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      • 토마스 아퀴나스의 '자제력 없음(akrasia)’이해 : 선택(electio)에 관한 상충된 진술을 중심으로

        엄가윤 가톨릭대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 2926

        This paper aims to understand Thomas Aquinas' 'Incontinence(akrasia)'. Fundamentally, incontinence refers to the habit in which an agent acts ‘knowingly’ and ‘against her deliberated choice’. The great axis of the discussion of incontinence will be the problem of knowledge and ignorance, and the matter of choice. This paper focuses on choice among them. Aristotle's text clearly describes the akrasia as 'against her deliberated choice'. The problem is with Thomas. The reason being is that there are conflicting statements about the choice within Thomas' text. The main texts in which incontinence is discussed are in the following three: 『SLE』, 『ST』 and 『De malo』. Thomas' 『SLE』 follows Aristotle's 『Nicomachean Ethics』 in many ways. In terms of choice, as Aristotle's 『Nicomachean Ethics』 illustrates that akrasia is ‘against choice’, Thomas’ 『SLE』 also seems to explain incontinence as ‘not from choice’. In 『ST』 and 『De malo』 which are his theological works, however, Thomas explains that the incontinent ‘chooses’ her action. In other words, on one hand his discussion of incontinence goes ‘against choice’ in 『SLE』, and on the other hand it takes ‘chooses’ in 『ST』 and 『De malo』. With this underlined problem, the paper attempts to prove that Thomas' conflicting explanations of incontinence are not a contradiction. In fact, although 'chooses' is not explicitly stated in 『SLE』 (therefore the only statement in which ‘against choice’, i.e. ‘not from choice’ is stated is revealed), 『ST』 and 『De malo』 show both statements of ‘not from choice’ and ‘chooses’. Thus, in order to understand Thomas' incontinence, it is necessary to distinguish the term ‘choice’ within two statements and also the contexts of the statements. Thomas says in 『ST』 Ⅰ-Ⅱ, “Ille enim qui peccat ex passione, peccat quidem eligens, non tamen ex electione”(q.78, a.4, ad3) and also says in 『De malo』 “et ideo non dicitur talis ex electione peccare, quamvis eligens peccet.”(q.3, a.12, ad11) That is to say, both statements are used within one sentence to explain incontinence. So, this paper reveals that the noun ‘choice(electio)’ in the explanation of ‘not from choice(non ex electione)’, and the verb ‘choose(eligit)’ in the description of ‘while choosing(eligens)’ have different meanings. Also, this paper reveals that the explanation of ‘not from choice’ is in the context of comparison with intemperance, while the description of ‘chooses’ is in the context of continence. For this reason, the two seemingly conflicting statements are now neither a mistake nor a contradictory, but they in turn clearly explain incontinence. Therefore, this paper insists that there is no contradiction between two statements that seem to be conflicting, and the Thomas’ incontinence is more distinctly explained only if through distinguishing the contexts and meanings, based on the fact that the two statements are not in the same context and that the noun “choice” and the verb “chooses” are different in meaning. 본 논문은 토마스 아퀴나스의 ‘자제력 없음’을 이해하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 기본적으로 자제력 없음은 행위자가 올바른 것을 ‘알면서’ ‘자신의 합리적 선택에서 어긋나게’ 행위하는 품성상태를 일컫는다. 자제력 없음 논의의 큰 축은 앎과 무지의 문제와, 선택의 문제일 것이다. 본 논문은 그 중에서 선택에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 아리스토텔레스의 텍스트는 명백하게 자제력 없음을 ‘합리적 선택에서 어긋남’으로 표현한다. 문제는 토마스에게 있다. 토마스의 텍스트 내에는 선택에 관련된 상충되는 진술들이 등장하기 때문이다. 자제력 없음 논의가 이루어지는 주된 텍스트는 셋―『윤리학주해』, 『신학대전』, 『악론』―이다. 토마스의 『윤리학주해』는 많은 부분에서 아리스토텔레스의 『니코마코스 윤리학』의 설명을 따르고 있다. 선택의 측면에서 말하자면, 아리스토텔레스의 『니코마코스 윤리학』이 자제력 없음을 선택에서 어긋난다고 설명하고 있는 것처럼, 토마스의 『윤리학주해』 역시 자제력 없음을 ‘선택에서 어긋나는 것’으로 설명하고 있는 듯 보인다. 그런데 토마스는 자신의 신학저술이라고 할 수 있는 『신학대전』과 『악론』에서 자제력 없음에 ‘선택한다’는 설명을 주고 있다. 즉, 자제력 없음에 대한 토마스의 설명이, 한편(『윤리학주해』)에서는 선택에서 어긋나는 것으로, 다른 한 편(『신학대전』과 『악론』)에서는 선택하는 것으로 드러난다. 이러한 문제에서 출발해, 본 논문은 토마스의 상충되어 보이는 설명이 모순이 아니라는 것을 보이기를 시도한다. 실제로 『윤리학주해』에서는 명시적으로 ‘선택한다’는 진술이 드러나지는 않지만 (그래서 ‘선택에서 어긋난다’는 진술만이 드러나지만), 『신학대전』과 『악론』에서는 ‘선택에서 어긋난다’는 진술과 ‘선택한다’는 진술이 모두 드러난다. 그런 점에서 토마스의 자제력 없음을 이해하기 위해, 두 진술들 내에서 드러나는 ‘선택’이라는 용어를 구분하고, 그 논의 맥락을 구분할 필요가 있다. 토마스는 『신학대전』 Ⅰ-Ⅱ에서 “Ille enim qui peccat ex passione, peccat quidem eligens, non tamen ex electione”(q.78, a.4, ad3)라고 말하고, 『악론』에서 “et ideo non dicitur talis ex electione peccare, quamvis eligens peccet.”(q.3, a.12, ad11)라고 말하고 있다. 즉, 한 문장 내에 두 진술을 모두 사용하며 자제력 없음을 설명하고 있다. 그 점에서 본 논문은 ‘선택으로 말미암지 않는다’는 설명에서 등장하는 ‘선택’이라는 명사와, ‘선택하면서’라는 설명에서 등장하는 ‘선택하다’라는 동사는 드러내주는 의미가 다르다는 것을 보인다. 또한 본 논문은 ‘선택으로 말미암지 않는다’는 설명은 무절제와의 비교 맥락 하에 있고, ‘선택한다’는 설명은 자제력 있음과의 비교 맥락 하에 있다는 점을 드러낸다. 이런 이유로, 상충되어 보이는 두 진술은 실수에 의한 것이거나 모순이 아니며, 오히려 두 상충되어 보이는 진술이 자제력 없음을 정확하게 설명해주고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 본 논문은 두 진술의 맥락이 동일하지 않고, ‘선택’이라는 명사와 ‘선택한다’는 동사의 의미가 다르다는 것을 토대로, 상충되어 보이는 두 진술이 모순이 아니며, 이렇게 맥락과 의미를 구분해줄 때에야 토마스의 자제력 없음을 한층 더 분명하게 설명할 수 있다고 주장한다.

      • Cellular and molecular studies on hippocampal plasticity: Region-dependent effects of beta-adrenergic signaling and the regulation of AMPA receptor phosphorylation

        Guglietta, Ryan Thomas ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Synaptic plasticity is an essential mechanism for both the creation of memories and the formation of associations between those memories. A crucial component of learning and memory is the hippocampus. The works included in this thesis probe the cellular basis of learning and memory in the hippocampus through two primary means. The first builds upon existing information highlighting the stark difference in plasticity between the dorsal and ventral poles of the hippocampus along with the preferential influence of neuromodulators on ventral plasticity. The second examines the importance of phosphorylation-based regulation of the AMPA receptor subunit, GluA1, and how this mediates hippocampal plasticity. Despite similar basal excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission between the two poles, the ventral hippocampus exhibits much weaker long term potentiation (LTP) and complex spiking compared to the dorsal. This deficit was due to a down regulation of the NMDA receptors in the ventral region, which resulted in weaker E-S coupling and EPSP amplification. LTP induction and complex spiking, however, could be rescued with the addition of a beta-adrenergic agonist. Additionally, beta-adrenergic activation inhibited the small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, SK, which serves to hyperpolarize the cell and resist NMDA receptor activation. Indeed, pharmacological inhibition of the SK channel enhanced LTP induction, complex spiking, E-S coupling, and EPSP amplification in the ventral hippocampus. The second part of this thesis examined the role of two particular GluA1 phosphorylation sites, S845 and T840, and how their phosphorylation states affect hippocampal plasticity. We found that S845 and T840 are regulated by distinct calcium sources and phosphatases and also track synaptic strength in different ways. S845 is persistently dephosphorylated following either depolarization or LTD induction, whereas T840 only remains dephosphorylated after LTD induction. Furthermore, we found inhibitory phospho-site interactions between the two sites, due to their close proximity to one another. We then determined the basal phosphorylation levels of both sites and discovered that S845 phosphorylation levels were so low we could not adequately quantify them while T840 residues were phosphorylated in approximately ∼50% of GluA1 subunits. This thesis has served two important roles in the elucidation of plasticity in the hippocampus, as it has i) identified a potent role of noradrenergic signaling in facilitating LTP induction in the ventral hippocampus and ii) detailed the regulation and prevalence of T840 and S845 in the hippocampus, along with their involvement in plasticity.

      • Demand Heterogeneity: Implications for Welfare Estimates and Policy

        Quan, Thomas W University of Minnesota 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This dissertation is comprised of three essays, the first two of which are coauthored with Kevin R. Williams. In the first chapter, we develop new empirical methodology to estimate consumer demand and across-market consumer demand heterogeneity when faced with products that have zero sales at the local market level, but have positive sales at the aggregate (national) market level. The absence of sales is a common problem among data sets with a large number of products and this problem is exacerbated when markets are narrowly defined. Observing zero sales creates two major empirical issues. First, standard estimation techniques rely on the Law of Large Numbers in sales. When the Law of Large Numbers does not apply, mechanically forcing the estimation will result in biased demand estimates. Second, failing to account for small sample sizes may create spurious heterogeneity. That is, the randomness generated by small sample sizes may overstate the degree to which demand differs across locations. Alternatively, aggregating over markets to obtain a large sample size will obscure the heterogeneity across local markets. We propose a modification to Berry (1994) and Berry, Levinsohn, Pakes (1995), where both local and aggregate level sales information are used to recover geographically varying demand. This new estimation approach is easy to implement and we will show, using Monte Carlos exercises, that it fits the data well. In the second chapter, we apply this new methodology to examine the welfare benefit of the increased access to variety from online retail. The proliferation of online retail has greatly increased consumers' access to variety. The value of this additional variety depends crucially on the extent to which local demand can be captured by local retailers. The existing literature has found huge welfare benefits from online variety, but these studies have been limited by national level data. As a result, they are unable to speak to the differences in demand across locations. Using an original data set of online shoe sales, we show that failing to account for across-market heterogeneity can greatly overstate the consumer welfare gain from increases in product variety. In the third chapter, I develop a theory of non-collusive basing-point pricing under Bertrand competition. Basing-point pricing occurs when the delivered prices faced by a consumer is determined by the consumer's distance from a common location, known as the basing point. That is, the price faced by the consumer is equal to the price charged by firms at the basing point plus the cost of transportation from the basing point to the consumer's location regardless of the actual location of the selling firm. The existing non-collusive theories of basing-point pricing rely on the exploitation of market power by non-basing point firms to obtain the basing-point result. I show that basing-point pricing is consistent with Bertrand competition by non-basing point firms when these firms face increasing marginal costs of production or capacity constraints.



        RANK : 2847

        A fundamental problem in metazoan pre-mRNA splicing is understanding how the correct pairs of 5<super>′</super> and 3<super>′</super> splice sites are selected and paired in both constitutively and alternatively spliced pre-mRNAs. A family of structurally related proteins known as the SR proteins are essential splicing factors as well as modulators of alternative splicing. In this thesis, I present studies on the mechanism of SR protein-mediated splice site activation in both alternatively and constitutively spliced pre-mRNAs. The female-specific 3<super>′</super> splice site in the <italic> Drosophila doublesex</italic> pre-mRNA is positively controlled and is not spliced in the absence of a downstream exonic splicing enhancer. Using the <italic> doublesex</italic> enhancer-dependent intron as a model substrate, I established a functional in vitro selection scheme to identify and characterize RNA sequences from a randomized pool that are capable of functioning as “splicing enhancers” in human nuclear extracts. I functionally characterized the specificity of the protein:nucleic acid interactions of individual RNA sequences isolated in the selection by showing that individual enhancers can be differentially activated by recombinant SR proteins in splicing complementation assays. My results suggest that degenerate RNA consensus sequences within exons can function as SR protein-specific splicing enhancers to activate 3<super>′</super> splice site utilization. Previous in vitro splicing studies using pre-mRNA substrates with competing 5<super>′</super> or 3<super>′</super> splice sites revealed that exon sequences in general play a critical role in splice site selection. To determine if these exon sequences encode specific binding sites for individual SR proteins, I systematically characterized exon sequences from the human β-globin premRNA that are capable of functioning as SR protein-specific splicing enhancers. My results show that there are multiple distinct SR protein binding sites within constitutive exons. These enhancers are individually sufficient to strongly activate enhancer-dependent splicing. Thus, the identification of multiple distinct splicing enhancers in the proteincoding sequence of a constitutive exon suggests that these RNA sequences collectively function as a “multi-site splicing enhancer” to specify correct 3<super>′</super> splice site recognition.

      • The BBC and national identity in Britain, 1922--1954

        Hajkowski, Thomas Northwestern University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This dissertation argues that before the rise of television and the loss of its monopoly in 1954, the British Broadcasting Corporation was the most important arena in British society where regional cultures interacted with and interrogated a normative English culture, helping to create the hybrid dual identities of contemporary Britain. The BBC was a nationalizing institution, uniting people across the United Kingdom into a community of British listeners, regardless of class, gender, or ethnicity. Its programs stressed the importance of national unity, especially from the late 1930s, when fascism threatened to undermine British identity. Yet, in its policies and programs, the BBC created spaces for the expression of other national identities in Britain: Scottishness, Welshness, and Ulsterness. Drawing primarily on archival and published primary sources, and using the methodology of the "four nations" approach to British history, this dissertation explores the changing contours of the BBC's representation of Britishness. The BBC used two British institutions, in particular, to construct a unitary, consensual British national identity, the Empire and the Monarchy. The BBC vigorously projected the Empire, often representing it as the common heritage and destiny of all the peoples of Britain. The BBC promoted Empire into the 1950s, after the process of decolonization was underway, suggesting that a kind of imperial culture lasted in Britain well after the end of the Second World War. The BBC also constructed the Monarchy as an institution to which Britons could safely profess their loyalty as an expression of their British nationality, without compromising their Scottish, Welsh, or Irish identities. Similarly, the BBC did not act as an agent of Anglicization or English cultural hegemony, but rather it fostered the development of national identity in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The BBC established radio networks, responsible for reflecting the geography, history, and culture of their locality, in each of these regions. Although part of the BBC, the regional radio networks fought for, and were given, considerable autonomy, enabling them to engage in a limited, but significant, nation building program.

      • Visualizing understandings online: Nontraditional pharmacy students' experiences with concept mapping

        Green, Cable Thomas The Ohio State University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Learning with technology is a challenge for both designers of and students in online degree programs. Due to new accreditation standards, pharmacists are returning to school. Pharmacy professionals, looking to update their skills, understandings and degree, find themselves overwhelmed with new information and are often without the capacity to incorporate it effectively into their practice. The implications for postsecondary education are profound. Information overload is the operative mode in which students and teachers now exist. Learning in this information rich environment requires different tools and pedagogical methods than are currently used in online learning environments. This dissertation is a report of how pharmacists can learn and communicate in new ways to become better practitioners and better learners. The practical work of developing and testing usable knowledge about online learning environments requires a fundamental understanding of the learning and technology experiences students bring with them to their learning environment, conceptual change processes, information visualization tools to help students visualize what they know, and collaborative learning pedagogies to facilitate sharing of students' understandings. This study explores the role of concept mapping as a tool to help students visualize what they know and to communicate their understandings with other students in an online learning community. While the pharmacists did concept map their understandings and acknowledged the benefits of working together, they did not share their concept maps. This study proposes a collaborative online learning community model for nontraditional students to explain these results. The model suggests the following. First, becoming an expert with a new tool takes time, hands on experience and may be a prerequisite to using the tool to learn and communicate in a learning community. Second, for students to move past public presentation of their ideas and into collaborative peer review of others' understandings, teachers must understand the decision making risk analysis nontraditional students employ. Third, building functional learning communities is difficult and takes time. Further research is needed to determine if these changes in how concept mapping is implemented and prioritized affect nontraditional students' sharing of understandings in online learning environments. GIF, QuickTime and WAV files are included.

      • In pursuit of the American degree: Internationalization, national security, and the making of South Asian foreign students

        Thomas, Susan University of Pennsylvania 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        My dissertation examines how global neoliberal forces intersect with racialized state security practices to shape the transnational subjectivities of South Asian overseas students studying in the U.S. in the post-9/11 moment. These students' movement across national borders to pursue higher education in the United States positions them as ideal neoliberal subjects, while the post-9/11 national security state renders them racially as potential risks to security. In this way, I argue that universities and their overseas student populations are confronting a tension that is central to current geopolitics, namely the contradiction between engaging globalizing processes and protecting national borders in the context of the so-called "war on terror." Drawing from 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork at a public university in New York carried out between 2011 and 2012, my work explores how this tension unfolds in the lives of middle class students migrating from South Asia to study in the U.S. I consider how the ambivalence marking their trajectories informs the values, responsibilities, and decisions of this significant transnational population, as well as of the institution hosting them. Though the global migration of university students has grown substantially in recent decades, and is an important form of skilled migration, it has not been sufficiently studied with the social sciences. It is particularly striking that this population has not figured centrally within the anthropological research on transnationality. Addressing this gap, my research offers an ethnographic perspective that examines the racial and class dimensions of the transnational practices of belonging among South Asian overseas students. By situating the experiences of these students in the specific historical, social, and political economic conditions that structure their transnational trajectories, my work challenges narratives that frame these students as part of a homogenous global elite. I point to "educational debts," the forms of debts that are attached to their pursuit of education in the U.S., as a key regulatory regime shaping the cultural logics of South Asian overseas students as transnational subjects.

      • Modeling Strong-Field Laser-Atom Interactions with Nonlocal Potentials

        Rensink, Thomas C University of Maryland, College Park ProQuest Diss 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Atom-field interactions in the ionization regime give rise to a wide range of physical phenomena, and their study continues to be an active field of research. However, simulation of atom-field dynamics is time-consuming and computationally expensive. In this thesis, a nonlocal model potential is used in place of the Coulomb potential in the time dependent Schrodinger equation, and examined for suitabil- ity of modeling strong field-atom dynamics while offering significant reduction in computation cost. Nonlocal potentials have been used to model many physical systems, from multi-electron molecular configurations to semiconductor theory. Despite their rel- ative success, nonlocal potentials have been largely unexplored for modeling high field laser-gas interactions in the ionizing regime. This work explores the theory and numerical results of a single state gaussian nonlocal model in intense, femtosecond laser pulses, with the main findings: nonlocal potentials are useful for obtaining the photoionization rate in the tunnel and multiphoton regimes, and qualitatively char- acterize the wavefunction dynamics of irradiated atoms. The model is also examined in the context of the two-color technique for producing Terahertz (THz) frequency radiation.

      • On lexical sharing

        Wescoat, Michael Thomas Stanford University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Some words appear to correspond to more than one atomic unit in the syntax; examples include English <italic>I'll</italic> and French <italic>au</italic> ‘to the’. Various researchers have assumed that such forms exit the lexicon as single units and have tried to show that they have just one reflex in phrase structure. Others have supposed that such forms are derived from a sequence of words, each corresponding to an atomic unit in phrase structure, and that they are amalgamated postsyntactically. I call this controversial class of forms <italic>portmanteau words</italic> and maintain that in accord with the above-described intuition, they indeed emerge from the lexicon as single units but nonetheless correspond to multiple atomic units in phrase structure. Labeled ordered directed trees, the traditional model of phrase structure, cannot represent portmanteau words, so I axiomatize an alternative called <italic> lexical-sharing trees</italic>. These formal objects provide separate renderings for words, phrases, and the relation of <italic>instantiation</italic> that holds between them. The representation of instantiation allows multiple atomic units of phrase structure to map into a single word. I also provide a rule-based grammar formalism to support this notion, along with an efficient recognition algorithm. I apply this model to several natural language phenomena that have sparked debate in the linguistics literature. In particular, I provide detailed analyses of three constructions, English <italic>pronominal determiners</italic> (e.g. <italic> those</italic> in <italic>I like those</italic>.) and <italic>mono-syllabic proform-auxiliary contraction</italic> (e.g. <italic>I'll, they're, how'd </italic>, etc.) along with a variety of noun incorporation in Hindi.

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