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      • Opening the Door to Cross-Cultural Educacion in Two-Way Immersion Programs

        Stolte, Laurel Cadwallader Harvard University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Learning how to interact with others of diverse backgrounds is essential to effective participation in a globalized world and is a key goal of two-way language immersion programs, which bring together students from different language backgrounds to learn in both languages. These programs are frequently lauded for their success in promoting academic achievement and bilingualism, as well as for their potential to promote cross-cultural learning. However, limited research in this area shows that while students develop positive attitudes and cross-cultural friendships, the unequal status of the two languages and the marginalization of African-American students are concerns. Few studies have looked at the process of cross-cultural learning in these programs to see how interactions between students, teachers, and resources like curricula may influence students' cross-cultural educacion (Valenzuela, 1999). This comparative case study examines the question "What does cross-cultural educacion look like in two-way immersion programs, and what factors influence that process?" at two schools, using observations of classes and schoolwide events, semi-structured interviews with teachers, document review, and a student picture sort activity. Using contact theory, I find that the two schools have different strengths in regards to cross-cultural educacion, with one providing institutional support structures for explicit cross-cultural learning and another providing more opportunities for informal learning through its socioeconomically- and ethnically-diverse student and teacher population. There are also distinct ways of talking about difference at the two-schools, with one favoring a discourse focused on commonalities and the other a more dissonant discourse that recognizes differences. Nevertheless, the schools share important characteristics associated with their shared context, the rapidly globalizing state of North Carolina; these include pressure to integrate cross-cultural learning with Common Core literacy standards and a focus on the cultures of foreign countries. I argue that two-way immersion programs need to emphasize equity for not only speakers of non-English languages, but also diverse ethnic and socioeconomic groups, through broadening considerations for choosing program models, diversifying student and teacher populations, and teaching students to both learn about and care for different cultures in their local communities.

      • Query, analysis, and visualization of multidimensional databases

        Stolte, Christopher Richard Stanford University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        In recent years, large multidimensional databases, or data warehouses, have become common in a variety of commercial and scientific applications. It is not unusual for these data warehouses to contain billions of tuples, each categorized by tens or hundreds of dimensions. A major challenge with these databases is to extract meaning from the important data they contain: to discover structure, find patterns, and derive causal relationships. A promising technique for the analysis of these multidimensional databases is visualization. To make visualization effective in this context, we need to develop tools that tightly integrate visual presentation and database queries, support interactive refinement of the display, and can visually present a large number of tuples and dimensions. This dissertation introduces a formal approach to building visualization systems that addresses these demands. The foundation of the dissertation is the Polaris formalism, a language for precisely describing a wide range of table-based graphical presentations of relational information. A key aspect of this formal language is the ability to compile visual specifications automatically into the precise queries and drawing commands necessary to generate the display. This ability enables us to design systems that closely integrate analysis and visualization. Using the Polaris formalism, we have built two interactive systems: the Polaris interface and a framework for multiscale visualization. The Polaris interface for the exploration of multidimensional databases extends the popular Pivot Table interface to generate a rich, expressive set of graphic displays. The Polaris interface is simple and expressive because it is built upon the Polaxis formalism. Analysts can incrementally construct complex queries, receiving visual feedback as they assemble and alter the query. The Polaris interface is a generally applicable tool that tightly integrates analysis with visualization. This dissertation also demonstrates how to use the Polaris formalism and data cubes to specify and implement domain specific multiscale (pan-and-zoom) visualizations efficiently. The presented approach to multiscale visualization addresses several limitations in the current approaches by introducing multiple zoom paths into the data and providing general mechanisms.

      • Becoming Yeffe Kimball: Modernism, Gender, and the Construction of a 'Native' Identity 1935-1978

        Stolte, Sarah Anne ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Through a discussion of Yeffe Kimball's (1906-1978) work and career, this dissertation offers a window into intersections of performances of race, gender identities, and what it meant to be a modern American artist at mid-twentieth century. My examination of Kimball's success as a self-identified American Indian artist interrogates and intervenes in existing power structures that serve and are served by settler colonial history and culture. This significant contribution allows scholars to rethink challenging identity narratives in America-a nation built on the assimilation of American Indian peoples and the appropriation of their cultures. Kimball leveraged her privileges as a white person to navigate social strata of the arts world, even as Native artists with recognized ancestry such as Oscar Howe (Yanktonai Dakota) were turned away from acceptance by mainstream museums. Through claiming Oklahoma as her birthplace, moving to New York City to study art, and later establishing residency in Provincetown, MA, Kimball leveraged both critical places and distinct post WWII American sensibilities that reified her assumed identity and solidified her long-term career. Kimball associated with notable individuals including Mable Dodge Luhan and Maria Martinez. Exposing the details of her remarkable career trajectory reimagines an American art history that accepts the parallel and distinct history of Native American art.

      • Observation and Electrical Detection of Magnetic Skyrmions in Iron Germanide Nanostructures

        Stolt, Matthew J ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1551

        Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures that are being heavily investigated for their potential use in next generation information storage. However, transport studies of skyrmions is limited due to the difficulty of their detection especially in nanostructures. Among cubic B20 helimagnets, FeGe has the highest helimagnetic transition temperature of ~280 K. Nanostructures of skyrmion materials, such as B20 FeGe, are highly desired due to the stabilization of the magnetic skyrmion phase brought on by geometrical confinement. In this thesis, I studied the magnetic skyrmion phase in bulk powders and nanostructures of both cubic B20 FeGe and Fe1-xCoxGe alloys via a combination of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (LTEM), AC magnetic susceptibility (ACMS), and magnetotransport measurements. Prior to this work, powders of cubic B20 Fe1-xCoxGe alloys were only known to form under high pressures (~4 GPa) and high temperatures (~ 1000 째C), however it was found that Fe1-xCoxGe alloys can form in the B20 structure using elemental precursors reacted at moderate temperatures (~550 째C). During the course of this study, a new skyrmion material, Fe0.95Co0.05Ge, was discovered and its entire magnetic phase diagram was mapped out using ACMS. The powders were then used as seeds in the chemical vapor deposition reactions used to grow both FeGe nanowires (NWs) and Fe1-xCoxGe nanoplates (NPLs). LTEM detected the different magnetic states (helimagnetic, magnetic skyrmion, conical, and field polarized) present in the NWs and NPLs. In both nanostructures, their magnetic skyrmion phases were observed to be far more stable than their bulk counterparts. Magnetoresistance measurements were used to electrically detect the different magnetic phase transitions in both the FeGe NWs and Fe1-xCoxGe NPLs as well as probe their anisotropic electrical signals. The Fe1-xCoxGe NPLs 2D geometry allowed for facile fabrication and detection of the magnetic skyrmion phase using Hall effect measurements. The topological Hall effect, which has been established as the electrical signature of the magnetic skyrmion phase, was detected in the NPLs and used study the stability region of the magnetic skyrmion lattice. The use of the LTEM imaging of these FeGe nanostructures in conjunction with the magnetotransport detection methods lays the solid foundation for future studies of skyrmion-based devices to realize their full potential in information storage technologies.

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