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      • The Chronological Change of English in News Media : - 뉴스 전개 방식을 중심으로 - - With Special Reference to News Development Style -

        李信有 弘益大學校 1992 弘大論叢 Vol.24 No.1

        뉴스는 원시적인 구어뉴스에서 시작하여 일반 문자뉴스를 거쳐 현재 인쇄 및 전파뉴스로 발전했다.본 논문에서는 뉴스의 변천에 따른 뉴스전개방식을 개관했다.특히 영어뉴스가 어떻게 변천했는가를 집중연구했다.결과적으로 초기 뉴스형은 감정적,선정적,주관적,흥미중심이었으나 현대뉴스는 이성적,개관적,뉴스가치 중심으로 변했다.이러한 추세를 반영하기 위해 역피라미드형의 뉴스 전개방법이 개발,확산되어 일반뉴스는 도입부와 이에따른 후속 부분으로 구성되는 특징을 갖게 되었다.

      • 문법관의 변천에 따른 대학영어교육 개선방안

        李信有 弘益大學校 1982 弘大論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        This article is aimed at effecting some pedagogical changes in the English teaching at the university level on the basis of the change of grammatical views. So far, most. English teachers have been focusing their efforts lop-sidedly on teaching the correct English, that is, good English, acceptable and grammatical. In other words, all the grammatical theories, conventional, structural and transformational alike have been concerned almost exclusively with "well-formed sentences." Therefore, they can be named "sentence grammar." Of course, this sentence grammar is an essential tool for a good acquisition of the language. However, sentence grammar, a mere means of learning, fails to meet the demand on the part of the students, who are very inquisitive and curious. Instead of the boring repetition of the sentence grammar, which has been taken over from high school with almost no alteration, the students apparently need a new grammar or something of the sort. To help meet such demand, the writer asserts strongly that the "text-grammar," a grammar designed for a better and more effective English, be given more weight in the class. This grammar covers paragraph writing, theme development, basic rhetoric, style, and other effective writing techniques. In conclusion, the writer suggests that the English teacher make a selective use of the merits of the various sentence grammar theories, and use the text-grammar more, and more effectively in the university class.

      • 명문, 명언에 사용된 수사 기법 분석

        李信有 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 2000 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.17

        In this article, the writer examined the rhetoric features found among some selected world-famous writings and speeches, and speeches, and some wellknown proverbs, phrases and quotations. Because it is practically impossible to make an unexhaustive or complete survey of such matter, he limited the scope of research only to some selected data and materials within the reach of his ability and knowledge. In Chapter Ⅰ, he suggested some conditions which can play roles in making a writing or speech favorably commented, valued, prized and quoted. The suggested conditions include the effective use of various rhetoric devices: writing patterns, style, figures of speech, them development, choice of words and other techniques. In Chapter Ⅱ, some selected writings, speeches, proverbs and phrases were actually examined and evaluated on the basis of the measuring rules the writer suggested in the preceding chapter. The writer eventually concludes that the world-famous classical writings/speeches rightly deserve their fame and prize. The writer's assertion is that there must be more pedagogical emphasis and encouragement on the education of rhetorics, grammar, writing and reading, which are nowadays somewhat neglected.

      • Hebraism이 영어에 미친 영향 : 영어 성서를 중심으로 With special reference to the influence through the Bible

        이신유 세종대학교 1978 세종대학 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        No other modern language shows the influence of the Bible so clearly as English. We intend in this article to illustrate from Modern English a number of Biblical phrases and idioms, and Hebrew elements, which are directly or indirectly, and in some cases only remotely, referable to the Bible, especially the King James's Authorized Version. Chapter Ⅰ is the perface, in which the weight of Biblical influence is examined from various angles. Chapter Ⅱ deals with some features of Hebrew diction and linguistic structure transplanted into English through the Bible, with some concrete mention of Hebrew syntax, morphology, perallelism, repetition and literarary style. In Chapter Ⅲ, we deal with the Biblical allusion jn major literary works by English writers. This chapter states that a large number of phrases or expressions may be traced back to the Bible in their origin. English abounds with Biblical idioms. Such idioms as have become almost household words or general public expressions are listed in Chapter Ⅳ with usage examples from actual speech or literary works. In chapter Ⅴ, in conclusion, we emphasize the necessity of more intensive study of Hebrew influence on the English language. In the light of its heavy linguistic effect, we suggest that more serious study in this field be conducted for the practical application in the study of English literature, language and even teaching methodology.

      • 시사영어에 나타난 신 문법 현상

        李信有 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 2001 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.18

        This thesis is aimed at surveying some modern grammatical developments in current English and providing an up-to-date grammatical information to English learners. A glance at the present grammar education sites will never fail to make us realize that most of the teaching materials used in the classrooms are based on traditional, even old-fashioned linguistic data, neglecting a lot of fresh materials in current use. It is commonly observed that in the typical grammar class-room, most teaching materials or illustration examples have been selected predominantly from the classics or from conventional textbooks. As a result of this, a lot of students come to find themselves in the dark about the up-to-date grammatical developments, and therefore embarrassed when they come to face various grammar problems concerning the language data currently-used in newspaper, radio and TV, internet and other media English. To help and guide such students go through these dark channels of grammar, I systematical!: illustrated some so-far neglected but attention-deserving data, diligently observing such grammatical 'trivia' as formation of new compounds, Korean-structure-styled sentence-phrase contraction, radical conversion of part-of-speech, use of new prepositions, syntactical adjective, double negative, split infinitive and surprising change of word order. It is surely believed that grammar study will be more interestingly motivated when these new grammatical developments are positively accepted in the grammar education.

      • Technical Aspects of Modern Translation and Interpretation

        李信有 弘益大學校 1990 弘大論叢 Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문은 첨단지식정보를 이용한 번역 및 통역기술에 대한 연구로서 먼저 의미역과 형태역을 고찰 분석하고 그 실례를 제시하였다. 이어서 형태역의 대표인 성성영어를 언급하고 통역 및 기계번역도 언급하였다. 그리고 현대 첨단지식이나 기계의 도움을 받아도 번역이 불가능한 분야도 다루어 보았다. 결론에서는 효과적인 번역을 하기 위한 방안으로 언어학과 주변 학문의 응용을 확대, 심화하는 길을 모색했다. .

      • 중세 영어의 언어적 특징 : With a Special Reference to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

        李信有 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1999 人文科學 Vol.7 No.-

        Abstract Linguistic Features of Middle English -With a Special Reference to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales- This article was designed to provide the students of English with some informative data on the linguistic features of Middle English. The writer used Chaucer's Canterbury Tales as the basic research sources. He analysed, sorted and displayed major features of the data in terms of syntax, phonology and lexicon. For concrete understanding on the part of the reader, the writer used a maximum of illustrating examples instead of developing theories. The writer's conclusive hope is that through an effective use of these data, Middle English may become somewhat less perplexing, and odd, and become even familiar to an amateur reader.

      • 언어 경제적 영작문 기법 연구

        李信有 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1998 人文科學 Vol.6 No.-

        Skills of writing linguistically economic English sentences are discussed with examples. To write linguistically economic English sentences, the writer should avoid clutter, turgidity, redundancy, wordiness, pedantry, etc. English sentences should be simple and clear to be linguistically economic. To write simple and clear sentences, the writer should rather use active voice, write simple sentences, and apply adequate subject words, verbs, idioms, proverbs, and skeletonized forms.

      • Stylistic Features of Biblical English

        李信有 弘益大學校 1986 弘大論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        영어성서, 특히 흠정성서(欽定聖書)는 그 번역이 매우 뛰어나서 문체가 아름답고 경전적인 권위가 있어 1611년 발간 후부터 계속 교회의 예배용이나 개인의 독서용으로 사용되어왔다. 이렇게 4세기에 가깝도록 영·미인들의 생활 속에 밀접한 관계를 가졌으므로 영어성서는 종교, 사상, 철학, 문학 뿐만 아니라 그들의 언어, 즉 영어에도 많은 영향을 끼쳤고 그 흔적이 가시적 또는 잠재적으로 많이 남아 있다. 구체적으로 말해서는 영여성서는 영어의 어휘, 숙어, 문법, 문체 등에 상당한 영향을 끼쳤다. 본 연구는 그 중 문체적인 영향에 대해서 살펴본 것으로 특히 다음 3가지를 중점적으로 다루었다. 첫 번째로 다룬 것은 성서의 용어이다. 성서의 용어는 숫적으로 매우 한정되어 있고 대부분이 단음절 단어이지만, 명쾌성, 간결성, 역동성이 있어서 우아미, 음악성, 변화성, 효과성이 매우 높다. 이와 같은 간결성의 영향은 속담 등에 잘 나타나고 있다. 두 번째로 다룬 것은 소위 평행문체로서 이것은 히브리 시형(詩形)의 표본이다. 히브리 시는 뜻이 거의 같거나, 뜻이 정반대인 시행을 두 개씩 짝지워서 시를 써 가는데 이는 일종의 반복문체다. 영시의 영웅시체 비슷하나 억양이나 압운을 쓰지 않는다. Alfred Tennyson의 일부 시와 상당수 영시에 이런 문체가 가끔 보인다. 세 번째 다룬 것은 산문적 리듬이다. 흠정성서는 대중 앞에 읽는 경전용으로 번역되었으므로 아름다운 산문으로서의 리듬이 내재되어 있어 산문 속에 아름다운 음악성이 있다.

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