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      • 新世代 兵士의 戰鬪力 向上을 위한 效果的인 리더쉽 硏究 : Robert Quinn의 경쟁가치 이론을 중심으로

        이재진 漢陽大學校 産業經營大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247629

        현존의 군의 거대한 조직을 어떻게 하면 보다 효과적으로 지휘통솔하여 군의 존립 목적인 유사시 적과 싸워 승리할 것인가 라는 것에 대하여 선배전우장교들이 많은 선행연구를 했지만 본 연구는 군의 대부분을 차지하고 있는 신세대들에 대하여 R.Quinn의 경쟁가치 이론을 중심으로 신세대가 지각하는 리더유형에는 어떠한 것이 있는가? 그리고 리더쉽유형에 따라 신세대 병사들의 태도 (전투의지. 이직의도. 직무만족. 직무몰입.)와 어떠한 관계가 있는가를 제시하고 그에따른 전투력 향상을 위한 효과적인 리더쉽을 제시하고자 하였다. 이러한 연구과제들에 대한 실증적 분석을 위하여 지역별, 부대별 군부대의 특성에 따라 318명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며 설문조사결과를 통계분석을 통해 계량적인 결과를 도출하였다. 실증 분석결과는 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 1) 리더쉽 차원과 직무요인과의 상관관계에서 이직의도와는 부의 상관관계를 가지나 직무만족, 직무몰입, 전투의지와는 정의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 2) 지휘관의 모니터역할, 중계자역할, 조정자역할, 혁신자역할, 조직융화자역할, 멘토역할등이 중요할수록 직무만족, 직무몰입, 전투의지는 향상되고 이직의도는 감소하는 것으로 나타냈다. 3) 지휘관의 지시자역할이 강조될수록 직무만족, 직무몰입, 전투의지는 감소되는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 권위적이고 지시위주의 리이더쉽은 전투력 향상을 위한 리더쉽에 역효과를 나타낼 수 있는 반면에 어느 정도의 여건 보장을 통한 신세대 병사를 이해하고 동기 부여를 통한 자발적 참여와 자기책임의식 유도를 통한 리더쉽 유형은 전투력을 향상시키는 요체가 된다는 것이다.

      • Axiomatic approach to radiation reaction of scalar point particles in curved spacetime

        Quinn, Theodore C The University of Chicago 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        Several different methods have recently been proposed for calculating the motion of a point particle coupled to a linearized gravitational field on a curved background. These proposals are motivated by the hope that the point particle system will accurately model certain astrophysical systems which are promising candidates for observation by the new generation of gravitational wave detectors. Because of its mathematical simplicity, the analogous system consisting of a point particle coupled to a scalar field provides a useful context in which to investigate these proposed methods. In this paper, we generalize the axiomatic approach of Quinn and Wald in order to produce a general expression for the self force on a point particle coupled to a scalar field following an arbitrary trajectory on a curved background. Our equation includes the leading order effects of the particle's own fields, commonly referred to as “self force” or “radiation reaction” effects. We then explore the equations of motion which follow from this expression in the absence of non-scalar forces.

      • The effect of environmental education on the attitudes and beliefs of hotel housekeepers

        Quinn, Michael Patrick Iowa State University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this study was to determine if environmental education causes a change in the environmental attitudes and behaviors of hotel housekeepers. Hotels are attempting to act socially and financially responsible by adopting environmentally conscious policies including recycling programs. Hotel employees, particularly housekeepers, are the recycling stewards and their environmental attitudes influence recycling behaviors. The 10 item, 5-point Likert style New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children was used to assess the environmental attitudes and behaviors of hotel housekeepers in the areas of rights of nature, eco-crisis, and human exemptionalism. The experimental design involved a pretest for all participants in the experimental and control groups. The experimental group then received environmental training; while the control group did not receive any training or information. After 60 days, the hotel housekeepers at both the control and experimental hotels answered the identical questions a second time. The pretest and posttest data was analyzed using a mixed method design. Findings, as reflected in the overall score, rights of nature, eco-crisis, and human exemptionalism, indicated that no significant change occurred in the attitudes and behaviors of the experimental group. These findings indicate that upper management support, training selected and the sample surveyed influenced the results of this study. Further research addressing these limitations is required to determine if environmental education can cause a change in environmental attitudes and behaviors of hotel housekeepers.

      • Examining community stakeholder relationships from a communication perspective

        Quinn, Laura Ann The University of Texas at Austin 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation focuses on stakeholder relationships and an organization's commitment to communities, and ultimately, corporate social responsibility. The relationship between corporations and the community stakeholder is being investigated for a number of reasons. First, the concept of corporate social responsibility suggests an organization has responsibilities beyond increasing operating profit and satisfying stockholders to addressing issues of society as a whole. Are organizations responsible to communities and society? If so, how and with whom do organizations attempt to address societal needs and issues? Second, stakeholder theorists suggest an organization's social responsibility is achieved, in part, by paying attention to all stakeholders of the organization, stakeholders including the community. Using a narrative approach as a guide, this study addresses the question of whether organizations consider the community a stakeholder. In most cases, as the reader will see, the answer is yes. Yet, knowing organizations do consider the community a stakeholder is not quite enough to assume an organization's social responsibility is alive and well. The results for this study will also address the narrative notion of actors and voice, questioning how community is defined and represented in a relationship with an organization and the implications this has for the concept of social responsibility and stakeholder theory. The study also explores the significance element of narrative, or the means by which to evaluate the appropriateness of the community stakeholder narrative. The reasons why an organization would want to establish a relationship with the community are presented. This aspect of the study highlights whose interests are being served in the relationship and why they are being served. Finally, this study ends with an examination of how an organization is involved with the community and the particular ways communication processes constitute the relationships between organizations and communities. The communication processes have been formulated into a model called “The Nature of The Organization-Community Stakeholder Relationship.” Ultimately, through investigating the relationships that occur between communities and organizations, we now have better insight into an organization's commitment to communities, and thus, one aspect of social responsibility.

      • Synthetic studies on the C20--C36 segment of halichondrin B

        Quinn, Kevin James The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Efforts toward the synthesis of the C20–C36 fragment of the potent antimitotic agent halichondrin B are described. A two directional chain synthesis/terminus differentiation strategy was employed in the syntheses of epoxy ketone <bold> 248</bold> and epoxy alcohol <bold>270</bold>. The first stage of the syntheses involved construction of the common intermediate <bold>172</bold> in which the C23 and C33 stereocenters were established by Evans' chiral auxiliary-based asymmetric alkylation and dihydropyran ring formation was achieved by ring opening/double ring closing metathesis using the Schrock molybdenum carbene catalyst <bold>201</bold>. Double hydroboration of nearly symmetric bis(dihydropyran) <bold> 172</bold> provided diol <bold>213</bold> in which the highly different reactivities displayed by the C26 and C30 carbinols could be taken advantage of in tetrahydropyran ring differentiation. Selective acylation of the C26 hydroxyl and sequential functionalization of the two hydropyrans then allowed access to enones <bold> 184</bold> and <bold>185</bold>. Nucleophilic epoxidation provided the only means by which C31–C32 alkene of <bold>184</bold> or <bold>185</bold> could be functionalized, and efforts to elaborate the resulting epoxy ketones <bold> 248</bold> and <bold>269</bold> into appropriate C20–C36 halichondrin B coupling partners are discussed.

      • Essays on the migration, remittance and savings behavior of Mexican workers

        Quinn, Michael A The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In the first essay, I construct and test a model of migration that incorporates both wage differentials and relative deprivation. Relative deprivation is defined as an individual viewing his situation as less than a community standard. In testing this model I find that the Harris-Todaro wage differential does well in the case of Mexico-U.S. migration but that the relative deprivation approach appears to be a better specification in the case of intra-Mexico migration. An additional contribution of this paper to the migration literature is the employing of a cluster approach to estimate wage differentials. The cluster approach takes account of individual characteristics in a manner that avoids the potential endogeneity problems in using estimated wages. For policymakers, the paper's results indicate that relative deprivation within communities may be a driving force “pushing” individuals in rural-to-urban migration while Mexico-U.S. migration is more a function of the “pull” of higher U.S. wages. Policies attempting to slow rural-to-urban migration must address both relative and absolute outcomes in communities. The second essay presents a model of migrant savings and remittances. In this model, the migrant views remittances both as a way to increase household consumption and as a savings mechanism. This approach implies that migrant's savings and remittances behavior will be affected by the rates of return on money saved by the migrant and by the household. The model provides insight into the effect of access to financial intermediaries on remittances and savings. Evidence from Mexican workers in the U.S. shows that migrants are viewing savings and remittances as substitute savings mechanisms. Remittances rise and migrant savings fall when the rate of return available to the Mexican household increases relative to the rate of return on savings available to the migrant in the host country. The opposite occurs when the migrant's relative rate of return on savings, as compared to Mexican household, rises. For communities wanting to increase remittances inflows, these results imply that they should increase the savings and investment opportunities available to households. On the macroeconomic level, countries should avoid policies that lower the return on savings, such as interest rate ceilings.

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