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      4세기 후반 가야-백제-왜 동맹의 결성 - 칠지도와 관련하여 - = Formation of Gaya-Baekje-Wae Alliance in the Late 4th Century - With Regard to Chiljido(Seven-pronged Sword) -



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In the first part of chapter 1, I examined the fight of Goguryo and Baekje to occupy areas from the opposite sides of former territories of Nakrang and Daebang described in Samguksagi(『三國史記』) and Jinseo(『晋書』). In this paper, I noti...

      In the first part of chapter 1, I examined the fight of Goguryo and Baekje to occupy areas from the opposite sides of former territories of Nakrang and Daebang described in Samguksagi(『三國史記』) and Jinseo(『晋書』). In this paper, I noticed King Geunchogo’s title called ‘Leader of Nakrang area’(領樂浪太守), which has not been discussed but has always been in doubt Baekje, which won the former territory fight of Daebang in 369, had another victory for the former territory fight of Nakrang in 371 and had occupied this area for some period as well. In this regard, I examined the possibility that Baekje had played a role of Daebang and Nakrang before being expelled from the Korean Peninsula.
      In the second part of Chapter 1, I found that Beakje’s victory against Goguryo in this former territory fight resulted from its successful diplomatic negotiations with other countries. Especially, amicable relations with Gaya were found in King Seong’s remoirs: “At the rule of my ancestor kings Sokgo and Guisu, we dispatched our diplomats to Anra, Gara, and Taksun for the first time, communicated and cultivated friendship each other. We hoped to make perpetual prosperity through fellowship.” I took note the listed order to mention Anra, Gara and Taksun. Accordingly, I postulated that Baekje might make relationship with Gara on the listed order. Baekje established the friendly relation with Taksun before July 364. Therefore, Baekje set up the amicable relations in the order of Anra, Gara, and Taksun.
      In Chapter 2, I gave a general description to the existing history of the inscription of Seven-pronged Sword and linked the relations between Baekje and Wae to the literary historical materials such as NihonShoki(『日本書紀』). I tried to examine the reason that King Geunchogo of Baekje sent the Seven-pronged Sword to Wae in 372. At that year, Baekje had officially secured the dominion over ‘Nakrang’ and hoped to revive the role of Nakrang and Daebang before being expelled by Goguryo. Through its advanced cultures such as Seven-pronged Sword, Baekje tried to bring Wae to its side. On the other hand, Baekje might try to engage Wae by means of Seven-pronged Sword to conclude the diplomatic negotiation for checking the expansion of Goguryo. Finally Baekje succeeded in the relationship with Wae and besieging Goguryo in a semicircle.
      In Chapter 3, I examined the Gaya-Baekje-Wae Alliance made before 372 more concretely by comparison of literary historical materials and the inscription of Seven-pronged Sword. Baekeje’s ‘Conquer of Seven Gayas’ was only a process to promote mutual amity between Baekje and Gaya, and the phrse of Nihonshoki “Baekje is the west subordinate state of Wae” was not true in light of the inscription of Seven-pronged Sword, but Baekje took active measures to take Wae to its side. The Gaya-Baekje-Wae Alliance in the late 4th century had been collapsed with face of the ‘Southward Conquer’ of Goguryo. I note that Gaya withdrew the alliance and triggered the reorganization of social and political situations in the Korean Peninsula from the early 5th century.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 白承玉, "「卓淳」의 位置와 性格 -『日本書紀』 관계기사 검토를 중심으로-" 19 : 1995

      2 福山敏男, "論集 日本文化の起源 第2卷" 平凡社 1971

      3 노태돈, "한국고대사" 경세원 2014

      4 김석형, "초기조일관계사연구" 사회과학원 출판사 1966

      5 주보돈, "새로운 大加耶史의 定立을 위하여- 硏究上의 새로운 跳躍을 기대하며 -" 영남문화연구원 (13) : 7-60, 2008

      6 김석형, "삼한 삼국의 일본 렬도 내 分國들에 대하여" 1963 (1963): 1963

      7 이영식, "백제의 대외교섭" 충청남도역사문화연구원 2007

      8 조경철, "백제 칠지도의 제작 연대 재론 - 丙午正陽을 중심으로 -" 백제문화연구소 1 (1): 5-27, 2010

      9 李道學, "백제 고대국가 연구" 一志社 1995

      10 손영종, "백제 7지도의 명문 해석에서 제기되는 몇가지 문제 (1)" 1983 (1983): 1983

      1 白承玉, "「卓淳」의 位置와 性格 -『日本書紀』 관계기사 검토를 중심으로-" 19 : 1995

      2 福山敏男, "論集 日本文化の起源 第2卷" 平凡社 1971

      3 노태돈, "한국고대사" 경세원 2014

      4 김석형, "초기조일관계사연구" 사회과학원 출판사 1966

      5 주보돈, "새로운 大加耶史의 定立을 위하여- 硏究上의 새로운 跳躍을 기대하며 -" 영남문화연구원 (13) : 7-60, 2008

      6 김석형, "삼한 삼국의 일본 렬도 내 分國들에 대하여" 1963 (1963): 1963

      7 이영식, "백제의 대외교섭" 충청남도역사문화연구원 2007

      8 조경철, "백제 칠지도의 제작 연대 재론 - 丙午正陽을 중심으로 -" 백제문화연구소 1 (1): 5-27, 2010

      9 李道學, "백제 고대국가 연구" 一志社 1995

      10 손영종, "백제 7지도의 명문 해석에서 제기되는 몇가지 문제 (1)" 1983 (1983): 1983

      11 李進熙, "마한⋅백제문화연구의 성과와 과제" 원광대 마한백제문화연구회 1987

      12 이영식, "금관가야의 국제교류와 외래계 유물" 주류성 2014

      13 白承忠, "광개토대왕비와 한일관계" 景仁文化社 2005

      14 연민수, "고대한일관계사" 도서출판 혜안 1998

      15 김석형, "고대한일관계사" 한마당 1988

      16 백승충, "고대 창녕지역사의 재조명" 경상남도 창녕군⋅부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2011

      17 유우창, "고구려 남정 이후 가락국과 신라 관계의 변화" 한국고대사학회 (59) : 129-162, 2010

      18 朱甫暾, "가야문화도록" 경상북도 1998

      19 武田幸男, "高句麗史と東アジア -「廣開土王碑」硏究序說-" 岩波書店 1989

      20 주보돈, "高句麗 南進의 性格과 그 影響- 廣開土王 南征의 實相과 그 意義 -" 대구사학회 82 : 1-66, 2006

      21 宮崎市定, "謎の七支刀" 中央公論社 1983

      22 菅政友, "菅政友全集" 1907

      23 金廷鶴, "石上神宮所藏 七支刀의 眞僞에 對하여" 17 : 1987

      24 榧本杜人, "石上神宮の七支刀とその銘文" 3 : 1952

      25 上田正昭, "石上神宮と七支刀" 9 : 1971

      26 홍성화, "石上神宮 七支刀에 대한 一考察" 한일관계사학회 (34) : 3-39, 2009

      27 李基東, "百濟史硏究" 一潮閣 1996

      28 木村誠, "百濟史料로서의 七支刀 銘文" 12 : 2000

      29 李丙燾, "百濟七支刀考" 38 : 1974

      30 金廷鶴, "百濟と倭國" 六興出版 1981

      31 주보돈, "百濟 七支刀의 의미" 한국고대사학회 (62) : 253-294, 2011

      32 李道學, "百濟 七支刀銘文의 再解釋" 60 : 1990

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      34 高寬敏, "永樂10年、高句麗廣開土王の新羅救援戰について" 27 : 1990

      35 山尾幸久, "村上四男博士和歌山大學退官記念朝鮮史論集" 開明書院 1982

      36 榧本杜人, "朝鮮の考古學" 同朋舎出版 1980

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      40 李進熙, "廣開土王陵碑의 探求" 一潮閣 1982

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      44 이형기, "大加耶의 形成과 發展 硏究" 경인문화사 2009

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      56 宮崎市定, "七支刀銘文試釋" 64 : 1982

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      62 이재석, "【기획논문】 백제의 가야 진출과 倭國- 소위 ‘397년 체제’의 성립과 전개를 중심으로 -" 부경역사연구소 (29) : 5-32, 2011

      63 선석열, "『한국사와 한국인』 전근대편" 혜안 2007

      64 유우창, "『일본서기』 신공기의 가야 인식과 ‘임나일본부’" 부경역사연구소 (35) : 5-38, 2014

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      67 유우창, "‘가야-고구려 동맹’의 형성과 추이" 효원사학회 44 : 1-34, 2013

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