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      • The electronic structure of bismuth(111)

        Ast, Christian Reinhard The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The (111) surface of the semimetal bismuth has been studied using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Five two-dimensional (2D) bands have been observed within 1 eV binding energy which originate in the topmost bilayer at the surface. Three of these bands can be found within 150 meV binding energy. They show sixfold rotational symmetry and have surface state character while the remaining two bands show threefold rotational symmetry and have surface resonance character. The 2D Fermi surface is highly anisotropic occupying a small fraction of the surface Brillouin zone (SBZ). A line shape analysis of the band generating the 2D hole Fermi surface along <overline>Γ</overline> M reveals an electron-phonon coupling constant of λ = 0.6. The hexagonal shape of the electron pocket in the center of the SBZ along with a temperature dependent gap opening at the Fermi level suggests the formation of a surface charge density wave with a transition temperature of about <italic>T<sub>CDW</sub></italic> = 75 K. The bulk band structure along FT has been measured and the final state band structure has been determined for an energy range where the free electron approximation breaks down. Spectra of the 5d core levels exhibit a component which is split off in energy by ≈200 meV. The energy as well as the spectral width and relative intensity of the split off structure are strongly modulated by the final state electron momentum <italic>k</italic><sub>⊥</sub> and <italic> k</italic><sub>∥</sub>, resembling the periodicity of the surface and bulk Brillouin zone. A model is proposed relating the double peak structure to energy losses from discrete interband transitions as a result of scattering events in the photoemission process.

      • Confronting the Holocaust: American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps

        Ast, Theresa Lynn Emory University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        During the Second World War American soldiers participated in the uncovering and liberation of Nazi concentration camps. This dissertation deals with their experience in the concentration camps and the long-term affects of that experience, drawing heavily on the oral histories and personal papers of approximately 500 World War II veterans, and on military documents from the National Archives and United States Army Military History Institute. Though information was available at high government levels and in the press, little was done to apprise the GIs concerning the nature or purpose of the concentration camps. American soldiers were not prepared emotionally or psychologically for the enormous human suffering and degradation they witnessed. Viewing the camp atrocities and being exposed to the full extent of Nazi barbarism was a watershed experience for many soldiers. Many developed an all-consuming hatred for Germans, particularly the SS, which occasionally culminated in a “take no more prisoners” approach to warfare. Conversely, American GIs responded to the malnourished and filthy survivors with great compassion. They were horrified by the condition of the survivors, but, with few exceptions, did not ignore or reject them. They assisted the survivors in every way possible, often grief-stricken that they could not do more. Liberators faced homecoming difficulties and adjustments common to veterans. However, they were often isolated and marginalized by civilians who refused to acknowledge the camps. Some veterans suffered for years with severe trauma symptoms (similar to PTSD criteria) related to the atrocities witnessed in the camps. Many veterans acknowledge that camp liberation had a long-term impact upon their life. Many attribute their involvement in politics, charitable organizations, and community affairs to lessons learned in the camps, lessons about justice, equality, and generosity. Further, almost all liberators support public Holocaust education and many participate themselves by giving witness testimony to school classes, and community and religious organizations. Jewish American liberators' experience was different; after seeing the camps, many gained a heightened sense of Jewish identify and deepened commitment to Israel. The eyewitness testimony of the liberators confirms that already provided by survivors and contributes an additional perspective on the Nazi concentration camp system.

      • Evolution in Squamata (Reptilia)

        Ast, Jennifer Catherine University of Michigan 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        “Evolution in Squamata (Reptilia)” focuses primarily on the phylogenetics and evolution of <italic>Varanus</italic>, commonly known as monitor lizards. Mitochondrial DNA is used to test phylogenetic hypotheses of relationships among these lizards, and the evolution of other traits of <italic> Varanus</italic> is considered in light of this hypothesis. In addition, three phylogenetic hypotheses of Anguimorpha are tested, as are the relationships among squamates, and the evolutionary origin of snakes. Chapter I reviews the taxonomy and diversity of Lepidosauria, the group containing all of the taxa of interest. Chapter II presents a phylogenetic hypothesis for Varanoidea based on mitochondrial DNA data, addresses the chromosome evolution and taxonomy of <italic>Varanus</italic>, and refutes the hypothesis that heterogeneous rates of sequence evolution are necessarily problematic to cladistic analysis. The evolutionary conclusions of Chapter II are reconsidered in Chapter III, in which the phylogenetic hypothesis is tested with additional data. The evolution of several additional morphological traits of <italic> Varanus</italic> is evaluated, as is the biogeography of <italic>Varanus</italic> and clades within it. A new taxonomy for <italic>Varanus</italic> based on this phylogenetic hypotheses is proposed. Chapter IV tests Anguimorpha and the traditionally recognized groups within it, and refutes Anguioidea, Varanoidea, and Xenosauridae. Chapter V addresses the recent controversy concerning the origin of snakes, using morphological and mitochondrial DNA evidence from basal and derived snakes and most of the groups within Squamata. Analysis of the molecular data refutes a sister group relationship between snakes and <italic> Varanus</italic>, Varanidae, or Varanoidea. The hypothesis that snakes are sister to extinct marine varanoids (mosasaurs) is refuted by simultaneous analysis of morphological and molecular data, thereby casting doubt on the inference that snakes evolved in a marine environment.

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