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      • John of Freiburg and the Usury Prohibition in the Late Middle Ages: A Study in the Popularization of Medieval Canon Law

        Lorenc, John A University of Toronto (Canada) 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247791

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In this dissertation I provide an edition of the treatise on usury (De usuris, bk. 2, tit. 7) contained in the Dominican friar John of Freiburg's (d. 1314) Summa confessorum (ca. 1298) -- a comprehensive encyclopedia of pastoral care that John wrote for the benefit of his fellow friar preachers and all others charged with the cure of souls. The edition is prefaced by a detailed biography of John of Freiburg, an account of the genesis of the Summa confessorum that places the work in the context of John's other literary productions, a commentary on the contents of the treatise on usury, and a study of the influence of John's treatise on subsequent confessors' manuals up to the end of the fourteenth century with a special concentration on the history of the Summa confessorum on usury in England. Based on an analysis of the social function of confessors' manuals and the reception history of John's treatise on usury, I contend that the Summa confessorum offers us a window into what many medieval men and women of all social classes in widespread areas of Europe might have known about the medieval Church's prohibition of taking interest in a loan. As a prominent vehicle for the popularization of medieval canon law, then, the Summa confessorum occupies a significant place in the intellectual and social history of the Late Middle Ages. Finally, I argue that John's choices in crafting his treatise on usury were ultimately influenced to a significant extent by the clash of economic interests between the old landed aristocracy and the rising burgher class in Freiburg, where John wrote the Summa confessorum and served as lector of the Dominican convent for over thirty years.


        Eliabu John Moses 고신대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247790

        In our society, the Church is under constant pressure and assessment by the public on whether they practice what they teach. It has become more and more challenging in stressing the aspects of sexual sin and talk about sex exclusively within marriage. Although the Church wants to be counterculture of the worldly perception of sexual practices upon the young people by sticking on the biblical boundaries and Christian values, the young people are always met with very tempting circumstances that influence them into sexual practices especially by western free culture that are accessible through the media. Therefore, the goal of this study was to examine the significance of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God churches on the pre-marital sex education. The young people are constantly hearing about sex from school sex-education classes, Internet pornography, Strait-talk papers and sex magazines which are not Christian and Bible based. The community is only more concern on how to prevent sexual Transmitted Disease (STDs) and AIDS/HIV without biblical concept. In that everybody seems worried about young people's sexual morals, yet the church is doing nothing to help young people on sexuality. The crisis is that, if the church ignores sexual education to the youth, the young people will adopt funny lifestyles acquired from the media. In response to that, 35 young people from the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Churches were interviewed and the findings affirmed that the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Churches is not teaching the youth on pre−marital sex. The Youth are taught general teaching on spiritual matters without specific sexual. This only takes place during marriage counselling that is when sex is talked which very late and also is not how to avoid but to do sex in marriage. Therefore, this study affirms the biblical principles on matters of sexuality as well as giving a challenge to the church to be actively involved in guiding the youth on their sexuality concerns.

      • Reevaluating The Origins of Papal Infallibility: Understanding papal authority in the bulls of the Franciscan poverty controversy (1230--1329) (Brian Tierney, James Heft)

        Kruse, John V Saint Louis University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247758

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In The Origins of Papal Infallibility, 1150--1350, Brian Tierney argues that the notion of papal infallibility does not extend to the days of the early Church but rather is a concept that emerged during the Franciscan poverty controversy. In John XXII and Papal Teaching Authority, James Heft argues that the roots of the doctrine of papal infallibility extend to New Testament times. In making their arguments, both Tierney and Heft focus extensively on only one of John XXII's bulls: Quia quorundam mentes. Neither Tierney nor Heft adequately develops the historical context for the pursuit of the object of their study: papal infallibility. In order to develop a more complete historical context for examining papal attitudes of the period of the Franciscan poverty controversy, I examine the attitudes of six of John's predecessors towards their own authority as reflected in bulls Quo elongati (Gregory IX), Ordinem vestrum (Innocent IV), Exiit qui seminat (Nicholas III), Exultantes in Domino (Martin IV), and Exivi de paradiso (Clement V). I also examine all of John's major bulls dealing with the Franciscan poverty controversy and the poverty of Christ (Quorumdam exigit, Quia nonnunquam, Ad conditorem canonum, Cum inter nonnullos, Quia quorundam mentes, and Quia vir reprobus). I assert that (1) John believed it was appropriate to rule contrary to the decree of a predecessor if it was practical to do so and was not initially caught up in distinguishing between matters of faith and matters of discipline, (2) John consistently accepted that papal decrees, by their very nature, carried a certain level of irrevocability with them while at the same time accepted that papal decrees might be revoked under certain circumstances if it was practical to do so, and (3) John's understanding of papal authority is best understood in terms of irrevocability rather than infallibility. Finally, I demonstrate that the conclusions regarding the understanding of papal authority as found in the bulls of John and his predecessors both undermine and support the argument that the notion of papal infallibility can be found in the thought of the popes of this period.

      • Popular violence in the Irish Uprising of 1641: The 1641 depositions, Irish resistance to English colonialism, and its representation in English sources

        Ball, John H The Johns Hopkins University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247647

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study examines how the popular violence of the Irish Uprising of 1641 was reported and represented by English settlers and English commentators, and how the Irish utilized popular violence to resist English colonial policies in the Uprising. It analyzes the 1641 Depositions given by English settlers about the violence in order to explore how English cultural narratives of Catholic and Irish "barbarism" and atrocities shaped English settler reports of Irish violence. It demonstrates how the Uprising was portrayed as a Catholic atrocity story in the cheap press published in London in 1641, and how in the mid-1640s this narrative merged with the exaggerated accounts of Irish violence found in the Depositions to become the basis for later seventeenth century English accounts of the 1641 Uprising. Simultaneously, this study examines Irish popular violence by using a micro-historical approach and reading the evidence "against the grain" in order to attempt to uncover some aspects of the mental world of the Irish who engaged in the violence. It does so by analyzing the significant ritualized and symbolic components of much of the violence. This study argues that the Irish drew upon techniques of resistance common in early modern European riots, revolts, and carnival culture in order to resist English policies of colonization which targeted Irish culture, language, laws, and religion. It argues that Irish women were deeply involved in the popular violence, and used it, in part, to resist English policies which targeted them specifically. This study places 1641 in a variety of contexts: from early modern English colonialism, to early modern European popular violence, and from early modern European discourses of civility and barbarism to early modern European discourses about gender, from the religious wars of the sixteenth and early seventeenth century to the late seventeenth century Exclusion Crisis and Revolutions of 1688-91.

      • Development and mechanistic studies of a bifunctional catalyst system: Lewis acid-Lewis base co-catalysis

        Shah, Meha H The Johns Hopkins University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247647

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Bifunctional catalysis has come to the forefront of synthetic chemistry in recent years. Herein is described the development of a bifunctional catalyst system involving a Lewis acid and Lewis base. We chose an achiral metal ion as our Lewis acid which could coordinate to a chiral Lewis base, namely benzoylquinine. Utilizing these two catalysts in our b-lactam methodology we hoped to enhance our yields, but were concerned about the affect on diastereo- and enantioselectivity. After screening many achiral Lewis acids we found that the triflate salts of In(III), Zn(II), and Sc(III), along with our chiral ligand, benzoylquinine, considerably enhanced the yields of our reaction without negatively affecting the enantioselectivity of our beta-lactam products. Mechanistic studies were then performed to determine the role of the catalysts in our system. Kinetic and stereochemical evidence compiled allowed us to propose a detailed mechanism by which the reaction occurs and confirm our hypothesis of imine activation. This methodology was then used to synthesize a variety of beta-lactams as possible inhibitors of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Along with the Denmeade group at Johns Hopkins Medicine we were able to develop some interesting candidates for inhibition of PSA and provide some insight on the structure of the protease itself.

      • "Beyond my eyes' power of correction": Fitzgerald, Faulkner, and the past

        Rockefeller, John D., V The Johns Hopkins University 2008 해외공개박사

        RANK : 247647

        After the outbreak of World War I, the West was stunned that the assassination of one man could precipitate so much bellicosity among so many civilized nations. Subsequent political inquiries into the origins of the war and philosophical and sociological inquiries into human behavior, assailed traditional accounts of the differences between intentional and unintentional acts, on the grounds that those accounts were outdated for the modern task of comprehending acts of martial entanglement that appeared to collapse those distinctions. The schools of thought that marshaled those attacks in the second category of inquiries included behaviorism (in psychology) and Dada and surrealism (in literature and art), and they deeply influenced F. Scott Fitzgerald's works. Furthermore, it was achronologically in light of this modernist reevaluation of a traditional philosophy of action, that Fitzgerald first encountered writers who had similarly challenged those accounts prior to the war: in psychology, Sigmund Freud; and in literature, practitioners of literary naturalism such as Theodore Dreiser and Frank Norris, and other writers such as Joseph Conrad, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Maria Edgeworth. In this dissertation I argue that Fitzgerald conceives his novels not only as contributions to a modernist puncturing of those traditional accounts, but also as commentaries on the contemporary American political scenes out of which his novels emerge. In The Great Gatsby (1925) Fitzgerald chronicles the social costs of the commitment to preserving a traditional conception of the accidental. Daisy's automobile crash thus represents his version of a surrealist experiment. But where surrealists would locate in Daisy's car crash intentions that they would claim the accidental nature of her crash cannot suppress, Fitzgerald contends that Daisy's accident reveals a trait (her carelessness) that is even more constitutive of her character than her intentions are---precisely because traits hover below the level of intentions. By having several of his characters deny responsibility for the consequences of their acts on the grounds that those acts were unintentional, Fitzgerald condemns the laissez-faire account of ethical responsibility that emerges in the wake of Prohibition. Conversely, in The Beautiful and Damned (1922) and in Tender is the Night (1934), Fitzgerald illustrates the social costs of the commitment to preserving a traditional conception of free will. He asserts that the anti-progressive legal realism he portends the left spawning inadvertently by way of Prohibition in the 1920s, is fundamentally consistent with the anti-democratic political realism he portends the left spawning inadvertently by way of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s. Finally, I argue that in Absalom, Absalom! (1936) William Faulkner produces a meticulous revision of Fitzgerald's Gatsby and Tender, so as to emphasize that he is fundamentally reimagining Fitzgerald's treatment of the issues his novels raise.

      • Controlling the electronic properties and morphology of semiconducting polymers through the incorporation of 1,6- methano[10]annulene

        Streifel, Benjamin C ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Johns Hopkins 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Conducting polymers have been known since polyacetylene was discovered in the 1970s. Since then, myriad new small molecules and polymeric structures have been synthesized to optimize the properties of conducting organic materials. These materials are characterized by their highly delocalized pi-orbitals and semiconductor-like band structure in their neutral state. The vast majority of these conjugated small molecules and structures are based around benzenoid Huckel 4n+2 structures where n=1. Common examples include poly-paraphenylene, polythiophene, polyaniline, and many others. These subunits perform well in certain applications and have been studied extensively, but much less attention has been focused on aromatics with larger pi-electron systems. 1,6-methano[10]annulene (M10A) is one such aromatic with a 10-pi electron system, a non-planar structure, and a bridging methylene carbon. The non-planarity of the ring leads to low resonance energy, offering significant polyolefin character and lower energy barriers to oxidation, electrophilic addition, and other processes that require breaking of aromaticity. This polyolefin character also extends the effective conjugation length of polymers, leading to reduced bandgap and more effective delocalization of charge. These electronic features of M10A allow it to stabilize reactive species under oxidative electrochemical polymerization conditions, as well as render furan containing polymers resistant to environmental degradation. The curved geometry of the annulene has the ability to prevent torsional strain arising from steric clashes between alkyl chains and aromatic subunits along the polymer backbone. This too leads to extended effective conjugation length and good materials properties. The bridging methylene prevents ordered aggregation, resulting in M10A-containing polymers being amorphous with a variety of comonomers. These highly disordered conducting materials are useful as transistor and thermoelectric materials, exhibiting reasonable hole mobilities (ca. 10-4 cm2/Vs) and high Seebeck coefficients (ca. 103 muV/K).

      • The interactional dynamics of treatment counseling in primary care

        Koenig, Christopher John University of California, Los Angeles 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation employs conversation analysis to examine physician-patient interactions within acute primary care visits. It identifies communication practices of treatment counseling for a newly prescribed medication. Chapter 1 provides an analytic overview and describes the dataset. Chapter 2 situates the study within current research and reviews conversation analytic methodology. Chapter 3 examines how physicians recommend new medication. The chapter examines the sequential organization of the treatment proposal sequence, which patients are normatively expected to accept. This chapter describes various strategies physicians use to propose treatment, including strategies to coerce patient acceptance, and presents routine ways that patients accept and resist treatment proposals. The analysis shows how physicians' proposals and patients' acceptances negotiate joint responsibility for medical care. Chapter 4 describes the ways in which physicians refer to, or "formulate," newly prescribed medication. The chapter describes the multiple reference formats available and focuses on medical visits where a physician re-formulates, or refers to the same medication multiple times, using different formats. The analysis shows that physicians re-formulate medication to solicit patient acceptance, to invite patient recognition, and to restart treatment talk after an intervening activity. This chapter shows that physicians can support being patient centered through basic referential practices when recommending prescription medication. Chapter 5 examines how physicians give instructions about a newly prescribed medication and analyzes how patients understand them. Physicians have two basic ways of giving instructions, telling how and showing how. Telling how is concerned with verbal descriptions for how a medication should be taken; showing how combines verbal and embodied modalities to show how to administer an unfamiliar medication. In response, patients can either claim or display their understandings. When patients claim understanding, they merely acknowledge an instruction is given; when displaying understanding, patients make their understanding publicly available for physician inspection. This chapter provides insight into the interactional nature of patient understanding, intersubjectivity regarding instructions for newly prescribed medication, and adherence. Chapter 6 reviews the analytic findings, and discusses directions for future research. Implications for physician-patient communication research and practice are discussed throughout. Key words. conversation analysis, doctor-patient, prescribing, negotiation, treatment, counseling.

      • The effects of direct instruction and self-management (DS) on the organizational skills of elementary students with organizational impairments

        Green, Monique ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Johns Hopkins 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional package consisting of direct instruction and self-management on the organizational skills of 4 elementary students with organizational impairments. Direct instruction provides opportunities for organizationally impaired students to have organizational skills explained, taught, modeled, and practiced. Self-management helps students to control their learning and behavior. A multiple baseline design across participants was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Two participants with Learning Disabilities (one male and one female) and two participants with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (one male and one female), ages 7-11, enrolled in an private elementary religious school, participated in 4, contiguous, weeks of scripted lessons on the following: bringing materials to lessons, organizing a notebook, organizing a desk, and putting it all together (a review of selected lessons from the previous three weeks). The occurrences of combined organizational skills (e.g., bringing materials to lessons, organizing a notebook, and organizing a desk) increased as a function of the intervention for all participants. A probe was conducted two weeks after the completion of the study that indicated that the organizational skills obtained by the participants were maintained.

      • Maize Production Intensification in Kenya

        Olwande, John Otieno Michigan State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Soil infertility is one of the major problems contributing to low and stagnated agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. In Kenya, this problem is manifested in maize where yields have remained low and stagnated over time despite increased use of inorganic fertilizers and improved seed varieties. More effective alternatives and/or complimentary actions to address this problem thus remains germane. This dissertation contributes to that endeavor through two broad objectives: to generate evidence that can support decisions to address the problem of low agricultural productivity in general and of maize in particular in Kenya; and to contribute to the body of knowledge about agricultural intensification in sub-Saharan Africa. The first essay uses household panel survey data from rural Kenya covering a period of 13 years (1997 -- 2010) to examine trends and patterns in land and labor productivity of maize, measured as net returns to land and to family labor. Results show declining landholdings and farm sizes but maize occupied over one-half of cultivated land. Land productivity declined by 42% for households with at least 10 acres and by 33% in the most important maize producing regions. Labor productivity increased in areas with smaller landholdings and higher population density because of increase in land productivity, and declined or only marginally increased in areas with larger landholdings and lower population density because of a decline in land productivity. These results demonstrate that increasing maize production and returns to family labor in Kenya will rely on improving yields especially in the major maize growing areas where this has declined. The second essay uses data on maize production in five major maize growing counties in Kenya to compare maize farmers' perceived soil fertility to measured soil fertility. It also investigates the influence of farmers' perceptions of soil fertility on their adoption (use) of soil fertility management practices. Results show little agreement between farmers' perceived and measured soil fertility, and farmers mostly judge the fertility status of soil by crop performance. Farmers apply management practices that may not match the fertility needs of soil on their plots, exemplified by the persistent application of an acidifying fertilizer (diammonium phosphate (DAP)) and low application of organic soil amendments even on plots with soils that are acidic and deficient in organic carbon. Farmers on average are more likely to apply inorganic fertilizer to plots they perceive to be infertile, and they treat manure or compost and inorganic fertilizers as serving substitute roles in soil fertility. These results suggest policy and extension information gaps regarding soil fertility management. The third essay uses the same dataset as in the second essay together with rainfall data to estimate technical efficiency of maize farmers and the effect of farmers' soil fertility perception on technical efficiency. It also demonstrates the importance of including environmental production conditions and agronomic practices in agricultural productivity and efficiency analysis. Average technical efficiency level is 0.75 and 0.70, respectively, with and without environmental variables and agronomic practices in the model, indicating that scope for increasing maize yield through better management of inputs exits and that omission of environmental variables and agronomic practices underestimates technical efficiency. Farmers' perception of soil fertility and the consistency of their perception with measured soil fertility both have significant effects on technical efficiency, underscoring the importance of information that can enhance farmers' accurate understanding about soil fertility conditions on their farms to help them make better production decisions.

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