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      • 꽃동네 영성 안의 사회복지권 인식에 관한 연구

        박종명 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 251727

        This study is to know the awareness and the difference of awareness of the rights between social workers and people living in the facilities (we call it "family members" below). The study is based on the idea of the rights are essential element for better life of the people living in the social welfare facilities (we call it "facilities" below). The research limits 100 members from about 2000 living in Eumseong kkotdongnae facilities, and 100 social workers from about 1.000 in the same facilities. In total 200 people, who can express their opinions by the portion of total facilities, were sampled. The method of the research is to review the documents related to the social welfare rights and kkottongnae spirituality shown in theoretical background II and a receding study about the awareness of social welfare rights. The survey is about the awareness of social welfare rights, Catholicism, and kkottongnae spirituality. The method of analysis is quantitative research by using Frequency, Correlation, t-test calculated by software package SPSS version 10.0. There may be limitation in generalization of sampling because the research only samples the family members who can express their opinions in four Eumseong kkotdongnae facilities and social workers in the facilities. First, It is about Kkottongnae spirituality. The rate of human dignity is 93% of above average. The rate of serving the family members is 93.9% of above average. The rate of awareness of happy life is 97.4% of above average. These show the relationship between catholic teachings and kkottongnae spirituality. The rate of kkotongnae spirituality is 80% of above average. That tells the spirituality gets familiar. The rate of the practice of kkottongnae spirituality is 81% of above average and has similarity of the awareness of the spirituality. The awareness of the family members shows positive because of 98% of above average. Second, It's about the awareness of social welfare rights. The awareness of the rights shows 79.2% in positive and is relatively higher. The difference of the awareness of the family members and workers shows the family members have the lower response rate than workers in the issue of an objection and a lawsuit when the family members do not receive welfare. It appears that they need more education for social welfare rights. Third, It is about the relationship between kkottongnae spirituality and social welfare rights. The charity of Catholic social welfare organizations compensates the rights under the relationship between the spirituality and rights. The rate of that shows 90% of above average. Traditionally catholic church speaks for the rights of the poor and supports and calls for social welfare rights. The rate of the awareness of the relationship between the practice of kkottongnae spirituality and the guarantee of the rights shows 93.9% of above average. There is no correlation between kkottongnae spirituality and the rights but correlation between the spirituality and rights support. That is, When they are positive about the awareness of the spirituality, the practice of the spirituality, and the spirituality and welfare, they are more supporting the rights. It is found through this study that human being does not act for it’s own interest than religious duty within social relations to show it’s love to help out it’s neighbors. The rights will be well maintained and improved if the owners’of social welfare facilities serve the members if they live together with members for their pains and death and serve them without any bias. It is important that we aware the rights but the improvement and the practice of the rights are more important.

      • 빈첸시오 영성의 사회복지 구현에 관한 연구 : 실천사례를 중심으로

        조중희 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 251711

        St.' Vincentio Association is a kind of the Christ's love practice as one of Catholic social groups. This Association is based on the St.' Vincentio's spirituality. St.' Vincentio was practicing the Christ's love, by supporting economically and spiritually, with the exact sight against the times's needs at the confused situation. Focusing on the church, christian has served on the main axis through the local community, its activities has expanded with flexibility. On the chapter 2, the root of Vincentio's service was been investigated through the introduce of St.' Vincentio Association. On the chapter 3, St.' Vincentio's spirituality was studied. That was able to be learned on the basis of St.' Vincentio's works and teachings. On the chapter 4, Case studies were discussed. How St.' Vincentio's spirituality is reflected on the Vincentio's services and applied with social welfare. St.' Vincentio's have got to the heart of a new stage and supported total services economically and spiritually, on the right man in the right place. That services were practiced on the axis of the christians in the parish and were expended to the local variable network In the cases of the poorest, the collapse of family, multicultural family and foreign worker, it is important that Vincentio's service is practiced on the basis of the Christ's love, with the wholehearted support and aids. Without being bound by a rule. The wholehearted support give a internal comfort to the those left out, give rise to hope and new will for life. The economical and spiritual support with continuous and passionate service is the St.' Vincentio's spirituality which is served in the church pursuing the Christ's love. Therefore, we suggest that St.' Vincentio's spirituality is truly in need on these days. 빈첸시오회는 가톨릭사회단체의 하나로서 그리스도의 사랑실천의 대표적인 예라 하겠다. 이 회는 빈첸시오 성인의 영성에 그 뿌리를 둔다. 빈첸시오 성인은 혼란한 변화의 시대상황에서 그 시대가 바라는 요구를 정확히 파악하고 그리스도의 사랑을 물질적 영적 지원으로 실천하였다. 교회를 중심으로 평신도들이 주축이 되어 교구중심의 지역사회 연계를 통해 그 활동의 폭을 유연하게 확장하였다. 본 연구는 2장에서 문헌연구를 통해 빈첸시오회의 소개와 함께 빈첸시오 활동의 근원을 파악 하였으며, 빈첸시오 성인의 영성에 대해 고찰하고 빈첸시오 활동을 사회복지학적 관점에서 고찰하였다. 4장에서는 사례연구를 통해 빈첸시오 성인의 영성이 활동 속에 어떻게 투영되고 있으며, 사회복지학적으로 어떻게 구현되고 있는지를 고찰하였다. 빈첸시오 성인의 영성의 핵심은 시대의 상황을 정확하게 간파하여 물질적 지원과 더불어 영적 지원이 함께 이루어져서 도움이 필요한 곳에 종합적인 지원이 이뤄지도록 교회를 중심으로, 즉 지역의 평신도를 중심으로 다양한 계층으로의 네트워크를 확장시켜 활동한다는 것이다. 물질적 극빈층, 붕괴가족, 다문화 가정 및 외국인 노동자 등을 대상으로 한 사례연구를 통해서 볼 수 있었던 빈첸시오 활동은 사회적 틀에 얽매이지 않고 그리스도의 사랑을 근간으로 한 전폭적인 지지와 지원이 이뤄진다는 사실이다. 전폭적인 지지는 이 시대의 소외되고 도움이 절실한 계층에게 가장 큰 위로이자 사랑이며 정신적, 영적위안이 되고 그로부터 새로운 삶의 의지와 희망이 생겨나게 된다. 지속적이고 열정적인 활동을 통한 물적, 영적 지원이 그리스도 사랑실천을 추구하는 교회 안에서 사회적 틀에 얽매이지 않고, 유연하게, 도움을 필요로 하는 모든 대상에게 행해지는 빈첸시오 영성의 사회 복지적 구현이 이 시대가 진정 필요로 하는 복지정신이 아닌가 한다.

      • 지역사회 보건복지서비스 네트워크 활성화에 관한 연구 : ‘청원노인행복네트워크’ 활동을 중심으로

        김순려 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        According to the change of community welfare environment, discussion about importance and necessity of network is being diffused in each part of social welfare. So this study is about the plan of activating network in health and welfare services in local community. For accomplishing the purpose of this study, it is organized like this. First, some literature related with network system about health and welfare total service in theoretical background is examined in this study. And the background and present situation of 'chung-won senior happiness network' served health and welfare total service in local community also examined in this study. Second, the actual effect of network system through analyzing and evaluating annual work of 'chung-won senior happiness network' is proposed in this study . Third, the recognition degree in community network is surveyed in this study through structured survey on workers of health and welfare institution in local community. The result of this study is like these. First, From the outcome results of survey, the extraordinary effects of 'chung-won senior happiness network' is revitalization health and welfare network, overcoming vertical structure of network and organizing flexible, horizontal, autonomous network system. And according to the survey about the recognition degree of community network the result is as follows. First, it was surveyed that the necessity of health and welfare network system and experiences was highly recognized. And the possibility of serving total services was also highly recognized. But relatively law percentage of answer is somehow high so the degree of activating network in health and welfare services in local community is still not enough. Second, overwork is the highest factor of analyzing obstruction factors in health and welfare service network according to the survey result. Third, strengthening financial administrative support of public institution is the most necessary action and transaction between workers and education of expert in health and welfare service network are also necessary. Based on the result of the survey, some political suggestion for activating health and welfare service network are suggested in this study. First, the importance of organizing practical and systematic network is proposed. Second, it is to be recognized that the main body of network activation is the actual staffs in charge who have much experience in the field. Third, consciousness of the chief managers in organs is to be changed. Fourth, the necessity of network which is appropriate to local community is important, too. Fifth, It is needed the identification of capacity of activating network in the community. Sixth, the education on network system is another important factor of activating network in the community. Seventh, the necessity of unitive center and supplement of work force in network are needed.

      • 노인복지시설 생활지도원의 소진에 관한 연구 : 충청북도를 중심으로

        김인주 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        The aim of this study is to examine the perceived burnout degree of care workers as front-line workers in social service centers for the elderly and to investigate the factors which influence the burnout. In addition, by finding out the effective ways to prevent and cope with the care workers' burnout, this study would contribute to the effective management of social service centers through mutual trust and emotional stability of the care workers and the elderly. Questionnaires were sent to 391 care workers working in welfare facilities in Chungcheongbuk-Do and 272 (69.5%) out of 391 copies were collected. Among them, 262 copies were analyzed excluding 10 incomplete copies of the questionnaire. To analyze the collected questionnaires, the factor analysis, the reliability analysis, ANOVA, and the multiple regression analysis were conducted using SPSS 12.0, a social science statistical software program. The result of the data analysis is summarized as follows: First, the average score of the perceived burnout degree of the care workers is 2.39 on a 5-point scale. The subjects responded with generally low scores to the three sub-classified factors: the emotional exhaustion is 2.46 point; the depersonalization of clients is 1.93 point; the lack of personal accomplishment is 2.57point. The lowest-ranking factor is the depersonalization of clients, which could lead to the elder abuse problem, while the highest-ranking factor is the lack of personal accomplishment. Second, the burnout degree was higher among the married, the young, and the junior college graduates when it was analyzed in accordance with the general characteristics of the subjects. When analyzed by the characteristics of the facilities, the burnout degree was higher among the care workers at pay facilities than at free facilities. Third, the personality and attitude factors were analyzed and the influencing factors to the burnout of the care workers were identified: the more challenging attitude, the higher self-esteem, and the less role-ambiguity and role-conflict they have, the lower general burnout degree they experience. Likewise, the less role-conflict and the higher self-esteem they feel, the lower emotional exhaustion they experience. They also experience lower depersonalization degree of clients, when they have less role-ambiguity and role-conflict, and higher self-esteem. When they have less role-ambiguity, more workload, higher self-esteem, self-efficacy, and challenging attitude, better client condition, they experience less lack of personal accomplishment. In conclusion, the factors of burnout are very complex and multi-dimensional, and accordingly, the methods for reducing and preventing burnout should be multi-dimensional. I suggest the following methods on the basis of the findings of this study: First, it is necessary to develop and run educational programs at welfare facilities, such as programs for managing a group consultation or for obtaining nursing home manager certification, because there exists a relatively high correlation between the care workers' self-esteem and self-efficacy. Second, the care workers should be required to record their routine work and observational opinions systematically and to take charge of a small group of clients and case-based care work. By the guidance of the social workers on the basis of the data obtained from case-based care work, the care workers can have the higher level of attachment with their work and challenging attitude toward their work. Furthermore, to vitalize the team approach with nurses, physical therapists, nutritionists can be a countermeasure to the burnout. Third, it could be a measure of lessoning the burnout level of the care workers to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the job and to minimize the conflict level among the care workers by analyzing the care workers' current work and reorganizing their job plan. Fourth, the use of volunteers in each facility should be emphasized. By using volunteers systematically, we can handle workload more efficiently, obtain more reliable social support through the relationship between volunteers and care workers, and better serve the clients. For more active use of volunteers, we need to develop a strategic volunteer management program which is helpful not only for the welfare facilities but for the volunteers as well.

      • 영적 안녕감, 자아탄력성 및 사회적 지지가 장애아동부모의 생활만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이장섭 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        The purpose of this study was to identify the ego-resiliency, spiritual well-being, and social support of parents with handicapped children and to assess the impacts of these factors upon the life satisfaction of the parents. The research questions were: (1) do the self-resiliency of parents with handicapped children influence their life satisfaction? (2) do the spiritual well-being of parents with handicapped children influence their life satisfaction? (3)do the social support of parents with handicapped children influence their life satisfaction? (4) What is the relative importance of factors that affect life satisfaction of the parents with handicapped children? The target population were parents having handicapped children who dwell in Choongchung Province in Korea. The findings were as follows. First, among demographic variables, marriage status and level of income were most influential on life satisfaction of the parents with handicapped children. Second, their higher life satisfaction were significantly correlated with their self-resiliency, spiritual well-being, and social support level. Third, according to the parents, their family and relatives support were the major source of their social support, as compared to the supports of government or clergymen. Therefore, the social concern and support for the parents with handicapped children should be emphasized from the government side and religious groups. Fourth, the most important factor that affects life satisfaction of the parents with handicapped children was existential well-being. Thus, this result implies that in order to increase the parents' life satisfaction, it is necessary to identify their psychological and spiritual condition and provide proper education and consultation to the parents with handicapped children.

      • 생활시설 정신장애인의 금연의도와 흡연행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        김한식 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        The present study aimed to examine factors influencing smoking cessation intention and smoking behaviors of institutionalized people with mental disabilities, and thus to contribute to the development of effective smoking cessation program for those people. A total of 298 mentally disabled smokers from 57 institutions took part in the study. Main findings of the study were as follows. First, mentally disabled smokers were found to exhibit more intention of smoking cessation when they had less irrational thoughts about smoking. Second, the mentally disabled had more intention of quitting smoking and engaged in less smoking when they underwent less daily stresses engendered by co-habitants, staffs, living space, etc. Third, mentally disabled people smoked significantly less when outings, possession of cigarettes, smoking time, etc. were restricted and regulated to a certain extent rather than permitted to decide for themselves. Fourth, mentally disabled people tended to smoke less when they exercise to a sufficient level(more than three times a week) than when not. Finally, publicity was found to be efficient for reducing smoking when performed on appropriate level(2-3 times per year), whereas too much of it may adversely affect smoking cessation. These findings should be considered when one needs to develop an effective smoking cessation program for smoking people with mental disabilities.

      • 정신요양시설 거주 정신장애인의 삶에 대한 만족에 영향을 미치는 요인

        강석임 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        The purpose of this research was to find out which factors had significant influences on life satisfaction of people with mental disabilities who live in institutions, and to examine relative importances of the factors in determining life satisfaction of the people. A total of 299 participants from four institutions in ChoongBuk Province participated in this research. A questionnaire was administered to measure the following variables: demographical characteristics(sex, age, religion, education level, state of marriage), institution-related factors(duration of the admission, diagnosis, religious activity, program participation, leave out frequency, type of ward), social support(emotional, evaluational, informational, and material), and psychological factors(self-esteem, depression, insight). The results of the present research are summarized as follows: First, demographical characteristics in general had little influences on the level of the participants' life satisfaction. Second, among the institution-related factors, 'duration of the admission', 'religious activities', 'program participation' and 'leave out frequency' were shown to be the significant factors that affected life satisfaction of the participants. The participants who have been living in an institution for a short(less than 5 years) or a very long(more than 10 years) time of period were more satisfied with their lives than those who have been in the institution for 5 to 10 years. Those who have been actively involved in religious activities and programs provided by the institutions were experiencing greater satisfaction with their lives than those who have not. Also, people who had more freedom to go outside showed higher level of life satisfaction. Third, the results showed that, compared to demographical and institution-related factors, social support and psychological factors had much greater influences on life satisfaction of the participants. Different types of social support were found to affect varying domains of life, but overall, the ones who received more social support showed higher satisfaction with their lives. Among psychological factors, 'self-esteem' and 'insight' in particular proved to be of important factors that influenced life satisfaction of people with mental disabilities who reside in institutions. Depression had relatively little influence. Finally, among various domains of life, people with mental disabilities participated in this research were the most satisfied in the domain of 'leisure activities' and were the least satisfied in the domain of 'relationship'. However, the 'leisure activities' domain had little effect on overall life satisfaction of the participants, whereas the 'relationship' domain was found to have substantial influences on their overall satisfaction with their lives. This finding suggests that increasing satisfaction in the domain of 'relationship' would be an effective strategy for boosting up overall life satisfaction of the people living in institutions with much restrictions in terms of social relationships with other people.

      • 노인요양시설 사회복지사의 직무만족에 대한 연구 : 충청지역을 중심으로

        조영주 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        As the social welfare service is focused on human beings, the quality of the service depends on the quality and the effort of the worker practicing that service. therefore, It is time to pay attention to them. This ‘social worker-oriented study’ looks up how the job-factor, the population-sociological factor, and the enviromental factor including the facility traits affect their job-satisfaction. And based on this, this study has purpose on providing basic materials to grasp "the present" of social worker working at the nursing home. to conduct this research-purpose, i distributed 128 sheets of questionnaire papers to the facility located in chung-cheong-buk-do from august to september 2010. 95 analyze-vaild sheets of questionnaire papers out of withdrawn 98 papers were analyzed by SSPS WIN 2.0 program. The following is summary about the result. First, in view of population-sociological trait, the social workers working at the nursing home were almost unmarried females. And they were almost 20-30 aged people. compared with privious study which said that community college-graduate was almost, Their scholarship was investigated that university-graduate was almost this shows us that the scholarship of social worker is being higher.   Second, the job-factor of social worker working at the nursing home turned out satisfacted from the job-level-analysis result. Third, in the facility trait, the number of employees was 21-30, and they are almost permanent position.   Fourth, in veiw of the job-satisfaction of social worker working at the nursing home, the satisfaction for relationship with the supervisor, and the co-worker was higher than the average. Meanwhile, the satisfaction for the remuneration, and the promotion factor was lower than the average.   Fifth, as low rank Variables affecting job-satisfaction, Supervisor, Remuneration, Promotion, Relationship with the co-worker, and with the facility, Intention of change jobs was investigated to affect importantly, or positively.   Sixth, viewed from the side of the influence that population-sociological trait, job-factor, and facility trait affect the entire job-satisfaction, Sex, Age, Present facility’s work experience, and maximum number of service recipient affect negatively. Meanwhile, married or unmarried, working region, entire carrier, employed form affect positively, but was not valid.   In the last, it was investigated that various difficulties happened after the National Long-Term Care insurance had been introduced. The difficulties that social workers working at the nursing home felted was, in the order of difficulty’s level, excessive administrative duties, lowered wage problem, difficulty for securing the scheduled elderly to enter. This result of study has meaning on knowing the job-satisfaction of social worker , and providing the basic materials to grasp “The present” of social worker. Thus, it is expected that this study will be a foundation of empirical research about job- satisfaction of social worker. 사회복지서비스는 인간을 대상으로 하기 때문에 그 실천을 담당하는 인력의 자질과 노력에 따라 서비스의 질이 좌우된다. 그 서비스의 질의 중심에 사회 복지사가 있는 것이다. 이제 그들에 대해서도 관심을 가져야 할 시점이다. 본 연구는 노인요양시설 사회복지사를 대상으로 직무요인, 시설특성을 포함한 환경요인, 인구사회학적 요인이 직무만족에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 이를 근거로 노인요양시설에 근무하는 사회복지사들의 현재를 파악하는 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 위의 연구목적을 수행하기 위해 2010년 8월부터 9월까지 충청지역에 위치한 128개 기관에 설문지를 배포하여 회수한 98부의 설문지 중 분석유효한 95부의 자료를 SPSS WIN 12.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 노인요양시설 사회복지사의 인구사회학적 특성은 여성이 다수이고, 연령은 20~30대가 많으며 미혼으로 조사되었다. 학력은 종전의 연구결과에서 전문대졸의 비율이 높게 조사되었던 것에 비해 대졸이 가장 높게 조사되어 점진적으로 사회복지사가 고학력화 되어 가고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 둘째, 노인요양시설 사회복지사의 직무요인은 직무수준분석 결과 만족하는 것으로 조사되었다. 셋째, 시설특성에 있어서는 종사자가 21~30명 이하, 정규직이 대다수로 조사되었다. 넷째, 노인요양시설 사회복지사의 직무만족도는 감독, 동료관계에 대한 만족도가 평균보다 높은 것으로 조사되었고, 보수, 승진요인에 대해서는 만족도가 평균보다 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 다섯째, 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 하위변인으로는 감독, 보수, 승진, 동료관계, 기관과의 관계, 전직 및 이직의사가 직무자체에 중요 영향요인 또는 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었다. 여섯째, 인구사회학적 특성, 직무요인, 시설특성이 전체 직무만족도에 미치는 영향의 측면에서 보았을 때 성별, 연령, 현 기관 경력, 현 시설 정원은 직무만족도에 부정적인 영향을 미치며, 결혼여부, 근무지역, 총 경력, 고용형태는 긍정적인 영향을 미치나 유의미하지는 않은 것으로 조사되었다. 마지막으로 노인장기요양보험제도 시행 이후 나타나는 어려움 중 노인요양시설 사회복지사들이 느끼는 가장 큰 어려움으로는 행정업무과다, 낮아진 급여문제, 입소예정노인확보의 어려움 순으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 사회복지사의 직무만족도를 알아보고 현재를 파악하는 기초자료를 제공하는데 의미를 가지며, 따라서 앞으로 사회복지사의 직무만족도에 관한 실증적 연구의 토대가 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • 사회복지기관에 대한 기부노력과 기부태도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        김승주 꽃동네현도사회복지대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        As today’s society becomes more industrialized and an economic standard becomes improved generally, the interest of the qualitative growth of life is more raised compared to the quantitative growth. And not only the need of welfare is more demanded but also the need of expertise and variety of service is. When the private welfare is encouraged in order to complement government welfare, the number of non-profit groups grows exponentially and it suggests that more financial demand and donation is required. It is very important to expand participation in a consistent personal donation for stable mobilization of private resources, effective welfare organization management and better service provision. This study intends to provide the basic information to establish an effective strategy of contributor management by researching and analyzing factors to influence personal donation. It analyzes how the contributor’s demographic valuables and independent variables, such as spiritual well-being, affect present donating efforts and future donating attitudes (intention to continue and to recommend donation) and finds an effective development of contributor and its management. The followings are important results summaries of the study. First, the contributors who were involved in the study show that demographic valuables such as sex, age, religion, donation period are related to donating efforts and attitudes. Women have superior efforts and attitudes than men. The elder age group has more efforts. Religious groups show more efforts and the intention to continue than non-religious groups. The subjects involved in the study show the longer donation period they have, the more efforts and the intention to continue and to recommend donation they have. Secondly, it shows that the intention to continue and to recommend donation gets higher if they have higher satisfaction factors of donating desire and more donation experience. Thirdly, regarding donation related variables in the study, it shows that a person who has more donation experience makes more donating efforts. In spiritual well-being variables, it shows only religious well-being affects the donating efforts but both religious and existential well-beings affect the intention to continue and to recommend donation. The satisfaction of organization has moderating effects to existential well-being regarding the intention to recommend donation. The result of the study proves that donation to the religious organization, a part of private non-profit organizations, is influenced by contributor’s religious well-being. The fact shows that faith-direction deepening the contributor’s faith and focusing share and volunteering, increases the potential of donation. Also the result, which present donating efforts and future donating attitudes are affected by different variables, shows that various plans to encourage donation are required in order to satisfy contributor’s various desires. We need to focus on contributor’s spiritual well-being, not just focusing on the development and management of contributor. The change of understanding of donation, which is two-way and reductive, needs various plans. The results of the study will increase the understanding of donation practice and help establish a realistic fundraising strategy.

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