehicular interaction and traffic flow. To date embedded loop detectors and other point detectors provide the data source for these mode. Beginning in 2005, the Ohio State University began collecting high fidelity traffic flow data from an instrumented probe vehicle. The data mitigates a number of problems of both traditional data sources such as loops, and experimental data sourc. This research resolves a number of issues with the instrumented probe vehicle data extraction by: 1) providing a method to validate a global localization estimates, 2) designing and implementing a new, observational, globally referenced mapping. The novel use of a perception sensor, specifically a vertically scanning LiDAR, solves the issue of verifying a large, historic dataset&'s global positioning system derived global localization. This validation supports trust in instrumented prob. To aid in the storage and retrieval of observational data of large, city-scale regions, this research creates the Map Oriented Grid, which supports the efficient global referencing of observational data stored in a grid structure. These grid str.

      • A gender comparison of factors influencing students' perceptions of the educational climate in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia

        Thornton, Matha University of Virginia 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this study was to determine if factors that influence students' perceptions of the educational climate in engineering and applied science differ for women and men. A Web-based survey invited participants to answer questions regarding three factors: self-confidence, quality of the learning environment, and quality of teaching. Undergraduates in the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at the University of Virginia constituted the population for this study. The sample included 496 female and 496 male students. This was a quantitative study. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine if the combined dependent variables (self-confidence, quality of the learning environment, and quality of teaching) were affected by the independent variables (gender and class year). Roy-Bargmann stepdown analysis was used to assess each dependent variable following a statistically significant multivariate effect. The results of the MANOVA found statistically significant effects for gender (p < .001, eta2 = .06), class year (p < .05, eta 2 = .04), and their interaction (p < .05, eta2 = .02). The study found that men reported significantly higher mean scores on self-confidence than women (p < .001, eta2 = .03). Women had significantly higher mean scores regarding the quality of the learning environment than men (p < .01, eta2 = .001). Overall, women and men did not significantly differ in their perceptions regarding the quality of teaching. The secondary analysis concerning class year found that first-year women reported higher mean scores for self-confidence than first-year men. Conversely, upper class men reported significantly higher mean scores on self-confidence than upper class women (p < .05, eta 2 = .01). Differences in class year regarding perceptions of the quality of the learning environment were significant (p < .05, eta2 = .02). Mean scores decreased from the first year to the second year, and increased the following three years. The differences by class year regarding the quality of teaching were also significant (p < .01, eta 2 = .007). Mean scores significantly decreased after the first year. Further research is needed in order to understand the causes for the differences found in this study between women and men. Research is also needed that explores differences beyond gender and class year, such as race, parental background, and socioeconomic background.

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