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        多變量 解析法에 의한 왕골의 品質群 分類

        Eung Ryong Son(孫膺龍),Byung Sun Kwon(權炳善),Jung Il Lee(李正日),Hi Jin Park(朴熙塡) 한국육종학회 1990 한국육종학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Sixty four wanggol cultivars were largely classified into ten varietal groups, and six groups out of them forming the group by one variety to high variation in various characteristics whereas the others tended to low. Group Ⅰ and Group Ⅴ contained fifteen (23%) and thirty nine cultivars(61%), respectively Group Ⅱ showed medium or late flowering, but Group Ⅴ revealed early flowering and considerably large variation in various characteristeics. Most of the varietal groups were not associated with their geographical origin. Days to flowering and plant height among the nine characters were the largest contributors to the D²in both intra and inter groups.

      • KCI등재

        봄배추의 시비반응(施肥反應)에 미치는 토양수분(土壤水分) Potential의 영향(影響)

        엄기철,응용,유순호,Eom, Ki-Cheol,Son, Eung-Ryong,Yoo, Sun-Ho 한국토양비료학회 1983 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        토양수분조건에 따른 시비반응을 구명(究明)하기 위하여 본량(本良) 사양토(砂壤土)에서 토양수분처리($M_0$무관수, $M_1$-0.1~-1.0bar, $M_2$-0.1bar~-0.5bar, $M_3$-0.1~-0.2bar)와 시비수준(施肥水準)(N-P-Kkg/10a, 0-0-0, 11.5-10-12.5, 23-20-25, 34.5-30-37.5)을 달리하여 봄배추의 생육상태(生育狀態), 물소모량(消耗量), 양분흡수량, 비료이용율(肥料利用率), 수량 등을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1) 20cm 깊이에서 토양수분 Potential이 -2.0bar 이하(以下)일 때 물소모량은 감소(減少)하였고 비료(肥料)에 의(依)한 생장량(生長量)의 증가는 없었다. 2) 배추의 양분흡수량(養分吸收量)은 시비량(施肥量)의 증가에 따라 토양수분 Potential이 낮을 때는 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)이었고, 토양수분 Potential이 높을 때는 증가하는 경향(傾向)이었다. 3) 질소(窒素)와 가리(加里)의 이용율(利用率)은 토양수분 Potential과 시비수준(施肥水準)이 정비례관계(正比例關係)에 있어야 이용율(利用率)이 증대되었다. 4) 봄배추의 수량(收量)은 토양수분 Potential이 낮을 때에는 시비량(施肥量)을 증가시켜도 증수가 없었으며, 토양수분 Potential이 높을 때에는 각(各) 시비수준(施肥水準) 공(共)히 증수효과(增收效果)가 있었고 그 효과(效果)는 다비수준(多肥水準)에서 더욱 뚜렷하였다. 5) 토양수분 Potential을 높게 유지(維持)시킬 경우(境遇)에는, 시비량(施肥量)을 증가시킴에 따라 봄배추 수량(收量)이 거의 직선적(直線的)인 증가경향을 보여, 최대수량을 낼 수 있는 비료요구량(肥料要求量)이 크게 증가되었다. Differences in fertilizer responses of Chinese cabbage to soil water status were investigated in a field experiment. The growth pattern, water use, nutrient uptake, apparent efficiency of fertilizer and yield were analyzed under the 4-different fertilizer levels (N-P-K rate, kg/10a: 0-0-0 Fo, 11.5-10-12.5 Fo.5, 23-30-25 F1.0, 34.5-30-37.5 F1.5 and under the 4-different soil water status levels (non irrigated plot Mo, -0.1 to -1.0 bars M1, -0.1 to -0.5 bars M2, -0.1 to -0.2 bars M3). The soil was Bonryang sandy loam in the experimental farm of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Suweon. The growth and yield responses to the fertilizer levels showed a large difference between F0 and F0.5 but little differences were recognized between F0.5, F1.0 and F1.5 when the soil water potentials at 20-cm soil depth were lower than -2.0 bar. Under the well irrigated soil conditions, M2, and M3, the growth and yield responses to the fertilizer levels were significantly increased and the nutrient requirements were increased as well. The total uptake of nutrients decreased as the fertilizer amounts increased when the soil water potentials were low, while the total uptake of nutrients increased when the soil water potentials were high. Therefore, in considering nutrient availability of the applied fertilizers, the soil water status should be taken into account.

      • KCI등재

        산지초지(山地草地) 조성대상지(造成對象地) 토양특성(土壤特性)과 시비추천(施肥推薦)

        이협성,허봉구,윤관희,응용,엄기태,노대철,김영호,Lee, Hyub-Sung,Hur, Bong-Koo,Yoon, Kwan-Hee,Son, Eung-Ryong,Um, Ki-Tae,Noh, Dae-Chul,Kim, Young-Ho 한국토양비료학회 1989 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        국토(國土)의 대부분(大部分)을 차지하고 있는 산지(山地) 토양자원(土壤資源)을 농업적(農業的)으로 활용(活用)하기 위(爲)하여 초지조성(草地造成) 예정지(豫定地)(1983년(年))의 환경조건(環境條件) 및 토양(土壤)의 물리화학성(物理化學性)을 밝혀내고 이들 조사자료(調査資料)를 분석(分析)하여 산지개발(山地開發) 및 초지조성시(草地造成時)의 합리적(合理的) 이용관리(利用管理)에 쓰일 基礎資料를 얻고저 실시(實施)했던바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 초지조성(草地造成) 대상지(對象地)는 표고(標高) 200m이하(以下)가 50.2%이었으며 유기물함양(有機物含量)은 표고(標高)가 높을수록 많았다. 2. 우점식생(優占植生)은 억새, 새, 솔새등(等) 장초형(長草型) 초종(草種)이 71.3%로 거의 대부분(大部分)을 차지하였다. 3. 초지조성시(草地造成時) 문제(問題)가 되는 사토(砂土)와 식토(埴土)는 3.3%에 불과하였고 20cm이상(以上)의 유효토심(有效土深)을 가진 대상지(對象地)는 94%, 석력함량(石礫含量) 10%미만(未滿)도 60.5%로서 대부분(大部分)의 토양(土壤)들이 초지조함(草地造咸)이 가능(可能)하였다. 4. 초지조성(草地造成) 대상지(對象地)의 주요(主要) 화학성분양(化學成分量)은 기존초지(旣存草地)에 비하여 각(各) 성분(成分) 모두 낮으며 특(特)히 유효인산(有效燐酸)은 매우 낮았다. 5. 10a당(當) 시비양(施肥量)은 채초지(採草地)일때 질소(窒素) 28.6, 인산(燐酸) 27.1, 가리(加里) 22.4, 석회(石灰) 204kg이었고 방목지(放牧地)는 각각(各各) 20.1, 20.4, 13.6, 192kg이었다. For the agricultural utilization of Korean forest land resources, which constitutes most of country, the distribution of environment and soil physico-chemical properties of establishable grass lands were clarified. The surveyed data were analized for the reasonable utilization and management of establishable grass land. The results were as follows ; 1. About 50.2% of the grass lands to be established were located under the 200m in altitude. The higher the altitude was, the more the organic matter content. 2. Tall type grass species such as Miscanthus purpurascens, Purple eulalia, and Themeda Japonica covered 71.3% of the natural vegetation in the soils of grass land to be established. 3. The extent of sandy and clayey soils which might be limited in the establishment of grassland was only 3.3%, meanwhile majority of the soils were in the favourable condition for grassland that is about 94% have more than 20cm in available soil depth and about 60.5% of the soils have less than 10% of gravels and stones in the soil profiles. 4. The chemical properties of the prearranged grassland soils were worse than the established grasslands, especially in the content of available $P_2O_5$. 5. The amount of fertilizer recommended for meadow were 286kg of nitrogen per hectare, 271kg of phosphorus, 224kg of potassium and 2040kg of calcium per hectare, but for grazing land were 201, 204, 136 and 1920kg/ha respectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        참깨 品質 改良에 關한 硏究 第4報. 참깨의 登熱에 따른 草型別 油分含量과 脂肪酸 組成의 變化

        Chul Whan Kang(姜哲煥),Jung Il Lee(李正日),Eung Ryong Son(孫膺龍) 한국육종학회 1985 한국육종학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The study was conducted to provide basic information to breeders and agronomists working with sesame. The oil content and quality of fatty acid composition were investigated for eight plant types identified and classified by branching habit, capsules per axil, and carpels and loculi of a capsule. Each plant type had two typical cultivars chosen from 527 gene pools. Oil content incresed quickly up from 10th to 25th day after flowering of 25 to 30% and then showed almost maximum to 35th day after flowering. Significant differences between the plant types were not detected in oil content and fatty acid composition, but grains of upper capsules were much lower in oil content than those of middle or lower capsules. Unsaturated, Linoleic fatty acid tended to increase up to physiological maturity with peak on 45th day after flowering and quickly up from 10th to 25th day after flowering of 30% to 35%. Unsaturated, Oleic fatty acid content was about 60% on 10th day after flowering and then reduced slowly. Saturated, Palmitic fatty acid content was about 20% on 10th day after flowering and then reduced quickly upto 25th day after flowering of about 10%, and stearic fatty acid did not show much change in content from beginning of maturity till harvesting. Arachidic, Linolenic and Erucic fatty acids contents were about 5% on 10th day after flowering and then disappeared on 25th day after flowering. Thus this period was considered to be a critical for determining excellent sesame oil quality.

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