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      • Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and the utilization of evidence-based practices by mental health professionals

        Smallwood-Butts, Kina Temple University 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Burnout is a construct first proposed by Freudenberger to describe a condition that develops in people who work with people such as teachers, nurses and first responders (Shan, 2005). Professionals who are burned out demonstrate a lack of concern for the people they service and often perform poorly on the job. In recent years, the construct of Burnout has been largely replaced by the construct of Compassion Fatigue. Interestingly, mental health professionals who work with children as their predominant client base have not been extensively studied, although these professionals arguably could be experiencing some of the highest levels of Compassion Fatigue (Eastwood, 2008). Research shows that Burnout and Compassion Fatigue impact the work that an individual performs, but the impact of these on the use of particular therapeutic practices as an area is less studied. The present study sought to determine if there is a relationship between Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and the use of evidence-- based practices in mental health professionals. Using research by Craig and Sprang (2010) as the starting point, this study also investigated whether mental health professionals who work with children experience more or less Burnout and Compassion Fatigue than those who work with adults. Mental health professionals from a variety of mental health facilities in the Philadelphia region served as subjects in this study. Participants were given the Trauma Practices Questionnaire (TPQ), a 22-item treatment practices utilization scale, the Professional Quality of Life Scale-V (PRoQOL-V), a 30-item scale that required respondents to assess their thoughts and feelings in relation to their work, and a questionnaire formulated by this investigator that included demographic information, background information, as well a question that focused on the age of the mental health professional's client base and a question that focused on years of professional experience. The results showed that the mental health professionals who worked with adults were older, more typically white, had higher levels of education and had undergraduate majors that were in psychology or a psychology-related area (e.g., social work) than mental health professionals who worked with children. Burnout and Compassion Fatigue correlated negatively with all practices, evidence based and non-evidence based. Males used more evidence-based and total practices than females. Females had a higher level of Compassion Satisfaction but also a higher level of Burnout. The results showed that the mental health professionals who worked with children had higher levels of Compassion Satisfaction, but also higher levels of Burnout. The data show that the group that works with children used less cognitive and behavioral approaches. The broader implications of the results are discussed in the conclusion.

      • Advances in dynamical modeling and control of underwater robotic vehicles

        Smallwood, David Andrew The Johns Hopkins University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This Thesis addresses problems in the dynamical modeling, identification, and control of underwater vehicles. First we report the design, construction, and testing by the Author of the Johns Hopkins University Remotely Operated underwater robotic Vehicle (JHUROV), a experimental test platform for research in underwater robotic vehicle navigation, dynamics, and control. Second we report a complete derivation of a general, six-degree-of-freedom finite-dimensional approximate dynamical plant model for rigid body underwater robotic vehicles, and an empirically justified simplification resulting in a single-degree-of-freedom finite-dimensional approximate dynamical plant model. Third, we report the novel use of and a stability proof for a scalar adaptive identification technique for identifying plant model parameters from experimental vehicle dynamics data. This technique is shown to produce superior experimentally identified dynamical plant model parameters in comparison to those obtained via a conventional least-squares technique. Fourth, we report a detailed comparative experimental evaluation of a family of model-based controllers designed for the task of trajectory tracking. Numerical simulation and extensive experimental results are reported, examining the comparative performance of five model-based controllers and a conventional linear controller.

      • Pseudopotential theory and its application to non-adiabatic condensed phase simulations

        Smallwood, Christopher Jay University of California, Los Angeles 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The simulation of many-electron systems plays a vital role in understanding condensed matter. Yet, even with modern computational power, exact quantum mechanical calculations are limited to a few electrons. This reality has fueled the development of a wide variety of approximate methods to reduce the number of electronic degrees of freedom in a calculation while maintaining accuracy. A prominent member in this class of methods is pseudopotential theory. In pseudopotential theory, most electrons are treated implicitly by enforcing the orthogonality between themselves and the explicitly treated electrons through the use of a repulsive potential. Unfortunately, the calculation of the pseudopotential itself is computationally intensive, and this has limited the use of exact pseudopotential theory. Instead, approximate methods are often used. In this dissertation, a new analytically exact reformulation of pseudopotential theory is presented. This formalism has two principle advantages. First, it is physically transparent and provides a direct geometric interpretation of pseu- is physically transparent and provides a direct geometric interpretation of pseudopotential theory. Second (and most importantly), it is significantly more computationally efficient. This efficiency results from the ability of the formalism to solve for the exact pseudopotential without ever requiring the calculation of the potential energy operator. As a demonstration of the method, the one-electron pseudopotential for a tetrohydrofuran molecule interacting with an excess electron is calculated. To the best of my knowledge, this is the largest molecule for which an exact pseudopotential has been calculated, and, with this new formalism, the pseudopotential was calculated in less than 15 seconds. These types of pseudopotentials (i.e. a molecule interacting with an excess electron) are frequently used to calculate the behavior of excess electrons in condensed phase environments. Thus, in conclusion, this dissertation will explore the effect of electronic symmetry on the behavior of the charge-transfer-to-solvent (CTTS) reaction through the use of mixed quantum/classical molecular dynamics simulations. This work reduces the system to a one-electron problem where the remainder of the electrons is treated via a pseudopotential developed by other researchers. This work illustrates the importance of pseudopotential theory in enabling the calculation of condensed-phase systems.

      • The Engagement of U.S. Congregations in Global Philanthropy and Community Development

        Smallwood, Morgan W The University of Wisconsin - Madison ProQuest Dis 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Faith-based philanthropic networks in the United States are engaged in global development efforts through a variety of vehicles. However, our knowledge of the extent to and ways in which this engagement occurs is quite limited. In this paper, we build on theories of individual global philanthropy and refine them for the organizational context of faith-based congregations. We also provide a case-study example of congregational engagement in global development for context. We test these theories by applying them in our analysis of faith-based global engagement and the organizational factors which impact this engagement as exhibited in data from the National Congregation Study, a nationally representative sample of U.S. religious congregations. The effect of denominational affiliation, congregation programming, ideology measures, members' socioeconomic status, and the racial/ethnic composition of the congregation are tested concerning global engagement. Findings indicate that key theories for individual philanthropic engagement are reflected at the organizational level of congregations. Recommendations for future areas of inquiry are provided based on findings.

      • Case studies of middle school students' alternative conceptions and conceptual changes concerning the theory of plate tectonics

        Skinner, Lisa Smallwood Auburn University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        The purpose of this study was to determine the alternative conceptions three students have about plate tectonics and to discover how these conceptions change during instruction. I selected three seventh grade students to participate in this multiple case study. Data were collected and analyzed from concept maps, interviews, and classroom artifacts. Three major categories or themes of alternative conceptions kept reoccurring in the data as a result of within- and cross-case analyses: Visualizing Plate Tectonics, Recreating Theories, and Coping With Dissonance. I also found reoccurring patterns of conceptual changes made by the students concerning plate motions, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountains. This study confirmed the existing research which states that students come to the classroom with ideas about science which they have constructed from their personal experiences and which have shaped their thinking of the world. A student's pre-existing conception may not be aligned with the scientific community. This study clearly authenticated that presenting information in different formats such as models, drawings, graphic organizers, and videos helped students proceeded through the activities, they recognized that it was their responsibility to reconstruct their existing ideas. This study vividly indicated that with careful instruction based on the constructs of the conceptual change model, the participants were able to cope with the dissonance and to recreate new conceptions of plate motions, earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes. Providing students with an ample number of hands-on experiences helped them to construct intelligible, plausible, and fruitful knowledge which is very similar to scientific views on the topic. The research has shown that students' conceptions are important and should be considered by teachers even though their concepts may not parallel those of scientists. Further research stemming from the results of this study should focus on alternative conceptions and conceptual changes of plate tectonics.

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