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      • A professional development program evaluation: Teacher efficacy, learning, and transfer

        Tomonari, Dana Anne Miyuki University of Southern California 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Although professional development is an important means of improving both teachers' skills and student outcomes, there is a dearth of high quality empirical research on the efficacy of such efforts. The efficacy of the Challenging Behavior Process was assessed using a mixed method approach which included the use of pre-, post-, and follow-up surveys. The participants were preschool teachers who worked for Kamehameha Schools on the island of Oahu. The relationship of the training to teacher efficacy, learning, and transfer was assessed. The analyses determined that the training was well-designed to meet the needs of the teaching staff, participants reacted positively to the training, and participation in the training was related to positive changes in knowledge about the CB process. However, participation in the training was also related to a statistically significant decrease in teacher efficacy for teaching strategies at the time of the follow-up and a number of knowledge gaps were uncovered. Finally, the study revealed a reporting rate for challenging behaviors that was much lower than expected. The overarching implication drawn from this study is that comprehensive evaluation of professional development in education is both necessary and valuable. It is not enough to collect data about how an initiative is working. It is important to take time to put the pieces of the professional development puzzle together to determine how and if professional development efforts create or support change in the classroom.

      • Autobiographies in modern Japan: Self, memory, and social change

        Tomonari, Noboru The University of Chicago 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study makes an inquiry into the Japanese autobiographies that appeared in recent history. The autobiographies are often seen as individually based and authored. My study demonstrates that the genre at the same time has had far-reaching social and cultural ramifications that deserve to be explored in the context of the modernization and the industrialization of Japan. As such, the autobiographies were quite connected with the acquiring of economic power. The development of capitalism and the changes it induced in social relations were critical to the appearance of the modern Japanese autobiographies. My study begins with autobiographies written by rural entrepreneurs at the end of the Tokugawa period. A distinctively didactic tone characterizes the main texts here by Suzuki Bokushi and Kawato Jindai. This was an aspect that was influenced by the ongoing proto-industrialization at this time. Their autobiographies were one means of empowering the emerging elite, the “gōnō” or the rural entrepreneurs. The stage of economic development in late Tokugawa, however, limited the writing and the distribution of these autobiographies. Things changed as the economy developed apace in Meiji. The texts in which various facets of this transition are embodied include several versions of Shibusawa Eiichi, a leading Meiji entrepreneur's autobiography, and the more famous self-narration of Fukuzawa Yukichi. In the background of their works was the increase in the number of white-collared managers and the changing relations within the Japanese companies and factories. The other two chapters discuss the Taishō socialists' and workers' autobiographies, and the women's autobiographies of the 1950s. There, the changing role of the workers and the women also had a significant bearing on the authoring and the content of their autobiographies. Through these chapters, I demonstrate that some of the leading intellectuals of particular social groups almost simultaneously began to make use of the autobiographies to inform and to convert. These works, from their appearance at various transitional moments for the groups their authors identified with, become significant means to transform the consciousness of their cohorts and that of the other fellow citizens. Memory, narrated as autobiographies, proved a potent force in the economic and social processes that modernized Japan.

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