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      • 토마스 아퀴나스의 '자제력 없음(akrasia)’이해 : 선택(electio)에 관한 상충된 진술을 중심으로

        엄가윤 가톨릭대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 2926

        This paper aims to understand Thomas Aquinas' 'Incontinence(akrasia)'. Fundamentally, incontinence refers to the habit in which an agent acts ‘knowingly’ and ‘against her deliberated choice’. The great axis of the discussion of incontinence will be the problem of knowledge and ignorance, and the matter of choice. This paper focuses on choice among them. Aristotle's text clearly describes the akrasia as 'against her deliberated choice'. The problem is with Thomas. The reason being is that there are conflicting statements about the choice within Thomas' text. The main texts in which incontinence is discussed are in the following three: 『SLE』, 『ST』 and 『De malo』. Thomas' 『SLE』 follows Aristotle's 『Nicomachean Ethics』 in many ways. In terms of choice, as Aristotle's 『Nicomachean Ethics』 illustrates that akrasia is ‘against choice’, Thomas’ 『SLE』 also seems to explain incontinence as ‘not from choice’. In 『ST』 and 『De malo』 which are his theological works, however, Thomas explains that the incontinent ‘chooses’ her action. In other words, on one hand his discussion of incontinence goes ‘against choice’ in 『SLE』, and on the other hand it takes ‘chooses’ in 『ST』 and 『De malo』. With this underlined problem, the paper attempts to prove that Thomas' conflicting explanations of incontinence are not a contradiction. In fact, although 'chooses' is not explicitly stated in 『SLE』 (therefore the only statement in which ‘against choice’, i.e. ‘not from choice’ is stated is revealed), 『ST』 and 『De malo』 show both statements of ‘not from choice’ and ‘chooses’. Thus, in order to understand Thomas' incontinence, it is necessary to distinguish the term ‘choice’ within two statements and also the contexts of the statements. Thomas says in 『ST』 Ⅰ-Ⅱ, “Ille enim qui peccat ex passione, peccat quidem eligens, non tamen ex electione”(q.78, a.4, ad3) and also says in 『De malo』 “et ideo non dicitur talis ex electione peccare, quamvis eligens peccet.”(q.3, a.12, ad11) That is to say, both statements are used within one sentence to explain incontinence. So, this paper reveals that the noun ‘choice(electio)’ in the explanation of ‘not from choice(non ex electione)’, and the verb ‘choose(eligit)’ in the description of ‘while choosing(eligens)’ have different meanings. Also, this paper reveals that the explanation of ‘not from choice’ is in the context of comparison with intemperance, while the description of ‘chooses’ is in the context of continence. For this reason, the two seemingly conflicting statements are now neither a mistake nor a contradictory, but they in turn clearly explain incontinence. Therefore, this paper insists that there is no contradiction between two statements that seem to be conflicting, and the Thomas’ incontinence is more distinctly explained only if through distinguishing the contexts and meanings, based on the fact that the two statements are not in the same context and that the noun “choice” and the verb “chooses” are different in meaning. 본 논문은 토마스 아퀴나스의 ‘자제력 없음’을 이해하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 기본적으로 자제력 없음은 행위자가 올바른 것을 ‘알면서’ ‘자신의 합리적 선택에서 어긋나게’ 행위하는 품성상태를 일컫는다. 자제력 없음 논의의 큰 축은 앎과 무지의 문제와, 선택의 문제일 것이다. 본 논문은 그 중에서 선택에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 아리스토텔레스의 텍스트는 명백하게 자제력 없음을 ‘합리적 선택에서 어긋남’으로 표현한다. 문제는 토마스에게 있다. 토마스의 텍스트 내에는 선택에 관련된 상충되는 진술들이 등장하기 때문이다. 자제력 없음 논의가 이루어지는 주된 텍스트는 셋―『윤리학주해』, 『신학대전』, 『악론』―이다. 토마스의 『윤리학주해』는 많은 부분에서 아리스토텔레스의 『니코마코스 윤리학』의 설명을 따르고 있다. 선택의 측면에서 말하자면, 아리스토텔레스의 『니코마코스 윤리학』이 자제력 없음을 선택에서 어긋난다고 설명하고 있는 것처럼, 토마스의 『윤리학주해』 역시 자제력 없음을 ‘선택에서 어긋나는 것’으로 설명하고 있는 듯 보인다. 그런데 토마스는 자신의 신학저술이라고 할 수 있는 『신학대전』과 『악론』에서 자제력 없음에 ‘선택한다’는 설명을 주고 있다. 즉, 자제력 없음에 대한 토마스의 설명이, 한편(『윤리학주해』)에서는 선택에서 어긋나는 것으로, 다른 한 편(『신학대전』과 『악론』)에서는 선택하는 것으로 드러난다. 이러한 문제에서 출발해, 본 논문은 토마스의 상충되어 보이는 설명이 모순이 아니라는 것을 보이기를 시도한다. 실제로 『윤리학주해』에서는 명시적으로 ‘선택한다’는 진술이 드러나지는 않지만 (그래서 ‘선택에서 어긋난다’는 진술만이 드러나지만), 『신학대전』과 『악론』에서는 ‘선택에서 어긋난다’는 진술과 ‘선택한다’는 진술이 모두 드러난다. 그런 점에서 토마스의 자제력 없음을 이해하기 위해, 두 진술들 내에서 드러나는 ‘선택’이라는 용어를 구분하고, 그 논의 맥락을 구분할 필요가 있다. 토마스는 『신학대전』 Ⅰ-Ⅱ에서 “Ille enim qui peccat ex passione, peccat quidem eligens, non tamen ex electione”(q.78, a.4, ad3)라고 말하고, 『악론』에서 “et ideo non dicitur talis ex electione peccare, quamvis eligens peccet.”(q.3, a.12, ad11)라고 말하고 있다. 즉, 한 문장 내에 두 진술을 모두 사용하며 자제력 없음을 설명하고 있다. 그 점에서 본 논문은 ‘선택으로 말미암지 않는다’는 설명에서 등장하는 ‘선택’이라는 명사와, ‘선택하면서’라는 설명에서 등장하는 ‘선택하다’라는 동사는 드러내주는 의미가 다르다는 것을 보인다. 또한 본 논문은 ‘선택으로 말미암지 않는다’는 설명은 무절제와의 비교 맥락 하에 있고, ‘선택한다’는 설명은 자제력 있음과의 비교 맥락 하에 있다는 점을 드러낸다. 이런 이유로, 상충되어 보이는 두 진술은 실수에 의한 것이거나 모순이 아니며, 오히려 두 상충되어 보이는 진술이 자제력 없음을 정확하게 설명해주고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 본 논문은 두 진술의 맥락이 동일하지 않고, ‘선택’이라는 명사와 ‘선택한다’는 동사의 의미가 다르다는 것을 토대로, 상충되어 보이는 두 진술이 모순이 아니며, 이렇게 맥락과 의미를 구분해줄 때에야 토마스의 자제력 없음을 한층 더 분명하게 설명할 수 있다고 주장한다.

      • Dependence of Yang-Mills theory on the number of light fermions

        Neil, Ethan Thomas Yale University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory which governs strong nuclear interactions and an integral part of the standard model, is the only known example in nature of a strongly-coupled Yang-Mills gauge theory One of the defining features of QCD is spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry, which leads to a spectrum of low-lying meson states that can be understood as approximate Goldstone bosons associated with the symmetry breaking This phenomenon can also be used as the foundation for models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, sometimes known as technicolor models, which provide an attractive alternative to the standard model Higgs sector However, attempts to construct realistic theories based on QCD have proven quite difficult QCD lies m a larger parameter space of Yang-Mills gauge theories, and a deeper understanding of this class of theories, m particular of the dependence on the number of light fermions Nf, may be essential for understanding physics beyond the standard model As such theories are strongly coupled, non-perturbative methods are required in order to make significant progress Here, I present the results of lattice gauge theory simulations which investigate the Nf dependence of Yang-Mills theories with gauge group SU(3), with particular focus on the transition from confining to conformal long-distance behavior.

      • Converging support, diverging goals: Regional party leaders and the European Union

        Herndon, Joel Thomas Emory University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This thesis examines regional party attitudes and strategies toward the European Union in the nineties with the goal of contributing to the larger debate of how changes in the powers of the European Union and those of regional actors have influenced the integration process and party strategies in this process. Using a survey of politicians serving in regional parties across the European Union, the study provides concrete evidence that regional parties across Europe have been influenced by recent changes in the European Union's political space. While a growing literature has considered the theoretical implications of the changes in EU-regional relations in this period, few studies have attempted to evaluate these claims with empirical evidence. The goal of this thesis is to contribute empirical evidence to the growing debate over the change in governance within the EU.

      • Practical Considerations for Deep Learning

        Paine, Thomas Le ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Illi 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        The work in this dissertation was done as a major shift in machine perception and deep learning research was happening. Neural networks have proved to be an important part of machine perception and other domains of artificial intelligence over the last several years. This is due to several advances that have made neural networks more practical for real world applications. The goal of this dissertation is to present several works that track some advances in deep learning including: the move from greedy unsupervised pre-training to end-to-end supervised learning, GPU accelerated training of large neural, and the more recent successes of auto-regressive models for generating high-dimensional data. This dissertation will present four of my works. The first, develops a novel convolutional auto-encoder, and shows it can learn useful features that improve supervised image classification results when data is scarce. The second, uses distributed systems with multiple GPUs to train neural networks. The third, develops a method for using neural networks for object detection in video. The fourth speeds up generation for auto-regressive models of time-series, i.e. Wavenet. Then I will conclude and describe some follow up research I would like to pursue including: work on speeding up generation for auto-regressive models of images, i.e. PixelCNN, and using dilated causal convolutional models for Reinforcement Learning.

      • Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice LEDs: Applications for infrared scene projector systems

        Norton, Dennis Thomas, Jr The University of Iowa 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Optoelectronic devices operating in the mid-wave (3-5 mum) and long-wave (8-12 mum) infrared (IR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are of a great interest for academic and industrial applications. Due to the lack of atmospheric absorption, devices operating within these spectral bands are particularly useful for spectroscopy, imaging, and dynamic scene projection. Advanced IR imaging systems have created an intense need for laboratory-based infrared scene projector (IRSP) systems which can be used for accurate simulation of real-world phenomena occurring in the IR. These IRSP systems allow for reliable, reproducible, safe, and cost-effective calibration of IR detector arrays. The current state-of-the-art technology utilized for the emitter source of IRSP systems is thermal pixel arrays (TPAs) which are based on thin film resistor technology. Thermal pixel array technology has fundamental limitations related to response time and maximum simulated apparent temperature, making them unsuitable for emulation of very hot (> 700 K) and rapidly evolving scenes. Additionally, there exists a need for dual wavelength emitter arrays for IRSP systems dedicated to calibration of dual wavelength detector arrays. This need is currently met by combining the spectral output from two separate IRSP systems. This configuration requires precise alignment of the output from both systems and results in the maximum radiance being limited to approximately half that of the capability of a given emitter array due to the optics used to combine the outputs. The high switching speed inherent to IR light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and the potential for high power output makes them an appealing candidate to replace the thermal pixel arrays used for IRSP systems. To this end, research has been carried out to develop and improve the device performance of IR LEDs based on InAs/GaSb type-II superlattices (T2SLs). A common method employed to achieve high brightness from LEDs is to incorporate multiple active regions, coupled by tunnel junctions. Tunnel junctions must provide adequate barriers to prevent carrier leakage, while at the same time remain low in tunneling resistance to prevent unwanted heating. The performance of two tunnel junction designs are compared in otherwise identical four stage InAs/GaSb superlattice LED (SLED) devices for application in IRSP systems. This research culminated in the development of a 48 mum pitch, 512 x 512 individually addressable mid-wave IR LED array based on a sixteen stage, InAs/GaSb T2SL device design. This array was hybridized to a read-in integrated circuit and exhibited a pixel yield greater than 95 %. Projections based on single element emitter results predict this array will be able to achieve a peak apparent temperature of 1350 K within the entire 3-5 mum band. These results demonstrate the feasibility of emitter arrays intended for IRSP systems based on InAs/GaSb SLED devices. Additionally, a dual wavelength 48 mum pitch, 8 x 8 emitter array based on InAs/GaSb T2SL LEDs was developed and demonstrated. This design incorporates two separate, 16 stage InAs/GaSb SL active regions with varying InAs layer thicknesses built into a single vertical heterostructure. The device architecture is a three terminal device allowing for independent control of the intensity of each emission region. Each emitter region creates a contiguous pixel, capable of being planarized and mated to drive electronics.

      • The Federal Trade Commission and National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus: Dynamic agenda adjustment

        Gould, Thomas Hamilton Puckett The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        In the less than perfect marketplace, societies have turned to regulation as a method of controlling abuse and, in the case of advertising, false claims and misleading content. At its extreme, this regulation can take the form of a ban. At its most benign, regulation can be expressed as a suggestion or guideline. This supports the basic contention that the regulator and the advertiser form a relationship based, in part, on mutual awareness. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the Federal Trade Commission and the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus and how it changed between 1971 and 1996. The problem addressed here can be summarized as: What was the nature of the relationship of the National Advertising Division and the Federal Trade Commission in regards to detecting deceptive advertising claims? Was there a connection between the types of cases that rose and fell on the FTC's agenda and those that did the same on NAD's agenda? Such a connection may suggest that the NAD took its cues not from the marketplace, but to some degree from the major regulator of advertising. This would suggest the NAD may have acted to thwart and divert FTC action in certain areas. The relationship between the FTC and NAD was dynamic. In some areas, the FTC seemed to set the agenda for NAD, such as in the oversight of advertising claims pertaining to healthcare and over-the-counter drugs. In other areas, NAD and the FTC both showed rising interest. In addition, NAD modified its procedures to more closely mirror the FTC's. Finally, there is some evidence that the FTC may have conceded oversight to NAD. The FTC and NAD relationship shown extended the ability of the FTC to provide oversight of advertising claims. It is likely that the FTC will continue to inform the NAD agenda and, in some areas of advertising, protection against deception will be left in the hands of the self-regulatory group.

      • On the lips of others: Fame and the transformation of Moctezuma's image

        Hajovsky, Patrick Thomas The University of Chicago 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This study compares the portraits and portrayals of the fame of the Aztec king Montezuma. European discourse about Montezuma distinguished Montezuma's historical and political persona from his religious one, even though these were inseparable aspects of Aztec divine kingship. European portraits of him revolved around the political desire to portray an individual personality and situate that personality in a historical context, especially in contexts meant to justify Spain's right to rule in the New World. In so doing, early colonial-period histories written about Montezuma from either side of the Atlantic efface how the divine king was portrayed in a series of Aztec stone sculptures during the eighteen years of his role (1502-20). Montezuma's name hieroglyph appears on no less than eight Aztec stone sculptures. This hieroglyph and the king's portrait identified his body at the center of ritual transformations of his fame on a calendrical basis. Montezuma was depicted at the center of all fame, and he occupied the central role to mete out fame to others. Montezuma's name hieroglyph innovated on traditional Aztec representations of power as invested in the Great Speaker (the Aztec term analogous to king). It also employed ancient symbols of Toltec nobility to center the legitimacy of that power. Montezuma controlled the speech and appearance of nobility in Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, and he orchestrated performances that highlighted the fame of socially mobile individuals---warriors and merchants---as part of divine service to the king and the sun. The study concludes with a comparative analysis of a portrait of Montezuma that remains in situ (although badly damaged) in Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. I compare the remains of the portrait with other Aztec portraits that were produced by indigenous kings and described in sixteenth century histories, and conclude that although these colonial-period sources are essential to our understanding of the Aztec past through the figures of famous men like Montezuma, the fame they cast is of a different order than that which existed in Montezuma's time.

      • Semiparametric analysis of finite mixture models with repeated measures

        Elmore, Ryan Thomas The Pennsylvania State University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        In this thesis we will discuss semiparametric methods for analyzing data from finite mixture distributions. The methods require a vector of identically distributed observations on a given subject and that conditioned on component membership, these observations are independent. 1n addition, we will examine the implications of relaxing this conditional <italic>iid</italic> assumption to a conditional <italic>exchangeable</italic> assumption. We will see that the underlying theory breaks down and that the methods can not be extended to this case. The methods are illustrated using two examples from cognitive psychology.

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