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      • KCI등재후보

        « Le corps superlatif » des tops-models : Images et imaginaire sociaux du corps idéal

        Pascal Lardellier 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2012 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.8

        While fashion is experiencing a unprecedented media hype, top-models have emerged as essential media figures. Raised to the rank of archetypes in the media, top-models’ bodies fulfill a symbolic function with social power. These models actually update the myth of the perfect body, and its give meaning and shape. In order to meet any desire ― or to pursue any fear ― does the myth meet with such an echo in contemporary societies? This is one of the questions that this article aims to shed some light. Alors que la mode connaît un engouement médiatique sans précédent, les tops-models se sont imposés comme des figures médiatiques incontournables. Elevés au rang d'archétypes par les médias, ils remplissent socialement une fonction symbolique puissante. Ces mannequins actualisent en fait le mythe du corps parfait, et lui donnent sens et forme. Pour répondre à quel désir ― ou pour conjurer quelle peur ― ce mythe rencontre-t-il un tel écho dans les sociétés contemporaines ? C'est l'une des questions sur lesquelles cet article souhaite apporter un éclairage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Qu’est ce qu’un Rite? - Rites, Occident et Modernité

        Pascal Lardellier 한국영상문화학회 2006 영상문화 Vol.11 No.-

        본 논문은 의례, 서양, 근대성이라는 일반적 질문 아래 동서가 갈라지는 그리고 만날 수 있는 지점을 논구해 보는 것이다. 하나의 의례란 그것의 수행에 의해 그 동일한 의례 혹은 문화를 공유하는 사회의 구성원이 스스로의 정체성과 이질성을 경험하는 그 무엇이다. 한 사회에서 받아들여지고 있는 의례의 적절한 수행은 그 사회에 대한 수행자의 소속을 보장한다. 주어진 하나의 상황에 ‘적합한’ 의례적 행위를 수행하는 사람은 그 사회의 ‘정상적’ 인간이며, 이른바 ‘비정상적’ 인간은 그러한 의례를 수행하지 않는 사람이다. 이러한 기본적 문제의식 아래 논문은 ‘서양성’을 규정하는 의례의 핵심을 규정하고 이러한 규정이 이른바 ‘동양성’의 자기 규정에도 동일하게 적용될 수 있음을 보여준다. 그러나 ‘근대’ 서양의 의례는 자신과 다른 의례를 가진 자들을 (서양에 복속되어야 할) 타자들로 규정함으로써 새로운 양식의 의례 폭력을 배태시켰다. 동과 서의 모든 동시대인들, 혹은 ‘우리’에게는 과연 이러한 딜레마를 해결할 역량을 가지고 있는가 ? 이는 다름 아닌 의례의 본질과 그 동서의 문화적 차이에 대한 정확한 인식과 존중 안에서만 나올 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Identités étudiantes dans une « école post-bac » Interactions et cohabitation

        Pascal LARDELLIER,Léa STARCK 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2022 에피스테메 Vol.- No.28

        This article aims to identify the diverse identities present in a Business/Management school and to analyze the strategies adopted in order to improve the “cohabitation” between different actors (Students, management and teachers) of the school within this context. We have started our empirical research by observing the participants within the institution. This step helped us to develop a questionnaire that was distributed afterwards to the students. Based on the analysis of the results, we were able to categorize students into different identity groups, such as “job” identity or “first-time entrant” identity. Each of these groups have a specific behavior which can be a source of tension or “incommunication” within the classrooms. By identifying these groups, the school management has developed strategies to improve cohabitation (integration days, culinary discoveries, etc.)

      • KCI등재후보

        Le lien social à l'ère des réseaux numériques

        Pascal Lardellier 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2011 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.5

        Le lien social à l'ère des réseaux numériques Les nouvelles Technologies d'Information et de Communication sont porteuses d'une authentique révolution. Celle-ci a été soudaine, et elle n'épargne aucun domaine de la vie sociale et privée. Des devenirs sociaux en découlent nécessairement, tant le rapport est dynamique, qui lie les techniques et la société. Ces Technologies d'Information et de Communication ont su trouver des «niches d'usage» inimaginables il y a quinze ans à peine, dans les domaines politiques, relationnels, artistiques, pédagogiques et économiques, entre autres. Ce numéro de la revue Epistémè invite des chercheurs de tous horizons disciplinaires à donner leur point de vue théorique sur ces TIC désormais incontournables dans nos vies, mais aussi dans nos préoccupations intellectuelles, et dans nos manières mêmes de produire la science, personnellement et collectivement, de donner nos enseignements, d'envisager nos objets traditionnels, bouleversés par le principe numérique et les appropriations sociales qu'il a su produire. The new technologies of information and communication are carriers of a genuine revolution. This revolution was sudden, and changed every area of social and private life. These Technologies Information and Communication (ICT) have been able to find "niches of use", unthinkable fifteen years ago, in the political, relational, artistic, educational and economic areas, among others. This issue of Epistémè invites researchers from all disciplinary backgrounds to give their theoretical views on these 'ICT' now essential in our lives, but also in our intellectual concerns, and in our ways of producing knowledge, both personally and collectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        Apple, l'I phone et les technologies haptiques : Quelques perspectives mythologiques sur une «religion numérique»

        Pascal Lardellier 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2011 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.5

        Les TIC possèdent pour certaines d'entre elles une dimension mythologique, fondée sur certaines des pouvoirs qu'elles confèrent à leurs utilisateurs, autant que sur les récits qui les entourent, socialement et médiatiquement. La marque Apple a su produire une aura mythique d'une rare densité, fondée sur la « magie » de ses différents produits, autant que sur la ritualisation de leur utilisation. Cet article analyse ces sphères mythologiques et rituelles caractérisant la « marque à la pomme » dans son ensemble. Plus largement, ce texte est une contribution au renouveau des approches mythologiques de la postmodernité. Some ICT are caracterised by a mythological dimension, based on the powers they offer to their users, but also on the mediatical and social tales about them. Apple as a firm has produced a tough and efficient mythological surrounding, finding their roots on the « magic » of the devices, and also on the ritualization of usings and consumption specifical to the « Apple brand ». This text analyses those magical and ritual dimensions of Apple. But it is also a contribution to the new mythological studies of postmodernity.

      • KCI등재

        Erving Goffman : Intellectual Biography, Mains Concepts and Legacy

        Pascal Lardellier 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2008 에피스테메 Vol.- No.2

        The focus of Erving Goffman's work was the organization of observable, everyday behavior, usually but not always among the unacquainted in urban settings. Using a variety of qualitative methods, Goffman developed classifications of the different elements of social interaction. The hallmark of his approach was the assumption that these classifications were heuristic, simplifying tools for sociological analysis that did not capture the complexity of lived experience. Goffman defined a frame as a way of organizing experiences: we use frames to identify what is taking place. For example, a story may be a joke, a warning, a lesson, an invitation and so on. Frame analysis is therefore the study of the ‘organization of experience'. The most fundamental frameworks are ‘primary frameworks' which reveal what is ‘really' happening either in the natural or social world. The meaning of a primary framework can be challenged in various ways. It can also be ‘keyed': this occurs when its meaning is transformed into something patterned on but independent of the initial frame. For example, a keying may convince us that what appears to be a fight is in fact just play. However, caution is needed because every keying can itself 184 Erving Goffman|Pascal Lardellier be re-keyed. In addition to keys, there are ‘fabrications'. These are frames that are designed to mislead others. Fabrications are ‘benign' when they are for the benefit of the audience or ‘exploitative' when they are for the benefit of the fabricator. In an attempt to prevent the keying, re-keying and fabrications of frames, we often attempt to ‘anchor' them so that audiences can accept them as real. With this, Goffman shows that the development of general classifications to be used to understand concrete examples of the interaction order.

      • KCI등재

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