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        조선 인목왕후의 진료 기록 연구 - 조선왕조실록 과 승정원일기 를 중심으로 -

        김민선(Minseon Kim):하동림(Donglim Ha),김남일(Namil Kim) 한국의사학회 2019 한국의사학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        In thispaper,the clinicalrecordsofQueen Inmokhasbeen studied and the impactofhistoricaleventson herlifehasbeen analyzed.ThispaperhasextractedhermedicalrecordsduringKingSeonjo’sandKingInjo’speriodfrom theAnnalsandtheDaily RecordsofRoyalSecretariatofJoseonDynasty,andthencontemplatedtheirmedicalimplicationsconsultingDonguibogam asaprimary reference.Queen Inmokhad been yang deficiencyafternationalmourning.Butsuffering a seriesofmisfortunes,shewasillwith fire-heat(火熱)syndromeandfinallypassedawaysufferingfrom highfever,frequentdiarrheaandprofusesweating.Atthattime, practitionersabusedcoldtherapyfollowingJinYuanSiaJia(金元四大家),sotheymissedQueenInmok’syangdeficiency.

      • KCI등재

        진해현감 이제마와 그에 대한 당대의 평가에 관한 연구 : 官側 사료 『各司謄錄』 「統制營啓錄」과 『外案』 및 『鎭海郡邑誌』 「官蹟邑先生案」을 중심으로

        최성운(Choi Sung-Woon),황지혜(Hwang Jihye),하동림(Donglim Ha) 한국의사학회 2020 한국의사학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본고에서는 새롭게 발굴한 새로운 사료를 중심으로 이제까지 알려지지 않았던 진해현감 이제마의 새로운 면면을 밝혀냈다. 진해현감 이제마는 1887년 2월에 진해로 부임한 뒤 1888년 6월에 이임되었으나 1889년 상반기에 후임 진해현감인 이병홍이 부임할 때까지 진해현감직을 수행했다. 이임된 뒤인 1888년 6월 30일에는 내금장에, 1888년 7월 10일에 첨지(僉知)에 제수되었는데 당시 체아직인 내금장과 첨지의 제수는 사환의 종료를 의미하는 것이었다. 이제마의 진해현감직 수행에 대해 1887년 6월 1일자와 12월 1일자 그리고 1888년 6월 1일자에 걸쳐 총 3회의 포폄이 있었다. 이제마가 서로 다른 두 지방관에 의해 두 번씩이나 계속하여 직무수행면에서 뛰어나다는 평가를 받은 것은 드문 일로, 그의 직무수행능력이 뛰어났었다는 점을 보여준다. 또한 포폄에는 그의 관료로서의 잠재력에 대한 언급이 존재했었는데, 이것은 그가 깊이 있게 연구해왔던 경세학에 대한 인정으로 추정된다. 마지막으로 이제마의 애민정신 또한 거론되었는데 이것은 훗날 그가 ‘최문환의 난’을 진압할 때 현실로 입증된다. We discovered various sides of Lee Jema’s tenure as the governor of Jinhae by looking at recently found historical materials of the central government of Joseon. Lee Jema went to his appointed post in Jinhae in February of 1887 and was replaced before the termination of his office in June of 1888. Since his replacement did not immediately arrive at Jinhae, Lee Jema continued to perform his duties until the first half of 1889. The difference between the date of his resignation and the arrival of his replacement reveals why various historical materials disagree about when he left office. After Lee Jema’s official resignation in June of 1888, he was appointed to the honorary posts of Naegeumjang and Cheomji, which indicates the termination of his career as an official. Two superior officials conducted job assessments on Lee Jema three times during his service (once every six months) and these are the rare evaluations which were performed during his lifetime. Lee Jema was highly regarded in terms of job competency by two superiors in succession, which was unique for a local government official in the late Joseon dynasty. One of the job assessments referred to the potential of his performance as an official which usually implied that he was a suitable candidate for higher rank. This might have derived from Lee Jema’s study of statecraft. Lee Jema’s love for the people as an official was also mentioned in one of the job assessment reports. This is borne out by his quelling the revolt of Hamheung Province in 1896.

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