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      • KCI등재후보

        한국 대학생의 프랑스어 작문 오류에서 나타나는 영어 간섭현상

        한정길 ( Jung Kil Han ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2008 언어연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This article analyses major errors observed in French composition, especially those closely connected to syntactic structures. I have collected the relevant data from a French composition class for sophomore students in a university. During my analysis, I first show how Korean sentence structures are transmitted to French in composition. Then, I show that many errors occur as a consequence of English interference; for example, the conversion of indirect object to subject in passive construction, the position of an attributive adjective in a noun phrase, the use of the lexical items which differ in syntactic representation, etc. In the use of the article, moreover, the Korean learners often refer to the English system as Korean lacks the article system. As a consequence, many errors occur in the employment of (in)definite articles in plural nouns, attributive phrases, and abstract/mass nouns.

      • KCI등재

        한(恨)에 대한 정신의학적 연구

        한정,이종섭,민성 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.4

        국문초록연구 목적 : 한과 관련된 원인적 경험. 증상 및 방어기제 등을 규명하기 위하여 한의 임상적 측면을 연구하였다. 연구방법 : 110명의 정상 성인과 151명의 신경증적 장애를 가진 환자를 대상으로 하여 설문지 조사를 시행하였다. 진단기준은 ICD-9이었다. 연구결과 : 한은 여자, 기혼, 낮은 교육수준, 낮은 수준과 관련되어 많았다. 또한 한의 원인적 생활 경험으로 부부생활에서의 불행, 불효, 불우한 가문, 가난, 무학, 어려서 부터의 고생, 배신과 실패, 잘못된 성격, 사회의 불평등성, 운명적 체념 등과 관련이 높았다. 한이 많은 사람은 없는 사람에 비해 한이 쌓여 정신장애나 신체질병이 생기어 한에 대처하는 방법에서도 그냥 참거나 신앙에 의지하거나 대화를 원하고 있었다. 다수의 사람들이 한이 화병의 원인으로 보고 있으며, 화병이 있다는 사람에게서 한도 많았다. 한의 증상은 우울증, 불안, 장애, 화병 등과 공통적으로 일반적 신경증적 내지 신체화 증상들도 있었지만 특히 목가슴의 덩어리, 한숨, 치밀어 오름이 특징적이었으며 정신증상에 있어서는 진술한 다른 장애에 비해 피해의식과 건강염려증이 심한 반면 과민성이 적음이 특징이었다. 방어기제에 있어 한은 신체화, 분리/투사, 수동공격성, 섭취, 원시적 이상화가 특징이었다. 대응전략에서 한은 자극감소, 자기동정, 걱정분담/의존이 특징이었다. 결 론 : 이러한 결과는 한이란 우울, 불안, 화병 등과 공통적인 면이 많으면서 또한 추가적으로 다른 특징적인 문화관련 신체화 증상과 피해의식과 건강염려증이 뚜렷한 독특한 감정상태임을 시사한다.ABSTRACTObjective : This study aimed at identifying the etiological background, symptomatic experessions, defense styles and coping strategies related to hahn. Method : The subjects were given a questionnaire for demographic data, life experiences and psychological and physical symptoms, Bond's questionnaire of defense style, and Weisman's scale for coping strategies and scales for severity of hahn and hwabyung. The subjects were 110 normal healthy adults and 151 patients with neurotic disorders, diagnosed with ICD-9. Results : More vivid hahn was found in the married women, the less educated, and those from a low socio-economic state. In the area of etiological life experiences, hahn is significantly related with an unhappy and frustrated marital life, unsatisfactory filial piety, poor family background, poverty, little education, a hard life since childhood, betrayal, failure in business, personality problems, injustice in society and resignation to fate. Hahn, unresolved and accumulated, was believed to cause various psychological and physical illnesses. In many cases hahn was corhad been dealt with by simple suppression and being dependent on religious faith or sharing and communicating with people. More people considerd hahn as one of the etiologies of hwabyung, a chronic anger syndrome. Hahn of patients with hwabyung was more serious than that of those without hwabyung. Symptoms of hahn were - in addition to various symptoms of depression, anxiety and other neurotic conditions or somatization - a mass in the epigastrium, sighing, something pushing-up in the chest, paranoid ideas and hyprochondria sis cor hygochondriacal ideas. On the other hand, hypersensitivity and irritability were less significant. Defense styles and coping strategies related with hahn were somatization, splitting-projection, passive-aggressiveness, incorporation, primitive idealization, stimulus reduction, self-pity and shared-concerns and dependency.Conclusion : These results suggest that hahn is an unique emotional condition which is characterized by culture-related somatization symptoms, paranoid ideas and hypochondriasis, in addition to general neurotic symptoms such as depression and anxiety and related somatic symptoms.

      • KCI등재

        신장이식에 대한 정신의학적 연구

        민성,한정,김경희 大韓神經精神醫學會 1983 신경정신의학 Vol.22 No.2

        The preoperative and postoperative psychiatric reactions were studied on 23 pairs of donors and recipients undergoing kidney transplantation. In 22 recipients, kidneys were donated by living family members. Female was more than male in donors, and younger sisters and mothers were most. However, 22 of 23 recipients were males, and oldest sons and fathers were most. In whole, the recipients were older and in higher socioeconomic status than the donors were. In donors, the presented motivation of kidney donation was altruism in most cases. But they had unconscious conflicts associated with intrafamilial pressure and loss of organ, which were revealed through, anxiety, tension depression, somatic concern and various somatization symptoms such as palpitation, headache, and paresthesia and, especially in dreams. Those symptoms gradually improved after operation. Most recipients had already suffered from depression associated with chronic renal failure, and dialysis. Confronting the new problem ?? some one in the family would willingly donate the kidney, they had more serious conflict. Already before the operation, they showed depression with marked guilt feeling, resentment, and anxiety for operation, various somatization symptoms such as inscmnia, palpitation and headache, and even paranoid trends. They were expecting many things such as survival and healthy life from the kidney transplantation. Some patients had improved from depression after operation. However, more patients showed grave prognosis than donors did. The possibility of rejection phenomenon the patients might imagined, seemed to remarkably influence on postoperative prognosis. One patient showed a brief psychotic episode. Prognosis was better when the donors were female, married, the parents of recipients and in lower socioeconomic state. As for the recipients, prognosis was better when they were older, the parents or children of donors, in higher or lower in education level and particularly when the rejection phenomenon was less likely to occur. With these finding, the authors had discussed on the possible psychiatrist's role of psychiatrist who would contribute helpfully in kidney transplantation.

      • KCI등재

        현대 불어의 문장부사에 대하여 : 하위범주구분을 중심으로

        한정길 서울대학교 어학연구소 1981 語學硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        문장을 수식대상으로 취하는 문장부사는 문장에서의 역할과 의미 차이에 따라 몇 개의 하위범주로 나뉠 수 있다. 문장부사의 하위범주 구분에는 몇몇 통사적 특징 및 의미 특징들이 관여하는데, 여기서 통사적 특징이란 일련의 통사적 조작들에 대한 반응 양상을, 그리고 의미 특징이란 최근의 내포 논리에 의해 밝혀진 불투명성(opacite´), 전제, 함의, 양화사와의 위치 관계에 의한 의미 차이 등을 의미한다. 즉, 동일한 하위범주에 속하는 문장부사들은 이들 통사적 특징 및 의미 특징들에 대해 동일한 반응 결과를 보인다. 그런데, 이 하위범주 구분의 가능성은 부사가 갖고 있는 의미 자체에 의해 어느 정도 예측할 수 있는데, 이것은 문장부사의 의미가 곧 그 문장부사의 성격 및 맡은바 기능과 밀접한 연관을 맺고 있기 때문이다. 본고에서는 문장부사를 양상부사, 평가부사, 수행부사, 접속부사로 나누어 각각의 하위 범주들의 성격을 살펴보되, 특히 양상부사와 평가부사에 중점을 두게 될 것이다. Dans notre e´tude, nous classons les adverbes de phrase en: l'adverbe de modalite´, l'adverbe e'valuatif, l'adverbe performatif, l'adverbe conjonctif. On examinera ces sousclasses sous l'angle de son apport se´mantique. L'adverbe de modalite´ a la proprie´te´ d'induire un jugement assertif du locuteur sur la proposition qu'il accompagne. En d'autres termes, il attribue a`la proposition qu'il e´nonce une valeur de ve´rite´ positive, l'affirme soit de manie`re forte, soit de manie`re affaiblie. On a avance´ l'hypothe`se que la phrase de l'adverbe de modalite´ correspond a` une tournure impersonnelle Il est Adjectif que P, mais nous remarquons que cette hypothe`se est insuffisante en de´gageant les diverses diffe´rences suntaxiques et se´mantiques entre la tournure impersonnelle et la phrase de l'adverbe de modalite´. Les adverbes e´valuatifs expriment un jugement d'appre´ciation du locuteur sur l'assertion implique´e qu´ils accompagnent. Ils impliquent la valeur de ve´rite´ positive de la proposition. Et l'hypothe`se que la structure sous-jacente de la phrase de l'adverbe e´valuatif est la structure coordonne´e P et P est Adjectif, c'est aussi inexacte a` cause des diffe´rences entre ces deux structures en question. La phrase de l'adverbe e´valuatif (Adv, P) asserte P et en me^me temps consititue une e´valuation du locuteur sur la proposition en impliquant la valeur de ve´rite´ positive de P. Les adverbes performatifs se rapprotent a` l'acte verbal, par conse´quent ils se rapportent a` des facteurs du processus de communication-par exemple le locuteur, l'auditeur, le verbe abstrait repre´sentant cette e´nonciation. Et les adverbes conjonctifs servent a` marquer le lien de I'e´nonce´ qu'ils accompagnent ou la place de l'e´nonce´ en question par ordre. Et nous placons les adverbes oriente´s sur le sujet entre les adverbes de phrase et les adverbes de pre´dicat

      • KCI등재

        홧병에 있어서의 방어기제와 대응전략

        한정,박청산,민성 大韓神經精神醫學會 1993 신경정신의학 Vol.32 No.4

        Defense mechanisms and coping strategies in Hwabyung patients were studied with 109 healthy persons and 132 neurotic patients. They were asked to rate the hwabyung scale, Bond's defense style questionaire and a coping strategy scale. The patients with hwabyung were 4 of 110 normal persons and 42 of 132 neurotic patients. The results suggest that hwabyung is significantly related with the mechanisms of somatization, orality, suppression-inhibiton-with-drawal, avoidance of stimulus and tension, externalization, help-seeking complaining, impulsiveness(hwapuri). Also hwabyung is related with humor, pseudoaltruism, omnipotence, self-pity, fatalism, and fantasy.

      • 경기도의 R&D벨트와 산업클러스터 구축방안

        한정길 경희대학교 기업경영연구소 2003 기업경영연구 Vol.9 No.1

        기술혁신과 지역블록의 가속화, 경쟁여건에 따른 산업별 집적현상 등으로 인한 세계적인 경제환경의 급격한 변화는 경기의 동조화와 국가 또는 지역간 경쟁을 심화시키고 있다. 각 국은 미래성장동력 확보를 위해 다투어 산업육성전략을 추진하고 있으며, 우리나라도 ‘동북아 경제중심국가’, '지역균형발전’'차세대 성장동력 추진계획' 등을 집중 추진할 계획이다. 본 연구에서는 미래성장동력산업 확보와 관련하여, 먼저 현재 가장 주목받고 있는 클러스터론의 이론적 배경과 정책적 성공요인을 살펴보고, 경기도 산업구조의 면밀한 분석과 객관적인 고찰을 통해 육성 가능한 산업클러스터와 그 실천방안을 제시하고자 한다. 우리나라 최대의 제조업 생산기지이며 지식기반산업 집적지로서 경기도는 다른 어느 지역보다 경쟁력 있는 혁신기반을 보유하고 있다. 특히, 국내 IT산업의 45%, 생물산업의 66% 등 지식기반제조업의 41%와 기업연구소의 26%를 차지하여 최적의 클러스터 형성기반을 갖춘 것으로 분석된다. 본 연구에서는 산업구조 및 혁신기반의 객관적 분석을 통해 경기도가 육성해야 할 NIBT(NT+IT+BT) R&D벨트와 IT클러스터를 포함한 IT연관형 4대 산업클러스터를 제시하였다. 이는 경기도의 경쟁적 강점과 기회를 IT산업의 비교우위에서 해석한 결과이며, 향후 상당기간 IT산업이 우리 경제의 성장동력 역할을 할 것으로 분석한 결과에 기인하는 것이다. 마지막으로, R&D벨트와 4대 산업클러스터의 구축방법으로 실질적 모형을 통한 실현방안을 제시하였으며, 인프라 조성, 특화대책 및 촉진기구 육성 등 세부방안을 구체화시켰다. 다양한 방법론이 대두되고 있지만, 원칙론에 그치고 있는 것이 현실이다. 현실에 가깝게 접근하려 하였으나, 정책 등에 반영되기에는 다소 미흡한 것으로 평가된다. 각각의 실천전략에 대한 구체적인 연구를 통해 경기도의 산업 발전과 우리나라의 경쟁력 행상을 기대해 본다. The rapid change of global economic environment has been deepening similarity in business cycle and competition among nations or regions due to technological innovation, blocking within same regions and industrial clustering. Most countries are competitively developing new industry strategy to have a driving force for sustainable growth in the future, so Korea also has several plans in developing new industry, such as 'economic center in the northest Asia', 'well balanced development among provinces' and so on. First, this study looks around theoretical background and success factors in an industrial clustering, and provides industrial clusters to develop and substantial strategy to exploit the clusters in the Province by analyzing the Gyeonggi's industrial structure. Gyeonggi Province has the largest basis in manufacturing and knowledge based industry as well as the competitive innovation resources. The Province, especially, has 41% in knowledge based industries including 45% of IT and 66% of BT industry. The study has been suggested an NIBT(NT+IT+BT) R&D belt and four IT related industry clusters through analyzing in detail the industrial structure and technological innovation resources in the Province. Without doubt, the clusters proposed not only has competitive strength and opportunity compared with other industries and provinces, but expects to play a role in a driving force of Korean economy. Finally, there is provided a concrete and substantial measures to develop the R&D belt and four clusters, such as building industrial infrastructure, nurturing universities specialized in unique sector and foundation or promotional organization. The study will have been improved by more concrete and actual strategies of additional researches in the detail measures to adopt the provincial industrial policy.

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