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      • 중국 대중 음악 노래에 대한 사회학적 거시적 연구

        ( Wang Wei ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2022 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        중국 팝 음악은 1927년에 탄생했습니다. 저자는 사회학적 관점에서 분석한 결과, 대중 음악 노래에 대한 사회의 개입이 감소하고 있으며, 노래에서 발생하는 사회적 영향은 점점 더 중요해지고 상업화되고 있으며, 사회 음악 생산의 비양성적 운영이 정상화되어 매튜 효과가 점점 더 두드러지게 되고 있다고 믿습니다. Chinese pop music singing was born in 1927. After analysis, the author believes from a sociological perspective that society's intervention in popular music singing is decreasing; The social effects generated by singing are becoming increasingly significant and commercialized; The non benign operation of social music production is normalized, and the Matthew effect is becoming more and more prominent.

      • 服裝表演敎學中造型與音樂藝術融合硏究

        王立 ( Wang Li ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2019 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        服裝表演是一種舞台藝術表現形態, 造型藝術是服裝表演藝術形態的外在重要組成元素之一, 服裝表演中的音樂則是服裝表演藝術形態的內在重要組成元素之一。本文主要針對造型藝術與音樂藝術在服裝表演敎學中的融合進行硏究, 將造型藝術從服裝模特造型與服裝造型兩個方面出發, 分析造型藝術在服裝表演中的運用, 同時從音樂風格出發, 分析不同風格音樂在服裝表演中的選擇與運用。通過實際調査硏究的方法、文獻調査法和行爲硏究法進行模塊化硏究, 通過科學的硏究方法探索出更加有效的敎學方法和途徑, 促進服裝表演整體視聽效果, 對于服裝表演專業敎學有特殊的意義。 Fashion performance is a form of stage art. Plastic art is one of the external and important elements of fashion performance art form. Music in fashion performance is one of the internal and important elements of fashion performance art form. This paper mainly focuses on the integration of plastic arts and Music Arts in the teaching of fashion show. From the two aspects of fashion model modeling and fashion modeling, this paper analyses the application of plastic arts in fashion show. At the same time, from the music style, it analyses the selection and application of different styles of music in fashion show. Through the methods of practical investigation, literature investigation and behavioral research, modular research is carried out. Through scientific research methods, more effective teaching methods and ways are explored to promote the overall audio-visual effect of fashion show, which is of special significance to the teaching of fashion show specialty.

      • 중국 고대 조각의 예술적 특성이 현대 조각 창작에 미치는 중요성

        ( Tan Xu ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2021 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        예술사에서 중국 고전 전통조각은 차지한 위치가 흔들릴 수 없다. 중화민족의 문화적 성취, 아름다운 미의식, 독특한 사고방식과 철학적 사고이며 언어보다 길고 완전한 역사를 지닌 예술체계이다. 그것은 중국 역사의 발전을 목격했으며 광범위한 민족 콤플렉스, 철학 사상 및 미의식이 응집되어 있다. 또한 다양한 민족적, 종교적, 경제적 상황과 많은 복잡한 배경 정보(한 시대의 장면, 지역적 특징, 장르의 계승, 공예품 등)를 반영하고 있어 우리 선조들이 남긴 귀중한 예술적 유산이 될 수 있다. 오늘날 사회의 급속한 발전과 함께 중국 전통조각이 남긴 소중한 창작 경험은 마치 진주가 먼지로 뒤덮인 것처럼 점점 더 혼란스러운 정보와 함께 우리 속으로 흘러들어오고 있다. 이를 위해서는 현대 조각가들이 작품을 창작하는 데 있어 고유한 특성을 가질 뿐만 아니라 중국 전통조각의 본질에서 그 본질을 계승하고 이어 나가야 하며, 점차 미의식과 경험에서 더 높은 수준으로 나아가 현대 예술 조각을 더욱 빛나고 찬란하게 할 것을 요구한다. In the art history of the Chinese nation, the status of the traditional sculpture in ancient China is unshakable. It is an art system with a long history and complete history than language, which integrates the cultural accomplishment, beautiful aesthetic consciousness, distinctive way of thinking and philosophical thinking of the Chinese nation. It has witnessed the development of Chinese history, and in it has concentrated a wide range of national complex, philosophical thoughts and aesthetic consciousness. They also reflect various ethnic, religious and economic conditions, as well as many complex background information (including scenes of an era, regional characteristics, genre inheritance, craft materials, etc.), which can be said to be a valuable artistic legacy of our predecessors. Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, the precious creative experience left by traditional Chinese sculpture has been flooded into us with increasingly chaotic information, just like a pearl is covered with dust. This not only requires contemporary sculptors to have their own characteristics in creating their own works, but also to inherit and continue its essence from the essence of Chinese traditional sculpture, and then gradually from aesthetics and experience to a higher level, which will make the art of modern sculpture more brilliant and brilliant.

      • 창조적 맥락에서의 도시 건설

        ( Wang Guomeng ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2021 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        21세기 이후 세계의 중심 도시와 베이 에리어에서는 도시 건설에 있어 콘텐츠와 콘텐츠 산업이나 기업이 점점 더 중요해지고 있으며, 콘텐츠 산업은 핵심 기둥 산업으로 발전하기까지 하였다. 창의력에 바탕을 둔 창의적 집합체라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 콘텐츠 산업은 세계 도시의 또 다른 주요 산업 부문이 되었으며, 세계경제에서 가장 역동적인 산업 방향이다. 오늘날 세계경제는 서비스경제와 창조경제가 지배하는 후공업화 시대로 진입하며 도시의 발전 동향과 그에 맞는 세계도시건설의 사상체계에 새로운 변화가 일어나고 있다. 영국, 일본, 한국은 문화 국가 건설 전략을 제시하여 런던, 멜버른, 뉴욕, 상하이, 선전은 창조적 도시 건설 어젠다를 잇달아 내놓으면서 관련된 연구도 많아졌다. Since the 21st century, in the world's central cities and the Bay Area, creativity and creativity-driven industries and businesses have become increasingly important to city building, and creative industries have even developed into their core pillar industries. They are creative agglomerations built on creativity - it is not an overstatement to say so. Creative industries have become another major industrial sector in the world's cities, the most dynamic industrial direction in the world economy. Nowadays, the world economy has entered the post-industrial era, dominated by the service economy and creative economy, and there are new changes in urban development dynamics and the ideology system of world city construction that fits it. The United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea have put forward the strategy of cultural nation-building, and London, Melbourne, New York, Shanghai, and Shenzhen have successively put forward the agenda of creative city construction, and more and more corresponding researches have been conducted.

      • 中国民族民间舞中的钢琴伴奏音乐

        諶萱 ( Chen Xuan ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2019 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        目前, 我国在民族民间舞的学习中, 钢琴伴奏是必不可少的, 它能很好的培养学生在内心深处逐渐形成对音乐、旋律和对民族民间舞美的认识和感知, 因此, 民族民间舞蹈钢琴伴奏音乐的正确性尤为重要, 这种风格的准确性需要建立在对各个民族民间音乐有深入的了解和研究, 与此同时还要深切的理解舞蹈作品的内涵与风格特征, 钢琴演奏者还须具备较好的演奏能力与即兴伴奏能力。本文分析了现在民族民间舞钢琴伴奏教学中存在的问题, 剖析其原因并提出解决方案, 旨在为推动中国民族民间舞钢琴伴奏教学的进一步发展。 At present, piano accompaniment is essential in the study of national folk dance in our country. It can train students to gradually form their understanding and perception music, melody and the beauty of national folk dance in the depths of their hearts. Therefore,the correctness of the piano accompaniment music style of national folk dance is particularlyimportant. The accuracy of this style needs to be based on a deep understanding and research of folk music of various ethnic groups. At the same time, it is necessary to deeply understand the connotation and style characteristics of dance works, and pianists should also have better playing ability and impromptu accompaniment ability. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of piano accompaniment of national folk dance at present, and analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of piano accompaniment of national folk dance. The reason and the solution are put forward in order to promote the further development of piano accompaniment teaching of Chinese folk dance.

      • Exploration on the Practice of Dynamic Curriculum of Music Education in Teachers Colleges

        ( Liu Yingman ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2020 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The music education major in higher normal universities is the place to train future music teachers. The boring nature of music skills courses and theoretical courses reduces the enthusiasm of university students. It is of far-reaching significance to apply the theory of dynamic music to the teaching practice of the innovative music curriculum model of the combination of theory and practice, and to cultivate music education talents suitable for the development of the times.

      • 모바일 네트워크를 배경으로 전자 상거래 정밀 마케팅 연구

        ( Xing Heling ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2021 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        인터넷 기술의 홍보와 대중화는 전자상거래 산업으로 하여금 짧은 시간 내에 활기차게 발전하게 한다. 소비자의 점점 더 풍부한 소비 수요는 전자상거래 산업의 마케팅 업무에 대한 더 높은 기준과 요구를 제시했으며 정밀 마케팅은 현 단계에서 전자상거래 업무의 고품질 발전을 위한 필연적인 요구가 되고 있다. 본고에서는 모바일 인터넷 전자상거래를 배경으로 정밀 마케팅의 내포와 전자상거래의 정밀 마케팅의 장점 및 정밀 마케팅의 전략을 분석하여 정밀 마케팅의 고품질의 발전을 촉진하고 전자상거래 기업의 전략적 발전 목표를 달성하고자 한다. The promotion and popularization of network technology has allowed the e-commerce industry to develop vigorously in a short period of time. The increasingly rich consumer demand of consumers has put forward higher standards and demands for the marketing work of the e-commerce industry, and precision marketing has become an inevitable requirement for the high-quality development of e-commerce work at the present stage. Taking mobile network e-commerce as the background, this article analyzes the connotation of precision marketing and the advantages of e-commerce precision marketing, as well as the strategies of e-commerce precision marketing, in order to promote the high-quality development of e-commerce enterprises, and achieve the strategic development goals of e-commerce companies.

      • Analysis of the Impact of CSR Information Disclosure on Corporate Investment in the New Era

        ( Zhou Wenjuan ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2021 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Due to the fact that some companies are overly pursuing profit maximization and thus neglecting the issue of undertaking and fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the situation of investment risks due to information asymmetry has arisen. Whether corporate social responsibility information disclosure can solve the information asymmetry in the market economy, help enterprises to reduce the cost of external capital, and improve the efficiency of corporate investment is now the hot topic of concern for many economists. Regardless of the type of enterprise, the choice of investment projects depends on the investment opportunities faced. However, there will be financial market friction resulting in the actual investment volume of the enterprise deviates from the optimal investment scale, which will have a certain impact on the company's social image. Therefore, this article analyzes the impact of corporate social responsibility information disclosure on corporate investment, hoping to enrich the existing research results on corporate investment efficiency in the field of corporate social responsibility, standardize corporate responsibility information disclosure systems, and improve investment efficiency.

      • 중한 유행음악 교육체계 비교연구

        ( Wang Wei ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2020 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        On the basis of searching and reading relevant literature, conducting field investigation, this topic makes a comparative study of the popular music education system between China and Korea. Specifically, it is mainly carried out from the following aspects: the history of popular music education in China and Korea, the settings of popular music majors in China and Korea, the academic degree settings of popular music majors in China and Korea, the orientation(training objectives) of popular music majors in China and Korea, the curriculums settings of popular music majors in China and Korea, the teaching systems (teaching methods) of popular music majors in China and Korea, the teaching equipment of popular music majors in Korea and China, the teaching evaluation mechanism of popular music majors in China and Korea, the art practice(students) of popular music majors in China and Korea, the teachers of popular music majors in China and Korea, the scientific research(teachers) of popular music majors in China and Korea, the enrollment(students) of popular music majors in China and Korea, the employment(students) of popular music majors in China and Korea, the other aspects of popular music education system in China and Korea.

      • 신도식과 관념의 존재 가치 - 당대 표현예술의 사명 탐구 -

        ( Wu Lei ),( Di Dongzhan ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2020 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Explore the mission of contemporary expressive Art -- What is conveyed to people and passed on to The Times? It is the embodiment of the existential value of the new schemata and concepts in contemporary expressive art. With new eyes to see the contemporary performance art, swift capture, listening, feeling the demands of our era, and suggests that to explore the time background of works creation, have the courage to explore something useful from the text, the understanding of contemporary art of the new concept of schemata and harmony within, hard practice may harvest is unpredictable. Because the history of art is not the history of technical schemata proficiency, but can be understood as the history of changes of artistic concepts and artistic expression schemata to meet the needs of The Times. We are a nation with a long history. How to implement the civilization art of thousands of years in the current world and to establish the memory of the future is the mission that The Times endow contemporary artists with inheritance and creation.

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