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        Contrasting Styles of Gold and Silver Mineralization in the Central and Southeastern Korea

        최선규,최상훈,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Choi, Sang-Hoon The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1995 자원환경지질 Vol.28 No.6

        한반도 중부지역과 동남부지역에 분포하는 금-은 광상들의 광화작용은 쥐라기 중기로부터 백악기 말기에 걸쳐서 진행되었으며, 이들 광상은 유행별로 산출지역 및 산출시기에 연관된 지질학적 지화학적 생성환경의 차이를 나타내고 있다. 중부지역 금-은 광상은 북동-남서의 방향성을 갖고 산출분포하는 중생대 화강암류 및 주변 선캠브리아기 변성암류내에 분포하지만, 동남부지역 금-은 광상은 백악기 퇴적암 및 화산암류내에 주로 배태되고 있다. 이는 한반도 대표적인 화성활동인 쥐라지 대보화성활동 및 백악기 불국사 화성활동과 각각 밀접한 성인적 연관성을 시사하고 있다. 이러한 각 광상들의 광화작용 특성(광물공생관계, 조직, 구조 등)과 연대측정결과 및 지질학적 분포특성은 쥐라가 중기로부터 백악기 말기에 이르기까지 광상형성과 연관된 열수유체의 성인적 차이를 의미하고 있다. 즉, 쥐라기로부터 초기 백악기에는 금광단일형 광상의 광화작용이 우세하게 진행되었으나, 후기 백악기에 이르면서 금-은혼합형광상 및 은광단일형 광상의 광화작용이 우세하게 야기되었음을 알 수 있다. 쥐라기 금광단일형 광상들은 괴상의 맥상 산출특성 및 단순한 광석 광불 공생관계를 보여주는 단성광맥으로 높은 fineness 값을 나타내지만, 백악기 금-은혼합형 광상과 은광단일형 광상은 다양하고 복잡한 구조 및 조치특성 갖는 복성 광맥내에 함은황인 및 황화광물과 함은tellurides 및 자연은 등을 포함하는 등 상대적으로 복잡한 광석광물 공생과계를 보여준다. 한편 황화광물의 지질온도계와 유체포유물 연구의 결과등에 의하면 백악기 금-은혼합형 광상과 은광단일형 광상은 천부(<0.5 kb)에서 천수가 우세한 광화유체로부터 $200^{\circ}{\sim}350^{\circ}C$ 온도조건하에서 주된 광화작용이 진행되었지만, 쥐라기 금광단일형 광상은 마그마기원의 열수용액으로부터 고온$(300^{\circ}{\sim}500^{\circ}C)$ 및 고압$({\approx}4-5kb)$의 생성환경하에서 광화작용이 진행되었음을 시사한다. Two distinct precious-metal mineralizations actively occur at central and southeastern Korea which display consistent relationships among geologic, geochemical and genetic environments. A large number of preciousmetal vein deposits in the central Korea occur in or near Mesozoic granite batholiths elongated in a NE-SW direction. Whereas, gold and/or silver deposits in the southeastern Korea occur within Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks. However, most of the precious-metal deposits in the southeastern Korea show characteristics of the silver-rich deposits than the gold-rich deposits in the central Korea. Two epochs of main igneous activities are recognized: a) Jurassic Daebo igneous activity between 121 and 183 Ma, and b) Cretaceous Bulgugsa igneous activity between 60 and 110 Ma. Precious-metal mineralization took place between 158 and 71 Ma, coinciding with portions of the two magmatic activities. Contrasts in the style of mineralization, together with radiometric age data and differences in geologic settings reflect the genetically variable natures of hydrothermal activities from middle Jurassic to late Cretaceous time. The compilation and re-evaluation of these data suggest that the genetic types of hydrothermal precious-metal vein deposits in the central and southeastern Korea varied with time. The Jurassic and early Cretaceous mineralizations are characterized by the Au-dominant type, but tend to change to the Au-Ag and/or Ag-dominant types at late Cretaceous. The Jurassic Au-dominant deposits commonly show several characteristics; prominent associations with pegmatites, simple massive vein morphologies, high fmeness values in ore-concentrating parts, and a distinctively simple ore mineralogy such as Fe-rich sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, Au-rich electrum, pyrrhotite and/or pyrite. The Cretaceous precious-metal deposits are generally characterized by some- features such as complex vein morphologies, low to medium fmeness values in the ore concentrates, and abundance of ore minerals including Ag sulfosalts, Ag sulfides, Ag tellurides and native silver. Mineralogical and fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Jurassic Au-dominant deposits in the central area were formed at the high temperature (about $300^{\circ}$ to $500^{\circ}C$) and pressure (about 4 to 5 kbars), whereas mineralizations of the Cretaceous Au-Ag and Ag-dominant deposits were occurred at the low temperature (about $200^{\circ}$ to $350^{\circ}C$) and pressure (<0.5 kbars) from the ore fluids containing more amounts of less-evolved meteoric waters.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Environments of Hydrothermal Vein Deposits in the Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia

        최선규,소칠섭,최상훈,한진균,Choi, Seon-Gyu,So, Chil-Sup,Choi, Sang-Hoon,Han, Jin-Kyun The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1995 자원환경지질 Vol.28 No.2

        인도네시아 빠찌딴 광화대 동-아연 광상은 금 또는 연 광화작용을 수반하여 동부자바 Southern Mountain zone내 제3기 퇴적암류와 화산암류의 열극을 충진한 열수 석영 백상광체로 까시한(Kasihan), 점퐁(Jompong), 금뽈(Gempol) 지역에 밀집 분포한다. 주 광화시기의 광석광물로는 황철석, 황동석, 섬아연석, 방연석 등이 각 지역별로 특징적인 광석광물들과 공생관계로 보이며 산출한다. 즉 까시한 지역의 경우 초기 공생광물군으로써 황철석 자류철석 철함유량이 높은(약 20 mole % FeS) 섬아연석과 Au 함량이 매우높은 (91.4 to 94.0 atomic % Au) 에렉트럼 및 (Cu-)Pb-Bi계 유염광물 등이 산출하며, 점퐁지역은 황철석, 유비철석(29.5~30.3 atomic % As), 섬아연석 등이 공생관계를 보여주며 산출된다. 반면, 금뽈지역의 경우 황철석, 자철석, 적철석 등의 초기 산출이 특징적이다. 광석광물의 침전은 0.8~10.1 wt. % NaCl 상당염농도를 갖는 광화유체로부터 약 $350^{\circ}C$에서 약 $200^{\circ}C$에 걸쳐 진행되었으며, 까시한 및 점퐁지역의 경우 초기 광화유체의 비등현상과 이에 수반된 냉각 회석 작용에 기인한 광액 진화에 의하여, 금뽈지역의 경우 천수의 유입에 의한 냉각 희석작용이 우세하게 진행된 광액 진화에 기인하여 야기되었다. 광화유체의 비등현상 및 유체포유물 연구결과에 근거한 빠찌딴 광화대 주 광화시기의 압력조건은 약 (${\geq}95{\sim}255$ bars로, 까시한($\approx$ 140~255 bar) $\rightarrow$ 점퐁 ($\approx$ 120~170 bar) $\approx$ 금뽈 (${\geq}95$ bar)의 순으로 광화대내 지역별 상대적인 광화심도 차이가 확인된다. 광물공생관계를 이용한 열역학적 연구결과, 온도감소에 따른 유황분압의 변화와 산소분압 조건이 각 지역별로 상이함은 광화대내 각 지역별 열수계에서 상기 광화심도에 관련한 천수의 역할(water/rock 비등)차이에 기인된 결과로 해석된다. 유체내 산소 및 수소안정동위원소 연구결과, 이들 동위원소 값이 광화작용의 진행과 함께 점차 감소함은 상대적으로 낮은 water/rock 비 값은 갖는 환경하에서 동위원소 교환반응을 이뤄 평형상태에 이른 광화초기 열수계내에 광화작용의 진행과 함께 산화상태의 차갑고 동위원소적 교환반응이 적게 이뤄진 천수의 혼입이 점증하였음을 지시하며, 각 지역별 동위원소비 값의 차이는 광화심도에 관련된 water/rock비 및 동위원소 교환반응차 등에 의한 결과로 사료된다. The hydrothermal vein type deposits which comprise the Kasihan, Jompong and Gempol mineralized areas are primarily copper and zinc deposits, but they are also associated with lead and/or gold mineralization. The deposits occur within the Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Southern Mountain zone of the eastern Java island, Indonesia. Mineralization can be separated into two or three distinct stages (pre-and/or post- ore mineralization stages and main ore mineralization stage) which took place mainly along pre-existing fault breccia zones. The main phase of mineralization (the main ore stage) can be usually classified into three substages (early, middle and late) according to ore mineral assemblages, paragenesis, textures and their chemical compositions. Ore mineralogy and paragenesis of the three areas in the district are different from each other. Pyrite, pyrrhotite (/arsenopyrite), iron-rich (up to 20.5 mole % FeS) sphalerite and (Cu-)Pb-Bi sulfosalts are characteristic of the deposits in the Kasihan (/Jompong) area. On the other hand, pyrite + hematite + magnetite + iron-poor (2.7 to 3.6 mole % FeS) sphalerite assemblage is restricted to the Gempol area. Fluid inclusion data suggest that fluids of the main ore stage evolved from initial high temperatures (near $350^{\circ}C$) to later lower temperatures (near $200^{\circ}C$) with salinities ranging from 0.8 to 10.1 equiv. wt. percent NaCl. Each area represents a separate hydrothermal system: the mineralization at Kasihan and Jompong were largely due to early fluid boiling coupled with later cooling and dilution, whereas the mineralization at Gempol was mainly resulted from cooling and dilution by an influx of cooler meteoric waters. Fluid inclusion evidence of boiling indicates that pressures of ${\geq}95$ to 255 bars (${\geq}95$ bars for the Gempol area: $\approx$ 120 to 170 bars for the Jompong area: $\approx$ 140 to 255 bars for the Kasihan area) during portions of main ore stage mineralization. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation indicates that the evolution trends of the temperature versus fS2 variation of ore stage fluids in the Pacitan district follow two fashions: ore fluids at Kasihan and Jompong changed from the pyrite-pyrrhotite sulfidation stage towards pyritehematite- magnetite state, whereas those at Gempol evolved nearly along pyrite-hematite-magnetite reaction curve with decreasing temperature. The sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals are consistent with an igneous source of sulfur with a ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}s}$ value of about 3.3 per mil. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the fluids in each area indicate a progressive shift from the dominance of highly exchanged meteoric water at early hydrothermal systems towards an un- or less-exchanged meteoric water at later hydrothermal systems.

      • KCI등재

        한국 동남부지역 금·은 광상산 에렉트럼의 화학조성

        최선규,박맹언,최상훈,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Park, Maeng-Eon,Choi, Sang-Hoon 대한자원환경지질학회 1994 자원환경지질 Vol.27 No.4

        Gold and/or silver mineralization in the southeast province, Korea, occurred in hydrothermal quartz vein that fills fracture zones in Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Gyeongsang basin or granites and Precambrian gneiss. Most of the gold-silver-bearing veins in the province occur in Hapcheon, Suncheon and Haman-Gunbuk area where they are associated with Cretaceous Bulgugsa granites. On the basis of the Ag/Au ratio on amounts produced and ore grades, mode of occurrence, and associated mineral assemblages, hydrothermal Au-Ag deposits in southeast province, Korea, can be classified as follows: pyrite-type gold deposit (Group IIB, Samjeong and Sangchon deposits), antimony-type gold-silver deposit (Group IV, Gisan and Geochang deposits), and antimony-type silver deposit (Group V, Sanggo, Seweon, Seongju and Gahoe deposits). All of the gold-silver deposits in the province are generally characteristics of the gold-silver or silver-dominant type deposit which contains more silver-bearing minerals than those deposits in central Korea. The gold-silver mineralization in the deposits consist of two generation; the early characterized by gold precipitation and the late represented by silver-rich (as silver-bearing sulfosalts minerals) mineralization. All but one deposit (Samjeong deposit) having relatively lower Au content in electrum values between ${\approx}20$ and ${\approx}50$ atomic %. The mineralogical data on electrum-sphalerite and/or arsenopyrite geothermometry and fluid inclusion data indicate that the gold and silver mineralizations were occurred at temperatures of $190{\sim}280^{\circ}C$ and $150{\sim}180^{\circ}C$, respectively. These suggest that the gold-silver mineralization in the province occurred in the lower temperature and pressure conditions as epithermal-type hydrothermal vein deposit.

      • KCI등재

        한국 중부지역 금은광상산 섬아연석의 조성변화와 성인적 특성

        최선규,Choi, Seon-Gyu 대한자원환경지질학회 1993 자원환경지질 Vol.26 No.2

        Chemical compositions of sphalerites from 25 gold and/or silver deposits in central Korea were obtained with an electron probe microanalyzer. The FeS contents of sphalerites depend generally upon the assemblage of associated iron sulphides (pyrite and/or pyrrhotite) especially. The sphalerites coexisting with pyrrhotite show a narrow range of FeS variation, but the sphalerites associated with pyrite and/or pyrrhotite have the variable and wide range of FeS contents. The sphalerites from Au-dominant deposits, which vary considerably in each deposit, are generally characterized by high CdS content and low MnS content. On the contrary, the sphalerites from Ag-dominant and Au-Ag deposits tend to be characterized by relatively high MnS and very low CdS content. Based upon the mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotope data, the Au-dominant deposits were formed under higher temperature and deeper depth than the Ag-dominant and Au-Ag deposits. The results suggest the possibility that the diverse sources and evolution of ore fluid at the time of ore deposition are responsible for the deposition of Cd and Mn components in sphalerites.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Environments of Hydrothermal Copper Deposits in Ogsan Mineralized Area, Gyeongsangbukdo Province

        최선규,최상훈,윤성택,이재호,소칠섭,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Choi, Sang-Hoon,Yun, Seong-Taek,Lee, Jae-Ho,So, Chil-Sup The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1992 자원환경지질 Vol.25 No.3

        옥산지역에 위치하는 황학동광상은 초기백악기 퇴적암류내에 발달한 열극을 충진한 열수맥상 광상으로, 구조운동에 수반되어 3회에 걸쳐 생성된 석영 및 방해석맥으로 구성된다. 주된 금속광물로는 황철석, 자류철석, 황동석, 섬아연석, 방연석, 적철석 및 Ag-, Pb-, Bi-sulfosalts로, 이들의 침전은 주로 광화 제 1 기의 0.5~7.6 wt.% NaCl 상당염농도를 갖는 광화유체로부터 $370^{\circ}C$ 에서 약 $200^{\circ}C$ 에 걸쳐 진행되었으며, 광화 작용시의 압력은 <180 bar, 섬도는 700~2,400 m 였다. 광상내에서 보여주는 광물공생관계에 의한 열역학적 고찰과 유체포유물 및 안정동위원소 연구결과 등으로 미루어 본 광상광화유체내 Cu는 주로 chloride complex 상으로 이동되었으며, 주로 광화유체의 냉각작용과 이에 의한 지화학적 환경요인들($fs_2$, $fo_2$, pH)의 변화에 기인하여 침전되었음을 알수 있다. 유황안정동위원소 연구결과, 주광화시기인 광화1기중 광화유체의 ${\delta}^{34}S_{H_2S}$ 값이 초기 8.2‰ 에서 후기 4.7‰ 로 점차 감소함은 광화유체의 비등에 수반되어 수소이온농도와 함께 산소분압이 점진적으로 증가한 결과로 해석되며, 광화유체의 수소 및 산소동위원소 값으로부터 열수계에서 천수가 지배적인 역할을 하였음을 알수 있다. Ore mineralization of the Hwanghak copper deposit in the Ogsan area occurred in three stages of quartz (stage I and II) and calcite (stage III) veining along fissures in Early Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Ore minerals are pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite (dominant), sphalerite, hematite, galena, and Ag-, Pb-, and Bi-sulfosalts. These were deposited during the first stage at temperatures between $370^{\circ}C$ and < $200^{\circ}C$ from fluids with salinities between 0.5 and 7.6 equiv. wt. % NaCl. There is evidence of boiling and this suggests pressures of less than 180 bars during the first stage. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation accompanying with mineral paragenesis and fluid inclusion data indicates that copper precipitation in the hydrothermal system occurred due to cooling and changing in chemical conditions ($fs_2$, $fo_2$, pH). Gradual temperature decrease from $350^{\circ}$ to $250^{\circ}C$ of ore fluids by boiling and mixing with less-evolved meteoric waters mainly led to copper deposition through destabilization of copper chloride complexes. Sulfur isotope values of sulfide minerals decrease systematically with paragenetic time from calculated ${\delta}^{34}S_{H_2S}$ values of 8.2 to 4.7‰. These values, together with the observed change from sulfide-only to sulfide-hematite assemblages and fluid inclusion data, suggest progressively more oxidizing conditions, with a corresponding increase of the $sulfate/H_2S$ ratio of hydrothermal fluids. Measured and calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope valutls of ore-forming fluids suggest meteoric water dominance, approaching unexchanged meteoric water values.

      • KCI등재

        Compositional Variation of Arsenopyrites in Arsenic and Polymetallic Ores from the Ulsan Mine, Republic of Korea, and their Application to a Geothermometer

        최선규,정재일,이마이 나오야,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Chung, Jae-Ill,Imai, Naoya The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1986 자원환경지질 Vol.19 No.3

        울산(蔚山)의 철 중석 스카른광상에서 산출되는 유비철석(硫砒鐵石)은 그의 산출상태(産出狀態) 광물공생관계(鑛物共生關係) 화학조성(化學組成)을 근거로 세 가지 유형으로 구분된다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) I 은 다금속광화작용(多金屬鑛化作用) 초기에 정출된 것으로 주로 스카른대 내에서 산점상으로 분포하며, Ni-Fe-Co계 유화물과 밀접한 공생관계를 보여준다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) I 의 화학조성은 Ni, Co의 함량이 현저하게 높고 As/S(원자비(原子比))>1으로 과잉(過剩)의 비소를 함유한다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) II는 Cu 또는 As 광석중에서 산출되며, 비독사석 휘창연석 비스무스 황동석 섬아연석과 밀접한 공생관계를 보여준다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) II의 화학조성은 Ni, Co의 함량이 극히 미량이며, As/S>1으로 과잉(過剩)의 비소를 함유한다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) III은 최후기 열수광맥 형성시기에 정출되었으며, 황철석 방연석 섬아연석 자류철석과 밀접한 공생관계(共生關係)를 보여준다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) III의 화학조성(化學組成)은 $$As/S1{\leq_-}1$$로 과잉(過剩)의 S를 함유한다. 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) I 은 Ni, Co의 함유량이 1%이상이므로 지질온도계(地質溫度計)로 사용할 수 없지만, 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) II 는 비스무스-휘창연석의 공생관계(共生關係)를 보여 주고 있으므로, 이를 Kretschmar and Scott (1976)에 의한 $1/T-f(S_2)$도에 적용시켜보면 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) II의 정출환경은 $T=460{\sim}470^{\circ}C$, log $f(S_2)=-7.4{\sim}7.0$이고, 유비철석(硫砒鐵石) III의 정출환경은 $T=320{\sim}440^{\circ}C$, log $f(S_2)=-9.0{\sim}7.0$으로 추정된다. Arsenopyrite in arsenic and polymetallic ores from calcic Fe-W skarn deposit of the Ulsan mine, Republic of Korea, has been investigated by means of electron microprobe analysis and X-ray diffractometry. As a result, it is revealed that the Ulsan arsenopyrite may be classified into the following three species with different generation on the basis of its mode of occurrence, chronological order during polymetallic mineralization and chemical composition; arsenopyrites I, II and III. 1) Arsenopyrite I-(Ni, Co)-bearing species belonging to the oldest generation, which has crystallized together with (Ni, Co)-arsenides and -sulpharsenides in the early stage of polymetallic mineralization. In rare cases, it contains a negligible amount of antimony. It occurs usually as discrete grains with irregular outline, showing rarely subhedral form, and is diffused in skarn zone. The maximum contents of nickel and cobalt are 10.04 Ni and 2.45 Co (in weight percent). Occasionally, it shows compositional zoning with narrow rim of lower (Ni+Co) content. 2) Arsenopyrite II-arsenian species, in which (Ni+Co) content is almost negligible, may occur widely in arsenic ores, and its crystallization has followed that of arsenopyrite I. It usually shows subhedral to euhedral form and is closely associated with $l{\ddot{o}}llingite$, bismuth, bismuthinite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bismuthian tennantite, etc. It is worthy of note that arsenopyrite II occasionally contains particles consisting of both bismuth and bismuthinite. 3) Arsenopyrite III-(Ni, Co)-free, S-excess and As-deficient species is close to the stoichiometric composition, FeAsS. It occurs in late hydrothermal veins, which cut clearly the Fe-W ore pipe and the surrounding skarn zone. It shows euhedral to subhedral form, being extremely coarse-grained, and is closely associated with pyrite, "primary" monoclinic pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite, etc. Among three species of the Ulsan arsenopyrite, arsenopyrite I does not serve as a geothermometer, because (Ni+Co) content always exceeds 1 weight percent. In spite of the absence of Fe-S minerals as sulphur-buffer assemblage, the presence of $Bi(l)-Bi_2S_3$ sulphur-buffer enables arsenopyrite II to apply successfully to the estimation of either temperature and sulphur fugacity, the results are, $T=460{\sim}470^{\circ}C$, and log $f(S_2)=-7.4{\sim}7.0$. With reference to arsenopyrite III, only arsenopyrite coexisting with pyrite and "primary" monoclinic pyrrhotite may serve to restrict the range of both temperature and sulphur fugacity, $T=320{\sim}440^{\circ}C$, log $f(S_2)=-9.0{\sim}7.0$. These temperature data are consistent with those obtained by fluid inclusion geothermometry on late grandite garnet somewhat earlier than arsenopyrite II. At the beginning of this paper, the geological environments of the ore formation at Ulsan are considered from regional and local geologic settings, and physicochemical conditions are suspected, in particular the formation pressure (lithostatic pressure) is assumed to be 0.5kb (50MPa). The present study on arsenopyrite geothermometry, however, does not bring about any contradictions against the above premises. Thus, the following genetical view on the Ulsan ore deposit previously advocated by two of the present authors (Choi and Imai) becomes more evident; the ore deposit was formed at shallow depth and relatively high-temperature with steep geothermal gradient-xenothermal conditions.

      • KCI등재

        충청북도(忠淸北道) 영동지역(永同地域) 금은광상(金銀鑛床)의 금은광화작용(金銀鑛化作用)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        최선규,지세정,박성원,Choi, Seon Gyu,Chi, Se Jung,Park, Sung Won 대한자원환경지질학회 1988 자원환경지질 Vol.21 No.4

        Most of the gold (-silver) vein deposits at Yeongdong District are mainly distributed in the precambrian metamorphic rocks. Based on the Ag/Au total production and ore grade ratios, the chemical composition of electrum and the associated sulfides, the gold(-silver) deposits at Yeongdong District may be classified into 4 classes: pyrrhotite - type gold deposits( I), pyrite - type gold deposits (IT A; massive vein), pyrite - type gold deposits (II B; nonmassive vein) and argentite - type gold - silver deposits(III). The chemical study on electrum(including native gold) revealed that Au content (2.8 to 92.4 atomic%) of electrums varies very widely for different classes of deposits. The Au content of electrum associated with pyrrhotite (Class I), ranging from 47.1 to 92.4 atomic% Au, is clearly higher than that associated with pyrite (Classes IIA, IIB and III). In contrast, classes I, II, and III deposits do not show clear differences in Au content of electrum. In general, pyrrhotite - type gold deposits(I) are characterized by features such as simply massive vein morphology, low values in the Ag/Au total production and ore grade ratios, the absence or rarity of silver - bearing minerals except electrum, and distinctively simple mineralogy. Although the geological and mineralogical features and vein morphology of pyrite - type gold deposits(IIA)are very similar to those of pyrrhotite - type gold deposits (I), Class II A deposits reveal significant differences in the associated iron sulfide (i. e. pyrite) with electrum and Au content of electrum. The Ag/Au total production and ore grade ratios from Class II A deposits are relatively slightly higher than those from Class I deposits. Pyrite - type gold deposits(II B) and argentite - type gold - silver deposits (III) have many common features; complex vein morphology, medium to high values in the Ag/Au total production and ore grade ratios and the associated iron sulfide (i. e. pyrite). In contrast to Class II B deposits, Class III deposits have significantly high Ag/Au total production and ore grade ratios. It indicates distinct difference in the abundance of silver minerals (i. e. native silver and argentite). The fluid inclusion analyses and mineralogical data of electrum tarnish method indicate that the gold mineralization of Classes I and II A deposits was deposited at temperatures between $230^{\circ}$ and $370^{\circ}C$, whereas the gold (-silver) mineralization of Classes ITB and ill formed from the temperature range of $150^{\circ}-290^{\circ}C$. Therefore, Classes I and IT A deposits have been formed at higher temperature condition and/or deeper positions than Classes IIB and III.

      • KCI등재

        Compositional Variations of Arsenopyrite from Gold-Silver Deposits in Korea

        최선규,최인식,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Choi, In-Sik The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1998 자원환경지질 Vol.31 No.2

        한국의 금은광화작용은 쥬라기 대보화성활동 (121~183 Ma) 및 백악기 불국사화성활동 (60~110 Ma)과 밀접한 연관성을 보이며, 이러한 열수광맥형 금은 광산에서 산출된 유비철석은 광물공생관계 또는 생성환경에 따라 현저한 조성 변화를 나타내고 있다. 쥬라기 금광단일형 광상에서 산출된 유비철석은 비교적 높은 As함량 (29.68~33.46 atomic %)으로 균질한 조성을 나타내며, 유비철석 지질온도계에 적용하면 생성온도 및 유황분압은 $370{\sim}450^{\circ}C$와 $10^{-8}{\sim}10^{-6}$이다. 또한 백악기 금은혼합형 광상과 은광단일형 광상의 유비철석을 쥬라기 광상에 비하여 상대적으로 심한 조성변화 (27.47~32.74 atomic %)를 보이며, $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ 및 $10^{-12}{\sim}10^{-10}$의 환경 조건하에서 정출된 것으로 추정된다. 한편, 금은광맥의 산출상태, 유비철석 지질온도계, 에렉트럼-섬아연석 지질온도계, 유체포유물 연구자료 및 화성암의 정체심도 등을 종합적으로 비교검토한 결과, 쥬라기 금광화작용 (Group IIA)은 심부조건 (약 4~5 kbar)에서 $300{\sim}500^{\circ}C$의 정출환경에서 진행되었지만, 백악기 금은광화작용 (Group III, IV, V)은 1 kbar 미만의 천부조건하에서 $170{\sim}370^{\circ}C$의 온도조건하에서 형성된 것으로 사료된다. The gold-silver mineralizations in Korea are closely related to Jurassic Daebo igneous activity (121 and 183 Ma) and Cretaceous Bulgugsa igneous activity (60 and 110 Ma). A compilation and re-evaluation of chemical data in arsenopyrite suggest that the As contents vary, reflecting different genetic environments or mineral assemblages. The gold-silver vein deposits from various mineralized area were investigated using arsenopyrite geothermometer. Arsenopyrites from the Jurassic Au-dominant deposits are distinct by high As contents (29.68~33.46 atomic %) with narrow variations, equivalent to a temperature range of $370{\sim}450^{\circ}C$ and a sulfur fugacity of about $10^{18}-10^{-6}$ atm. On the contrary, arsenopyrites from the Cretaceous Au-Ag and Ag-dominant deposits show a wider range in atomic % As composition of 27.47-32.74. They may have formed at temperatures of $250{\sim}350^{\circ}C$ and about $f_{S_2}=10^{-12}-10^{-10}$ atm. The data of arsenopyrite geothermometer, electrum-sphalerite geothermometer, fluid inclusions, vein morphology and emplacement depth of igneous rocks indicate that the gold mineralizations of Group IIA occurred at temperatures between 300 and $500^{\circ}C$ at depth of several tens km or more (about 4-5 kbar), and the gold-silver deposits of Groups III, IV and V were formed at a temperature range of about $170{\sim}370^{\circ}C$ under the shallow environment (<1 kbar).

      • KCI등재

        Petrochemical Study of the Gadaeri Granite in Ulsan Area, Kyeongsang Province

        최선규,위수민,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Wee, Soo-Meen The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1994 자원환경지질 Vol.27 No.5

        울산지역에 분포하는 가대리 화강암체는 울산 철 텅그스텐 광화작용의 관계화성암으로서 전형적인 미문상조직을 보여주며, 칼크-알칼리 계열과 I-type화강암류의 지화학적 특성을 나타내고 있다. 가대리화강암은 물이 포화된 상태에서 0.5~2.0 kbar의 압력조건하에서 생성된 것으로 이는 천부에서의 분별결정에 기인된 것으로 화학성분의 분화는 대부분 알칼리 장석의 분별결정작용으로 이루어졌다. 경상분지 최남단에 분포하며 철광화작용과 관련된 미문상화강암체인 마산-김해 화강암체와 가대리화강암제는 미량성분의 화학조성을 비교해볼때 전혀다른 모마그마에서 분화되었음올 시사해준다. The Gadaeri granite near Ulsan mine is an oval-shape isolated granitic body, and is genetically related to the iron-tungsten mineralization. The Gadaeri granite exhibits calc-alkaline and I-type characteristics, and generally shows the micrographic texture which indicates the shallow depth of emplacement. Consideration of the stratigraphic thickness of Ulsan formation and minimum-melt compositions suggests that the bulk magma crystallized at pressure of 0.5~2.0 kbar under water saturated condition. The evolutionary trend observed in the studied rocks represents that feldspar fractional crystallization has been a major magmatic process at the Gadaeri granite pluton. Different chemical characteristics between the Gadaeri and the Masan-Kimhae granites cannot be explained by fractional crystallization or different degrees of partial melting, and it reflects that the magma source for Gadaeri granite was different from that of the Masan and Kimhae granites.

      • KCI등재

        충청도(忠淸道) 동북부(東北部) 태창(泰昌)·보연(寶蓮), 금왕(金旺) 광산(鑛山)의 금은광화작용(金銀鑛化作用)

        최선규,박노영,박성원,Choi, Seon Gyu,Park, No Young,Park, Sung Won 대한자원환경지질학회 1986 자원환경지질 Vol.19 No.no.spc

        A number of auriferous veins occur in the Precambrian metamorphic terrain from Chungju to Mugeug district. These gold (-silver) deposits consist mainly of the fissure-filling quartz veins intruding the Precambrian gneiss or schist and Jurassic or Cretaceous granite. These gold (-silver) deposits can be 'divided into two mineralization epochs, (a) gold-rich veins related to Daebo igneous activity, and (b) gold-silver veins related to Bulgugsa igneous activity. These two groups of ore deposits with different generation can be characterized by the mode of occurrence of ore vein and the ore mineral associations. The auriferous quartz veins of Taechang and Boryeon mines associated with late Jurassic igneous activity are massive in character, and show the simple mineral assemblages and low Ag/Au ratio in the ores, representing a single mineralization system. The ore minerals are predominantly quartz containing minor or trace amonts of pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and electrum. Electrum is closely associated with pyrrhotite and has chemical compositions from 61.4 to 78.5 atomic % Au. Fluid inclusion data suggest that ore minerals were deposited at temperatures between 238 and $390^{\circ}C$ from $CO_2$-rich fluids. The gold and/or silver-bearing quartz veins of Geumwang mine related to middle Cretaceous igneous activity are characterized by the multistage history, diverse mineral assemblages with high Ag/Au ratio in the ores. The ores of Geumwang mine have two contrasting mineral assemblages (1) pyrite+galena+sphalerite+arsenopyrite+electrum+argentite, representing the higher gold mineralization, and (2) pyrite+chalcopyrite+ galena +sphalerite+ arsenopyrite+silver sulfosalts+ electrum+ native silver+argentite, representing the higher silver mineralization. Electrum is closely associated with pyrite and has chemical compositions from 11.2 to 49.9 atomic % Au. The depositional environment during the higher gold mineralization can be estimated as the range of both temperature and sulfur fugacity, T= $200{\sim}300^{\circ}C$, log f ($S_2$) = $10^{-10}{\sim}10^{-15}$. The higher silver mineralization may be interpreted to have formed a range of falling temperature ($150{\sim}200^{\circ}C$) and low sulfur fugacity($10^{-10}{\sim}10^{-15}$). These temperature data are consistent with homogenization temperatures of fluId inclusions in quartz. Thus, the gold veins related to the Daebo igneous activity may be formed by the environment of higher temperature and pressure than the gold-silver veins associated with the Bulgugsa igneous activity.

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