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      • Intergroup rivalry in brand communities: A social identity theory perspective

        Hickman, Thomas M Arizona State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Brand community research has traditionally focused on the positive impact that such a community can have on the focal brand. This research extends the scope of brand community knowledge by examining two sets of rival brands and the extent to which the level of social identity impacts the intergroup bias of the in-group and out-group brands. This study also provides further insights by determining the impact that intergroup bias has on the subsequent communication patterns of group members both within and outside of the community. Unlike previous studies, this research examines not only celebratory talk of the in-group brand but also examines the derogatory communication directed towards the out-group brand. Additionally, this research investigates how users of both the in-group and out-group brands are perceived along the typical stereotyping dimensions of warmth and competence. Finally, schadenfreude was measured to determine the amount of joy and satisfaction that would be taken in the hypothetical demise of the rival brand. Qualitative insights were used to gain an initial understanding of the theoretical model while the hypotheses were formally tested with structural equation modeling. It was predicted and found that increasing levels of social identification with the brand community led to increasing levels of both brand and user intergroup bias. The analysis also confirmed that intergroup bias has a strong impact on the level of derogation of the out-group brand but does not contribute significantly to the celebration of the in-group brand. The study also determined that within group communication was highly predictive of group members conveying similar thoughts to people outside of the community. It was further found that schadenfreude was most prevalent when members of the in-group viewed users as the out-group brand as cold and unfriendly. The results of the study suggest that brand communities have a strong impact on both the in-group and out-group brands and that marketers need to be aware of the communication patterns of users of rival brands. The study concludes with a discussion of the key findings, theoretical and managerial contributions, direction for future research, and limitations of the study.

      • Entry into kindergarten: Educational stratification at the beginning school experience

        Hickman, Lisa N The Ohio State University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        When is the right time to enter children into kindergarten? In this dissertation, I employ data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) to take an in-depth look at the timing of entry into kindergarten and ask the following questions: Are there race, class, or gender differences between those who enter "on time" and those who either enter "early" or are "delayed"? What role do reference groups play in influencing how parents might make decisions regarding the timing of entry into kindergarten for their children? And do any longer term cognitive effects exist for children according to the timing of their kindergarten entry?. My results suggest that there are indeed differences between children by kindergarten entry status. For example, boys and White children are more likely to be held out, whereas African American children are more likely to be sent early. My results also provide limited support that parents use reference groups for guidance and comparison when considering kindergarten entry. Kindergarten entry status also appears to influence cognitive test scores over time: by third grade, children who were entered into kindergarten early perform significantly worse on reading and math assessments than children who entered into kindergarten on time. On the other hand, delayed children, who performed worse in reading and math in kindergarten and first grade than on time children have caught up by the third grade. Finally, my results suggest that the age a child enters into kindergarten and kindergarten entry status itself are two different concepts. I discuss the implications of these results for educational stratification, and stratification more broadly.

      • Morality and personhood in the Hmong diaspora: A person-centered ethnography of migration and resettlement

        Hickman, Jacob R The University of Chicago 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation is concerned most fundamentally with understanding the various cultural and psychological adaptations that result from migration to different locations. I employ a person-centered ethnographic approach to investigating these patterns in a transnational group of Hmong families that migrated to both Thailand and the United States. Morality and personhood are particularly fertile domains for investigating these psychocultural variations that emerge in different contexts. The methodological design of this project involves a comparative, transnational, and intergenerational framework that provides a unique basis to addressing these questions. I begin by documenting some of the important changes that are occurring in Hmong refugee communities in the diaspora. These include language shift, changing kinship and ritual networks, and the proliferation of several messianic movements that I encountered in my fieldwork. I argue that these changes can be attributed at least in part to the ways in which social dispersion in the Hmong diaspora have disrupted traditional religious practices and dispersed kin-based ritual networks. I proceed to describe a Hmong cultural model of 'ancestral personhood,' which is a prominent way that Hmong imagine the life course that includes post-mortal existence and regular interactions between living and deceased kin. This model of personhood drives reasoning about the three ethics (autonomy, community, divinity). Through a transnational comparison of parents and children in Hmong refugee families in both Thailand and the United States, I argue that families in both locations manifest similar life-course trajectories in moral development. This trajectory entails a spike in autonomy-oriented thinking in late adolescence, which is partially displaced by ethics of community (and to a lesser extent divinity) in later life. Given the nature of this carefully selected comparative sample, I argue for an interpretation of these data that emphasizes a Hmong-specific life course trajectory in explaining observed generational differences. These trends challenge the predominant social science models of "acculturation" and "assimilation" in important ways. Coupled with my exegesis of ancestral personhood, I ultimately argue for the importance of considering changes in moral thought over the life course and challenging the linear assumptions of some theories of social change in migration scholarship.

      • Apoptosis induced by DNA damage: Regulation of the response to specific alkylated bases

        Hickman, Mark John Harvard University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The alkylating agents are a group of DNA damaging agents that are important to human health because they can create cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic DNA damage. Moreover, they are found ubiquitously in the environment and within cells, and are used extensively in cancer chemotherapy. Among the various DNA lesions formed by these agents, <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>-alkylguanine (<italic>O</italic><super>6</super>AlkG) lesions are highly cytotoxic and mutagenic, and they turn out to be potent activators of apoptosis. Treating cells with certain alkylating agents triggers apoptosis in part through the formation of <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>AlkG lesions because expression of the <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>-methylguanine (<italic>O</italic><super> 6</super>MeG) DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) protein, which specifically repairs these lesions, can suppress the apoptosic response. Here, the regulation of the apoptotic response to two such lesions, <italic> O</italic><super>6</super>MeG and <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>-chloroethylguanine (<italic>O</italic><super>6</super>CEG), was examined. This work was significant in part because the response to specific types of DNA damage could be studied. The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway was known to mediate the cytotoxicity of methylating agents, and it was found here that MutSα, which is responsible for recognizing single base mismatches and initiating MMR, is absolutely required for signaling the initiation of apoptosis in response to <italic>O</italic><super> 6</super>MeGs, and partially required for signaling apoptosis in response to <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>CEGs. However, MutSα, does not mediate apoptosis in response to all DNA lesions, including another methylated base, 3-methyladenine. <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>MeG lesions signal the stabilization of the p53 tumor suppressor and such signaling is also MutSα-dependent. Despite this, MutSα-dependent apoptosis can be executed in a p53-independent manner, albeit slightly delayed. This suggests the importance of a p53-independent pathway, and a potential role for the p53 family member, p73, in this pathway will be discussed. <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>MeG triggers activation of caspases, cysteine proteases that effect the apoptotic program, and this is also MutSα-dependent. However, the caspases are only partially required for the apoptotic response, indicating the importance of caspase-independent mechanisms. The mitochondrial pathway regulates the majority of <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>MeG-induced apoptosis since expression of Bcl-2 or Bcl-x<sub>L</sub>, which can each block this pathway, dramatically diminishes the response. On the other hand, preventing death receptor signaling had no effect on <italic>O</italic><super>6</super>MeG-triggered apoptosis. Surprisingly, the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Bcl-x<sub>L</sub> proteins do not prevent overall cell death triggered by <italic>O</italic><super>6 </super>MeG, suggesting that apoptosis is not always required for the cytotoxicity of DNA damage. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

      • Predictors of the psychological well-being of family medical decision makers of the chronically critically ill

        Hickman, Ronald L., Jr Case Western Reserve University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Families of the CCI are faced with a multitude of psychological stressors, often with minimal support from nursing, medicine and other allied healthcare providers. Family members of the CCI are often asked to be the voice of the patient during critical illness, despite being psychological distressed. The purpose of this predictive secondary analysis was to investigate the associations between dispositional cognitive appraisal, informational coping style, role stress, informational satisfaction and psychological well-being of family decision makers (FDMs) of the CCI. This study specifically examined role stress as a mediator between dispositional cognitive appraisal and post-hospital psychological well-being, as well as, between informational coping style and post hospital psychological well-being. The second mediator, informational satisfaction was hypothesized between informational coping style and post-hospital psychological well-being. The last relationship explored in this study was the direct influence between dispositional cognitive appraisal and posthospital psychological well-being in FDMs of cognitively impaired CCI. This predictive secondary analysis assessed 145 FDMs of cognitivcly impaired CCI from two academic medical centers in Cleveland, Ohio. This predictive secondary analysis employed the abbreviate Miller Behavioral Style Scale to assess informational coping style, the Dispositional Stress Appraisal Measure to assess dispositional cognitive appraisal, a single-item measure of role stress, the information subscale of the Critical Care Family Satisfaction Survey to assess informational satisfaction and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale was used to assess depressive symptoms as a proxy for psychological well-being. The results of this predictive secondary analysis indicated that the psychological well-being of FDMs of cognitively impaired CCI was only predicted by the baseline psychological well-being of these FDMs. Role stress and informational satisfaction were not mediators as hypothesized and dispositional cognitive appraisal did not have direct influence on post-hospital psychological well-being.

      • Gene duplication and the evolution of silenced chromatin in yeasts

        Hickman, Meleah A Duke University 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proper maintenance of haploid cell identity requires the SIR complex to mediate the silenced chromatin found at the cryptic mating-type loci, HML and HMR. This complex consists of Sir2, a histone deacetylase, and the histone binding proteins Sir3 and Sir4. Interestingly, both Sir2 and Sir3 have paralogs from a genome duplication that occurred after the divergence of Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces species, approximately 100 million years ago. The histone deacetylase HST1 is the paralog of SIR2 and works with the promoter-specific SUM1 complex to repress sporulation and alpha-specific genes. ORC1 is the paralog of SIR3 and is an essential subunit of the Origin Recognition Complex and also recruits SIR proteins to the HM loci. I have investigated the functions of these proteins in the non-duplicated species Kluyveromyces lactis and compared these functions to those found in S. cerevisiae. I have shown that SIR2 and HST1 subfunctionalized post-duplication via the duplication, degeneration and complementation mechanism. In S. cerevisiae, Sir2 and Hst1 have non-overlapping functions in a wild-type strain background, yet Sir2 has retained the ability to function like Hst1 and contribute to the repression of sporulation genes in an hst1Delta strain. I have also shown, with a chimeric Sir2-Hst1 protein, that distinct specificity domains have diverged between Sir2 and Hst1 that specify a Sir2 interaction with the SIR complex and an Hst1 interaction with the SUM1 complex. Trans-species complementation assays show that the non-duplicated Sir2 from K. lactis can interact with both SIR and SUM1 complexes in S. cerevisiae. Further analysis into the non-duplicated experimental system of K. lactis has revealed that KlSir2 functions like both ScSir2 and ScHst1 as deletion of KlSIR2 de-represses the HM loci as well as sporulation and cell-type specific genes. A physical interaction between KlSir2 and the histone binding protein KlSir4 is conserved in K. lactis , and both proteins spread across the HML locus and associate with telomeres in a manner similar to S. cerevisiae. KlSir2 also physically interacts with the DNA-binding protein, KlSum1, to repress sporulation and cell-type specific genes in a promoter-specific manner and recruitment of KlSir2 to these loci is dependent on KlSum1. Surprisingly, deletion of KlSUM1 also de-represses HML and HMR, a phenotype not observed in S. cerevisiae. I show by chromatin immunoprecipitation that KlSum1 directly regulates the HM loci in K. lactis by spreading across these regions in a mechanism that is distinct from its role in repressing sporulation-specific genes. This result indicates that KlSum1 is a key regulator of not only meiotic, but also mating-type transcriptional programming. The SIR3-ORC1 gene pair has previously been used as an example of neofunctionalization based on accelerated rates of evolution. However, my studies of KlOrc1 show it is distributed across HML and associates with Sir2 and Sir4 at telomeres, indicative of it having Sir3-like capabilities to spread across chromatin. This ability of KlOrc1 to spread is distinct from its functions with ORC, and is entirely dependent on it's BAH domain, a domain which is capable of binding histones in S. cerevisiae both in vivo and in vitro. These findings demonstrate that prior to the genome duplication there was a silencing complex that contained both KlSir2 and KlOrc1. In addition to their functions at HML and the telomeres, KlOrc1 associates with replication origins and KlSir2 and KlSum1 work in complex to repress sporulation genes in a promoter-specific manner. The multiple functions of both KlOrc1 and KlSir2 in K. lactis indicate that after duplication, these properties were divided among paralogs and subsequently specialized to perform the functions that have been characterized in S. cerevisiae.

      • An evaluation of the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative mentoring program (Ohio)

        Hickman, Gregory Paul The Ohio State University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Using official data from Cincinnati Public Schools, this study examined a sample of 447 students enrolled in the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative mentoring program. Repeated measures analyses of variance were used to examine grade point average (GPA), grade retention, reading and math proficiency, and expulsions before and after program entry. Analyses revealed significant reductions in GPA, grade retention, expulsions, and proficiency scores. These changes were in the opposite direction as anticipated. Hierarchical regression analyses examined the predictive values of the variables of interest. Models examined values of GPA, grade retention, proficiency tests, and expulsions prior to mentoring along with duration in program, age started program, and gender. These variables were regressed against GPA, grade retention, proficiency tests, and expulsion scores collected after mentoring. GPA, grade retention, proficiency scores and expulsions were stable indicators as scores before mentoring accounted for the majority of explained variance in scores after program entry. GPA, and math and reading proficiency scores before mentoring accounted for 42%, 65%, and 77% of the variance respectively after mentoring. Although significant, grade retention before mentoring accounted for just 2% of the variance for grade retention after mentoring. Total expulsions before mentoring accounted for only 8% of the variance for total expulsions after mentoring. Multiple regression models suggested that gender significantly predicted expulsions, grade retention, and GPA after program entry. Males exhibited greater expulsions and grade retention, and lower grade point averages compared to females. Although duration of time and age started program were considered outcome predictors, age started program was significant only for the GPA model and duration in program failed to reach significance in all models. Analyses failed to support evidence of program effectiveness. GPA, grade retention, proficiency scores, and expulsions before participants entered the program was most predictive of values of GPA, grade retention, proficiency scores, and expulsions after participants entered the program. This stability suggests that high-profile, at-risk youth may not benefit from a unidimensional approach of mentoring as these youth encounter an ecology of intrapersonal, school, family, peer, and community problems that mentoring alone may not be able to change. Implications are drawn for program designers.

      • Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on Respiratory Immune Homeostasis using Translational In Vitro and In Vivo Approaches

        Hickman, Elise ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Millions of people are current e-cigarette users. E-cigarettes are commonly perceived to be safer than cigarettes, but their inhalation toxicity has not been fully described. Previous work in cells, rodents, and humans has demonstrated that e-liquids, e-liquid chemical components, and e-cigarette aerosols can be cytotoxic and modulate cellular and respiratory host defense function. However, with only a decade of research on e-cigarettes, many knowledge gaps remain, and the variety of e-cigarette devices and e-liquid formulations constantly being introduced to the market presents additional challenges when investigating the effects of e-cigarettes on respiratory health. The goal of this dissertation was to address specific knowledge gaps pertaining to the effects of e-cigarettes on respiratory host defense, including whether e-cigarette flavoring chemicals affect neutrophil function, whether e-cigarette use is associated with respiratory microbiome dysbiosis, and whether different e-cigarette device types are associated with different central airway immune phenotypes using cells and clinical samples from human subjects. Our data demonstrate that aromatic aldehyde e-cigarette flavoring chemicals can impair neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst. We also observed unique nasal microbiome dysbiosis in e-cigarette users relative to smokers and non-smokers, and this signature was associated with changes in proteins that are associated with the host-microbiome interaction. Furthermore, we found that users of newer generation e-cigarettes such as JUUL had significantly lower expression of soluble immune mediators in cell-free induced sputum in comparison with smokers, non-smokers, and users of older generation devices. Taken together, these findings demonstrate dysregulated immune homeostasis in association with e-cigarette use, with a trend toward impaired immune responses. Additional contributions of this dissertation include development and characterization of a human monocyte-derived macrophage cell culture model for use in air-liquid interface exposures, assessment of sex differences in neutrophil function, and creation of tools (high school biology lessons, clinical vaping questionnaire) to disseminate e-cigarette science to youth and facilitate conversations about vaping. Overall, these findings highlight the need for continued investigation of the mechanisms underlying the effects of e-cigarettes and have direct implications for e-cigarette regulation, including the importance of device type in e-cigarette toxicity.

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