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      • Teams and Organizing in the Digital Age: How Team Networks Form and Why They Perform

        Ng Lane, Jacqueline Northwestern University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation explores the relationship between how teams form and what they need to perform. It adopts the perspective that technology is fundamental to organizing in modern workplaces and examines how technology may both enhance and constr. Addressing these two questions are of utmost importance due to two recent trends in contemporary organizations. The first trend is the rise of teams in the workplace, whereby firms are reorganizing as team-based structures to promote agility and. These two trends not only reveal that organizations are replacing traditional hierarchical structures with flatter, team-based designs but also suggest that traditional approaches to studying work teams and technology may no longer be sufficient. Chapter 1 introduces the framework for investigating team properties and phenomena in this dissertation: the team form-perform paradox . This paradox refers to the disconnect between what teams do and what they ought to do to be effective. In pa. Building on the team form-perform paradox framework introduced in Chapter 1, Chapters 2 through 4 explore how this lens can be used to first assess, and then improve team functioning. More specifically, Chapter 2 examines how team communication. Chapters 3 and 4 then explore how the design features of modern technologies, namely enterprise social media, alter the self-formation tendencies of teams. Essentially, ESM offers teams unprecedented opportunities for organizing, and it is possi. Lastly, Chapter 4 explores some of these new opportunities empirically by examining how team communication networks form on social media and how they perform. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.).

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