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      • 경북 사과농가의 경영요인별 효과분석

        김양하 경북대학교 농업개발대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The apple agricultural industry in Kyungpook Province has been ensured as a very important one that the cultivated area reaches over 60% of the whole country. The management factors of cultivating and managing in apple farms give influence to the agricultural gross income. Consequences are as follows: Firstly, according to the result by analyzing the relationship between the management factors of cultivating and managing in apple farms and the gross income of it, close planting cultivation, the importance of direct transaction, the packing unit subdivision, and storage advancement appear to have effects on gross income. Secondly, the decreasing result of analyzing the acquisition of the 14 factors related to apple cultivation and management of the farmers can be separated into four as the optional value, the factor of products, the factor of transformation, and the factor of production. Thirdly, the result of analysis of factors and the demographical fluent become independent fluent; and the result of analysis the influence to gross income, factors of productive quality and producing factors, even educational background of the farmers statistically do influential positively. It is necessity that to give support both on education and policy focusing on the influential factors which related to cultivation and management for increasing of gross income of apple farms in Kyungpook Province. The needed supporting plan for increasing the income of apple cultivating farms in Kyungpook Province are listed as follows: First, education of agriculture and supporting of policy are urgent based on the area of the close planting cultivation which have positive effects on agricultural gross income, the importance of direct transaction, the packing unit subdivision, and storage advancement. Second, the direct education and political support are necessary based on the productive quality and productivity to improve the agricultural gross income. Third, the education for farmers is continuously necessary because the education background do influent to the gross income.

      • 상주곶감의 친환경농업 활성화 방안

        김철영 경북대학교 농업개발대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        본 연구는 상주지역을 중심으로 상주곶감 친환경농업의 활성화를 위해 생산자의 다양한 형태로 재배되고 있는 친환경농업과 여건 현황을 조사 분석하여 문제점이 무엇이며 곶감생산에 있어 일반관행재배가 아닌 친환경재배관리를 접목하여 친환경 감 재배표준시스템 체계를 도출함으로 친환경농업 활성화 방안과 지역특화 품목인 상주곶감을 인증 받기 전후의 친환경농업의 인식과 소득, 유통체계, 경제적 효과를 정리 지자체의 시책방향에 기초자료로 제시하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 상주시 곶감생산농가 및 친환경농가 250명을 대상으로 상주곶감 친환경 활성화에 대한 설문조사 분석한 결과 문제점으로는 고품질 안전한 친환경재배 곶감 생산조건으로 재배 포장관리, 생산, 유통 등에 육성 지원책이 미흡한 상태이며, 친환경 원료 감의 생산기반 구축과, 곶감의 가공이용, 위생적인 품질관리 및 소비확대를 위한 지역특산물의 안전성확보 및 품질관리 개선이 시급하고, 표준재배관리 등 체계적인 교육·지도· 홍보방법에 있어 생산자단체와 관계기관 간 협조체제가 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 따라 상주곶감 친환경농업의 활성화를 위한 다음과 같이 지자체에 대한 제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 감 과원조성과 재배관리부터 곶감생산 및 유통까지의 과정을 표준관리에 맞도록 친환경농법으로 생산된 곶감을 지역브랜드로 가치를 극대화 하고 위생과 안전성을 바탕으로 우수한 명품곶감을 만들 수 있는 시범농가를 적극 지도ㆍ육성해야 한다. 둘째, 친환경 감 재배표준관리시스템을 개발 친환경인증곶감 생산농가의 교육ㆍ지도를 좀더 체계화해야 한다. 셋째, 곶감의 생산성향상 방안으로 개별적 재래식방법으로는 생산비용이 높기 때문에 기계화된 현대화 시설을 강구해야 한다. 넷째, 곶감의 품질과 위생에 대한 가장 큰 영향은 적기수확 및 박피방법, 건조 개선이 반드시 필요하다 따라서 주변 환경변화와 무관하게 지속적으로 균일한 품질을 생산할 수 있는 시설건조장 확대 보급이 필요하다. 다섯째, 상주곶감을 소비자에게 올바른 정보제공과 구매자의 흩어진 정보를 조사ㆍ수집하여 데이터베이스를 구축하고 사계절 수요창출의 기반을 다져 2차 곶감산업으로 도약 소비를 촉진시킬 수 있는 전략을 세워야 한다. 여섯째, 감과 곶감의 기능을 과학적으로 분석 기능성에 맞도록 제품생산으로 타 지역과 차별화를 유도해 이미지를 개선하고 곶감을 수급 관리하는 전문연구 및 교육기관을 설립하여 감 산업의 메카로 거듭나야 한다. 일곱째, 산지유통기반조성과 표준화마련을 위한 개별농가의 다양한 상품과 유통구조를 가진 현실로 이를 극복하기 위한 수단으로 곶감 산지유통센터를 설립 제품의 표준화, 규격화로 곶감제품의 차별성을 부각시켜야 한다. 여덟째, 수입곶감에 대한 대처 방안으로는 가격과 안전성 및 품질향상이다. 아홉째, 친환경농산물 직접지불금 지급방법 검토 및 직불금을 현실화해야 한다. 현재 친환경인증 종류에 관계없이 3년 한도로 직불금을 지급하고 있는데 저농약재배는 3년, 무농약 이상은 인증종료 및 취소 전까지 지급기간 연장과 무농약재배 이상의 단위면적 당 직불단가를 현실화해야 하며 지방자치단체에서는 이와 별도로 친환경농산물 인증확대 방안으로 생산농가의 부담을 덜어줄 수 있는 인증수수료, 유통 재 경비, 판촉 홍보비 등 다양한 지원 방법을 강구해야 한다. 이처럼 상주곶감 친환경농업의 활성화를 위한 당면한 과제를 해결해 나가기 위해서는 생산농가, 소비자, 유통업자 그리고 학계와 지자체 모두 함께 지혜를 모아 협력하고 노력하여야 만이 상주지역에서 생산되는 친환경곶감이 명품농산물로 계승ㆍ발전될 것이다. This research, centered on the Sangju region, in order to invigorate the environment friendly agricultural industry of the Sangju dried persimmons, researched and analyzed the environment friendly orchards that were cultivating the persimmons in various ways and the other conditions surrounding the cultivation. Its purpose was to find out what the problems were and to deduce a environment friendly persimmoncultivation system The purpose was to organize as basic information for the direction of policy of the local government organizations the methods of invigorating the environment friendly agriculture and the difference in recognition and profit before and after the environment friendly certification for the Sangju dried persimmon, which is a specialized regional product, along with the distribution system and the economic effects. Based on the results of analyzing the questionnaires regarding the invigoration of environmentally friendly dried persimmons from 250 people from dried persimmon orchards and environment friendly farms, problems included a situation where and support of cultivation, management of packaging, production and distribution is lacking in terms of the standard producing a high quality safe environment friendly dried persimmon. Building a foundation for production on raw materials, the use of an industrial process, sanitary quality management, and the guarantee of safety and improvement in product quality for the expansion of consumption of the specialized regional product are imperative. Also, it is a reality that a system of cooperation between the agricultural organizations and the government organizations that can provide systematized training, instruction and marketing ideas is lacking. In response to this, the following are suggestions that are presented for the invigoration of environment friendly agriculture. First, using a model orchard, aggressive instruction and support must be used in order to maximize the value of the dried persimmon produced with environment friendly agricultural methods as a brand [or symbol] of the region and to produce high quality dried persimmons based on cleanliness and safety. The building of the orchard, cultivation management and distribution must be standardized. Second, a standardized environment friendly persimmon cultivation system must be developed and the training and instruction of certified environment friendly dried persimmons production orchards must become more systematized. Third, as a method for the improvement of production, the production cost of individualized cultivation methods is high, so mechanical modernized facilities are required. Fourth, the biggest influence of the quality and cleanliness of dried persimmons is a timely harvest, preservation methods and drying. Thus, the implementation of a dryer facility that is unaffected by the surrounding change in environment and can continuously produce goods of the same quality is imperative. Fifth, providing proper information about Sangju dried persimmons to customers and the building of a data base by gathering and researching scattered information of the buyers is needed. A foundation of creating demand all year long and strategy to induce consumption must be set up. Sixth, the benefits of persimmons and dried persimmons must be scientifically analyzed, and based on those benefits, a distinction must be made with other regions in production in order to improve the image [of the region]. Also, a research and training facility that manages the supply and demand of dried persimmons must be established so that this region can be reborn as the mecca of the persimmons industry. Seventh, it is a reality that each orchard has different products and different distribution systems. A dried persimmon distribution center must be built and by standardizing the product, the distinction of the dried persimmon product must be emphasized. Eighth, the method for competing against imported dried persimmons is by pricing, safety and quality improvement of the product. Ninth, an examination must be made into a direct payment method for the environment friendly agriculture and it must be implemented. At the present, without distinction of whether or not the product is environment friendly, direct payment is being made with a 3 year limit. The direct payment period for low pesticide products cultivation should be 3 years and for products that are above non-pesticide products, before the end or cancellation of certification, the payment period must also be extended. Also, a direct payment unit cost for land must be implemented. The local government organizations, separate from this, must consider as a method of increase for environment friendly product certification, subsidizing the certification fee, the distribution cost, and the sales promotion costs. In order to solve the task of invigorating environment friendly agriculture of the Sangju dried persimmons before us, the production orchards, consumers, distributors and the academia and local government organizations must all cooperate, put in the effort, and gather together all of our knowledge. This is the only way that the environment friendly dried persimmons that are grown in the Sangju region can ? and develop into a reknown agricultural product.

      • 안동지역 농협의 판매사업 실태 및 활성화 방안

        권기봉 慶北大學校 農業開發大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The current agricultural sector of Korea has severely been suffering from the unequal economic development strategies since 1962 and the import liberalization of agricultural products under the World Trade Organization(WTO) since 1995 and the Free Trade Agreement(FTA) between Korea and Chile since 2004. Therefore, it is very important that in today's farm economy the cooperatives must have played a leading role to assist farmers in achieving farm income and market competitiveness under the current situation which is ever-changing domestic and international agricultural environments. The purpose of this study was (1) to analyze the current status of the marketing business of local cooperatives in producing area by field survey which was conducted to the local cooperatives' sample members, (2) to identify the problems which are currently confronted with the marketing business of local cooperatives, and (3) to seek some feasible strategies for improving and activating the marketing business of local cooperatives. Some major findings and consequences of the study can be summarized as follows: First of all, the selling ratio through the local cooperatives of the agricultural products producing cooperatives' members was a little low at 26.5 percent. Also, the major factors positively affecting the selling of local cooperatives were identified to be the convenience of local cooperatives' selling method(42.7 percent) and the good trust on local cooperatives(39.5 percent). Secondly, based on the preference analysis of the services related marketing business provided by the local cooperatives, it was found out that the dissatisfaction ratio of the services was higher the activity of market development, the ability of sales staffs in local cooperatives and the price information services than those of the joint transportation and marketing facilities in producing area. Thirdly, it was identified that the marketing business of local cooperatives has several problems to be solved to improve the marketing business' operation and economic efficiencies, including the low participation of cooperatives' members in marketing business, the depression of the joint selling activities, and the decreasing of profitability according to performance of marketing business in local cooperatives. To the end, in order to solve various problems mentioned above and activate the marketing business of local cooperatives, it can be said that under the situation of the rapidly changing agricultural environments the point places emphasis on the specialization in the marketing business of local cooperatives and the positive willingness and the constructive participation of the cooperatives' members, namely producers, in performing the marketing business. Together with this, it is strongly recommended that in the near future the "joint marketing business among local cooperatives" should be necessarily adopted in the level of producing area to upgrade the current disorderly marketing business of local cooperatives.

      • 친환경농업 확대에 따른 농업생산성 제고방안

        조경연 慶北大學校 農業開發大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The environmental-friendly agriculture is very rapidly being diffused and developed by the policy of promoting environmental-friendly agriculture that is positively drove forward by the government. As a result, the environmental-friendly agricultural products that farmers put in a lot of efforts in comparison with general agricultural products is being turned aside by consumers because of its overproduction. Producers undergo lots of hardships because the agricultural productivity of farmhouse decreases relatively. This operates on the primary impediment factor of environmental-friendly agricultural development. Therefore, the improvement about this is urgently required. This thesis proposes the plan of raising agricultural productivity about environmental-friendly agricultural products by predicting the long-term prospect of domestic and overseas demands, the concept and kinds and certification organ of environmental-friendly agricultural products, the prospect of production and shipment, producers' recognition, analysis about the actual state of production and circulation. This is summarized as follows; It is that the development of new producing district and items of environmental-friendly agriculture, the early enforcement of Good Agricultural Practice(GAP), the strengthening of management and supervision and development about environmental-friendly agricultural materials, the secure of good quality compost that ripens fully and organic matter, the technical development of environmental-friendly agriculture, the betterment of organization and function of circulation, standardization, the improvement of certification system and the necessity of consistent publicity.

      • 慶北農業協同組合長의 리더십에 관한 硏究

        민 병호 경북대학교 농업개발대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This research examines the structural features of NongHyup (NH: Agricultural Cooperative) and the present situation of role performances and leadership exhibition of NH union present, and ultimately suggests the desirable leadership of union presidents for the protection of rights and profits of farmers who compose of NH, and the achievement of competitive union at global market. According to the result, the role performance of NH union presidents is conducted at satisfactory level. However, in terms of the features of unions or union presidents, it showed the considerable differences in the degree of role performances. Especially the union presidents elected at consecutive terms and having many experience, are observed the better role performances, rather than newly-elected or re-elected union presents. In addition, the union presidents who used to be officials or regional assembly men, and work for various government organizations and may know more about local characteristics, are show the better role performances than union presidents with any other former occupations. NH union presidents also shows an innovative leadership rather than a trading leadership, and especially better at charisma and suggestion of vision. Among the various features of NH union presidents, union presidents elected at consecutive terms, in a large scale of NH organization, and used to be an officials or regional assembly man, show the good role performances in every category of leadership, while union presents newly-elected and in a small scale of NH organization with less experience do not. For the leadership categories to deal with the sudden environmental changes, the innovative leadership is required, especially charisma and the suggestion of vision. For the desirable leadership of union presidents, the improvement in quality of union presidents and in the relationship with employees and union members, is preceded on preferential basis. The growth as the world first class cooperative union of 21 century under the sudden environmental changes such as aging society, requests such an important role of union president, as the practical leader of local NH of market opening and agricultural population. As the direction for the role expansion of union president through this research, the institutional plan on governmental basis needs to be prepared for the expansion of the innovative leadership, especially the methods to supplement and foster charisma is urgently required. At the conclusion, as long as the present leadership situation of NH union presidents in Korea depends on the former occupation and experience of union presidents, the diverse program provided to newly elected union presents will fulfill the lack of experience, and show excellent role performances in the nearest future.

      • 직지농협 산지유통센터의 활성화 방안

        최주원 慶北大學校 農業開發大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The National Agricultural Cooperative Federation(NACF) has pursued the distribution business for the agricultural products to establish Korean agricultural industry and systematic market foundation. However, in the situation of the excessive production of the agricultural products and the keen competition with the imported goods by market opening, it is required to develope products and marketing through the distribution Center of producing site for the substantial improvement in quality. The NACF secures the farmers of the main productive group and the upper production system, if each organization can combine in various ways, it is expected to hold real power in Distribution market. Except for the governmental organization, the NACF will show a great competitiveness and efficiency with the most nationwide network system using full delivery of information by Communication network. Several things need to be done in order to keep our agricultural under the influence from the exposure of our market to the world and to continue to increase the income or the farmers. The distribution network of agricultural products has to be established to connect the production site and the consumption site. Marketing should also be consumer oriented. APC(Agricultural Products processing Center) which means local distribution center need to have functions such as selecting, packing, restoring and refining. This will add more value to the products. Sales competitiveness needs to be enhanced by lowering the unit expense through corporate sales. JIk-Ji agricultural cooperation did our utmost to examine an economic effect of the association and the production farms as well as to examine the operation process and the condition of common sorting, calculation system by presenting a systematic development schemes. It's a transition period due to rapid alteration of the external distribution environment and the passive changes of producing site, therefore the NACF should grasp the flowing of market and have countermove as a leading organization to reach the goal with an appropriate adjustment by blending ideal and reality. In the future, a new distribution of agricultural production is settling down: through APC in producing site, a large distribution center and discount mall in consumer's society. A distribution of production will have functions such as safety, health and convenience suiting the taste of consumers. Particularly, so far marketing business of the NACF was simply to forwarding goods from farms in a wholesale market and settling accounts. By this reason it has run into red figures when failed to receive a proper commission. The reasons are the sales business is generalized to be restoration business and the attitude to improve productivity and offer better service lacks. Furthermore, those who in charge of distribution are required to have not only creativity but original ideas, and need to lead the field positively. Activation of the APC is the key which will bring an innovation of the local distribution, strengthen the agricultural foundation and advance agricultural earnings. On the other hand, insolvency of the APC brings about imported products and confusion of distribution market plus it can be the reason which our agricultural production facilities can fall down. Hopefully, the advanced agricultural cooperation leaps to the developed step above satisfaction of present level, the developing one recognizes the importance and improve the APC. With this treatise, I expect our NACF which is responsible for Korean distribution can activate with efficient management and settle down in the near future.

      • 지역농업 특성화 품목도출 모형 및 사례분석

        조 현우 경북대학교 농업개발대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Actually, the weight of regional agriculture in the national agriculture is being increased, with the increased residential income and activated local economy by developing and publishing the regional food or resource differentiated through the specialized regional agriculture. And, as the agricultural production order is being gradually specialized and been main producer according to the advanced international trend such as agricultural trade liberalization and open current market, the regional specialization is being clarified. However, in national case the fact is that has little analysis means to understand the characteristics of regional agriculture and to establish its policy support and regional agricultural plan, and the reality is that the specialized article is determined and supported by the intuitive individual and collective decision. Therefore, the regional agricultural specialized article deduction is the basic study for the internal and external drastic environmental change, whichis necessary even for the efficient use of regional resource. Also, it is necessary to have the regional agricultural specialized article deduction to establish the agricultural administration that can maximize the efficient resource use and regional agricultural potential that considered the regional characteristics of regional agriculture, and according to the regional agricultural characteristics analysis. This study aims at developing the model that deducts the specialized article of regional agriculture mixed by regional or in regional and decentralized, and by using the developed model to lead the regional agriculture of future Yeongduk-gun. The study was made with the documentary study, statistical analysis, survey and analysis on demand. It is necessary to understand the regional agriculture and make the close review for deducting the regional agricultural specialized article. Therefore, in this study I made the documentary study to grope for the logical system of specialized article deduction model in order to make the specialized development of regional agriculture through the scoring model, AHP for the theoretical basis in order to have supportive policy for the regional agricultural specialization and the specialized article deduction of regional agriculture with the regional agricultural specialization concept and needs of national and international change of condition in the actual national agriculture, while the statistical analysis to select the main articles of regional agriculture in order to analyze the statistical analysis value and change trend of cultivation area, number of raised head, farm numbers per article, coefficient of specialization, output, production amount, output per unit area and production amount, output per farm house and production amount for 4 years of 1995, 2000, 2005, 2007. The regional agricultural survey on demand of demand analysis was made with the poll that is subject to the workers related organization of farmers, municipal officer, agricultural cooperative, wherewere made the demand survey that is divided in the awareness survey of specialized business, regional agricultural specialized business type deduction, general survey of farming and management and general information, and the respective priority was investigated per evaluation items when deducting the specialized article through awareness survey for the specialized business to prepare the scientific system to put the weight when deducting the specialized article of regional agriculture. AHP was used to determine the specialized article importance of regional agriculture, and to perform the poll that is subject to the regional agriculture in 25 cities and districts of Kyungbuk(Daegu, Dalseonggun included. The weighted evaluation group performed the survey that was subject to 1,150 of regional agriculture in the Daegu, analyzed the 911 respondents as sample, the profession of whom were constituted by regional farmer, municipal officer, Nonghyup related institution employee. The survey way was to send the poll through the specialized person in charge of city agricultural technology center and be responded. The responded survey questionnaire was used to deduct the weight of the respective evaluation item, which was constituted by 3 new evaluation articles of thespecialized business priority, regional agricultural objective, specialized business efficiency, and of the detailed evaluation items of its related inferior steps in comparison. The new assessment item was deducted in priority of 0.341, in objective of 0.309, in efficiency of 0.350, and the final evaluation item priority order that is the multiplication of weight of the respective multiplication of specific evaluation and of new assessment items is shown in order for the cultivation area and coefficientof specialization of 0.259, existence of specialized plan of 0.162, increased income effect of 0.153, production infrastructure construction of 0.147, brand awareness of 0.126, participated farmhouse of0.082, future development possibility of 0.071. And, such a weight of item was given examination marks per item with scoring model, and the final weight of regional agricultural specialized article combined to deduct the regional agricultural specialized article. AHP and examination marks as case analysis were used to calculate the weight for the specialized article deduction in Kyungbuk and to develop the model for the specialized article deduction of regional agriculture with score per evaluation item by making the case analysis of Yeongdukgun. As the deduction method of the regional agricultural specialized article was to analyze the general situations such as the climate of regional agriculture, cultivated acreage, farmhouse; analyzed the statistical situation and change trend of regional agriculture such as cultivation area, output, coefficient of specialization, unit productivity; understand the related plan and direction through the mid and long-term development plan or main business promotion plan of regional agriculture; and performed the main factor to determine the specialized article of regional agriculture through the demand survey of 50 people of regional agriculture, and specialized article preference. Finally, the specialized article of regional agriculture was deducted through the general analysis. The article was given the weight deducted of new assessment article and detailed evaluation item based on the demand survey of regional agriculture in Kyungbuk for the specialized article of regional agriculture in order to deduct the order of the specialized article in the regional agriculture.

      • 농협의 농촌복지사업에 대한 지역주민과 농협직원의 인식과 만족에 관한 연구

        김순옥 경북대학교 농업개발대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The Education Project of the National Agriculture Cooperative Federation(NACF) has, due to lack of participation and its operative loss factors, become burden to local cooperatives' business results, thereby hindering the expansion of Education Project and execution of new projects. Moreover, as the operation of the NACF is becoming more focused on business aspect, individual cooperatives shows negative reactions to Education Project centering around Country Welfare Project. However, the NACF in such context should take more responsibility and put more active and passionate efforts to improve the welfare of local residents. This thesis reviewed the NACF's Country Welfare Project through surveys to local residents and the NACF staffs, and attempted to implement ways to increase the NACF role in local welfare improvement. To that end, the research conducted a survey to local residents in northern part of Kyungsangbuk province and the NACF staffs, and analyzed the results. The results are as follow. First, the NACF was not firmly perceived as to represent the benefits of farmers by the local residents, while they perceived Education Project out of the NACF's Three Projects as most important project. The local residents believed that expansion of budget and manpower is necessary to activate the important Education Project. Second, along with strengthened publicity on the NACF Country Welfare Project should be able to provide better service through construction of link with governmental welfare projects. Also, facility and physical accessibility should be improved, not to mention improvement in participation and satisfaction of local residents through better and more diverse services. Third, the survey results show the perceived need for the welfare project for the elderly, followed by medical service, women welfare, while there was smaller need for the welfare of children and youth. Forth, while the perception of Education Project's importance was higher among the local residents, activation and influence of the project was bigger concern among the NACF staffs than among local residents. In addition, whilst local residents thought of expansion of project budget and manpower, etc as imminent issues, the NACF staffs placed emphasis on professionality of education and staffs' attitude as the more important issues. Fifth, in regards to perception of the NACF Country Welfare Project, perception of need for the NACF welfare project for the elderly, satisfaction from medical service project, and satisfaction from children and youth welfare, the local residents showed highly positive perception, showing more satisfaction than the NACF staffs. Sixth, local residents pointed the facility, distance and transportation as sources of dissatisfaction, while the NACF staffs found problems in the lack of diversity in projects and its operation and management. Accordingly, these differences in perceived causes of dissatisfaction can become an obstacle in activation of Country Welfare Project, which should be addressed properly.

      • 사과 조수입 증대방안 연구

        김영만 경북대학교 농업개발대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This study analyzed the ways to increase the gross income of Korean apple farms prior to opening of agricultural market. In this paper, firstly, analyzed the trend of apple supply and demand, Secondly, we used the method of cross-tabulations and independent sample t-test using the survey data of apple farm to find out appropriate supporting methods to increase the gross income. As a result of this analysis, it showed that the apple farms were already making efforts to innovate not only the general production process, but also the sorting, packaging, and manufacturing apples. In particular, such as expanding cultivation areas, developing orchard dense with apple trees, producing functional apples, grading apples with accuracy, packaging apples with fewer units, and operating low temperature storages were considered significant for increasing the gross income. And the ratio of the prime quality apple, have been in apple college or not and have registered trademark or not were considered, because there also significant for the gross income level. So the government would be support the factors of which can halp to increase gloss income of apple farm. key words : apple farm, gross income, supply and demand, support.

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