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      • Labor, sex and spirituality on a South African border farm

        Addison, Lincoln Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New B 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation examines how labor relations are changing in South African commercial agriculture. It is primarily based on an extended case study of a large-scale tomato farm I call "Heddon Estates", located along the South Africa-Zimbabwe border. For nine months, I lived among Zimbabwean workers in the farm compound and, for three months, in the home of a white manager. I argue that labor relations are governed less by apartheid-era paternalism than by practices I characterize as delegated despotism. This new production regime comprises at least four processes: a growing casualization of labor, new forms of private and public regulation, the monetization or withdrawal of many previously "in kind" benefits and services for farm laborers, and an expansion of the role of black intermediaries. These processes reproduce the authoritarian legacies of paternalism, but minimize the potential for benevolence. How management secures control over workers hinges not so much on the production of servile or deferential subjects, but the generalized fragmentation of the work force. Paradoxically, the reliance on a fragmented and highly transient work force creates instability for the production regime. Strikes, work-stoppages and theft of farm property appear increasingly common. Transactional sex and worship practices emerge as important terrains of struggle within the work force. Through transactional sex, the nominally most exploited group on the farm -- women workers -- are often able to increase their savings above that of men. In so doing, however, they expose themselves to HIV/AIDS and other negative consequences. Worship practices afford Zimbabweans a measure of solace and comfort amidst abject living and working conditions, but the largest farm church also projects the interests of management. Managers discourage the growth of alternative church groups, and thereby limit the autonomous spaces from which challenges to the production regime might emerge.

      • Imaginary Friends: Art, Ethical Criticism, and Moral Perception

        Addison, J. L ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        People engage in ethical discussion involving narrative art often. So often that it's really quite commonplace. They'll argue with one another over whether the villain of a movie was really as wrong as her eventual comeuppance seems to imply, whether protagonists should have taken certain actions, whether the structure of a fictional government is a just one, and so on. One person might criticize a movie for its portrayal of women, but another find the diversity of the cast to be "too politically correct." So too might the staging of a play be criticized for being unsafe for its actors, or a movie for its treatment of its cast members, human or animal. Further examples abound.This dissertation deals with two kinds of ethical criticism, that share in common a concern with the content of narrative works. I argue that the traditional way of understanding the ethical value of engagement with narrative art misconstrues the practice of ethical criticism, and furthermore that this traditional view is subject to two powerful objections: the cognitive triviality argument and the anti-mimicry argument. In lieu of the traditional view, I propose an alternative way of understanding engagement with narrative art that avoids these objections and better explains and justifies our practice of narrative-content ethical criticism.

      • Implementation of an Evidence-Based Screening Process for Prediabetes

        Addison, Annie L The Catholic University of America ProQuest Disser 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Diabetes is a chronic health condition affecting millions of adults in the United States and contributing to an increased economic burden caring for these individuals. The high prevalence, incidence, morbidity, and healthcare costs underscore diabetes as a chronic health issue requiring effective intervention (American Diabetes Association [ADA], 2017). The primary objective and purpose of this evidenced-based practice project was to improve prediabetes screening by implementing an evidence-based screening process for prediabetes with primary care providers (PCP) and medical staff to facilitate use of appropriate screening. The appropriate screening criterion consisted of the ADA (2016c) guidelines. This project centered on educating PCPs and their clinical personnel during an in-person educational module session for 20 minutes after the administration of a pretest about prediabetes and diabetes to the PCP and medical staff of one primary care clinic. Four weeks after the education module, the healthcare provider and medical staff completed the posttest and an education module satisfaction survey. The clinical diabetes screening knowledge test (CDSKT) questionnaire scores before and after the prediabetes educational training module yielded significantly positive score differences from pretest to posttest. After the education session, the six CDSKT posttest scores were much improved and more tightly distributed, which suggested the medical staff’s prediabetes knowledge increased following the prediabetes educational training session. Prior to providing the education module, a baseline chart review of 40 randomly selected medical files was conducted to determine the current use and outcomes of prediabetes screenings by the healthcare provider and medical staff. Four weeks after providing the education module and administering the posttest, a second set of 40 randomly selected medical files was acquired for the final chart review. There were 37 charts identified as at risk for prediabetes in the pretest medical file group and 34 charts identified as at risk for prediabetes in the post-intervention medical file group with five (7%) of the posttest charts identified as not at risk for prediabetes. These findings resulted in a combined total of 93% of all charts (i.e., 71 out of 76) at both pretest and posttest showing individuals at risk for prediabetes. This observation supported the necessity for prediabetes screenings in the clinical setting. Initiation of prediabetes management was completed at pretest in 37 (100%) charts; however, only 33 (85%) charts at posttest contained evidence of the initiation of prediabetes management. Although these findings showed prediabetes management was initiated in a significant number of charts, it cannot be determined whether this was a direct result of the prediabetes training module session or standard practices at this facility. The outcomes identified by this project indicated that a better understanding of prediabetes can potentially aid in the early identification of at-risk individuals. This evidence-based practice project has contributed to increasing nursing knowledge in regard to understanding the complex processes required to develop and implement an evidence-based practice project successfully, to decreasing the number of patients developing diabetes and associated complications, and to using scholarship and research for fostering evidence-based practices in nursing. The project demonstrated how a prediabetes education module facilitated increased provider and medical staff knowledge of prediabetes and had an impact on their beliefs regarding prediabetes practices.

      • Generalizing Kahler Metrics of Poincare Type

        Addison, Ethan Lane ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Notr 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        We define and explore various properties of a generalization of Poincare-type Kahler metrics defined on the complement of a complex hypersurface X embedded in an ambient Kahler manifold N. After motivating interest in a generalization, especially from the viewpoint of extremal Kahler geometry, we construct a distortion potential ψτV christened the gnarl associated to the vector field V due to its simulation of flowing along level sets of τ in the direction of V upon approaching X. Key subexponential estimates are derived to relate the gnarled metric to a starting Poincare-type metric, allowing us to prove statements about the volume and integrals of the curvatures of the gnarled metric.To relate the gnarling construction to the extremal setting, we prove a local perturbation result showing the existence of cscK gnarled metrics in Kahler classes near to that of a standard product metric on N\\X, providing a significant step towards developing more general openness properties for extremal gnarled metrics. We discuss the challenges of adapting the gnarl to the global situation of embedding X in a compact Kahler manifold M, consider the case that N is the disk bundle of an Hermitian line bundle over X, and lastly proposing some open problems and avenues for further work using gnarls.

      • The perceived value of a leadership feedback program for principals

        Addison, Patricia A University of Virginia 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study investigated the value of a leadership feedback program for a group of 14 elementary and middle school principals who are leaders of their schools. Quantitative data and interview data were collected to (1) determine the impact of the program and whether or not there were changes in the principals' professional strengths and developmental needs in response to the feedback they initially received, (2) identify factors that might foster or impede changes, and (3) determine principals' perceptions of the relative value of the program. The quantitative data were based on the participation of principals and their observers in SKILLSCOPE, a 360-degree leadership feedback assessment, during spring 2004 and again in spring 2005. The qualitative data were collected through individual structured telephone interviews, which were tape recorded, with 7 of the 14 principals. The primary purpose of the structured interviews was to obtain the principals' feedback about their perceptions of the helpfulness of the assessment and the feedback they received, to learn how they used the feedback, and to identify their recommendations for future use of the assessment. The results of the study revealed that principals made a number of positive changes in their leadership skills when comparing their spring 2004 and spring 2005 feedback results. A few of these changes were found to be statistically significant. Principals expressed positive views about the benefits of a 360-degree assessment through which they could receive feedback from their supervisor and other identified observers. They recommended continued access to this type of assessment within their school division with some changes in implementation of the program to create more frequent opportunities for reflection and use of the results.

      • Hegel's critique of Kant's standpoint of finitude

        Addison, Daniel Stephen University of Pittsburgh 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        My central aims here are (1) to explicate and defend the claim made by Hegel and other post-Kantians that there is a contradiction at the heart of Kant's theoretical philosophy, and (2) to provide insight into the nature of Hegel's system by seeing how it is formed in response to this real problem in Kant. Kant is committed to a real contradiction, I claim, with his appeal to affection by the thing in itself. This appeal amounts to the claim that our reception of empirical content is unconditioned by the understanding's activity. The claim that contradicts this emerges in Kant's clearest explanation of how the categories make experience possible. We can see that they do so, he argues, by seeing that our reception of empirical content is conditioned by the understanding's activity. Kant's followers J.S. Beck and Fichte champion Kant's latter thought. I claim that their readings are true of Kant's best thought, even though Kant rejects them. He only rejects their interpretations because he cannot abandon the former thought. But Beck and Fichte see, as Kant does not, that a commitment to thing-in-itself affection in light of Kant's explanation of how the categories make experience possible would constitute what Hegel later calls "a self-contradictory ambiguity." Hegel's critique of Kant's "standpoint of finitude" diagnoses why Kant is led to affirm both of these incompatible thoughts. The philosophical motivation behind the shape Hegel's system takes comes to light through an examination of this diagnosis.

      • Stochastic Processes on Graphs: Learning Representations and Applications

        Bohannon, Addison W University of Maryland, College Park ProQuest Diss 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        In this work, we are motivated by discriminating multivariate time-series with an underlying graph topology. Graph signal processing has developed various tools for the analysis of scalar signals on graphs. Here, we extend the existing techniques to design filters for multivariate time-series that have non-trivial spatiotemporal graph topologies. We show that such a filtering approach can discriminate signals that cannot otherwise be discriminated by competing approaches. Then, we consider how to identify spatiotemporal graph topology from signal observations. Specifically, we consider a generative model that yields a bilinear inverse problem with an observation-dependent left multiplication. We propose two algorithms for solving the inverse problem and provide probabilistic guarantees on recovery. We apply the technique to identify spatiotemporal graph components in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. The identified components are shown to discriminate between various cognitive task conditions in the data.

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