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      • United States Forces Korea withdrawals : a comparative study

        Kelley, Moira Alice 서울대학교 국제대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        Abstract United States Forces Korea Withdrawals: A Comparative Study Moira Alice Kelley Department of International Studies, International Cooperation Major Graduate School of International Studies Seoul National University The United States (US) has played an essential role in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. Following the end of the Korean War in 1953, the newly formed South Korean government heavily depended on the military and security support of the US to deter possible aggression from its northern hostile neighbor, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or DPRK. The US ultimately established a fully functioning security structure that worked alongside the continuously forming Republic of Korea (ROK) Army. The United States Forces Korea (USFK) presence along with the ROK Army became a permanent military fixture on the Korean Peninsula. However, since the end of the Korean War, the US has implemented several strategic withdrawals of US forces. Through numerous US and ROK administrations, the USFK drawdowns have proved to be a topic central to US-ROK bilateral talks. Major drawdowns began immediately following the Korean War under the US Eisenhower Administration and have continued through the former Bush, Jr. Administration. These withdrawals persisted despite outspoken concern from the South Korean government and while North Korea continued to pose a serious nuclear threat to the world. Research on each administration from Dwight Eisenhower to current US President Barack Obama found that the obvious overarching theme of ‘confidence’ in the South Korean military capabilities and its exponentially strengthening economy littered the rhetoric of each withdrawal announcement. However, confidence has only served as a pillar to a series of administrative-specific philosophies that have contributed to the USFK withdrawals since the end of the Korean War.

      • Working 5 to 9, what a way to make a livin'! An investigation into the relationship between shift and turnover

        Kelley, Christie L Clemson University 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The current study investigated burnout and engagement as mediators of the relationship between shift work and both turnover and turnover intentions. Further, perceived organizational support (POS) and work schedule justice (WSJ) were hypothesized to moderate the relationship between shift and two outcomes: engagement and burnout. The Job Demands-Resource model was used as a theoretical framework for the current study (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). The current study utilized a longitudinal sample of nurses to test the hypotheses with structural equation modeling. Further, differences were assessed between all employees and only full-time employees. Contrary to hypotheses, shift was not related to burnout or engagement. Moreover, POS and WSJ moderated the relationships between shift and burnout in the opposite direction as hypothesized. For the day shift, employees with high POS and WSJ also reported higher burnout than employees with low POS and WSJ. In line with the hypotheses, POS and WSJ moderated the relationship between shift and engagement, such that for the day shift, when POS and WSJ were high, engagement was also high. The moderators, however, did not impact employees on the night shift. The results suggest that POS and WSJ do not overcome the issues of night shift workers. Future research should consider the relationships examined in the current study and investigate other issues which may alter these relationships.

      • Holocene ice margin fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Disko Bugt region, West Greenland

        Kelley, Samuel E State University of New York at Buffalo 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The current response of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) margin to climate change is spatially and temporally variable. Understanding the mechanisms that control this variability is crucial for accurate predictions of how the GrIS will change in the future. One factor that appears to play a role in driving the varying response exhibited along the margin of the GrIS is the ice margin setting (marine-terminating or land-terminating). Recent research has demonstrated that basal melting of marine-terminating glaciers may increase their vulnerability to climatic perturbations, while their land-terminating counterparts may lag in their reaction similar climatic changes. While these trends are illustrated in historic and modern records, longer temporal records are needed to place these observations in context. Here, I present a chronology of GrIS fluctuations within the Disko Bugt region of West Greenland. This record spans the Holocene, and is constrained by 10Be and radiocarbon ages. Through building this chronology, I reconstruct the pattern and timing of Holocene ice margin fluctuations and evaluate the response of differing ice margin types (marine-based or land-based) to regional climate forcing. From my chronology it is apparent that, on millennial timescales early Holocene ice margin retreat rates were synchronous within Disko Bugt. This pattern extends along the western margin of the GrIS, with all the sections of the ice margin examined displaying similar retreat rates despite dissimilar marginal settings. This is strikingly different than modern trends, where marine-based outlet glaciers exhibit significantly higher retreat rates than their land-based counterparts. The record of ice margin reaction to recent warming demonstrates a distinct pattern of asynchrony. In my late Holocene records, marine-based glaciers initiate retreat much sooner than land-based sectors of the ice margin. I believe this feature demonstrates a relationship between ice margin type and response time. I propose that in West Greenland faster glaciers maintain a closer equilibrium with changing climate than slower flowing glaciers. In total, the historic pattern of relative stability of land-based sectors of the GrIS is in contrast with the longer records of Holocene ice margin fluctuation. Additionally, a relationship between ice margin type and response time suggests that land-based sectors of the ice margin lag in their reaction to climate forcing on decadal scales. This indicates that historically stable sectors of the ice margin may be expected to undergo significant future retreat, as a larger percentage of the GrIS margin begins to react to 20th century warming.

      • A Profile of California Community College Department Chairs

        Kelley, Elizabeth San Diego State University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Postsecondary education is comprised of unique organizational and leadership structures not seen outside of academia, for example, the department chair position which is cited as an essential position in the literature. An understudied population particularly in community colleges, the chair position is multi-faceted, ambiguous, and often contradictory in that chairs are often expected to perform administrative tasks that involve supervising faculty colleagues without the necessary positional authority or corresponding training. This quantitative study sought to develop a descriptive profile of the California community college (CCC) chair and to explore their perceptions of three job dimensions: chair roles, tasks, and skills. Exploratory in nature, the research protocol queried instructional chairs at all 112 California community colleges using a modified version of the 1992 International Community College Chair Survey. The study described characteristics of the chair position (i.e., title, length of term, appointment process, release/reassigned time); personal characteristics of CCC chairs (i.e., age, gender, years of experience as chair, education); and the perceived importance of various roles, tasks and responsibilities, and skills essential to their chairship. Implications for future research and suggestions for practice are discussed. The results of the study will be important to college chairs, administrators, and the California community college system for describing the nature of the current position, and more importantly, for use in chair development and leadership training programs.

      • Panhellenic Sorority Women's Reported Experiences and Perceptions of Hooking Up on Campus

        Kelley, Melissa A University of Rochester 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        According to Stanley (2002), Americans' view of how commitment in a relationship develops appears to be changing. While research investigating sexual attitudes and behaviors of college students dates back decades, it was not until about the year 2000 that studies addressing hooking up or a "hook up culture" on college campuses began being published (Stinson, 2010). "Hooking up" is not a new term. Much of the research that currently exists asserts that the ambiguity of the phrase "hooking up" is part of the reason for its popularity (Glenn and Marquardt, 2001). The use of alcohol appears to be common in most, if not all, studies related to college students and hooking up. According to Kimmel (2008), virtually all hooking up is paired with copious amounts of alcohol, oftentimes, more alcohol than sex. When considering a college students' use of alcohol, one should consider that gender as well as campus norms play a very powerful role in the decisions that students make. Additionally, a gap appears to exist in the current literature about Panhellenic sorority women and how they navigate a social scene with easy accessibility to alcohol as well as hooking up. For the purposes of this study, the researcher was interested in what Panhellenic sorority women's experiences and perceptions of risk are in the context of hooking up and using alcohol on North University's campus. Keywords: Hooking up, sorority, alcohol, risk, college.

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