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      • 中國 民事執行法의 理念에 관한 硏究

        허수봉 경상대학교 일반대학원 법학과 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        중국에서는 민사집행법이 민사소송법으로부터 독립되어 있지 않고, 민사소송법에서 민사집행절차에 관한 일반적인 내용을 규정하고 있다. 동법 제207조부터 제236조에서 민사집행절차에 관한 관할, 신청, 이송, 집행조치, 집행의 중지와 종료에 관하여 규정하고 있는 것이다. 그리고 그에 관한 보다 구체적인 규정으로 關與人民法院執行工作若干問題的規定(試行), 最高人民法院關與人民法院民事執行中押留, 査封, 凍結財産的規定, 民事執行中關與拍賣, 變賣財産的規定 등이 있다. 그런데 경제의 발달로 사회가 전문화․다양화․복잡해지면서 현재의 규정체계만으로 해결하기 어려운 집행 관련 문제들이 노정되고 있다. 예컨대 집행관련 사건의 수가 매년 4.1% 씩 증가하고 있는 것이나, 미종결 사건이 매년 4.8%에 이르고 있는 것이 그것이다. 이와 같이 민사집행관련 사건이 폭증하고 있는 현상에 체계적으로 규율하기 위하여, 현재 중국에서는 민사집행에 관하여 산재되어 있는 규정들을 단일화된 법률로 입법하려는 논의가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 민사집행절차에 관한 통일된 법률의 제정을 통하여 민사집행절차의 공정성․신속성을 보다 확고하게 추진하기 위하여 가칭 민사집행법의 제정이 요청되고 있는 것이다. 위와 같은 민사집행에 관한 법률을 제정하기 위해서는 무엇보다 먼저 그 법이 지향하는 이념을 명백하고 정확하게 도출하여 이를 대전제로 삼아야 할 것이라고 본다. 법률을 적용하기 위한 전제로서 이념이 정립되지 않으면 해석의 혼란과 그로 인해 당사자 간에 분쟁이 발생 할 수 있기 때문이다. 그와 관련하여 현재 중국에서는 민사집행법 제정에 필요한 기본이념을 제시하는 다양한 이론들이 소개되고 있다. 근자에 全國法院執行工作座談会議에서 민사집행에 대하여 지속적인 연구와 개선방안에 대하여 논의가 진행 중이다. 그 주된 내용은 解放思想, 实事求是, 与时俱進, 開拓創新을 원칙으로 하여, 이론 및 제도의 개선을 중점적으로 연구하고 있으며, 아울러 집행실무의 관리체제, 집행기구의 개선, 집행의 운영 체계, 집행방식의 창설 등에 대해서도 광범위하게 연구하고 있다. 그리고 이 논의의 기본이념으로는 合法原則, 債權의 最終的 滿足, 人道的 保護, 優先配當原則 등이 거론되고 있는데, 이런 기본이념이 체계적으로 정립되지는 않은 상태이다. 위와 같은 중국에서의 입법상황에 비추어 볼 때, 민사소송법 내의 민사집행법, 민사집행절차에 관련되는 각종 규정 등에 대하여 전반적으로 적용될 수 있는 기본이념을 추출하려는 시도는 유의미하다고 본다. 비록 현재 중국에서의 민사집행법의 입법시도에 대하여 자양분의 제공을 할 수는 없다고 하더라도, 한국에서의 중국 민사집행법 이해에 조력할 것으로 보기 때문이다. 한국과 중국간의 국제거래가 활발하게 이루어지고 한국인의 중국내의 투자가 체증하는 현실에서 볼 때, 더욱 그러하다. 그리고 이와 더불어 중국내 민사집행 기본이념에 관한 선행연구에 대하여 그 적법성 내지 타당성 여부를 중심으로 비판적인 시각에서 이를 검증하고는 시도를 하고자 한다.

      • 매트릭스형 피에조센서를 이용한 복합재료의 AE신호 분석에 관한연구

        유연호 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        As fiber reinforced composite materials are widely used in aircraft, space structures and robot arms, the study on the non-destructive testing methods of the composite materials has become an important research area for improving their reliability and safety. AE(Acoustic Emission), can evaluate the defects by detecting the emitting strain energy when elastic waves are generated by the generation and growth of a crack, plastic deformation, fiber breakage, matrix cleavage, or delamination. In this paper, the AE signals generated under uniaxial tension were measure and analyzed using the 8 × 8 matrix piezoelectric sensor. The electronic circuit which can control the transmitting distance of the AE signal was designed and fabricated. Also, the optical data storage system was designed to store the AE signals of 64channels simultaneously using the LED(Light Emitting Diode) elements. From the tests, the initiation spot and transmitting path of AE signal in composite materials could be detected effectively by the 8 × 8 matrix piezoelectric sensor

      • Oliver Twist에 나타난 상징과 아이러니 : 사회의식과 관련하여

        김혜진 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The purpose of this study is to elucidate the view that Charles Dickens's social consciousness focused on symbol and irony. His popularity is due to his ability of figuring critical consciousness which bids defiance the public prejudice and social taboo. He accepted the middle class's narrow requirement in terms of morals, at the same time tried to examine a dominant social tendency and principle they were leading, critically. Symbol and irony in Oliver Twist represented Dickens's critical perception of the reality of corrupt Victorian society and serious reflection for the life. Though he couldn't help avoiding the strict and taboo in his age, symbol and irony he used in this novel reached to great achievement by reinforcing the representations and allowing the intentions that he actually wanted to show us. Especially when he dealt with condition of the workhouse, not caused the readers to conflict but employed irony under control effectually. It is taken as a matter of course that his sharp criticism for the middle class and structural contradiction that the poor should be charged in his society is good ability as a artist. He fulfilled his mission as a serious novelist and attained both the popular qualities and the aim of mission with success. By not forgiving popular qualities, Charles Dickens who extended the world of art was right-mined reporter on reality of the British society in his age, though immature, through his own vision, and faithful novelist to his readers. To determine symbol and irony in Oliver Twist which have come to light as Dickens's social consciousness, I have measured that how these techniques operated in the concrete. In this respect, this study would be an adequate reason why Charles Dickens is ranked as a great novelist.

      • 무경운 벼-피복작물 재배 체계에서 고품질 벼의 생육 및 토양의 특성 : Characteristics of High Quality Rice Growth and Soil Properties under No-Till Rice Winter Crops Cropping System

        박재현 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        A series of experiments were carried out from 2004 to 2005. The objectives of this study was to find out optimum conditions for no-till rice-winter cover crops cropping system. A field research was conducted to evaluate high quality rice curtivars in Rice-Winter cover cropping systems in Doo-ryangmyon, Sacheon, Gyeongsang nam-do, Korea from January 2004 to October 2005. The soil employed was Juggog series, fine silty,? mixed, mesic family of Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts. In experiment 1, 16 lines of Japanese high quality rice curtivars were tested under some different high residue farming systems, i.e.(1) NTRS, no-tillage amended with rice straw, (2)NTR, no-tillage amended with rye,(3)NTRH, no-tillage amended with rice husk, (4)NTNT, no-tillage no treatment. In addition to two Korean high quality rice curtivars as check curtivars were used in this study. In experiment 2, to find out the most productive cropping systems that evaluation of rice-winter cover crops cropping systems with the influences of the cropping systems on soil properties, weed, rice grain yield and economics. This results obtained are summarized as follows : From Experiment 1, Plant height of all curtivars at heading stage were the longest in NTRH and decreased in NTR, NTRS and NTNT in that order. Plant height of Japanese high quality rice curtivars were longer than those of recommended cultivars. Tiller numbers of Japanese high quality rice curtivars were the highest in NTR and decreased in NTRS, NTRH and NTNT in that order. SPAD values of all curtivars were the highest in NTRS and decreased in NTR, NTRH and NTNT in that order. Grain yield was significantly affected by different residue treatments. The highest grain yield curivar was Dream rice in NTRS and NTR and that was Akidakomazi in NTRH and NTNT. The lowest grain yield was observed in NTNT due to lower panicle numbers per area , spikelet numbers per panicle and 1,000-grain weight. The highest grain yield was observed in NTR and decreased in NTRH, NTRS and NTNT in that order. From Experiment 2, Soil pH was higher in TNT, lower in other residue managements during the whole rice growth stage. However, soil P2O5 was lower in TNT, higher in other residue managements during the whole rice growth stage. This seem to be because have not affected by increased uptaken amount depleted residual soil nutrients. Soil inorganic N was not influenced by residue managements and increased at heading stage, which was an ignorable amount. Soil inorganic content N reached peak in NTNT at heading stage. Organic matter content of soil was higher in NTCMV during the whole rice growth stage. However, it was the lowest in TNT because it is bare condition. Organic matter content reached peak after submerging but decreased after transplanting among in the all treatment. This research showed that soil K content was the greatest in NTRS during the whole rice growth stage. However, soil Mg content was observed higher in TNT than in other treatments. Soil Ca, Cl, Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, SO4 and SiO2 contents assumed a similar aspect during the whole rice growth stage ,respectively. This seems to be because not affected uptaken amount depleted residual soil nutrients. Actinomycetes population was greater in NTCMV than in the other treatments during the maximum tillering stage. After heading time, Actinomycetes population was greater in NTR. The population of Fungi reached peak in NTRS at the effective tillering stage and steeply decreased. There was difference among the treatments and sampling dates. Soil bacteria population was observed lower in TNT during the whole rice growth stage. However, the population of bacteria reached peak in NTRS at the maximum tillering stage . This seems to be because increased uptaken amount depleted residual soil nutrients. Soil microbial biomass C reached peak after submerging in NTRS and NTR. The population of soil microbial biomass C was observed higher in NTCMV at the maximum tillering stage. However, soil microbial biomass C population lower in TNT during the whole rice growth stage. The population of soil microbial biomass N reached the lowest after submerging but steeply increased and reached peak at the effective tillering stage. Weed species in NTRS was dominated by broad leaves>sedges>grasses in Junambyeo and broad leaves>grasses>sedges in Dongjinbyeo, in NTR was dominated by broad leaves>grasses>sedges in Junambyeo and in Dongjinbyeo, in NTCMV was dominated by broad leaves>grasses>sedges in Junambyeo and in Dongjinbyeo , in NTNT broad leaves>grasses>sedges in Junambyeo and broad leaves>sedges>grasses in Dongjinbyeo and in TNT sedges>broad leaves>grasses in Junambyeo and in Dongjinbyeo after 60 days of transplanting. Weed amount in NTRS, NTR, NTCMV was less than that in NTNT and in TNT. That is the lowest in TNT after 60 days of transplanting. The occurrence of weed species in NTRS was dominated by broad leaves>sedges>grasses in Junambyeo and in Dongjinbyeo , in NTR was dominated by broad leaves>grasses>sedges in Junambyeo and broad leaves>sedges>grasses in Dongjinbyeo, in NTCMV was dominated by broad leaves>grasses>sedgesin Junambyeo and broad leaves>sedges>grasses in Dongjinbyeo , in NTNT broad leaves>grasses>sedges in Junambyeo and broad leaves>sedges>grasses in Dongjinbyeo and in TNT sedges>broad leaves>grasses in Junambyeo and in Dongjinbyeo after 130 days of transplanting. Weed amount in NTRS, NTR, NTCMV was less than that in NTNT and in TNT. That is the lowest in TNT after 130 days of transplanting. Plant height at heading stage was the longest in NTRS in Junambyeo and in NTCMV in Dongjinbyeo, respectively. Plant height of Dongjinbyeo was longer than that of Junambyeo. Tiller numbers were the highest in NTCMV and decreased in NTRS, TNT, NTNT and NTR in Junambyeo in that order. Tiller numbers of all treatments at heading stage were the highest in NTRS and decreased in NTR, NTCMV, NTNT and TNT in Dongjinbyeo in that order. Dry weight of rice at heading stage was the highest in NTRS in Junambyeo and in NTCMV in Dongjinbyeo, respectively. Dry weight of Dongjinbyeo was higher than that of Junambyeo. SPAD values were the highest in NTRS and decreased in NTCMV, NTR, NTNT and TNT in Junambyeo in that order. SPAD values of Dongjinbyeo were the highest in NTCMV and decreased in NTR, NTNT, NTRS and TNT in that order. Grain yield was significantly affected by soil tillage and applied organic matters. The lowest grain yield was observed in TNT in Junambyeo and in Dongjinbyeo due to the lower panicle numbers per area and spikelet numbers per panicle. On the other hand, 1,000-grain weight and ripened grain ratio are a similar aspect in the other treatments. The highest grain yield was observed in NTRS in both of curtivars due to the higher ripened grain ratio and spikelet numbers per panicle in Junambyeo and due to the higher panicle numbers per area and ripened grain ratio in Dongjinbyeo. In conclusion, in a no-till rice-winter cover crops cropping system, major consideration has to be given to weed control, how to maintain the cropping system longer without significant yield loss, and how to conserve soil fertility as long as possible without any detrimental influence to the ecological system.

      • 위상 최적화 기법과 유한요소해석을 이용한 자동차 좌석벨트 부품의 최적설계

        이정수 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The auto industry's primary research areas have been production cost reduction, auto weight minimization, and shortening the research time frame. This research aims at production cost reduction and auto weight minimization via finite element analysis and topology optimization technique of a particular auto safety part, i.e., a seat belt. As a result, we at the research lab were able to achieve an effect of 19.3% auto weight reduction and accompanying production cost reduction while meeting all standards set by the law. In this study, CATIA V5 is used for 3D modeling, Hypermesh 7.0 is used for pre-process, Genesis is used for topology optimization and LS-Dyna is used for finite element analysis and post-process.

      • CONSTANS 단백질과의 결합을 통한 개화시기 조절에있어 애기장대의 전사인자인 OBF4의 기능 분석

        송나영 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Vegetative phase 에서 reproductive phase 로의 전환 과정으로서 식물의 개화는 다음 세대로의 종자 번식을 위해 매우 중요한 과정이다. 식물의 개화 (Flowering)은 낮의 길이, 빛의 상태, 온도, 토양 영양상태등과 같은 환경적 요인과 발달시기 등과 같는 내적 외적 신호들을 인지하는 여러 전달경로에 의해 조절된다. Arabidopsis 에서 현재 개화시기를 조절하는 경로로서 4 가지 genetic pathway가 알려져 있다. 낮의 길이를 인지하는 photoperiod-dependent pathway (or long day pathway)와 온도를 인지하는 vernalization pathway 있다. 또 다른 2개의 major floral promotion pathway로써, 비교적 물리적인 환경의 영향을 적게 받는 gibberellic acid (GA) pathway 와 autonomous pathway가 있다. CONSTANS(CO)는 광주기성 개화조절에 아주 중요한 역할을 하고 있으며, 장일 조건에서 floral promoter로써 알려진 FLOWRING LOCUS T (FT)의 발현을 직접적으로 활성화 시켜서 개화시기를 촉진한다. 그러나 현재까지 CO가 어떻게 FT 유전자를 발현시키는지 그 분자적 기작은 아는 바가 없다. 최근의 단백질 네트워크 연구를 통해 많은 단백질이 다른 단백질과 결합하여 기능을 하고 있다는 사실에 비추어 볼 때 CO도 다른 전사 조절 단백질과 직 간접적으로 결합하여 FT 유전자를 활성화 시킬 것으로 추정된다. 따라서 이 논문은 CO에 결합하는 단백질의 검색으로 분리된 bZIP class의 전사조절인자인 OBF4/TGA4에 대한 연구에 관한 것이다. TGA/OBF family는 bZIP family의 전사조절인자로써 defense/stress 반응과 관련 있는 식물의 promoter sequence인 octopine synthase (ocs) element 에 결합 하며, 이것들은 AP2/EREBP family의 AtEBP와 Dof protein family에 속하는 OBF4 Binding Proteins (OBP1,2 and 3)와 결합 하는 것으로 알려져 있다. AtEBP는 plant defense response에 관련되어있는 반면, OBP3 는 phyB 와 cry1 signaling pathway 의 한 성분으로 알려져 있다. 본 실험실에서 구축하고 있는 1.400 개 Arabidopsis TF ORFeome 전사조절인자로부터 high-throughput protein-protein interaction screening을 통하여 CONSTANS (CO) 결합단백질로서 OBF4를 분리하였다. CO는 2개의 B-box zinc-finger motif와 CCT motif를 가지고 있는 전사조절인자로 알려져 있지만, 직접적으로 DNA에 결합한다고는 보고되어 있지 않았기 때문에 DNA 결합부위를 가진 다른 전사조절인자와 결합하여 downstream gene의 발현을 조절함으로써 개화를 유도 할 것으로 추정 된다. 흥미롭게도 OBF4는 CO 뿐 아니라 FT 와도 결합하였고 이를 바탕으로 OBF4/TGA4가 defense signal 과 개화촉진 관련성에 초점을 두고 연구코자 하였다. 먼저 yeast two hybrid를 수행하여 OBF4와 CO와의 interaction을 확인하였으며, in vitro pull down assay를 통하여 한번 더 확인하였다. 또한 FT promoter를 5개의 fragments으로 나누어 OBF4가 결합하는 promoter 부위를 알아내고자 gel mobility shift assay를 수행하였으며, 그 중 FT-2 fragment에 specific하게 결합하는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. OBF4가 CO와 마찬가지로 circadian rhythm을 가지고 있는지 확인하기 위해서 12h/12h, long day (LD) 와 short day (SD) 조건에서 키운 seedling으로 RT-PCR을 수행한 결과, 그 pattern을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러므로, OBF4는 flowering에 있어서 defense/stress response 와 연관된 bZIP candidate로써, 또한 개화에 있어 가장 major한 component라고 알려진 CO 와 FT 에 둘 다 결합함으로써 CO가 직접적으로 결합하지 못하는 downstream gene인 FT 의 발현조절에 관여 할 것으로 보이며, flowering time조절 에 있어서도 영향을 줄 것으로 생각 되어진다.

      • 웹2.0시대의 疏通에 관한 硏究 : 本人 作品 中心으로

        김용욱 경상대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        We live in an age dominated by the media. Countless, overwhelming amounts of information and applications are daily fed to us through various media. Such information and images are not bounded by physical boundaries or considerations of distance, and therefore can lead to the formation of shared cultures around the world. In today’s media-driven culture it is important that individuals possess information. Creating and sharing information nowadays is as natural as any other daily activities of life. The tendency of individuals to possess and distribute information has ushered in a transition from an age of the mass media to an age of personal media. The transition was equally aided by the emergence of social network services (SNS) online. The media-driven culture I experienced while using the SNS has become the main background of my work. The reason I took up this project is because I wanted to capture the changes occurring in patterns of communication led by the Introduction of Web 2.0, as well as to discuss how today’s technology has transformed human communication in general. I wanted to express the structures and shapes of the Web through the harmony between the audiovisual expressions of the media and the spaces in which they are located along with works of sculpture. I wanted to warn about how the Web-based age we live creates further chaos and confusion for human communication. The pace of life inside the city is so rapid and busy that conversations are easier through SNS than in person. E-mails and instant messengers are online means of actual communication. However, people want virtual online communities to take care of actual emotional needs and other communication-related problems they experience offline. Various forms and styles of self-expression are essential to such online communities as Cyworld, Korea’s biggest microblog website. The actual desires and needs for communication are replaced by emoticons and avatars online. Consuming these representative images in the virtual space leads to actual consumption of similar images or signs in the real world. The reasons we nowadays value images and signs more than the actual value or essence of a person or a product are similar. The ease and variability of communication on the media are based on the assumption that communication nowadays is something we do by using applications that are daily created and updated. And we like to present ourselves using particular images on the SNS. Various functions and featurs on the SNS bring a certain pleasure and dissolve boredom and familiarity of daily life, while enabling changes in self-expression. What particularly captured my attention about today’s dominant social networkss the addictive, visual languages they employ. The emergence of such addictive languages indicate the how dominant the culture of SNS communication has become in our lives. And I wanted to express this phenomenon in my work. The word ‘Web’ has much a broader range of meanings today than it used to decades ago. Today’s people, living amid the flood of information, are trying their hardest to adapt to new cultures and information created daily by the advancement of computer and Internet technologies and thereby remain as integrated members of today’s society. The introduction of such devices as iPhone and iPad now enable search queries without query processes. The search is now intimately connected with people’s private lives. The disc-shaped buttons on these devices allow us to choose the manual for our social world. People often have much more SNS friends than actual friends, with the number of such online friends typically running up to hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands. Any comment or information a person posts on his SNS account is therefore likely to draw responses from at least one of those friends. This way, SNS seems to allow much more opportunities for communication. But the problem is whether we could actually experience the quality and type of communication we want through our indirect contact and networks with online acquaintances enabled by SNS. I do not think we could. We can empathize with, and understand, a person only when we know him well. One’s friends on SNS respond to one’s thoughts and feelings only through texts and emoticons, without conveying genuine feelings or emotions that a real voice often easily can. While photographs convey much more information than mere words or texts, even they are still indirect. Not all online acquaintances are willing to respond to all my thoughts and comments. That is why those who use SNS post things in anticipation of responses from anyone, not in anticipation of responses from particupar people. The selectivity of such connections makes genuine communication very difficult. One guiding question throughout my work was whether today’s Web 2.0 could provide a more valuable, cherished environment for communication and living than nature itself. I found myself answering in the negative quite often. Yet I also found myself unable to escape my addiction to the convenience provided by the Web 2.0 age. So I was much confused and ambivalent between the affirmation and the negation of Web 2.0 throughout the process of my work. My perspective on today’s Web phenoemena is a confused and pessimistic one, about the confusions and chaos in communication that our age tends to multiply.

      • 대두의 3단 발효 중 항영양성분의 변화

        유선주 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Soybean (Glycine max) is an excellent protein source. Meju and soybean paste(deonjang) are the traditional soybean product-based on fermented process. However, soybean seeds contain antinutrients, such as phytic acid and oligosaccharide. Most of the phosphorus in soybean seed are stored as the form of phytic acid (myo-inositolhexaphosphate), which is one of the antinutritional factors, and phytic acid phosphorus is nutritionally unavailable to nonruminant livestock. Additionally, phytic acid is a strong chelating agent that can bind with metal ions, reducing availability of Fe, Zn, Ca and Mg. Phytases catalase the hydrolysis of phytic acid to various lower myo-inositol derivatives and inorganic phosphate. Raffinose and stachyose (α-galactosyl derivates of sucrose) are the major oligosaccharides in soybean. Since monogastric animals and human beings do not have the α-galactosidase that cleaves the α-1,6 galactosyl linkage in their digestive tract, the intact oligosaccharide is not absorbed, being used as a fermentation substrate of anaerobic microorganisms. This study was performed to determine the changes of antinutrient on three step fermented soybean. In case of phytase activation, it was higher in LAB and LABD than others. Out of consideration for that a little activation was appeared on B, so it is assumed that phytase activity is caused of Aspergillus oryzae. The amount of phytic acid was about 13.9 mg/g in raw soybean (R), and it was increased when soybean was steamed. However it was getting decreased according to the fermentation as L, LA and LAB. And it was not detected almost from the LABD. The result of degradation of phytic acid by phytase, separation of bivalent mineral was increased. In conclusion, phytic acid, existing as antinutrient, and oligosaccharide were degraded by three step fermentation. Also, it was degraded by aging of soybean paste. That degraded substance is supposed to be useful material for the old, the weak and the patient food.

      • 곤충병원성 선충을 이용한 시설 엽채류 주요 나비목 해충의 환경친화적 방제

        조성래 경상대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 249615

        The kinds of caterpillars occurred on vegetable leaves, their damage, and fluctuation were investigated in greenhouses in the central districts from 2002 to 2005 and compared with them in open fields. In addition, 14 strains of Korean entomopathogenic nematodes, steinernematids and heterorhabditids were evaluated, screened, and tried in laboratory, pot, and greenhouses for environmentally friendly control of them. 1. Eight species of 7 genera in 4 families were collected from Chinese cabbage, cabbage, kale, mustard, leaf broccoli, and chard in greenhouses. Those species were diamondback moth(DMB), Plutella xylostella (Yponomeutidae), cabbage webworm, Hellula undalis and hawaiian beet webworm(HBW), Hymenia recurvalis (Pyralidae), cabbage moth(CM), Mamestra brassicae, tobacco cutworm(TCW), Spodoptera litura, beet armyworm(BAW), Spodoptera exigua, and semi-looper, Autographa nigrisigna (Noctuidae), and small white(SW), Artogeia rapae (Pieridae). 2. Seven species of 6 genera in 4 families were recorded from Chinese cabbage and DMB was the most serious pest out of collected ones. The peak season of outbreak was late June representing 378 larvae per 100 plants. Five species of 4 genera in 3 families were observed from cabbage and the most serious damage of DMB was observed in late June numbering 756 larvae per 100 plants. Four species of 3 genera in 3 families were observed from kale and DMB was the most serious pest and peak in late June representing 968 larvae per 100 plants. Two species of 2 genera in 2 families were collected from mustard and DMB was the most serious and peak in late June numbering 1,105 larvae per 100 plants. Five species of 4 genera in 3 families were observed from leaf broccoli and SW was the most serious pest and peak in middle September representing 72 larvae per 100 plants. Two species of 2 genera in 2 families were recorded from chard and HBW was the most serious pest and peak in middle August numbering 108 larvae per 100 plants. 3. Five effective strains against DBM, TCW, and BAW, Steinernema carpocapsae GSN1, Steinernema sp. GSNUS-10, Steinernema sp. GSNUS-14, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Hamyang, and Heterorhabditis sp. GSNUH-1 were screened from laboratory tests. These nematodes were also effective against one or mixed outbreak. 4. LC50 values of above five strains against DBM, TCW, BAW, CM, SW and HBW were different depending on nematode strain, caterpillar, and instar. LC50 value of Steinernema carpocapsae GSN1 was the lowest representing 2.6~3.9 infective juveniles(Ijs) to 2nd to 4th instars of DBM while Heterorhabditis sp. GSNUH-1 was the highest in 2nd to 5th instars of TCW representing 5.6~11.5 infective juveniles. LC50 value could not obtained from SW because of very susceptible even at low concentration. 5. Pathogenicity of five effective strains against DBM, TCW, BAW, SW, CM, and HBW was different depending on nematode strain, concentration, application times, and vegetable in pot. The most effective nematode was Steinernema carpocapsae GSN1. Steinernema was more effective than Heterorhabditis against DBM, CM, and HBW whereas Heterorhabditis was more effective against TCW and BAW. 6. Two or three times of applications were effective regardless of caterpillar species, nematode strain, or concentration. 7. Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes was different depending on vegetables. Efficacy was higher on Chinese cabbage, mustard, and Ssamchoo than that on cabbage, kale, and leaf broccoli. SW was the most susceptible out of tested caterpillar species. 8. Efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae GSN1, Steinernema GSNUS-10, Steinernema GSNUS-14, and Heterorhabditis GSNUH-1 was variable depending on nematode strain, concentration, application times, and vegetable. S. carpocapsae GSN1 was the most effective and 100,000 infective juveniles per ㎡ (720,000 Ijs/7.2 ㎡=1×109 Ijs/ha) resulted in higher efficacy. Three times of application of nematodes led to higher control efficacy than one or two applications. Efficacy of nematodes was higher on Chinese cabbage than cabbage or kale. 9. Kinds of vegetables, seedling age, and application time influenced persistence of entomopathogenic nematodes. More nematodes survived on Chinese cabbage leaf than on cabbage or kale and persisted longer on older leaves than younger leaves. The nematodes did not survive for not more than 6 hr at the applications of 08:00 and 14:00 while persisted 12 hr at the application of 18:00.

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