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      • (An) Ethnographic Study Exploring Pathways Towards the Systemic Integration of Education for Sustainability at the Elementary Level in a Private International School in Costa Rica

        Janaya Christine Greenwood Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Graduate Sch 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247357

        Mankind has been conditioned to follow an unsustainable model of development that has brought with it devastating impacts to the environment and human life. We have reached a tipping point for which safeguarding the future of mankind, and the whole community of life, requires immediate action and transformative change. Globally, education has been heralded as a key method to achieve such transformation; however, for our education systems to educate for sustainability, a reorientation of whole-school processes is required. This exploratory research assessed the systemic presence of, and space for Education for Sustainability (EfS) in the elementary division at a private international school in Costa Rica. A mixed-method approach (interviews, questionnaires, observation, and curricular analysis) was used to understand the factors that influence the integration of EfS within five angles of a whole-school approach, while also considering the knowledge and perceptions held by school staff and its potential influence on the integration of sustainability. The findings of this assessment revealed similar barriers and facilitators to integration as found in the reviewed literature and also indicated the importance of raising awareness amongst schools that practices for sustainability are already occurring within them. Overall, this study highlighted that this particular institution is integrating sustainability to some extent but, that more information, coordination, and planning are required for the further reorienting of educational processes for sustainability.

      • The Nintendo Ds Platform: A Multidisciplinary Study

        Greenwood, Forrest ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Indiana University 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation attempts to expand the scope of Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost’s worthy approach to platform studies by integrating theories and methods from film studies, game studies, and media archaeology. The hope, in so doing, is to provide an explicit articulation of the culture and context that is implicit to the Montfort/Bogost model by showing how the Nintendo DS handheld game system, as a multimedia object, draws from a variety of preexisting media practices and legacies.What platform studies affords to this analysis is a close examination of computational hardware, while the tripartite disciplinary organization of this dissertation allows for examining various aspects of the intensely multimedia nature of works that appeared on the DS. Combined, these approaches and disciplines allow for a pedagogical strategy that seeks to use the Nintendo DS’s computational hardware to explore what the DS hardware has to teach us about cultural and historical matters linked to the DS at a specific point in time, namely 2004 when the platform was first released.Each chapter of the dissertation is organized around both a specific aspect of the DS’s hardware as well as a specific discipline. Chapter 1 examines the DS’s graphics subsystem through the lens of film studies, showing how the DS’s graphics derive from a rich blend of computational and film histories, particularly involving the classical animation stand used to create cel-based animated films. Chapter 2, meanwhile, uses game studies to explore the DS’s touchscreen, arguing that the touchscreen, despite being a relatively simple piece of technology, allowed for a vibrant range of cultural uses. And chapter 3 deploys media-industry studies to examine the DS’s Wi-Fi module, attempting a media archaeology of the Wi-Fi module, tracing a history of Nintendo’s attempts at console networking.

      • Essays in financial economics

        Greenwood, Robin Marc Harvard University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay studies long- and short-run demand curves for stocks using a single event in Japan. A revision of the Nikkei 225 index resulted in the replacement of 30 index securities, and a downweighting of 195 stocks remaining in the index. The additions gained 19%, the deletions lost 32%, and the remainders dropped by 13%. The returns can be traced to the effects of more than $20 billion in uninformed demand shocks associated with rebalancing by institutional investors. Variation in demand shocks allows for cross-sectional analysis of event returns and the reversion of returns following the event. A simple model derives short- and long-run demand curves for assets and the path of prices associated with the change in the net supply of assets. When applied to the data, it explains more than 60% of the variation in event returns. The data also reveal that arbitrageurs are segmented across stocks. The second essay (with Nathan Sosner) uses the same event to study excess comovement between stock returns. Previous research has shown that stocks exhibit comovement beyond what can be explained by fundamental factors, such as discount rates or commonality in cash flows. We build a simple model in which excess comovement comes from common demand shocks, such as those experienced by stocks in an index. In the sample, we find that the daily index betas of the added stocks rise by an average of 0.60, while the average beta of the deleted stocks falls by 0.71. The empirical results confirm additional theoretical predictions for changes in R<super>2</super>, turnover, and the autocorrelation of returns upon index inclusion and deletion, and hold at daily, weekly and bi-weekly return horizons. Since we show that trading shocks are significant determinants of the short-run comovement of stock returns, OLS estimates of CAPM betas with respect to the market are severely biased. The third essay (with Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler) studies the relationship between the maturity of new debt issues and future excess bond returns in the United States. When the share of long-term debt issues in total debt issues is high, future excess bond returns are low. The predictive power comes in two parts. First, inflation, the real short-term rate, and the term spread predict excess bond returns. Second, these same variables explain the long-term share, and together account for much of its own ability to predict excess bond returns.

      • Fundamental Rotorcraft Acoustic Modeling from Experiments (FRAME)

        Greenwood, Eric, II University of Maryland, College Park 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        A new methodology is developed for the construction of helicopter source noise models for use in mission planning tools from experimental measurements of helicopter external noise radiation. The models are constructed by employing a parameter identification method to an assumed analytical model of the rotor harmonic noise sources. This new method allows for the identification of individual rotor harmonic noise sources and allows them to be characterized in terms of their individual non-dimensional governing parameters. The method is applied to both wind tunnel measurements and ground noise measurements of two-bladed rotors. The method is shown to match the parametric trends of main rotor harmonic noise, allowing accurate estimates of the dominant rotorcraft noise sources to be made for operating conditions based on a small number of measurements taken at different operating conditions. The ability of this method to estimate changes in noise radiation due to changes in ambient conditions is also demonstrated.

      • Student perceptions regarding classroom environments for learning

        Greenwood, Jean Edith University of Massachusetts Amherst 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The classroom environment has a powerful influence on learning, and children's perceptions of that environment influence their behavior. This study examines the perceptions of sixth grade students who are the most and least academically successful regarding how they perceive their classroom environment and those factors within it that enhance or inhibit learning. Data gathered in this research indicate that there are significant disparities in how the most and least successful students perceive their classroom learning environment. The most successful students perceived the classroom environment as more affiliative and task focused, perceived their teachers to be more trusting, caring, and supportive, and perceived that they had more choice in how they learned. In contrast, the least successful students perceived the class to be more teacher controlled and competitive. In spite of the differences in friendship and support perceived by study participants, both groups of students were able to provide clear examples of teaching approaches and classroom conditions that they perceived increased or inhibited their learning. This study also includes students' suggestions for changes that would increase their learning. The findings in this study are consistent with the research and literature reviewed from the fields of education, psychology, and business regarding conditions that are likely to enhance learning. The major implications of this study are that teachers need to: (a) be able to form caring, supportive relationships with all students, (b) create safe, non-threatening environments where learning is less competitive and students are encouraged to form supportive relationships with one another, (c) provide students with interesting, challenging work that engages them, while supporting and encouraging students' efforts, (d) develop a large repertoire of effective instructional approaches to meet the diverse learning needs of students, (e) keep current with the knowledge base, (f) ask, and listen to students to understand how they learn best, and (g) seek professional experiences that will help them reflect on how they can improve their practice. Finally, a number of recommendations are proposed for use by teachers, administrators, organizations that provide pre-service and in-service opportunities, educational policy makers, and other parties interested in assisting teachers and schools increase student learning.

      • Collaborate to Innovate: Innovative Capacity Index for Effective Open Innovation

        Greenwood, Dorothea G University of Maryland University College 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In today's economy, enlightened firms collaborate to innovate openly across the entire innovation chain. To sustain competitive advantage in today's fast moving open innovation ecosystem, the executive leadership of a firm should create and sustain a new business model for open innovation. The four building blocks of an open innovation business model are capacities that allow it to accumulate social capital, organically build network ties, span boundaries of firms to access knowledge, and maintain absorptive capacity crucial for organizational learning and knowledge transfer. This paper develops the Innovative Capacity Index (ICI), based on these four building blocks, to provide executive leadership with a dashboard mechanism to track and cultivate the innovative behaviors and actions of the firm for competitive advantage. The ICI measures provide visibility into a portrayal of "who is talking to whom about what" and give leaders the insights needed to reinforce and redirect priorities, resources, recognition and rewards to influence desired activities and behaviors. Executive leadership can then adapt and refine the corporate strategy, investments, practices and culture to achieve and sustain enduring competitive advantage.

      • The Critical Heat Flux at High Pressure and Low Mass Flux Prototypic of Proposed Light Water Small Modular Reactors

        Greenwood, Michael Scott The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This document presents an overview of the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) phenomenon, the High Pressure Critical Heat Flux facility (HPCHF), and presentation and investigation of CHF data acquired at the University of Wisconsin -- Madison. The HPCHF facility has been designed and built to study CHF at moderate to high pressures and low mass flux ranges in a square rod bundle prototypical of conceptual Small Modular Reactor (SMR) designs. Critical heat flux is a two-phase flow phenomenon which rapidly decreases the efficiency of the heat transfer performance at a heated surface. This phenomenon is one of the limiting criteria in the design and operation of light water reactors. Deviations of operating parameters greatly alters the CHF condition and must be experimentally determined for any new parameters such as those proposed in small modular reactors (SMR) (i.e. moderate to high pressure and low mass fluxes). Presently available open literature provides too little data for functional use at the proposed conditions of prototypical SMRs. The HPCHF facility test section is a heated bundle comprised of four electrically heated elements arranged in a 2x2 rectangular lattice with a prototypic chopped-cosine axial power profile. Thermocouples at various axial and circumferential positions embedded in each heater monitor for CHF occurrence. The inlet parameter ranges under investigation are: subcoolings of 250--650 kJ/kg, pressures of 8--16 MPa, and mass fluxes of 500--1600 kg/m 2s. The gathered data have been analyzed for primary parametric parameter dependency and compared to a selection of existing CHF prediction methods whose application ranges may be applicable to the conditions of SMRs. Furthermore, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methodology has been applied to this studies database in order to overcome some of the dataset's limitations and provide additional insight.

      • Utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as College Enrollment Support for Low-Income Individuals

        Greenwood, Debra Fordham University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        U.S. workers lack the education to compete in the job market nationally and on a global scale. A college education has multiple benefits for the graduate and their children.

      • Founder, Healer, Blessed, Saint: Collecting and Interpreting Miracles in the Early Modern Iberian World

        Greenwood, Jonathan E ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Johns Hopkins 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Accumulating miracles as evidence of sanctity is well-documented, but the process for the Jesuit founder, Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), was one of the first to rely upon a sacred economy in which news, medicine, images, and hagiographies disseminated globally. What made this possible was an empirical epistemology wherein the gathering of sense data was used to assess and represent the miraculous, even when these supernatural intercessions failed to receive official recognition from the newly established Congregation of Sacred Rites, the Catholic body that oversaw Ignatius’s canonization in 1622. This dissertation helps us understand information management in the early modern world as well as written, visual, and medical understandings of divine intercession through the synthesis of religious history, art history, and the history of medicine.To begin, I chart the development of the culture of miracles from Ignatius’s birth in 1491 to the start of the Iberian Union in 1580, a period that included the early years of the Society of Jesus and European expansion. My attention then shifts to the career of Pedro de Ribadeneyra (1527-1611) and his writings on the life and miracles of Ignatius: the Life of Ignatius and Flos sanctorum. Once averse to miracles, he became, in the 1590s, the enthusiastic collector of the cures and exorcisms performed by the Jesuit founder since his earlier ambivalence toward them severely damaged the chances for canonization, a process further undermined by papal hostility. Ribadeneyra also established the visual culture of Ignatius and his miracles before it became the predominant domain of Flemish engravers. Print became the primary means to enumerate and illustrate the miracles of Ignatius. Images, however, took on a life of their own by becoming miraculous objects. As the Congregation of Sacred Rites examined Ignatius’s miracles, especially those performed through images, medical practitioners proved crucial to this process. Physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, and midwives experienced and interpreted miracles with the aid of their first-hand experience, which clashed frequently with the traditional medical curriculum. Physicians, likenesses, and Ribadeneyra’s Life of Ignatius converged in the Iberian world through the reports excluded from the official canonization procedure. The incipient empiricism is situated globally with the aid of the Jesuits’ sacred economy, which collected and circulated representations, hagiographies, and reports of miracles.

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