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      • Nanoparticulate sol-gel cathode coatings for environmentally friendly batteries

        Walz, Kenneth Allen The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Transition metal compounds (typically oxides) are commonly used for battery cathode materials. Of the transition elements, both iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are relatively abundant, inexpensive, and non-toxic. For this reason iron and manganese compounds are of interest as safe, environmentally friendly materials to be incorporated in high performance batteries. Unfortunately some of the most promising iron and manganese compounds are known to exhibit less than ideal chemical stability, and they often engage in undesirable secondary reactions that diminish battery capacity. This dissertation describes the use of sol-gel synthesized nanoparticulate coatings to stabilize cathode materials. SiO2 and TiO2 coatings are explored for BaFeO4 ferrate cathodes in primary batteries, while TiO2 and ZrO2 coatings are applied to LiMn 2O4 spinel cathodes in secondary batteries. The coatings are shown to enhance the stability and performance of batteries employing lithium-ion chemistries. These findings may benefit the lithium-ion industry, particularly as demand for batteries grows in response to the expanding consumer electronics and hybrid vehicle markets.

      • On the Bellows conjecture

        Walz, Anke Barbara Cornell University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This work is a report on the Bellows Conjecture. It summarizes the results that are known so far, gives a number of new results, and raises several open questions. In 1813 A. L. Cauchy proved that convex polyhedra are rigid. However, there are flexible non-convex polyhedra, and the Bellows Conjecture arose naturally from the study of these three dimensional flexible polyhedral surfaces. The surfaces are given by their vertices and incidence relations, and they can be continuously deformed while keeping the faces congruent. It was observed that the volume enclosed by the surfaces stays constant during the deformation, and this lead to the following general conjecture: “<italic>The generalized volume of a flexible polyhedron in R<super>n</super> stays constant during a continuous flex</italic>.&rdquo. I. Sabitov was the first to give a proof of the Conjecture for <italic> n</italic> = 3 in 1995, and the subsequent research has been based on his ideas. Instead of directly proving the Bellows Conjecture, we are focusing on proving the so-called Integrality Conjecture: “<italic>The volume of a flexible polyhedron in R<super>n</super> is integral over the ring generated by the squared edge lengths of the polyhedron over the rational numbers Q </italic>”. We show that the Integrality Conjecture implies the Bellows Conjecture. After carefully defining the terms and objects, we give a detailed exposition of the algebraic methods that are involved. We discuss the theories of places and valuations, and how they can used to prove integrality. After stating the geometric lemmata involved, we give a proof of the Integrality Conjecture for dimension <italic>n</italic> = 3, as well as partial results for higher dimensions, carefully pointing out the difficulties that arise. We also present examples for non-trivial flexible polyhedra in dimension <italic>n </italic> = 4.

      • Exposing internal attentional brain states using single-trial eeg analysis with combined imaging modalities

        Walz, Jennifer M Columbia University ProQuest Dissertations & These 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The goal of this dissertation is to explore the neural correlates of endogenous task-related attentional modulations. Natural fluctuations in task engagement are challenging to study, primarily because they are by nature not event related and thus cannot be controlled experimentally. Here we exploit well-accepted links between attention and various measures of neural activity while subjects perform simple target detection tasks that leave their minds free to wander. We use multimodal neuroimaging, specifically simultaneous electroencephalograpy and functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI) and EEG-pupillometry, with data-driven machine learning methods and study activity across the whole brain. We investigate BOLD fMRI correlates of EEG variability spanning each trial, enabling us to unravel a cascade of attention-related activations and determine their temporal ordering. We study activity during auditory and visual paradigms independently, and we also combine data to investigate supra modal attention systems. Without aiming to study known attention-related functional brain networks, we found correlates of attentional modulations in areas representative of the default mode network (DMN), ventral attention network (VAN), locus coeruleus norepinephrine (LC-NE) system, and regions implicated in generation of the extensively-studied P300 EEG response to target stimuli. Our results reveal complex interactions between known attentional systems, and do so non-invasively to study normal fluctuations of task engagement in the human brain.

      • Training the 21st Century Voice Teacher: An Overview and Curriculum Survey of the Undergraduate Experience

        Walz, Ivy University of Cincinnati 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This document examines the current status of voice teacher education in the 21st century, focusing on the undergraduate experience as an important first step, and links that experience to current trends in pedagogical training as a whole. This document includes the results of a curriculum survey detailing the undergraduate vocal pedagogy courses from three music schools that specialize in undergraduate education; Oberlin Conservatory, Lawrence University and Ithaca College. Additionally, this document provides an overview of sources published since the year 2000 which promote excellence in teaching; such as gaining expertise in the anatomy and physiology of the voice, developing a broader range of responses to vocal issues, and recognizing student individuality. Finally, this document presents a broader discussion of the current training of 21st century voice teachers and what developments should be made to better equip them.

      • Competition, coercion, and choice: The sex lives of female olive baboons (Papio anubis)

        Walz, Jessica Terese ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Ohio State Uni 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Since Darwin first described his theory of sexual selection, evolutionary biologists have used this framework to understand the potential for morphological, physiological, and behavioral traits to evolve within each sex. Recently, researchers have revealed important nuances in effects of sexual coercion, intersexual conflict, and sex role reversals. Among our closest relatives living in complex societies in which individuals interact outside of just the context of mating, the sexual and social lives of individuals are tightly intertwined. An important challenge to biological anthropologists is demonstrating whether female opportunities for mate choice are overridden by male-male competitive and male-female coercive strategies that dominate multi-male, multi-female societies. In this dissertation, I explore interactions between these various mechanisms of competition, coercion, and choice acting on the lives of female olive baboons (Papio anubis) to determine how they may influence expression of female behavioral and vocal signals, copulatory success with specific males, and the role of female competition in influencing mating patterns. I found females solicit specific males around the time of ovulation. Although what makes some males more preferred is less clear, there is evidence females choose males who might be better future protectors---males who will have long group tenures and are currently ascending the hierarchy. Preference translates into higher copulation rates and success at consort takeovers, there is little support that this is simply based on male aggression toward females. Outside the fertile window female copulations were more likely related to male aggression and male dominance rank. Additionally, I found evidence that copulation calls of female olive baboons indicate ovulation and may function to encourage specific males to guard or continue mating with females. However, some of the temporal features of calls indicate a function for paternity confusion. Finally, cycling females were targeted for more aggression than they gave, suggesting aggression among females may limit reproductive competition. However, among ovulating females in consort with preferred males, most aggression was directed toward lactating females. These are females who present the biggest threat for cycling females to develop a bond with a future male "friend." In baboons, establishing nonsexual friendships is valuable in terms of mother and infant protection. Overall, I showed that the social and sexual lives of female olive baboons differ as they approach periods in their ovulatory cycles when they are more likely to conceive, and provide support for hypotheses suggesting female strategies, like darting, copulation calls, and proceptive behaviors toward males with certain qualities appear to serve as a graded signal that allows females to both encourage mating from preferred partners when near conception, but also encourage competition or paternity confusion when not fertile. Female strategies seem most focused on ensuring conception, but also may be important for establishing bonds with males for future protection. I also highlight important similarities and differences in male and female reproductive strategies across three savanna baboon species and consider how a synthesis of these unique strategies can help resolve questions about evolved sexual conflicts in the context of complex societies.

      • Pathogenesis of the bovine viral diarrhea virus-induced hemorrhagic disorder

        Walz, Paul Harold Michigan State University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Type II bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) has been associated with severe clinical disease and a hemorrhagic syndrome characterized by thrombocytopenia, bleeding, and death. The mechanism by which type II BVDV causes severe disease and the hemorrhagic syndrome is unknown, but the induction of thrombocytopenia. by type II BVDV may be an important factor. Previous experimental studies on thrombocytopenia associated with BVDV infection have been descriptive, but difficult to reproduce, and the mechanism of BVDV-induced thrombocytopenia remains unknown. Moreover, clinical signs of spontaneous hemorrhage have been observed in type II BVDV-infected cattle whose platelet count was not depressed enough to fully account for the hemorrhage, suggesting that altered platelet function may additionally be involved in the pathogenesis. The focus of our first experimental study was to address the need for a reproducible model of BVDV-induced thrombocytopenia and to investigate the discrepancy between development of hemorrhage and platelet count. Calves (n = 5) were inoculated on day 3 of age with 10<super>7</super> TCID<sub>50</sub> of BVDV 890 (type II), while sham-inoculated calves served as controls (n = 4). Blood cell counts and virus isolation from blood components were performed daily and platelet aggregation tests were performed every other day throughout the study. Calves were euthanatized on day 12 after inoculation, and pathologic, virologic, and immunohistochemical examinations were performed. The platelet counts decreased and platelet function was depressed in type II BVDV-infected calves. Bone marrow examination from infected calves revealed megakaryocyte infection and evidence of concurrent megakaryocyte necrosis and hyperplasia. A model of BVDV-induced thrombocytopenia was characterized, and it was concluded that altered platelet function may contribute to clinical hemorrhage in cattle infected with type II BVDV. The hemorrhagic syndrome and outbreaks of severe disease have been most often associated with type II BVDV, and not type I BVDV. The focus of our second study was to compare platelet function and levels of viremia between a type I BVDV infection, a non- thrombocytopenic type II BVDV infection, and thrombocytopenic type II BVDV infection. Control calves (n = 4) were sham inoculated, while calves in infected groups (n = 4 for each group) were inoculated with 10<super>7</super> TCID<sub>50</sub> of either BVDV 890 (type II), BVDV 7937 (type II), or BVDV TGAN (type I). Platelet function and levels of viremia were evaluated prior to inoculation (day 0) and on days 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 after inoculation. Level of viremia was determined using the serum viral titers and the percentage association of BVDV with lymphocytes and platelets. Depressed platelet flanction was only observed in type II BVDV-infected calves. A parallel relationship between level of viremia and rectal temperatures, and an inverse relationship between level of viremia and blood cell counts was observed; that is, the greatest elevations in rectal temperature and greatest depressions in blood counts were observed in BVDV 890-infected calves. Isolates of BVDV that induce higher levels of viremia may be more capable of inducing disease. Severe BVDV infections and the hemorrhagic syndrome may occur during infection with isolates of BVDV capable of inducing high levels of viremia.

      • Pending Microbiology Cultures at Hospital Discharge And Post-Hospital Patient Outcomes in Medicare Patients Discharged To Sub-Acute Care

        Walz, Stacy Erin The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Each year, >20% of Medicare patients are re-hospitalized within 30 days, costing over $17 billion. Pneumonia, septicemia, and urinary tract infections are common healthcare-associated infections, and are in the top 10 reasons for re-hospitalizations in these patients. Microbiology cultures are key tools used to detect infections, and >27% of general medicine and sub-acute care patients are discharged from the hospital with a pending blood, urine, or sputum culture. Whether there is a link between pending microbiology cultures at hospital discharge and re-hospitalization, emergency department (ED) visits, or death within 30 days, remains unknown. We retrospectively analyzed Medicare and laboratory data for 773 stroke, hip fracture, and cancer patients discharged from a single large academic medical center to sub-acute care in 2003-2008. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to examine relationships between pending cultures at discharge, and death, re-hospitalization, or ED visits within 30 days. All models control for patient sociodemographics and patient medical history. Patients with preliminary results available at discharge for their pending culture had greater odds (1.8) of being re-hospitalized or visiting the ED for an infection within 30 days as compared to those with no pending culture. Patients with normal final culture results returning after discharge had greater odds (2.0) of dying within 30 days as compared to those with no pending culture. Results were statistically significant at the 0.10 level. In conclusion, pending microbiology cultures at discharge may be related to poor post-hospital patient outcomes, and represent a targeted area for improvement in communication and follow-up.

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