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      • KCI등재

        ◇ 3분과 : 임업기능인 임금조사를 통한 직종별 기준임금 산정에 관한 연구

        한상균 ( Sang Kyun Han ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ),우희성 ( Hee Sung Woo ),최병구 ( Byoung Koo Choi ),조민재 ( Min Jae Cho ),차두송 ( Du Song Cha ) 한국임학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.4

        산림작업은 험준한 산악지에서 주로 작업이 이루어지고 있기 때문에 임업노동자에게 높은 위험수준을 부담하는 노동형태를 띠고 있다. 하지만 이러한 중노동에도 불구하고 건설공사 품셈을 바탕으로 하는 비현실적인 임금체계의 적용으로 인하여 효율적인 작업수행이 이루어지지 않을 뿐만 아니라 임업기능인의 노동생산성도 점차 저하되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국·사유림 임업기능인 영림단을 대상으로 현행 임금체계의 문제점과 합리적인 임금체계 수립을 위한 설문지 조사를 실시하였다. 또한 설문내용을 바탕으로 임업의 특수성을 고려한 새로운 직종별 적정 임금체계를 개발하였다. 설문조사는 총 19문항으로, 총 659명에게 우편을 통하여 실시하였고, 이 중28.5%의 회신율을 보였다. 조사된 영림단의 평균 적정임금은 지역별로 다소차이를 보였으나, 보통인부가 97,680원/일, 특별인부 127,559원/일, 벌목부는 152,403원/일로 나타났다. 이는 건설협회의 노임단가와 비교했을 때, 적정한 수준이라 판단된다. 또한 현재 분류되고 있는 3개 직종(보통인부, 특별인부, 벌목부)구분 보다는 좀 더 산림작업의 특수성을 반영할 수 있는 5개 직종(산림환경작업부, 초급산림작업인, 중급산림작업인, 고급산림작업인, 산림장비운전사)으로 구분한다면 임업기능인을 위한 현실적이고 안정된 임금체계를 제시 할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Working in the forest would require a wide range of skills and experience for specific tasks which involve with a high level of risks to worker’s safety. However, there has been a concern on the current standard wage system for forest workers because it does not effectively reflect the characteristics of typical working conditions in the forest. In addition, the current standard wages for forestry workers was estimated based on the construction industry``s wage system. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess a current wage system through the mail survey method and to develop a new wage system for forest worker which effectively reflects skill sets and experience required for successful completion of the work in the forest. We mailed the survey questionnaire consisting of 19 questions to 659 forest workers and received 188 responses resulting in a 28.5% response rate. The results showed that the current average optimal wages of forest worker, special worker and feller were 97,680won/day, 127,559won/day and 152,403won/day, respectively though there were variations depending on the regions. In developing the new standard wage system, this study suggest the current work types(worker, special worker and feller) could be divided into 5 work types (forest-environment workers, forest operations in beginner, forest operations in intermediate, forest operations in advanced and forest equipment operator) reflecting specialty of forest operation thereby stabilizing the new wage system for forest workers.

      • Yoader를 이용한 간벌작업 시 작업비용 및 생산성 분석

        한상균 ( Sang Kyun Han ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        Unmanaged second-growth forests in Redwood National Park have resulted in high tree density consisting of non-redwood species. These stands generally require forest restoration treatments to alter tree density and to promote redwood dominance. In this study, a yoader yarding system was implemented on steep ground. Restoration treatment costs of the yoader operations were investigated under two different thinning prescriptions, 25% and 40% basal area reductions. Treatment costs were estimated by detailed time studies. A stand damage survey was also conducted to assess the amount of damage to residual trees during thinning operations. The amount of volume removed had a significant effect on operational costs, regardless of operational methods. Yoader thinning costs increased directly with the amount of volume removed ($6,313/ha at 25% thinning unit and $25,664/ha at 40% thinning unit). The cost difference was due to large amounts of small trees removed and lack of operator experience at the beginning of the thinning operation. When comparing all incurred costs and total revenues estimated in this study, total revenue in the 40% thinning unit was not enough to offset additional costs incurred by recovering biomass for energy production. Yarding was the most expensive component in the thinning operation and the sensitivity analysis showed that high yarding productivity is critical in minimizing overall treatment costs. Thinning intensities significantly affected residual stand damage: the 40% thinning unit had more severe residual stand damage than the 25% thinning unit.

      • KCI등재

        3분과 : 가선집재작업에서의 작업 생산성 및 비용 분석

        한원성 ( Won Sung Han ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ),김남훈 ( Nam Hun Kim ),차두송 ( Du Song Chu ),조구현 ( Koo Hyun Cho ),민도홍 ( Do Hong Min ),권기철 ( Ki Cheol Kwon ) 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.1

        본 연구에서는 임목수확작업에 사용되는 집재기계의 작업효율성을 분석하여 경사가 급한(20° 이상) 작업조건에 적합한 가선계 집재기계를 선정하는데 기초 정보를 제공하고자, 타워야더(RME-300T), 트랙터부착형 집재기(일명: 춘천집재기), 트랙터윈치(FARMI) 등에 의한 집재작업에서의 작업생산성 및 비용을 비교 분석하였다. 평균 흉고직경이 20 cm, 집재거리 60 m, 가로집재거리 10 m, 그리고 기계이용률이 70%인 동일한 작업 조건에서 작업이 이루어질 경우, 타워야더의 1일 집재작업 생산성은 33.04 m3/일, 트랙터부착형 집재기는 38.47 m3/일, 그리고 트랙터윈치는 14.17 m3/일으로 분석되었으며, 이에 따른 집재작업비용은 각각 25,105원/m3, 20,520원/m3, 37,835원/m3으로 나타났다. 동일한 작업조건에서 집재거리에 따른 각 집재기계별 작업효율성을 비교하였을 경우, 집재거리가 40 m 이내로 짧을 경우에는 트랙터윈치에 의한 집재작업이 효율적이며, 40~140 m의 집재거리에서는 춘천집재기가, 140 m 이상의 장거리 집재작업에서는 타워야더가 가장 효율적인 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to provide field-based harvesting study information which can be used to select an optimal cable system for certain work conditions on steep grounds (>20° ground slope) in Korea. Toaccomplish this study objectives, we evaluated three cable yarding systems (RME-300T tower-yarder, Chuncheontower-yarder, FARMI tractor winch) working in typical work conditions for their yarding productivity and operational efficiency. Those yarders are commonly used for removing logs or trees on steep grounds in Korea. Under the same work conditions (average DBH of tree to be cut, 20 cm; yarding distance, 60 m; lateral yardingdistance, 10 m; and machine utilization rate, 70%), the average productivities were 33.04 m3/day, 38.47 m3/day, and 14.17 m3/day for RME-300T, Chuncheon tower-yarder, and FARMI, respectively. Our standardized cost comparison study also showed that the yarding cost was highest at 37,835 won/m3 with FARMI, followed byRME-300T at 25,105 won/m3 for the same work conditions. We found the lowest yarding cost with the Chuncheon tower-yarder at 20,520 won/m3 which was resulted primarily from high yarding productivity at theyarding distance (60 m). Our analysis suggested that a small machine such as FARMI could be a low-costyarding machine option for a cable yarding job with a short yarding distance (40 m or less). The Chuncheontower-yarder is well suited for a mid-range yarding distance job in Korea, ranged between 40 to 140 m. Ifyarding distance were longer than 140 m, the RME-300T tower yarder appears to be most cost-effective.

      • 미서부에서의 산불방지간벌 비용, 에너지생산량 및 양분제거량 예측프로그램 개발

        한상균 ( Sang Kyun Han ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        In this study, a spreadsheet-based model, named ThinTool, was developed to evaluate the cost of mechanical fuel reduction thinning treatments including biomass removal, predict net energy output, and assess nutrient impacts in northern California and southern Oregon. A combination of literature review, field-based studies, and contractor surveys were used to develop this model. Three components (cost, energy output, and nutrient removal) in ThinTool were directly linked to each other. The results are sensitive to stand and site conditions, thinning prescriptions, biomass recovery systems, and road standards and distances. For cost analysis, machine productivities for fuel reduction thinning treatments under three different stand conditions were obtained from 29 local contractors who have worked on fuel reduction thinning treatments in the region. These estimates are then adjusted based on stand variables and work conditions; the productivity adjustment functions were developed for four key variables affecting machine productivity, including the amount of volume to be removed per acre, tree size, percent slope, and skidding distances. Net energy output was estimated by comparing the amount of energy delivered with the total energy consumed to collect, process, and transport the biomass to an energy plant. This function allows users to assess potential energy contribution and identify energy-effective biomass recovery systems. The site nutrient removals were calculated based on the biomass amounts and nutrient contents for each species and the tree components (e.g., limbs, tops, and/or bole wood) to be removed. The outputs help forest managers to examine environmental effects of biomass recovery and provide nutrient retention information for sustainable production of woody biomass. In model validation, the difference between ThinTool-simulated costs and the actual observed costs were 5 percent for sawlog production and 11 percent for biomass production. ThinTool will help forest managers and land owners to effectively address conflicting issues (i.e. nutrient recycling vs. removal of hazardous fuels) that require integration of biomass availability, harvest cost analysis, and environmental effects simultaneously.

      • KCI등재
      • 타워야더에 의한 집재작업 생산성 및 비용 분석

        조민재 ( Min Jae Cho ),조구현 ( Koo Hyun Cho ),오재헌 ( Jae Heun Oh ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ),차두송 ( Du Song Cha ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        본 연구는 강원도 양양군 서면 지역의 소나무, 활엽수 혼효임분을 대상으로 임목집재작업에서 사용된 두 기종의 타워야더(Koller K301-4, Koller K300)의 작업생산성 및 비용을 검토하였다. 이용된 작업방식은 모두 전간집재이고, 집재방향 상향집재로 동일한 작업조건이였다. K301-4를 이용한 작업지의 임지경사는 20°이였고, K300를 이용한 작업지의 임지경사는 15°였다. 집재작업 생산성 분석에서 K301-4의 시간당 생산성(4.7㎥/hr)이 K300의 시간당 생산성(2.3㎥/hr) 보다 높았으며, 집재작업 비용은 K300이 61,316원/㎥이고, K301-4는 29,484원/㎥이였다. 두 기종의 동일한 작업조건(평균가로집재거리 7m, 평균 집재본수 2본, 임목재적 0.417㎥)에서, 집재효율성 비교를 위한 집재거리에 따른 민감도분석 결과는 집재거리 50m를 기준으로, 50m 이상은 타워야더(K301-4)를 이용한 작업이, 50m 미만에서는 타워야더(K300)을 이용한 집재가 더 효율적인 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to examine harvesting productivity and cost using two different tower-yarders(Koller K301-4 and Koller K300) in a Pine( Pinus densiflora) and Oak spp. mixed stand of Seo-myeon, Yangyang-gun, Kangwon-do. There were the same operation conditions(tree-length logs and uphill yarding) but slope gradients of the site were 20 °(K301-4) and 15 °(K300), respectively. Harvesting productivity by K301-4(4.7 ㎥/hr) was higher than that of K300(2.3 ㎥/hr). Also, harvesting cost by K300(₩ 61,316/㎥) was more expensive than that of K301-4(₩ 29,484/㎥). Under the same operation conditions(average lateral yarding distance (7 m); average the number of logs (2); average volume (0.417 ㎥/log)), the sensitivity consideredthe yarding distance showed that K301-4 had high harvesting productivity at the yarding distance(longer than 50 m), while K300 was efficient at the yarding distance(less than 50 m).

      • KCI등재

        낙엽송 간벌작업에서 전간수확시스템의 작업비용 분석

        조구현 ( Koo Hyun Cho ),조민재 ( Min Jae Cho ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ),한상균 ( Sang Kyun Han ),차두송 ( Du Song Cha ) 한국산림과학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.2

        The purpose of study was to broaden our knowledge on the productivity and cost of thinning operations which has become increasingly practiced in Korea. The thinning operations were conducted in a 40- year old larch (Larix leptolepis) stand, including chainsaw felling and processing at the stump, followed by yarding tree-length logs using a Koller K301-4 tower yarder. The logs were further processed and sorted into 1.8 m and 3.6 m log piles at the landing. We used a standard time study method to evaluate key variables that affect the productivity of thinning operations. The total stump-to-pile operational cost was 41,707 won/m3. The highest cost activity was the yarding phase which cost 20,083 won/m3 (48.2% of the total cost), followed by the costs of processing tree-length materials into marketable log lengths (12,143 won/m3; 29.1%), and then by the costs of sorting/piling the processed logs (5,039 won/m3; 12.1%). It was interesting to see that felling and processing trees at the stump had low costs at 1,315 won/m3 (3.2%) and 3,127 won/m3 (7.5%), respectively. We used the detailed time study data to develop regression equations which were to predict yarding productivity. Our analysis showed that harvesting system cost was highly sensitive to the number of logs, yarding distance and lateral distance per turn, respectively.

      • 낙엽송 개벌작업에서 타워야더 전목수확시스템의 집재 생산성 및 비용분석

        조구현 ( Koo Hyun Cho ),조민재 ( Min Jae Cho ),차두송 ( Du Song Cha ),송태영 ( Tae Young Song ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        본 연구는 강원도지방에서 타워야더(콜러 K301-4)와 최적의 집재시스템을 구축하기 위해 가선집재시스템의 생산성과 비용을 조사하여 분석하였다. 연구 대상지는 중부지방인 강원도 평창에 위치하고 있으며 낙엽송 인공림지역이다. 낙엽송은 한국의 대표 수종 중의 하나이다. 조사지는 강원도평창군 미탄면 평안리 48-라소반의 Ⅵ영급 낙엽송 조림지로 작업면적은 10㏊중 1.1㏊에서 조사하였다. 수고는 평균 16m, 흉고직경은 평균 25㎝, 임목축적은 235.2㎥/㏊이었다. 타워야더를 이용한 개벌작업에서 초커설치·해체 및 측방집재 시간은 총 집재작업 시간의 33 % 소요되었다. 가선작업에서 타워야더의 평균 집재 일일 생산성은 76.56 ㎥/일과 19.14 ㎥/인/일 (9.57㎥/시간)이었다. 집재비용은 138,638원/시간이었다. 고정비용은 41,720원/시간, 변동비용은 45,759원/시간, 노무비용은 51,159원/시간이었다. 타워야더의 총 집재비용은 14,487 원/㎥이었다. This study was conducted to investigate the productivity and cost of cable logging system in order to establish the optimal logging operation system with a tower-yarder (Koller K301-4) in Gangwon-do. The study area is located Pyeongchang-Gun (county), Gangwon-Do (province) in the middle of Korea. The forest is artificial forest of conifer stand. conifer stand is one of the popular species in Korea. The study area was artificial national forest of Pyeongan-Ri, Mitan-Myeon, Pyeongchang-Gun, Gangwon-do. In the area of operation was investigated 1.1㏊of the total 10㏊. Average height of tree was 16m. Diameter at breast height(DBH) was 25㎝. Growing stock was 235.2 ㎥/㏊. In skyline operation by tower-yarder (Koller K301-4), the choker setting·unhooking and lateral yarding time was 33 % of the total yarding time. An average cable logging productivity of a tower-yarder in the skyline thinning operation was 76.56 m3/day and 19.14 m3/person-day(9.57 m3/productive machine hour(PMH)). The total machine cost was 138,638 won/scheduled machine hour(SMH). The fixed cost was 45,759 won/SMH, variable cost was 41,720 won/SMH, and labor cost was 51,159 won/SMH. The total yarding cost of the tower yarder was 14,487 won/m3.

      • 설문조사에 의한 임업기능인의 적정 임금체계에 관한 연구

        조민재 ( Min Jae Cho ),김명환 ( Myung Hwan Kim ),민도홍 ( Do Hong Min ),한원성 ( Won Sung Han ),한한섭 ( Han Sup Han ),차두송 ( Du Song Cha ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        본 연구는 국·사유림 기능인 영림단을 대상으로 임업기능인의 현실적인 적정 임금수준을 제시하고자 실시하였다. 직종구분은 현재 사용되고 있는 3가지(보통인부, 특별인부, 벌목부)로 구분하였다. 설문조사는 총 19문항으로, 총 659명에게 우편을 통하여 실시하였고, 이 중 30.3%의 회신율을 보였다. 조사된 영림단의 평균 임금은 지역별로 다소차이를 보였으나, 보통인부가 97,680원/일, 특별인부 127,559원/일, 벌목부는 152,403원/일로 나타났다. 소속별(산림사업법인, 산림조합, 국유림) 영림단임금의 차이는 작은 것으로 분석되었다. 현재 분류되고 있는 3가지(보통인부, 특별인부, 벌목부) 직종에서, 보다 산림작업의 특수성을 반영할 수 있는 5가지 직종(산림환경작업부, 초급산림작업인, 중급 산림작업인, 고급산림작업인, 산림장비운전사)으로 구분하면, 임업기능인을 위한 현실적으로 안정된 임금체계를 제시 할 수 있을 것이라 사료된다. There has been a concern on the current pay system for forest workers because it does not effectively reflect the characteristics of typical working conditions in the forest. We addressed the fair wages to forest workers by investigating the current workers wage system. The occupation was classified into 3 types(worker, special worker and feller). We mailed the survey questionnaire consisting of 19 questions to 659 forest workers and received 213 responses resulting in a 30.3% response rate. The results showed that the average wages of forest worker, special worker and feller were ₩ 97,680/day, ₩ 127,559/day and ₩ 152,403/day, respectively though there were variations depending on the regions. In addition, there were little difference in terms of the forest workers`` wage among three different workers`` contraction(private, National Forestry Cooperative Federation, government). We suggest the current work types(worker, special worker and feller) could be divided into 5 work types(forest-environment workers, forest operations in beginner, forest operations in intermediate, forest operations in advanced and forest equipment operator) reflecting specialty of forest operation thereby stabilizing the wage system for forest workers.

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