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      • The impact of court-ordered scattered-site public housing on residential real estate values

        Buckles, Brian William The University of Texas at Dallas 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        In response to a federal court order, the Dallas Housing Authority (DHA) announced in July 1995 that it would build the Frankford Townhomes public housing project in a neighborhood in the North of the city. The location of the project was chosen to satisfy specific racial and income conditions required by the judge. The order was the result of the Walker v. HUD lawsuit against the City of Dallas, DHA, and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for racial segregation in public housing and was designed to help some of Dallas’ poorest black residents. The first paper in this dissertation evaluates the effect of DHA’s site announcement on the sales prices of nearby homes using a difference-in-differences hedonic price model that controls for spatial autocorrelation with a weights matrix. The spatial models are estimated for different-sized treatment groups to measure the effects on neighborhoods at different distances from the project and to detect the maximum distance at which the effects are significant. We also compare the initial Announcement Effect with the long-run change in prices (the Real Effect) in order to establish if there was a behavioral over-reaction. The second paper applies the above methodology for the case of Frankford Townhomes to four additional Walker v. HUD scattered public housing sites in Dallas. Maps and a brief history of the neighborhood opposition and legal challenges to each site provide context to the results. As a robustness check of the methodology, the third paper performs a spatial falsification exercise by simulating the spatial GMM estimation of Villas at Hillcrest, the site with the fiercest neighborhood opposition of the five, on over 5,000 randomly drawn locations satisfying the court’s criteria. The position of the “true” statistically significant estimates from Hillcrest in the tails of the distribution of “false” estimates seems to reinforce the peculiarity of the Hillcrest site, which suggests that the spatial hedonic difference-in-differences methodology and its treatment/control group “rings” are appropriate for understanding price dynamics around a location.

      • Childbirth technologies and women's career and family outcomes

        Buckles, Kasey S Boston University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Since the early 1980s, medical technology has significantly improved the treatment of infertility. As a result, many women who would have been unable to have a child naturally are now mothers. At the same time, physicians have been increasing their use of cesarean sections. Because childbirth is such an important event in the life-cycle, these changes should affect not only the birth process but other aspects of women's lives as well, including career decisions. The first chapter of this thesis examines the effect that access to infertility treatments has had on birth outcomes such as the incidence of multiple births and the timing of births. I use state time-series/cross-section variation in insurance coverage for infertility treatments to show that improved access to the technologies does result in changes in fertility behavior. Most notably, I find that improved access increases the average age of mothers at first birth. In the second chapter, I present a simple model which illustrates the conditions under which the opportunity to delay career interruptions might lead to increased lifetime wages and increased human capital investment. I then look for changes in women's labor force participation and lifetime wage profiles as a result of improved access to infertility treatments. Mandating insurance coverage increases labor force participation for women under 35, and decreases participation for women over 35. Furthermore, access to infertility treatments significantly increases wages for working women of all ages. Therefore, it appears that extending the biological window for childbearing does improve the career-family tradeoff for women by making delay less costly. Finally, in the third chapter I use geographic variation in the use of cesarean delivery to understand the extent to which high rates reflect inappropriate procedure use. Additionally, I explore the effect of higher usage on infant and maternal mortality. I find that in areas that do more cesareans, the marginal cesarean delivery is medically less appropriate for the procedure, and that area cesarean rates are not associated with improved infant or maternal survival.

      • Characterization of the Structures of Small Peptides and their Interactions with Inorganic Minerals

        Buckle, Erika Louise University of Washington ProQuest Dissertations & 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1551

        Proteins mediate the nucleation and growth of many biominerals, yet the specifics of these protein-mineral interactions are often poorly understood. The focus of this dissertation is to better understand these interactions via small peptide systems. The approach to this problem is multifaceted; peptide-mineral interactions are explored through various biomineralization systems and through surface adsorption. The biomineralization studies begin with R5, a well-studied biosilicification peptide that can produce uniform nanostructures of both silica (SiO2) and titania (TiO2). Then, model serine-lysine (S-K) peptides are investigated to further the understanding of biomimetic TiO2 formation. Surface adsorption studies are focused on the structure of SNa15, a mutated fragment of statherin (a salivary protein) as a function of mineral surface: hydroxyapatite (HAP), SiO2, and TiO2. Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) experiments used in the investigation of R5, the S-K peptides, and SNa15 are detailed here. 1D 13C CP MAS, 1D 15N CP MAS, and 2D 13C-13C DARR experiments are utilized, resulting in peptide structures for both the neat and mineral-complexed forms. Furthermore, side-chain chemical shifts are used to assess the degree to which various residues are in close proximity to the mineral phases.

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