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      • 설화에 나타난 치병 서사와 질병을 바라보는 시선

        류명옥 ( Ryu Myeong-ok ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.29 No.0

        인간의 힘으로 치유할 수 없는 질병에는 여러 가지가 있다. 혐오의 대상이 되는 문둥병과 신체적 질병 외에 마음의 병인 상사병에 이르기까지 많은 질병을 경험하게 된다. 설화에서 전염성이 강한 질병이라는 점에서 문둥병에 대한 이야기가 널리 전승되고 있다. 문둥병 설화는 남성이 문둥병에 걸려서 아내인 여성이 병을 치유하는 설화가 있으며, 문둥이 처녀가 하룻밤 동침한 남성을 기다리면서 만든 술을 먹고 치유하는 설화가 있다. 마음의 질병은 상사병의 경우는 대부분 여성들이 병에 걸리는 것으로 나타난다. 구비설화에서는 문둥병 외에도 질병을 치유하는 이야기가 있지만 문둥병은 다른 질병과 달리 가족 내부에서 따뜻한 보살핌과 관심을 받지 못하고 집 밖에서 격리되어 생활함으로써 혐오와 차별의 시선으로 인식되었다. 이러한 인식으로 문둥병 설화에서 환자를 치유하는 방법은 전문적인 의학지식이 아니라 관심과 정성으로 우연히 병이 낫게 되는 것으로 이루어진다. 따라서 문둥병 설화의 치유 방법을 보면 혐오와 차별의 시선이 환자에게 질병보다 더 가혹하다는 것을 보여주고 있으며, 환자를 대하는 자세가 어떠해야 하는지를 알 수 있다. 또한 상사병의 경우 혼자서 속앓이를 하면서 스스로 치유해야 한다는 점에서 문둥병에서 격리되어 소외된 모습과 비슷하게 나타난다. 특히 혐오의 대상인 문둥병과 상사병의 경우 여성이 치병에 중요한 역할을 하고 있다는 특징을 지닌다. 그리고 뚜렷한 치병의 방법이 없는 질병의 경우 의약이나 전문적인 지식으로 병이 낫는 것이 아니라 인간에 대한 따뜻한 감정 공유와 위로를 통해서 치유된다는 점에서 질병이라는 것의 근원적인 의미를 이해할 수 있다. 질병의 치유는 따뜻한 보살핌과 관심이 중요하다는 것을 보여주면서도 여성의 중요한 역할을 통해 다른 가족관계에서 보여주는 혐오와 차별의 시선의 경계를 뛰어넘는 모습은 인간과 인간 사이에 존재하는 관계를 통해서 이루어지고 있으며, 남녀노소를 넘어서서 인간애에 대한 넓은 의미에서 이해될 수 있다는 것을 보여주고 있다. Mundung disease is a disease that cannot be cured by human power and has been avoided. In that it is a highly contagious disease, stories about mundung disease are also handed down in oral tales. There is a story about Moon Doong-i disease in which a man has a Moon Doong-i disease and a woman, his wife, heals the disease, and a story about drinking alcohol and healing made by Moon Doong-i’s maiden while waiting for a man who slept overnight. In addition to mundung disease, there is a story of healing diseases and diseases in the oral story. However, unlike other diseases, Mundung disease was recognized as a view of hatred and discrimination by living in isolation outside the house without receiving warm care and attention inside the family. With this perception, the way to heal a patient in the story of Mundung disease is not professional medical knowledge, but accidentally cured with interest and sincerity. Therefore, if you look at the healing method of the story of Mundung disease, it shows that the gaze of hatred and discrimination is harsher than the disease to the patient, and you can see what the attitude toward the patient should be. In particular, women play an important role as a disease healer in the story of Mundung disease, and it is characterized by the fact that Mundung disease healing is centered on marital relationships. By solving incurable diseases that humans cannot cure through couples, marital relationships have an important meaning in that they show what kind of relationship should be made beyond blood ties. In addition to blood ties or impulsive feelings of love, the process of re-establishing a new relationship between couples through obligations and responsibilities is shown through a disease called Mundung disease. While showing the importance of warm care and attention for the healing of the disease called mundung disease, the crossing of the boundaries of hate and discrimination in other family relations shows that women occupy a great deal of meaning in family diseases.

      • 간송 조임도의 문학에 나타난 심학과 그 특징

        김소연 ( Kim So-yeon ) 백록어문교육학회 2023 백록어문교육 Vol.32 No.0

        본고는 간송 조임도(1585∼1664)의 문학 작품에 형상화된 심학(心學) 및 ‘마음[心]’의 문제를 분석하고, 그것이 가지는 의미를 도출하고자 한다. 조임도를 포함하여, 『심경』과 심학은 조선 시대 선비들의 문학과 일상생활에 매우 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 그럼에도 불구하고 심학 및 『심경』을 중심으로 조선 시대 선비들의 문학을 본격적으로 분석한 연구 성과는 거의 없다. 조임도는 여헌 장현광(1554∼1637)의 제자였고, 장현광의 영향을 받아 심학공부에 힘썼다. 그리고 심신 수양과 덕성의 실천에 관심이 많았으며, 심학에서 이야기하는 ‘마음’을 중요하게 생각했다. 이를 바탕으로 그는 『심경』에서 가르치는 심신 수양과 심학의 문제를 문학 작품으로 형상화하고 있었다. 『심경』에서 추구하는 성현의 마음을 맑고 깨끗한 자연풍경으로 형상화한 것이 그 예다. 또 그는 자신의 마음을 단속하여 ‘경(敬)’의 가르침을 실천하고, 인간으로서의 본연지성을 보존하여 성현의 경지에 이르고자 했다. 그가 이처럼 『심경』과 심학의 가르침을 문학 작품으로 지은 것은 그의 출처관과 처세관과 연결되면서, 심학의 가르침을 현실 사회로 적용할 수 있는 가능성을 보여 준다. This study analyzes the issue of Simhak(心學, learning o f the mind) and mind[心] on Kansong Cho Imdo’s literature. 『Simgyong』 and Simhak had a strong influence on classical scholars’s ordinary and literature during Joseon. But there has been very little research about this. Cho Imdo was a student of Yeoheon Chang Hyunkwang(1554∼1637), and studied hard Simhak. He was interested in the cultivation of soul and body, the practice of moral virtue, and mind discussed on Simhak. Besides, he raced to cultivate his nature and feel the stage of saint by reading 『Simgyong』. He produced a literary work about the cultivation of soul and body and the problem of simhak, based on 『Simgyong』 ‘s contents. For example, the mind of saint sought in 『Simgyong』 was compared to pure and clean natural scenery, and the cultivation theory of soul and body was appered be the literary. The trend of 『Simgyong』’s contents and Simhak that appears in his poetry and literature is closely connected to his life, for example, taking and leaving government posts, the conduct of Life, and tha practice on actual society.

      • 상주동학가사를 통해 본 동학의 인간평등사상과 문학 교육적 활용 가능성

        최형우 ( Choi Hyung-woo ) 백록어문교육학회 2023 백록어문교육 Vol.32 No.0

        이 논문은 상주 동학교의 교리와 상주 동학교에서 간행된 가사 사설에 반영된 인간평등사상을 확인하고, 이것의 교육적 활용 가능성에 대해 살펴보았다. 상주동학교는 동학의 분파 중 하나로 김주희(1860-1944)에 의해 정비되어 경상북도 은척면을 중심으로 세를 형성하였다. 특히 이 분파는 최제우의 교리를 종교적 차원에서 심화시키고, 비폭력적 사회 활동을 전개하는데 집중하였다. 그렇기 때문에 다양한 가사 작품이 창작, 유통될 수 있었으며, 이러한 가사 작품에 동학의 교리와 근대적 사상들이 다양하게 담길 수 있었다. 상주 동학교의 교리는 체천, 선천회복과 같은 키워드로 설명된다. 이를 유학과 관련지어 설명하며, 전근대적 사회관을 가진 것으로 해석하기도 하지만, 실제 체천은 ‘하늘’ 외에 모든 존재가 평등하며, 이러한 ‘하늘’ 역시 사람에게 내재되어 있다고 보고 있다. 아울러 선천회복 역시 모든 인간이 수행하여 성인이 되는, 소위수평적인 차원에서의 논리를 중심에 세우고, 당대의 통념을 반영한 형태라고 할 수 있다. 상주동학가사는 이러한 근대적 가치를 문학적으로 표출하여, ‘인간평등’의 가치를 곳곳에서 형상화하고 있다. 따라서 상주동학가사는 문학사, 또 문화사에서 상당히 중요한 의미를 가지는 작품군이라고 할 수 있으며, 교육적 활용 역시 가능할 것이다. 특히 이 작품군이 한반도 사회사에서 근대적 가치를 강하게 내재하고 있으며, 당대 동학이 구성원들에게 상당히 큰 영향력을 행사하였다는 점을 통하여 ‘문학적 소통’, 또 소통에 기반한 문학 문화 계승을 위한 문학 교육의 키워드로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. This study examines the human equality philosophy reflected in the teachings of Sangju Donghakgyo and the lyrics and editorials published by Sangju Donghakgyo, and explores the educational potential of Sangju Donghak-Gasa(歌辭). Sangju Donghakgyo is one of the branches of Donghak, established by Kim Ju-hee (1860-1944) and centered around Euncheok-myeon, Gyeongsangbuk-do. This branch focused on deepening the teachings of Choi Je-u from a religious perspective and developing nonviolent social activities. As a result, various lyrics could be created and distributed, and Donghak’s teachings and modern ideas could be included in these lyrics. The teachings of Sangju Donghakgyo are explained with keywords such as “Checheon(體天)” and “Seoncheon recovery(先天回復)”. It is interpreted in relation to Confucianism and has a pre-modern social view, but in reality, Checheon(體天) believes that all beings except “Heaven” are equal, and that “Heaven” is also inherent in humans. In addition, Seoncheon recovery(先天回復) is based on the logic of becoming an adult that all humans perform, in a so-called horizontal dimension, and can be considered a form that reflects the contemporary norms. Sangju Donghak-Gasa(歌辭)’s lyrics express these modern values in a literary way and embody the value of “human equality” in many places. Therefore, Sangju Donghak-Gasa(歌辭)’s lyrics can be considered a group of works that are quite important in literary history and cultural history, and can also be used for educational purposes. Especially, this group of works has a strong inherent value of modernity in Korean society, and through the fact that contemporary Donghak exerted a considerable influence on its members, it can be used as a keyword for literary education for “literary communication” and literary cultural succession based on communication.

      • 일본에서의 한국어 교재 개발과 방향

        김수정 ( Kim Soo-jung ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.30 No.0

        This study aims to examine the current status and future of Korean language textbooks in post-pandemic Japan. To this end, we introduce the textbooks used by the Japanese public broadcaster NHK in their television and radio broadcasted Korean lectures, overview Korean language textbooks for Japanese universities, and discuss whither developers of new textbooks should aspire. We argue that textbooks for Korean language learners in Japan should primarily target intermediate to advanced learners. They should preferably match the vocabulary and grammar level set by the International Standard Curriculum of Korean Language, while maintaining enough variety to address the needs of each learner. Furthermore, these textbooks should assume a high degree of self-directed learning. Current digital textbooks employed by broadcasted Korean lectures provide sufficient enjoyment and diversion to learners. Therefore, higher-level textbooks should aim to enable learners to expand their vocabulary and expressiveness by providing a sufficiently diverse set of language tasks. In particular, we contend that there should be no shortage of sociocultural material to pique readers’ intellectual curiosity, learners be granted the opportunity to increase their reading and writing abilities while gaining the skills necessary to speak and listen in various conversational contexts including presentations, interviews, and debates.

      • 국어교과서 현대시 제재 선정의 문제와 신동엽 시의 활용 방안

        박소용 ( Pak So-yong ) 백록어문교육학회 2023 백록어문교육 Vol.32 No.0

        2022 개정 교육과정이 발표되자 2025년 출간될 중학교, 고등학교 국어교과서에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이 연구는 국어교과서의 문학 제재 중 1960년대 참여시의 대표 시인인 신동엽의 작품 수록이 과거와 달리 현격히 감소했다는 사실에 주목하여, 2022 개정 교과서에 신동엽 시인의 작품이 제재로서 어떤 의의가 있는지, 어떤 방향에서 수록해야 할 것인지 고찰하였다. 첫째, 2015 개정 국어교과서와 문학교과서에서는 작가명이 문학사 해설에 언급된 것 외에 텍스트 전체를 수록한 교과서가 현저히 감소하였다. 주체적 문학 향유 능력 강화라는 교육목표에서 크게 벗어난 문제점을 파악할 수 있었다. 둘째, 그럼에도 일부 문학교과서와 국어교과서의 텍스트 선정과 연계 학습활동을 통해 신동엽 시의 다양한 제재 확보와 문학의 다양한 해석과 감상을 교수학습할 수 있는 가능성을 찾을 수 있었다. 셋째, 과거 교과서 분석을 통하여 2022 개정 교육과정의 역량과 성취기준 등을 도달할 수 있는 작품으로 「종로 5가」, 장편서사시 「금강」을 제시하였다. 현재 2022 개정교육과정에서 강조하는 미디어 매체 등 다양한 경험을 ‘읽기’를 통해 획득하는 것에 시 연관 미디어 작품을 활용하는 방안도 제안하였다. 이 연구는 현재 신동엽 시제재 선정의 현황을 통해 제재 선정의 획일화의 문제를 논하였다. 문학사적 정전으로서 신동엽 시를 이해하는 것이 아니라 다양한 작품을 감상하여 학생들의 시야를 넓힐 수 있도록 현대시 교육이 이루어져야 한다. 따라서 시를 총체적으로 향유하는 방향으로 교과서의 제재 선정이 이루어지기를 바란다. As the 2022 revised curriculum was announced, interest in middle school and high school Korean language textbooks to be published in 2025 is increasing. This study focused on the fact that among the literary subjects of the Korean textbook, the inclusion of works by Shin Dong-yup, a representative poet of participatory poetry in the 1960s, has decreased significantly compared to the past, and examined the significance of poet Shin Dong-yup’s works as subjects in the 2022 revised textbook. We considered in what direction it should be included. First, in the Korean language and literature textbooks, the number of textbooks containing the entire text other than the author’s name mentioned in the commentary on literary history has significantly decreased. We were able to identify problems that largely deviated from the educational goal of strengthening the ability to independently enjoy literature. Second, nevertheless, through text selection and linked learning activities in some literature textbooks and Korean language textbooks, we were able to find the possibility of securing various sanctions for Shin Dong-yeop’s poetry and teaching and learning various interpretations and appreciation of literature. Third, through analysis of the 2015 revised textbook, “Jongno 5-ga” and the full-length epic “Geumgang” were presented as works that can reach the competencies and achievement standards of the 2022 revised curriculum. A plan was also proposed to use poetry-related media works to acquire various experiences through ‘reading’, including media, which is currently emphasized in the 2022 revised curriculum. This study attempted to discuss the issue of uniformity in the selection of sanctions through the current status of the selection of sanctions in Shin Dong-yeop’s poetry. Modern poetry education should be conducted so that students can broaden their horizons by appreciating various works, rather than just understanding Shin Dong-yup’s poetry as a canon of literary history. Therefore, I hope that the selection of textbook materials will be made in a way that allows poetry to be enjoyed holistically.

      • 집단 언어 학습법을 활용한 한국어 교수 방안 설계 - 중도입국청소년을 대상으로 -

        류관표 ( Ryu Gwan-pyo ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.30 No.0

        This study went through the stages of analysis, design, and development using the ‘ADDIE’ model to apply the ‘Community Language Learning’ to Korean language education for migrant youth. As a result, the existing teaching model was revised and presented, and the use of ‘CLOVA Note’ provided by ‘NAVER’ in the recording and transcription stages among the types of teaching and learning activities was proposed. Korean language professors using ‘Community Language Learning’s contribute to the psychological stability of migrant youth and the formation of bonds among members, and furthermore, it will help in terms of the accuracy of language skills of migrant youth.

      • 중등 국어교사의 문학교육 연구자 ‘되기’에 관한 필요성과 방향 탐색

        변숙자 ( Byeon Sook-ja ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.30 No.0

        This study is to explore the professionalism and identity of Korean language teachers as literary education researchers. This study raises the issue of the lack of interest in the content aspect of what is being taught in literature education as the aspect of separating literary education from literary life and the methodological aspect are emphasized in the context of the context of the secondary literary education field. In this study, the following is proposed as a practical methodology for secondary Korean language teachers to become field literature education researchers. First, Korean language teacher should become an analyst who analyzes the sanctions contained in the textbook, puts them into the actual literary education field, and extracts the educational effects and meanings to determine the appropriateness of the sanctions. Second, Korean language teacher should be a critic of the process of designing and implementing literature lessons.

      • 복수 표준 발음 처리의 기준에 관한 연구

        장정민 ( Jang Jung-min ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.30 No.0

        The purpose of this study is to examine the criteria by reviewing words to which multiple standard pronunciation has been added. Since 2016, there have been 20 words in which multiple standard pronunciation has been added, and multiple standard pronunciation has been recognized only in Phonetic Phenomenon related to tensification and /n/-insertion. As a result of reviewing these words, there are three criteria for multiple standard pronunciation processing. First, it does not violate the language norms. Second, it does not change the notation. Third, the realization rate of actual pronunciation is more than twice the realization rate of standard pronunciation Subsequently, the actual pronunciation surveyed by the National Institute of the Korean Language was divided by type to examine whether there were additional words that could be recognized according to the criteria for multiple standard pronunciation processing.. Through this, it was confirmed that Lateralization and nasalization occurring in the ‘n-l’ sequences should also be treated with multiple standard pronunciation. In addition, since the current multiple standard pronunciation processing standards are too conservative, it is suggested that more flexible and active multiple standard pronunciation processing is needed to get close to language norms and reality.

      • 이유, 원인을 나타내는 표현 연구 - ‘-었-+-어서’ 표현을 중심으로 -

        정수현 ( Jeong Su-hyeon ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.30 No.0

        This study is related to the end of the tense fresh fish used in expressions indicating reasons and causes.’-eoseo’ is a concatenated ending used to reasons and causes. However, ‘-eoseo’ was not traditionally used to match ‘-eott-’. Such use was thought to be ungrammatical. However, expressions such as ‘-eotteoseo’ are gradually being used. Therefore, this study intends to study expressions indicating reasons and causes, such as the expression ‘-eotteoseo’. In this study, all of the expressions that are the subjects of the study were reviewed through the portal site blog. It is aimed at describing the current language reality. In the expression indicating the reason and cause, the expression was established even if there was no ‘-eott-’ in the preceding clause. However, it can now be assumed that ‘-eott-’ is used in the preceding clause as a means to disconnectively represent the work of the preceding and trailing clauses. It can be seen as being used to reveal its clarity now.

      • 과제 활동을 중심으로 한 이민자 대상의 한국어 발음 지도 교재 구성 방안

        윤선숙 ( Yoon Sun-sook ),송현정 ( Song Hyun-jung ) 백록어문교육학회 2022 백록어문교육 Vol.30 No.0

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a method of composing Korean textbooks for the improvement of accurate and effective pronunciation education for immigrant learners. To this end, this paper examines the reality of pronunciation instruction in Korean education, and analyzes and extracts the elements of pronunciation learning content centering on the standard Korean language curriculum and textbook. looked at In addition, for the effective composition of instructional materials, a practical textbook structure focused on the task activity was suggested as an example. In the direction of the composition of the Korean pronunciation textbook for immigrants, the independence of the pronunciation domain, the linkage of the instruction, and the continuity of pronunciation education were emphasized. The content structure of the textbook is presented as a specific example of the elements. It is expected that the results of this study will be used as reference materials for Korean pronunciation guidance for immigrants, and will help expand pronunciation areas and systematically organize units when developing Korean textbooks.

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