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      • KCI등재

        감각기관 영역 관련 개념의 성별에 따른 지위 중복과 개념 간 근접성 분석

        임수민 ( Soo Min Lim ),고희경 ( Hee Kyung Ko ),손종경 ( Jong Kyung Sohn ),권덕기 ( Duck Kee Kwon ),김영신 ( Young Shin Kim ) 한국생물교육학회 2014 생물교육 Vol.42 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the conceptual niche overlap and proximity of students`` concepts in 9th grade sensory system domains according to gender differences through the classes. The analysis of conceptual niche overlap in concepts and conceptual proximity was performed by changing in graph before and after classes. Four hundred and twelve 9th grade students participated in the study. Concepts in sensory system were selected from preliminary survey. The questionnaire was composed of five domains: eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin. Students were asked to write down relevance score (1∼5) and scientific knowledge in respect of each concept. And the students’ level of understanding were classified into five levels. There are main findings from this study. First, the niche overlap graph of scientific concepts were moved on to improved direction as a result of learning. Second, the niche space size was reduced. Size of all niche space was reduced after classes indicating that deviation of understanding level and relevance of the concept declined. Third, similar concepts were connected in concept learning. Fourth, student already had non-scientific concepts before the learning. And they recognized both non-scientific concepts and scientific-concepts at the same time. Based on the results obtained in this study, I have the following suggestion. Teachers need to plan and instruct to offer students highly relevant scientific concept in learning. Therefore, when planning a lesson, teachers need to instruct chunking of concept.

      • KCI등재

        A Technical Planning for Emotion Evaluation of Art Performance using the Human Emotional Data

        Hyo-Jung Moon(문효정),Hee-Kyung Ko(고희경),Young-Ho Park(박영호) 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 2017 한국디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.18 No.1

        Recently, several kinds of researches using IoT wearable devices are active in the field of sports, design, emotional sciences and so on. The human bio data such as blood pulse, ECG, SKT signal, and GSR Signal producing from IoT wearable devices such as Watch, Smart-band, Grass can adapt to the meaningful future applications. Using the human’s emotional data and a physical status with variation and so on, we can individually get the personal status. Due to knowing the personal emotion or physical status is related and connected to the valuable wallet of customers, the approach is more important in nowadays. Therefore, the personal information can effectively adapt to the marketing of the culture industry, which deals with emotions of customers. The research shows implementation steps for explaining overall architecture of the convergence research between Art and Technologies.

      • RISS 인기논문 KCI등재

        감염병 대유행(코로나-19) 시대의 비대면 집단상담 사례연구 : 교사들의 직무 스트레스를 중심으로

        윤향숙(Hyang-Suk YOON),고희경(Hee-Kyung KO),장성화(Sung-Hwa JANG),김신권(Shin-Kwon KIM) 한국상담심리교육복지학회 2021 상담심리교육복지 Vol.8 No.3

        이 연구는 2019년부터 시작된 COVID-19라는 감염병 시대의 비대면 집단상담 사례연구로 교사들의 직무 스트레스 대처에 대한 효과성과 가능성을 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 최근 감염병 대유행으로 인한 사회적인 거리두기, 집합금지 등의 조치가 육체적, 정신적 고립을 만들고 이에 따르는 우울과 불안이라는 정신건강의 위기를 초래하는 상황에서 사회적 단절의 문제점을 해결하기 위한 여러 가지 방법이 요청되고 있다. 그 가운데 감염의 위험을 최소화 하는 비대면 집단상담이 정신건강과 감염병의 문제를 함께 대처하는 중요한 상담 방식으로 인식되고 있다. 이 연구는 비대면이라는 특정한 환경과 줌(zoom)이라는 플랫폼을 통해 교사대상의 집단상담을 진행하였다. 심리검사와 교사들의 주관적 평가를 종합적으로 고려하였을 때, 이 집단에게서 비대면 집단상담의 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 감염병 대유행 시대에 비대면 집단상담이 가지는 의의와 후속 연구를 위한 방안을 제안하였다. The purpose of this research is to examine practical efficacy of online group psychotherapies that were conducted for school teachers who were suffering from rapid increase of work stress level by the COVID-19 that broke out in 2019. The pandemic has influenced the mental health of general public by imposing strict social-distancing policies for preventing the epidemic, which makes people suffer from significant levels of depression and anxiety issues. Therefore, the practice of online group psychotherapy is requested to help people who are experiencing mental issues caused by social isolation without worries of contagion. This research investigates the possibilities of online group psychotherapy by focusing on psychological tests and personal evaluations of participants who had to encounter a particular online platform(zoom) that made group psychotherapy sessions without physical contact. As a result, the research confirms effectiveness of the online group therapy and suggests the practical ways in which further researches can be conducted.

      • RFID 기반의 효율적인 교통신호체계 시스템 설계

        장성렬(Sung Yel Chang),안은상(Eun Sang Ahn),고희경(Hee Kyung Ko),고민석(Min Seog Ko),백수윤(Su Yeun Baek),심준환(Joon Hwan Shim) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2007 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        We studied a efficient traffic signal system using RFID. This system consisted of 4-line main highway and 2-line farm load and designed for intelligent traffic signal system, which could make the traffic flow easily at a intersection of 4-line and 2-line loads. If the traffic is heavy on the main highway, the signal light of the highway continues with a green light for easy traffic flow. If the traffic is increased on the farm load, the signal of the highway will be changed with a red light for easily traffic flow of the farm load. In order to confirm a existence of the traffic on the farm load, RPID tag was installed in the car and RPID reader was installed in the traffic signal. following instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing camera-ready papers for the Journal of the KOSME. We recommend you to use the HWP word processor.

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