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      • 민원행정서비스에 대한 고객만족도 분석 : 경상남도청을 중심으로

        여태성 창원대학교 행정대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Currently various administrative agencies show high levels of interest in administrative services to increase customer satisfaction. Moreover, providing quality civil services has become a priority among government agencies that even offer identical civil services to the public. Both central government agencies and regional government agencies are not free from this phenomenon. Thus, not only central government agencies regularly examine window customers' levels of satisfaction with civil affair services but also many regional governments that have interests in improving civil affair services continuously analyze customer satisfaction. In addition, as the needs for administration of regional governments are changing rapidly, it is imperative for the governments to actively deal with such demands by prudently examining levels of customer satisfaction with those civil services that regional governments provide to the public. Accordingly, this study was initiated to closely examine factors affecting levels of civil affair administration services in Gyungsannamdo Provincial Office and thus to analyze the causal relationship between civil affair service factors and customer satisfaction. To effectively accomplish such purposes of study, this study attempted to apply both literature review and survey methods. Survey was conducted with the provincial residents that visited the office's civil affair administration service window in order to acquire a variety of authorization and or permission from the regional government. The survey questionnaire was developed through reviewing literature that deals with civil affair administration services and factors. The data collected were analyzed by using SPSS and following findings were derived from the study. The core service among the provincial office's civil affairs was relative to processing passports of the residents and thus most of civil affair administration services are accruing from processing passports. Among other service factors, accurate and fair treatment had the highest level of satisfaction in horizontal impartiality factor. Therefore, the office is required to improve the current administration system and thus provide fair administration system to the public. It is also important for the office to increase levels of customer satisfaction with civil affair services and thus the office needs to regularly examine levels of customer satisfaction with what it is offering to the public, to create factors conducive to the improvement of administration system and operation system and thus to construct appropriate administration process as a whole. Horizontal impartiality among civil affair service factors had the direct effect on level of customer satisfaction and thus the office needs to create an administration organization that successfully cope with negative environmental service factors, to effectively handle with public complaints and thu to improve relationship with the public. In conclusion, the current study also had several limitations and future research ideas are suggested as follows based on them. First, this study attempted to collect data through a questionnaire survey. Future study can verify the quantitative results by employing in-depth interview and in-field observation. Second, literature review has implied that a variety of factors are relative to civil affair administration services and thus more comprehensive sets of service factors can be applied to better examine the civil affair service construct. Finally, by examining civil affair administration service factors and customer satisfaction with them, models for civil affair administration services can be established for regional government agencies to apply to the field and improve levels of civil affair administration service.

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