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        Plurals as an example of teaching the basics of Arabic syntax for beginners

        Fatima Omary 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2016 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.20 No.2

        There is no doubt that syntax is the foundation, ingress, route as well as the measure of the Arabic Language. Indeed, it is essential to present syntax to Arab and non-Arab learners of Arabic. An argument persists however as to what syntax do we present and how do we present it, and at what point in time do we do so? A further argument ensues on what facets of syntax do present to our students before other. This research seeks to provide a functional vision for teaching grammatical material; material that is necessary for beginner learners, and attempts to the following three questions: 1. What facets of syntax do we present? 2. How do we present the syntactic material? 3. When do we present the syntactic material? Our argument is based on the premise that language is a gift that is based on a set of principles, standards, and rules through which native speakers learn the language without necessarily being aware of. Also, the fact that the syntactic material which has to be taught to non- native Arabic speakers is the general standards that helps such learners to avoid making mistakes and necessarily the special standards adopted by grammarians and scholars of Arabic. Essentially, what we are saying is that learners’ primary concern is with the function rather than the concepts or the definition. This study is the result of an extensive in depth research in the original syntactical resources and what ancient scholars had produced in this field. This, in addition to new Arabic and foreign resources on this subject. All of that is supported by addressing the current state of affairs in the field of teaching Arabic syntax for non-native speakers using several specialized curricula, and through the work of beginners of non- native Arabic speakers. The study produces an example of the functional vision that it adopts through a new vision to teach the three types of plural in Arabic for beginners. ممّا لا شكّ فيه أنّ النّحو أُسُّ العربيّة وبابها وسبيلها وقياسها، وأنّه لابد من تقديم المادّة النّحويّة للطلبة الذين يتعلّمون العربيّة من أبنائها ومن غيرهم. إلا أنّ الخلاف حول الذي نُقدّمه من أبواب النّحو، وكيفية تقديمه، واختيار الوقت الملائم، في ضوء تقديم تعليم بعض أبواب النّحو على أبوابه الأخرى يظلُّ مجالاً للبحث والنّقاش.

      • KCI등재


        Fatima Omary,Chung Nien-Yu 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2017 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.21 No.3

        The study aims to present the nature of rhythmic form based on rhyme employed by Fadwa Tuqan, through analyzing all her poem collections that stretches all phases of her creation, including (With Days on My Own), (I Found It), (Give Us Love), (In Front of the Close Door), (The Night and The Knight), (On The Top of The World Alone). The study will focus on the forms of rhyme in poet’s works in the field of musical construction. And the study will indicate the varieties of the form applied to Fadwa’s poetry. Furthermore, the researchers found out that Fadwa Tuqan is able to make use of the rich cultural heritage to serve and enhance her expressive influence. And those goals are achieved after using certain linguistic tools in her texts. And so was she able to form constant properties to show her talent, to establish her own rhythmic system revealing that she was benefited from long term of writing experience, which echos the nature of linguistic form changing from certain stylistic feature to another one. تتوخى هذه الدراسة تتبّع الظواهر الإيقاعية القائمة على نظام التقفية في شعر فدوى طوقان، مِن خلال استقراء نماذجها في ستة دواوين شعرية لها تُمثّل ثلاث مراحل للتطور الشعري عندها. وهي: (وحدي مع الأيام)، و(وجدتها)، و(أعطنا حباً)، و(أمام الباب المغلق)، و(الليل والفرسان)، و(على قمة الدنيا وحيداً). وتقف هذه الدراسة عند السمات الأسلوبية المتنوّعة بالانتقال مِن مرحلة إلى أخرى في رحلة فدوى الشعرية، على مستوى الموسيقى، بعد أن يعرض البحث الأمثلة المتجلّية في تنوّعات هذا النظام. يرى الباحثان في هذه الدراسة أن فدوى طوقان تستطيع أن توظّف المعطيات اللغوية لتخدم النص مِن الناحية التعبيرية والتأثيرية والجمالية. وذلك بأنها قادرة على تنويع طرائقها في توظيف التراث اللغوي لنصوصها، حتى إنها استطاعت أن تحول الإمكانات اللغوية الخاصة بها عن طريقة تبرز تطور قدرتها الشعرية، وبشكل أحدثت إيقاعاً متنامياً يكشف منه عن استفادة فدوى من تجربتها الطويلة في كتابتها الشعرية. ويتناسب مع تطوّر سماته المضمونية التي تحمله قصائدها، وبخاصّة في ما يرتبط بطبيعة محاولة الشاعرة في التركيب اللغوي– نظام التقفية– تبعاً للانتقال من أسلوب ما إلى أسلوب آخر.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The forms of rhyme in the poetry of FadwaTuqan between tradition and innovation

        ( Fatima Muhammad Amin Al-omari ) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2017 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.21 No.3

        The study aims to present the nature of rhythmic form based on rhymeemployed by Fatwa Tuqan, through analyzing all her poem collections that stretchesall phases of her creation, including (With Days on My Own), (I Found It), (Give Us Love), (In Front of the Close Door), (The Night and The Knight), (On The Top of The World Alone). And the study will focus on the formsof rhymein poet`s works in the field of musical construction. And the study will indicate the varieties of the form applied to Fatwa`s poetry. Furthermore, the researcher found out that Fatwa Tuqan is able to make use of the rich cultural heritage to serve and enhance her expressive influence. And those goals are achieved after using certain linguistic tools in her texts. And so was she able to form constant properties to show her talent, to establish her own rhythmicsystem revealing that she was benefited from long term of writing experience, which echos the nature of linguistic form changing from certain stylistic feature to another one.

      • KCI등재

        Plurals as an example of teaching the basics of Arabic syntax for beginners

        ( Fatima Mohammad Amin Al-omari ) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2016 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.20 No.2

        There is no doubt that syntax is the foundation, ingress, route as well as the measure of the Arabic Language. Indeed, it is essential to present syntax to Arab and non-Arab learners of Arabic. An argument persists however as to what syntax do we present and how do we present it, and at what point in time do we do so? A further argument ensues on what facets of syntax do present to our students before other. This research seeks to provide a functional vision for teaching grammatical material; material that is necessary for beginner learners, and attempts to the following three questions: 1. What facets of syntax do we present? 2. How do we present the syntactic material? 3. When do we present the syntactic material? Our argument is based on the premise that language is a gift that is based on a set of principles, standards, and rules through which native speakers learn the language without necessarily being aware of. Also, the fact that the syntactic material which has to be taught to non- native Arabic speakers is the general standards that helps such learners to avoid making mistakes and necessarily the special standards adopted by grammarians and scholars of Arabic. Essentially, what we are saying is that learners’ primary concern is with the function rather than the concepts or the definition. This study is the result of an extensive in depth research in the original syntactical resources and what ancient scholars had produced in this field. This, in addition to new Arabic and foreign resources on this subject. All of that is supported by addressing the current state of affairs in the field of teaching Arabic syntax for non-native speakers using several specialized curricula, and through the work of beginners of non- native Arabic speakers. The study produces an example of the functional vision that it adopts through a new vision to teach the three types of plural in Arabic for beginners.

      • KCI등재

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