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      • 邑·面·洞 行政組織의 失態와 改善方案 : 安東市를 中心으로

        장숙진 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        In recent years, changes in the public administration environment made public organizations face upon the new turning point. With the central government's restructuring policy, “community center by autonomy of resident” is needed as a part of functional innovation of public organizations in local government. It can be said, however, the change of task, and human resource, and organizational management has been discussed without any preconditions such as task analysis and organizational diagnosis in reality, In addition, the standpoint of the citizens as the consumer of public administration service is never considered. This study focused on figuring out the current problems of the public organizations, and how the public organizations have been evaluated by the residents and public employees. The purpose of this study is to build a more responsive and effective administrative system providing efficiency and citizen-driven services. The organizational structure, task, human resources and environment of the public organizations are adopted as major analytical standard. In addition, the respondence of the residents(157 people) and local government(200 people) on the organizations are surveyed in this study. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1. Organizational structure As the organization is composed of chief, the deciding officer and its personnels, the public organizations need to be renovated to a system which is capable of playing roles in comprehensive field organizations and community service. The chief of Oup·Myun·Dong have to change itself into a position that is responsible for the function of the practical administrative official, based on the relationship with its subsystem. 2. Human resource The local government is now promoting the restructuring of the functions and roles of Oup·Myun·Dong and giving public affairs over to its offices and further expressive the human resources should be reduced. However, in case of Andong City, the number of public employees of its sub-organizations is comparatively less than that of national average. It is also found that they are under the pressure of much more workload than other public organizations. As a result, not focusing on human resource reduction of Oup·Myun·Dong public employees, but on facilitating community services through appropriate supply and demand plan for human resources. Education for public employees would be a way to put into practice community service and administrative works effectively and comprehensively. 3. Tasks The office works of Oup·Myun·Dong are related mainly to the orders, guidances, or reappointments of their superior organizations rather than to their own basic services for community citizens. Accordingly, these public organizations should carry out their own tasks independently by searching for institutional instruments to distinguish and define its works from the entrusted ones, which enables to avoid from orders and reports. The administration of Oup·Myun·Dong requests effective work alignments in order to coordinate the tasks, which transfer the control of task reassignment without acts and rules, as field works require much more time and human power than office automatization. 4. Environment Residents use Oup·Myun·Dong Offices for administrative services and most of them are satisfied with the services. It may be come from how much friendly Oup·Myun·Dong Public Organizations respect to citizens, how frequently the residents visit, and how much resident-oriented the services they offer. Therefore, the public organizations need to be easily accessible, provide citizens with resolutions of public resentment, and play the roles for citizens' participation. It is found that most of public employees consider their workload as much increased by the administrative automation and the functional innovation is not necessary despite of the development of information & technology. Accordingly, it is necessary to search for alternatives such as the increasing employment of public servants, supplementation to assistant official and official systems, and application of village chief. This study analyzed administrative organizations in four perspectives, and give some future suggestion with the hope that the findings would lead to more efficient and satisfactory management for public organizations. It presents an opportunity for Oup·Myun·Dong Public Organizations to have second thoughts on the efficiency of local public administration.

      • 공기업 성과측정의 고객만족 관련성 : 지방상수도사업을 중심으로

        박종국 안동대학교 행정경영대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        전통적으로 관리회계의 연구주제들은 영리기업을 주된 대상으로 하여 논의가 이루어져왔다. 최근에는 정부조직을 비롯한 비영리조직에 경영마인드가 도입되고 비영리조직의 국가 경제적 중요성이 인식되면서, 성과측정과 경영평가를 중심으로 비영리조직 경영통제시스템의 구축과 설계에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 그리하여 본 연구에서는 우리나라의 대표적 공기업인 지방상수도사업에서 시행되고 있는 경영평가 자료를 활용하여 비영리조직 성과측정의 경영통제 유효성을 구명하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 관찰된 비영리조직의 성과측정 현상은 주로 영리조직을 중심으로 진행되어 온 성과측정이론의 비영리조직 적용가능성과 함께 비영리조직 성과측정 실무 개선의 기회도 확보하여 줄 것으로 기대된다. 실증분석의 결과 지방상수도사업 경영평가제도의 대지표인 책임경영, 경영관리, 사업운영부문의 측정치들이 고객만족도 측정치와 유의적인 관계를 가지지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그렇지만 책임경영, 경영관리, 사업운영 대지표들의 상호관련성은 유의적인 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 본 연구의 실증분석 결과는 전통적으로 공공부문 성과측정의 초점이 고객관점보다는 업무의 우월성 및 효율성에 집중되어 왔다는 Kaplan and Norton(2001a)의 주장을 뒷받침하는 것이다. 또한 우리나라 정부조직의 경영평가가 영리조직 성과측정 혁신이론과 실무로부터 다원적인 관점의 성과측정을 도입한 것은 분명하지만, 그 척도들이 진정한 전략적 성과측정이 아니라 KPI 측정치의 물리적 조합에 지나지 않는다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 즉, 우리나라 상수도사업 경영평가제도는 시민가치 창조를 위한 고객 기준의 상호 관련된 전략 테마 집합을 중심으로 한 전략경영통제시스템의 성과측정 일환이라기보다는 상위 정부조직의 행정적인 목표와 기능적인 효율성을 달성하는 데 요구되는 단순한 성과측정치들의 결합으로 간주된다는 것이다. 고객만족 대지표에 부여된 가중치가 15로서 사업운영 50, 경영관리 20보다 낮으며, 이것이 최상위의 목표 지표로서 자리매김되고 있는 것도 아니다. 더욱이 고객만족 대지표는 고객지원시스템과 고객만족 조사결과 개선노력이라는 고객만족도의 선행변수를 포함함으로써 이것이 진정한 고객관점 측정치 역할을 충분히 이행하지 못하고 있음도 확인된다. 실증분석에서 보충적으로 실행된 다양한 분석결과도 이러한 사실을 추가적으로 확인하여주고 있다. 요컨대, 지방상수도사업의 경영평가제도가 공기업의 전략통제시스템으로 기능하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 전략지도(strategy map)를 바탕으로 한 조직의 가치창출모형 구축이 전제되어야 할 것이다(Kaplan and Norton, 2004). 다양한 관점의 성과측정이 전략경영통제 효과를 확보하는 데에는 전략지도를 바탕으로 한 각 관점별 성과측정치들의 인과관계 정립이 필요하기 때문이다. 전략지도를 통한 조직 가치창조과정의 묘사와 각 관점별 성과측정치의 선·후행 관계의 합리적 구축은 공기업의 경영평가제도가 단편적인 성과측정치의 조합을 넘어서 진정한 전략경영통제시스템으로 진화되는 바람직한 전개의 토대가 될 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구를 통하여 상호관련성이 확보된 책임경영, 경영관리, 사업운영의 각 측정치를 충분히 활용하여, 이를 최상위의 고객가치명제와 관련되는 학습과 성장, 내부 프로세스, 재무적 관점 등의 개념들로 재구축하는 것이 하나의 방법일 수 있는데, 궁극적으로 전략지도와 BSC 접근법에 의한 상수도사업소의 성과측정이야말로 성공적인 공기업 전략경영통제시스템 구축의 건강한 초석이 될 것으로 생각된다. Traditionally management accounting research and literature have focused on performance measurement issues in profit-seeking organizations. Performance measurement and management control systems in not-for-profit organizations deserve some specific focus because those organizations comprise a large portion of the national economy. This study examines the management control effects of performance measurement in not-for-profit organizations using management performance evaluation data from Local Water Supply Divisions as representative Korean public enterprises. The intention of this study is to provide the application of for-profit organizations' performance measurement innovations to not-for-profit organizations and the opportunities for improvements in performance measurement practices of not-for-profit organizations. In this study, the hypothesized correlation model representing the key relationships among the four major performance perspectives such as management responsibility, managerial control, operational control and customer satisfaction was tested using a correlation analysis technique. 98 usable data were collected from 2005 and 2006 Management Performance Evaluation Reports of Local Water Supply Divisions. The hypothesized relationships were formalized as follow: H 1: Management responsibility will be positively related to the customer satisfaction. H 2: Managerial control will be positively related to the customer satisfaction. H 3: Operational control will be positively related to the customer satisfaction. H 4: Management responsibility will be positively related to the managerial control. H 5: Management responsibility will be positively related to the operational control. H 6: Managerial control will be positively related to the operational control. The results indicate that management responsibility, managerial control and operational control were not significantly related to the customer satisfaction respectively. The hypotheses H 1, 2 and 3 were not supported. The management responsibility was positively related to the managerial control and operational control, and a direct positive relationship was found between the managerial control and the operational control. Hypotheses H 4, 5 and 6 were accepted. In summary, the results of this study can't find evidence on the customer satisfaction relationships of three major perspectives in Management Performance Evaluation Systems in Local Water Supply Divisions. The results also indicate that most of the initial scorecard of governmental organizations feature an operational excellence and a focus on an operational efficiency. The strategy map and balanced scorecard approach will improve the performance measurement practices in nonprofit organizations. Placing an over-arching objective at the top of the balanced scorecard that represents the excellent customer relationships or customer intimacy will also communicate clearly the long-term mission of the governmental agency.

      • 顧客滿足을 위한 地方行政 서비스의 改善方案 : 安東市를 中心으로

        류한건 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        It is generally said that the effectiveness of the public sector is far behind the one of the private sector. It is time for us to implement proper action in the public sector to follow the changes in the private sector. The fact that the outcome of the public sector is lower than the private sector has been proven in part with the introduction of privatization and the contract system. At the same time, we need to pay attention to the drop of support from its residents to the government for neglecting the duty of a mediator. Currently the government has no solutions for the problems. From now on, the local resident will not be just a passive receiver but a voluntary customer. The local government has to do its duty as a provider of high quality services consistently responding to the various needs from its residents. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to make the desirable programs to improve the quality of local governmental service for the resident. For the purpose, actual field research has been implemented in Andong on the subjects such as checking qualities of various services, accessability to the services, selectability of services, and the participation or control over the people to the services. As a result, the qualities of the services were recognized differently between the resident and public servants. The public servant failed to give satisfaction to the resident. To improve this, the public servant have to respond to the resident more positively. With respect to accessability, the resident's accessability to the information was the worst. In selectability, resident's personal preferences were hardly reflected which caused problems. In the participation or control factor, the lack of reflection of people's opinion with one-sided bureaucratic tendency was the problem. Drawn from these research above, the improvement programs to give its people satisfaction is as follows; First, to improve the qualities of the services, understanding and familiarization on what residents want and need are required. The service has to change from one-sided bureaucratic style to a customer-oriented one. According to the past bureaucratic service, the services were very likely to be distributed only to limited areas. The local governmental service must be constructed on the base of the resident. Second, to improve the accessability, all the facilities have to be designed for the convenience of its residents and the public servants there should have proper attitudes such as bright and gentle facial expression, decent language, simplified operational procedure etc. Third, to improve the selectability, the systematic supplementation that can allow a feedback as to what its residents exactly want. Finally, to improve the participation or control factor, the representative of the people should be a good media toward the public servants. It is important from the point that this must be an only direct channel from the residents to the government. Among all the suggestions, the most important one is the change of the public servants' point of view. No matter how much the budget, if the public servants don't think they should provide better service, they are useless. Systematic supplementation is also important. Between what the people want and the basic service from the local government, we can find a big gap. The residents want to solve their own problems, so the service should be practical and customer-satisfaction not just formal. If the service is to be practical, the systematic change is fundamental requirement. These are what local government has to undergo to improve its service to give satisfaction to its people.

      • 中小企業의 經營戰略이 企業成果에 미치는 影響

        김형일 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Summarized results of this research are as follows. First, the diverse of small and medium corporation's examined strategy on the financial performance was a wording to the results of empirical study most of all, the cost leadership strategy of the small and medium corporation's has positive influences on average operating profit, operating profit augmentation, average net income and net income augmentation. And the technological advantage strategy has only positive influences on average net income. Second, the effects of small and medium corporation's management strategies have been verified on the non-financial performance. The empirical results of the study show that cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, diversification strategy, niche strategy, and technological advantage strategy have all positive effects on non-financial performance of customer perspective. But the differentiation strategy, niche strategy, and technological advantage strategy have some positive influences on non-financial performance of internal business process perspective. And some positive effects of niche strategy and technological advantage strategy on the non-financial performance of learning and growth perspective were examined in this study. Finally, the non-financial performances of small and medium corporations were examined which have some positive effects on financial performance. The empirical data of this study shows that the customer perspective of three non-financial performances has some positive effects on the average operating profit, operating profit augmentation, and average net income. And average net income and net income augmentation were discovered to be influenced by non-financial performance of internal business process perspective. From the findings of empirical results, research implications of this study of can be presented as follows. First, it may be advisable to proceed with cost leadership strategy or technological advantage strategy for small and medium corporations to increase the operating profit and net income. Second, one can expect non-financial performance improvement of customer perspective by cost leadership strategy or differentiation strategy. Also, it is going to aid non-financial performance elevation of internal business process perspective by differentiation strategy or technological advantage strategy. And niche strategy may expect non-financial performance improvement of learning and growth perspective. Third, small and medium corporations which expect financial performance improvement must try for non-financial performance elevation of customer perspective. Also, small and medium corporations which expect net income increase must try for non-financial performance elevation of internal business process perspective. Finally, this research shows that the higher the non-financial performance is, the higher the financial performance will be. Therefore, in addition to cost leadership strategy and technological advantage strategy influencing financial performance, differentiation strategy, diversification strategy, niche strategy should be used to influence non-financial performance elevation of small and medium corporation.

      • 行政審判制度의 改善에 관한 硏究

        권윤대 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The administrative adjudication is the dispute resolution procedure that one who is infringed his or her rights and interests by an administrative office's illegal and unreasonable measure or an exercise or un-exercise of public power requests the correction to the administrative office for the remedy and the administrative office judges it. It is generally recognized that this administrative adjudication system has contributed a lot to remedy people's rights and interests from illegal and unreasonable public power, has also made great contribution to the improvement of the administrative efficiency utilizing the expert knowledge of the administrative office, and has given many helps to achieve the economical efficiency of lawsuit meanwhile judicial remedy incurs lot's of time and expenditure. The studies about administrative adjudication system conducted so far has been focused on the search of improvement method via the theoretical analysis of the problems in the administrative adjudication system itself, and there is few approach in the aspects of organization management and personnel management which may cause inefficiency of the administrative adjudication. Accordingly, this thesis has driven an improvement scheme of administrative adjudication by overcoming of the limitation of existing studies and exploration of the problems in the administrative adjudication system itself and in the process of organization and personnel management. As a scheme to improve the rationality of administrative adjudication system, various methods can be discussed such as the expansion of administrative adjudication objects, the enlargement of claimer rights, the alleviation of the requisites for the execution suspension, the insurance of fastness and effectiveness in the judgement, nullification of the circumstantial judgement system, flexibility in the judgement claim methods and period estimation in the measure by public announcement and notification, approval of the return system, and activation of verbal inquiry. 「Administrative adjudication arbitration system」is a good example which is introduced to explore fast and self-regulated dispute resolution among the parties involved. From the perspective of organization management, the unity and adequacy is likely to be improved by making the Administrative Appeals Commission as a permanent organization, organizing and operating a special committee per each area such as the Special Committee for Information Opening operated by the Prime Minister's Administrative Appeals Commission, separation of judgement office and working department of the Administrative Appeals Commission, and devising close connections between municipal and provincial Administrative Appeals Commissions. Finally, the expertise improvement of the Administrative Appeals Commission members, the expansion of working level employees in the Administrative Appeals Commission, and the expertise improvement of working level civil servants of administrative measure department are necessary to enhance the adequacy of personnel management.

      • 行政職員과 敎師間 葛藤要因과 管理에 관한 硏究 : 私立 中等學校 行政職員을 對象으로

        조봉하 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        The purpose of this research is to survey by using questionnaires the administrative staff of private secondary schools in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province. Using the information so provided, I examine how conflict types between the administrative staff and teachers in a school organization are different according to the causes of conflict. This provided a base to investigate school management and human relationships. This research also examines the different ways of solving conflicts in relation to the school system, school management, and human relationships according to types of conflict management between the administrative staff and teachers. The present study's sampling group is 1,269 administrative staff working at 253 private secondary schools. One hundred schools were selected for study. Questionnaires were distributed and received from April 1st to April 30th, 2003. Three hundred questionnaires were returned (three per school). This study treated 215 valid samples statistically. The results of the study are as follows; First, conflict types between administrative staff and teachers (e.g., goal, cognitive, affective, and behavioral conflict) proved to be different according to the causes of conflict in each school?s administrative organization. Secondly, conflict types between administrative staff and teachers (e.g., goal, cognitive, affective, and behavioral conflict) proved to be different according to the causes of conflict in each school?s management style. Third, conflict types between administrative staff and teachers (e.g., goal, cognitive, affective, and behavioral conflict) proved to be different according to the causes of conflict in each school?s mix of human relationships. Fourth, different conflict management types between administrative staff and teachers (e.g., integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding, compromising, etc.) proved to be different because of different ways of solving conflicts in each school. The significant variables affecting conflict management were found to be integrating conflict management and avoiding conflict management. Fifth, conflict management types between administrative staff and teachers (e.g., integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding, compromising, etc.) proved to be different because of different ways of solving conflicts in the management of each school. The significant variables affecting conflict management were found to be dominating conflict management and compromising conflict management. Sixth, conflict management types between administrative staff and teachers (e.g., integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding, compromising, etc.) proved to be different because of different ways of solving conflicts in relation to human relationships. The significant variables affecting conflict management were found to be integrating conflict management, obliging conflict management, and compromising conflict management.

      • 單位 學校 豫算 運營의 實效性 提高 方案 : 慶尙北道 初等學校를 中心으로

        김종섭 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        As the elementary budgeting system has been changed with new management based on different regulation and accounting system since 2001. It is to support the curriculums effectively and to solve a school-based managerial problems efficiently. This study is to examine what needs to be improved in new effective management of school-based budget operation focused on elementary school. To be more precise, this research will scrutinize into how both teachers and educational administrators response to the school-based budget implementation depending on school circumstance. Furthermore this research will be presented some alternatives to eliminate obstacles for school-based budget operation or to encourage effectiveness for school-based budget implementation. In order to accomplish this purpose, to evaluate the performance of school-based budget operation, the study is measured some responsiveness of teachers and educational administrators toward budgeting process in case of elementary school. In this study, a survey questionnaire(composed of 29-item) was administered to 452 teachers and educational administrators for 130 elementary schools in Gyungbuk province. This research data is analyzed using frequency analysis to find out whether their personal characteristics (based on research variables such as autonomy, democracy, openness, responsibility, participation, and so on) affected the effectiveness of a school-based budget process. In finding from this research, the most significant factors to increase the effectiveness of a school-based budget implementation are as follows. First, student‘s parents involvement need to guaranteed more sufficiently and to play their roles properly. Second, those in charge of making the school-based budget need to make preparation ahead of time in order to suit elementary school situation. Third, there should be some institutional device to prevent arbitrary budget processing by specific group(including principal). Fourth, the elementary school's budget procedure should be simplified to improve the budget operation effectiveness. Five, to have a better understanding and to perform its procedures efficiently, teachers as well as school managers should be given an opportunity as kinds of training program toward the elementary school's budget operation. Finally, the self-evaluation should be implemented according to effective criteria in a way to encourage the public responsibility and the school finance committee should be guaranteed to improve the effectiveness of school-based budget operation. Under the circumstance, the significance of this study represents an important research source for the development of further research on the improvement of school-based budget operation or the improvement of effectiveness for elementary school's education.

      • 農家 負債와 農民의 態度 : 안동지역 쌀전업농·농업경영인·농민회 중심

        조상열 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        The agricultural policies couldn't obtain the anticipated outcomes in spite of the agricultural investment. As the budget of agriculture and forestry has increased, farm household debts have increased every year and the rural economy came to stand on the by-path of ruin. In this thesis, I have investigated causes of farm household debts which are considered as one of the biggest problems in the rural community. In order to get empirical analysis focusing on households specializing in rice and agricultural managers and farmers' association in Andong, I carried out a questionnaire using interview method. The settlement plan of farm household debts and the attitudes of farmers to the policy fund, and also farmers' opinions to the debts are as follows; First, for the settlement plan of the debts, 65 farmers(34.6%) answered that the decrease of policy interest is needed to the extreme, and 33(17.6%), 31(16.5%) and 28 farmers(14.9%) answered the necessity of the magnification of directive payment system, the aid of education expense and the extension of repayment period of farm household debts, respectively. Second, among the dissatisfied answers(108 farmers) to the satisfaction degree of policy interest, 51 farmers(47.2%) presented that the policy interest should decrease 2% point compared with the present one and be 1%. Third, in the case of the dissatisfied answers(142 farmers) to the satisfaction degree of the investment and financing of direct payment system, 56, 44 and 28 farmers presented 30%, 20% and 25% of the investment and financing of direct payment system, respectively. they revealed that the rate is almost the same level as compared with the developed countries. Forth, among the dissatisfied answers(127 farmers) to the financing system(based on 80% of land prices by public announcement) by Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation, 62 abd 40 farmers wanted the financing of 100% and 80% of the current price, respectively. This fact means that the amount of current financing has caused the increase of self-burden and this acts as one of the important causes of farm household debts. Fifth, in the opinions about the support system of the registration fee for farm household children, 115 farmers wanted the support for farmers who even cultivate more than 4,500 pyng of farm land, and 97 farmers wanted the support up to university. Therefore, most of the farm households indicated a dissatisfaction to the current support system of the registration fee. They hoped that the government would support about 50% of the registration fee up to university. Sixth, in the opinion about the repayment system of the loan for farm machinery, 106 farmers(56.4%) maintained that the repayment period must be extended in the current system, and 45 farmers(42.5%) hoped that the period be extended 3 years than the current system. Seventh, 85 farmers(45.2%) indicated dissatisfaction to the repayment system of farm land purchase price, and 32 farmers(46.4%) answered that it is needed to extend 5 years than the current system. Accordingly, most of farmers have hoped that the repayment period of farm land purchase price be extended about 5 years from 20 years in the current system. Eighth, 171 farmers(90.9%) showed dissatisfaction to the purchase support of farming materials, 68 farmers(39.8%) wanted the support in the range of WTO agreement and 50% in the rate. The results of cross analysis between farming and the scale of debts, and the scale of farm household income and total scale of debts revealed that those are very similar to the frequency of expectation. In the attitude to the debt, 117 farmers(62.3%) answered that the debt was needed in the recognizing attitude, and up to 58.6% of farmers argued that the debt was certainly needed. However, a negative response to the debt reached up to 89.2% and most of farmers abhorred the debt. In the emotional attitude, 149 farmers(79.4%) felt bad about the debt, 146(77.7%) and 153 farmers(81.4%) felt unhappy and anxious, respectively. Accordingly, most of farmers have bad emotion about the debt. In the behavioral attitude, farmers who want to loan more debt are no more than 79(42.3%), and farmers who want to repay the debt reached 159(84.6%). Therefore, most of farmers wanted to get out of the debt and 62 farmers(62.6%) expected to write off the debt by the government, but 18.1% showed a negative response. According to the amount of debt, I divided into two groups. Among the analysis results of the difference in the attitude to the debt between the groups, several important facts are as follows; First, in the recognizing attitude, a difference was seen between the two groups about the necessity and inevitability of the debt. A group with much debt had stronger attitude that the debt was necessary and inevitable compared with the group with little debt. On the other hand, it was analyzed that the attitude which contained that the more debt, the better had no difference between the group with much debt and the one with little debt. Second, in the emotional attitude, happy-unhappy barometer showed difference between the two groups. The group with much debt was inclined feel unhappy compared with the one with little debt. The differences between the groups about two categories which were feeling bad-feeling good and anxious-less anxious showed significant probability of 0.064 and 0.076 respectively. In the significant level 0.05, which was decided in this thesis, the group difference was abandoned. But, the group difference could be recognized in the significant level 0.1. Therefore, I found that this firmly maintained the attitude which the group with much debt was inclined to feel unhappy or anxious compared with the group with little debt. Third, in the behavioral attitude, the group difference was showed about two categories which are "want to loan more money" and “want to repay fast”. In other words, the group with much debt wanted to loan money rather than the group with little debt and the former group showed strong attitude that they wanted to repay debt as soon as possible. In the expectation about writing off the debt by the government, the group difference was not showed but it was analyzed that they expected considerably the writing off the debt.

      • 公企業의 顧客滿足 決定要因에 따른 滿足度와 重要度에 관한 硏究 : 電力事業 部門을 中心으로

        전수한 安東大學校 行政經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        As the world economy globalizes and the free competitive age, the world is becoming one market place, comes, public enterprises should also aim at the customer centered management innovation getting out of the supplier centered one. Called upon a restructuring of electric power industry pressingly such as the appeasement of monopolistic position and fall into private management continuously, the electric power business has also been separating the electric power section, as a first step to private management since 2001. As people's income grows and their spirit of rights extends as well, the high expectations to the public service demand the electric power business to accomodate the customer satisfaction management in the light of environmental, economical, sociological management, and management performances. The purposes of this study are to find out the determination factors of customer satisfaction in the electric power business and to verify how these determination factors influence the degree of customer satisfaction and employee importance. To accomplish these purposes, this study were surveyed through literature research and empirical analysis by questionnaire research. And with the reciprocal comparison and analysis on the degree of customer satisfaction measured by inside and outside customers of KEPCO(Korea Electricity Power Corporation). For verifying hypotheses of research model, the empirical datum were collected surveying 230 general customers using electricity all over the regions of Korea and 233 KEPCO employees were measured by the well developed questionnaires. The results of this study are as follows; First, with regard to the variables of the determination factor of customer satisfaction and the degree of customer satisfaction in the electric power business, the overall degree of customer satisfaction in the determination factors of customer satisfaction of the electric power business (electricity rates, electricity quality, exactness of business conduction, employees' degree of kindness and contribution toward the community), all determinants except for the electricity quality were found to have a positive effect on the degree of customer satisfaction. And from the fact that the relative effects are the largest in the factor of electricity rates, that customers are more sensitive to electricity charges rather than electricity quality. Secondly, in relation to the variables of the determination factors and the degree of employee importance in the electric power business, in the overall degree of determination factor of customer satisfaction in the electric power business, all determinants except for electricity charges and electricity quality were found to affect positively the degree of employee importance and it was found out that the relative effects are the greatest in the contribution factors toward the community. It is full of important suggestions that employees are considering the indirect factors affecting the degree of importance rather than direct factors. Third, with regard to the difference in recognition between outside customers and inside customers(the employees of KEPCO) on the degree of importance for the variables of the determination factor of customer satisfaction, it showed there are great differences in the overall degree of contribution toward community and employee kindness. Whereas in the contribution factor toward community, the degree of customer importance proved to be higher than that of employees and in the employee kindness factor, employees proved to be considered higher than customers. And in the priority ranking of customer satisfaction importance, customers consider the factor of electricity charges most important, but employees recognize the factor of electric power quality most important. This result means that employees still believing that it is most important to supply the customers with more stable electricity. In conclusion, this study shows that the indirect customer service factors like the exactness of task operations, the degree of employee kindness, and the contribution factors toward community, have more impacts and importance rather than the direct factors like qualitative elements in the degree of satisfaction and importance for improving customer satisfaction management in the electric power business.

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