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      • Effects of Nonuniform Root-zone Salinity on Na+, Cl- and Nitrate Uptake in Irrigated Almond

        Valenzuela Acevedo, Francisco Jose Gabriel University of California, Davis ProQuest Dissertat 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Californian agriculture is under increasing threat from salinity as a consequence of scarcer water resources, combined with the increasing use of low quality ground water. In many regions of California, groundwater used for irrigation, is compro. Almond is an important crop for California's with a surface of 890,000 acres planted supplying ~80% of the world almond exports and contributes $11 billion of total value added to California's economy and generates 104,000 direct and indi. Currently the main strategy used to manage salts consists of the application of water in excess of plant needs to leach salts from the root zone, traditionally this would be achieved by flood irrigation so the movement of water deep into the soi. As a consequence of the mobility of nitrate in the soil, salinity management imposes an additional environmental risk since the leaching of saline salts can easily result in the loss of nitrate from the cropping system. Collectively these constr. Historically salt levels in the root zone have been measured in saturated paste extracts (EC~e~) of soil cores collected from within the main rooting zone at different depth. The average value of all depths represents the saline level of the roo. Under the complex scenario of heterogeneous salinity the main challenge for studies on saline stress for California almond orchards is to develop methodologies that better simulate field conditions, and to conduct pot or other studies that attem. Two experiment experiments were carried out to test tree response under non-uniform saline conditions. Experiment 1: Non-uniform saline, osmotic and nutritional conditions in root sub-zones of plants were evaluated by the use of a split-root met.

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