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      • Policy Direction for Smart Farming

        한국농식품정보과학회 한국농식품정보과학회 2021 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.12 No.2

        As the number of fields adopting ICT (Information and Communication Technology) increased, it was necessary to diagnose the information service status of corporations and present improvement plans in agriculture. Therefore, we designed and conducted various surveys to understand the information service status of domestic agricultural company corporations.The research included ways to utilize information technology, establishing infrastructure related to information technology, current status of information technology application and impact on performance. Specifically, the main purpose of this study was to subdivide related corporations by industry and sales level and provide differentiated management implications for each sector. This is because the type of information service and information technology support that each corporation needs varies greatly depending on the industry and sales level. We provide customized management and policy proposals based on descriptive statistics and regression techniques.

      • 농장경영체 조직의 정보시스템 활용도 향상에 관한 연구

        서보환,심근섭,고현석 한국농식품정보과학회 2009 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.1 No.2

        얼마나 빠른 환경의 변화에 잘 적응하느냐에 따라서 개인과 조직의 성패는 좌우된다. 이러한 환경의 변화에 잘 적응하기 위해서는 정보의 활용이 필수적이다. 본 연구에서는 농장경영체의 정보 활용도 향상을 위한 구체적인 방안을 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위해 설문과 인터뷰조사, 선행사례 조사 등을 실시하고 농장경영에 필요한 의사결정 단계별 정보를 도출하고 이를 제공하기 위한 데이터베이스와 모델 베이스를 제안하였다. 또한 구축된 정보를 잘 활용하는 정보 접근 방법을 병목정보 해결의 시각에서 정형검색과 비정형검색방법을 제시하였다. 이러한 가치사슬적 접근 방법은, 아직 농업분야에서는 보편적인 내용은 아니지만 여타 첨단정보산업과 서비스업에서는 경영체별로 구체화하여 비교적 유용하게 활용하고 있는 방법이다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 품목별로 의사결정 단계별 데이터베이스와 모델베이스가 구축되어 농장경영체가 잘 활용함으로서 불확실성 요인과 변동요인에 잘 대응하여 농업 생산성 향상에 기여할 수 있도록 국가 차원에서 구체적인 시스템적 접근이 필요하다고 본다.

      • 농업 정보화에 대한 인식 변화 빅데이터 연구: 코로나19 확산의 농어촌 정보화 인식 변화에 대한 영향을 중심으로

        임선영,이종태,Lim, Seon Yeong,Lee, Jongtae 한국농식품정보과학회 2021 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 코로나19의 확산을 기점으로 농어촌 정보화에 대한 긍정적/부정적 인식과 연관 키워드가 어떻게 변화하였는지를 분석하고, 이를 통하여 농어촌 지역에 대해 외부에서 인식하는 IT Savvy 수준을 간접적으로 이해하고자 빅데이터 분석을 수행하였다. 농어촌 정보화와의 관련 키워드로 코로나19 이후 농촌 지역 학생들의 대입이나 교육과 같이 비대면으로 인한 악영향을 최소화하고, 비대면 상황에서 경제적, 사회적인 약점을 완화하기 위한 정책을 우선 추진하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 또한, 농어촌 지역의 정보화와 관련된 키워드의 감성 분석 결과, 농어촌 정보화의 IT Savvy 성과, 즉 농어촌 지역의 디지털 격차 감소, IT활용 역량 개선 등에 대한 외부 인식은 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 정보화 관련 정책이 코로나19 확산에 긍정적으로 대응한 것으로 인식하는 것임을 보여준다. 본 연구는 코로나19와 농어촌 정보화라는 키워드를 중심으로 분석하였다는 희소성을 가지고 있다. 그러나, 농어촌 거주민을 대상으로 하는 직접 조사 자료를 확보하기 어려운 시점이기 때문에 데이터의 수집과 분석에게 한계가 있었으며, 이러한 한계에 따라 불가피하게 빅데이터 툴을 활용한 기초적 연구를 수행할 수 밖에 없다. 향후에는 이러한 한계를 개선하고 다각적인 학제 연구를 수행할 필요가 있다. This study aims to understand the IT savvy degree and the keyword changes on the informatization issues in rural areas during the pandemic status of COVID-19. In the analysis result, we could understand that the informatization policies in rural areas have focused on reducing negative influences on the issues of university entrance exams and higher-level education and economic vulnerabilities. According to the sentiment analysis results on the keywords related to the informatization policies in rural areas, the IT-savvy performance - the improvement of the digital divide and IT utilization capabilities in rural areas - was positively understood. The study is one of the earlier studies considering the relationship between the pandemic of COVID-19 and informatization in rural areas. But still there are limitations of collecting more meaningful data and basic level keywords analysis because of the negative pandemic diffusion of COVID-19.

      • 농어촌 정보화의 포스트 코로나 대응 변화에 대한 사례 연구: 해외 농어촌 정보화 정책의 코로나19 시기 변화 방향을 중심으로

        이종태,Lee, Jongtae 한국농식품정보과학회 2021 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.13 No.1

        During the pandemic status of COVID-19 since 2019 December, demands and attention on various convergence services with non-contact technologies and social adoption are increasing. Along with these increased demands and attention, the digital divide issues should be concerned to understand the informatization degrees of rural area residences, the elderly, the disabled, and the low-income. Furthermore, rural area residences may be the elderly, the disabled, and the low-income also. It may mean that the rural area should be considered as in noticeable status of the digital divide. This study focuses on the policy alternatives to reduce the digital divide in rural areas with a literature review methodology and on the factors on informatization issues in rural areas. For the aims, this study analyzes the EU cases of informatization in rural areas to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the suggested policies. As the analysis result, it is clear that the EU countries try to enhance the economic and growth powers rather to reduce the digital divide gaps. Also, it can be considered that the EU countries focus on supporting the rural area to adopt the non-contact information services newly rather on maintaining the IT education services and the infrastructures in off-line environments. 2019년 12월부터 진행된 코로나19(Covid-19)의 팬데믹 상황이 지속되면서, 많은 산업 분야에서 IT 융합형 비대면 서비스와 무인화 서비스의 수요가 높아지고 있으며, 이에 따라 관련 기술 및 사회적 인프라의 구축에 대한 관심과 활용 분야에 대한 관심이 빠르게 늘어나고 있다. 이러한 사회적 변화와 함께 고려할 것은 디지털 격차(Digital Divide), 즉 도시 지역에서 생활하는 일반국민 계층이 누리는 디지털 서비스의 수준을 100으로 두었을 때, 농어촌 주민, 고령층, 장애인, 저소득층 등의 4대 소외계층이 체감하는 격차를 평가하는 것이다(한국지능정보사회진흥원, 2021). 문제는 이러한 4대 소외계층과 신소외계층의 다수가 농어촌 거주민에 속한다는 점이다. 본 연구는 이러한 농어촌 지역이 겪고 있는 디지털 격차, 이른바 스마트 격차를 해소하기 위한 정책적 대안을 국내외 관련 사례 연구를 통해 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구는 유럽지역의 대표적인 농어촌 지역 정보화 성공 사례를 분석하고, 각 사례의 장점과 단점에 기반하여 농어촌 지역 정보화의 핵심 요인을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 사례 분석 결과, 유럽 지역은 한국보다 많은 비중을 차지하는 농어촌 지역의 정보화를 단순한 IT활용 격차의 감소보다는 경제력과 지역의 자체적인 성장 동력을 확보하는 차원에서 검토, 추진하고 있으며, 코로나19에 대응해서는 기존의 현장 활용 중심의 IT교육과 인프라 육성을 탈피하고 개별적으로 비대면 정보화 서비스를 활용할 수 있도록 변화하는 것을 강조하고 있다.

      • Study on the improvement of online food information services

        Jae Won Nam,Sun Nam Kim,Hwansoo Lee 한국농식품정보과학회 2015 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.7 No.2

        Recently, food delivery apps are seeing rapid growth into a market worth 1 trillion won under a simple but unique business model of connecting nearby restaurants with consumers via smartphone. Though basic similarities with social commerce exists in aspects such as mail-order sales intermediaries, startups, types of services and market competition structure, food delivery apps resemble social commerce in many ways in that they use excessive marketing to secure market dominance, causing a spike in consumer complaints. If the excessive marketing and increase in customer complaints are not rectified, the food delivery app could also see rapid decline as it gradually grows distant from consumers, just like social commerce. Accordingly, this study will identify the factors consumers recognize as important for continuous use vis-a-vis social commerce and food delivery apps to perform an empirical analysis on what areas need improvement. After deriving the four upper factors of product, information system and service along with eight sub-factors by referring to existing literature, the areas with opportunity for improvement were derived through satisfaction level and relative importance evaluation. The results of this study present a strategic direction for maintaining customers of social commerce and food delivery apps.

      • Inter-oraganisational Information Systems (IOIS) and Cybermediaries for Agriculture and Food Supply Chain

        Rajesh Rajaguru,Bobby Swar 한국농식품정보과학회 2013 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.5 No.1

        Competition in supply chain has moved from between being organizations to between supply chain. To enhance competitiveness in supply chain, there is a need for organisations to establish and manage collaborative relationships among supply chain partners and share operational and strategic information timely and accurately. As a result, food supply chain partners have adopted of inter organisational information systems (IOIS) such as EDI, IEDI, RFID, internet, and extranets to facilitate exchange of information, streamline production and to effectively manage inventory processes so as to deliver value to the customer. Together with IOIS, cybermediaries also plays a key role in facilitating agriculture and food supply chain. This paper investigates the role and significance of IOIS and cybermediaries in facilitating agriculture and food supply chain. Convergent interviewing was conducted with agriculture producers, food processors and retailers. The study identifi ed logistics, supply chain and customer services benefi ts perceived from implementing IOIS and utilising cybermediaries services in the food supply chain. To conclude the conceptual paper outlined managerial implications and areas for future research.

      • Database Design for IoT-based Greenhouse Systems

        Chunghan Kang,Seulgi Yu,Junghoon Moon,Junghoon Moon 한국농식품정보과학회 2015 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.7 No.2

        Since 2000s, proper utilization of IoT (Internet of Things) technology is a key factor for a firm to become more competitive, and this stream is not exceptional for the food and agriculture industry. Along with this stream, Korea government organization, for example MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs), elected to adopt IoT technology, such as USN and RFID technologies, in the food and agriculture industry. Based on the IoT technology, MAFARA launched six “IoT based farm” project in 2007. IoT based farm project includes IoT based greenhouse system project, and it shows drastic efficiency in terms of cost reduction. When it comes to the productivity, however, the effect of IoT based greenhouse system is still ambiguous. In this regard, this study conducted systems analysis and design for IoT based tomato greenhouse in order to help farmers’ decision making related to the productivity by establishing standardized database structure and designing output form to analyze productivity indices. Proposed systems analysis and design can be utilized as a data analysis tools by farmers. Productivity data from the proposed systems is can be used by researchers to identify the relationship among environment, plant growth and productivity. Policy makers also can refer to the data and output forms to predict the quantity of fruit during certain period and to revise production guideline more precisely.

      • Challenges and Effective Management of Supply Chain in Wine Industry and Agribusiness

        Tata Joseph Ngoe 한국농식품정보과학회 2012 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.4 No.2

        Studies have shown that the future of the wine market rests on the effective and efficient changes in technology to the supply chain used by most of the major global players. In today’s wine industry, companies are faced with the ever-shifting demand for their products, strict regulation and increasing price competition. Even at that, mature companies in the wine industry are succeeding by scaling up production, streamlining their supply chains, expanding into new geographic areas, implementing more efficient processes, cleverly marketing products, and focusing on ever closer relationships with suppliers, partners and customers. However, this paper looks at supply chain challenges in the wine industry from a global perspective presented in the inbound, manufacturing and outbound processes as well as offer effective solutions in order for companies to gain a competitive advantage and succeed on a global level.

      • Cameroon : The Effect of Developmental AID on Poverty Reduction and Agro-Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

        Edwin Ngome Ntongwe 한국농식품정보과학회 2012 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.4 No.1

        Cameroon, with her numerous resources, still epends on foreign aid while the rate of poverty remains high. Thus, even though historical evidence gives impetus to the impasse over role of developmental aid, from the top down approach through to development as a springboard raising states from the doldrums of poverty, it is still very difficult to draw a substantial relationship between developmental aid and poverty reduction. Against this backdrop of controversy, I find it apt to put Cameroon on a balance scale. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to critically assess the implications of developmental aid on poverty reduction and agro-rural development in Cameroon, using the RUMPI Area Development Project in the South West region of Cameroon as a case study. The study will situate and contextualize the top-down and bottom-up approaches to development within the basis of a Cameroonian perspective, using the Sachs-Easterly debate. The RUMPI Project was introduced with the objective of improving agriculture and empowering the rural woman; thereby fighting poverty within the South West region of Cameroon. Despite its criticism of the barriers to development created by corruption, political pressure and limited use of local and grass-root partnerships, the study, in assessing these failures also tries to outline vital ways in which the project can be improved upon.

      • How to Use Financial Derivatives Wisely : A case study of KIKO

        Jungsoon Shin,Yejin Lim 한국농식품정보과학회 2012 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.4 No.1

        This case study investigates the KIKO currency option that has been a social issue in recent years among developing countries, especially Korea, where the financial derivatives market is in a state of rapid growth. The forward transaction which becomes a basis of derivatives is intended to hedge risks that may be caused by a future change in asset prices. Although it originates from a simple form of agricultural transactions, there currently exists a variety of derivatives in more sophisticated forms. In the Korean agricultural industry, the need to use such derivatives is great, as there is a huge risk of price fluctuation in agricultural products due to frequent adverse weather. In addition, many developing countries with export-led industrial structures similar to Korea’s, of necessity must resort to currency hedging as a method of reducing relevant risk. However, in most cases, the lack of understanding about financial derivatives results in an inappropriate application of these derivatives. The KIKO in this study represents such cases. Since 2007, KIKO has been sold in Korea to many small- and medium-sized export companies for the purpose of currency hedging when the exchange rate between the Korean won and the U.S. dollar was in a downward spiral. The main focus of this study is a case which is most representative of KIKO. As inflation rapidly increased during the financial crisis in the U.S. at the end of 2007, derivatives became a hot issue in the courts rather than in the financial markets. This case study investigates what KIKO and the fierce legal debates over it imply, from the perspective of the option of value evaluation in order to suggest not only a direction in which companies can utilize financial derivatives, but also a roadmap for the future derivatives market.

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