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      • KCI등재

        日本語의 「數詞+助数詞」 읽기에 대한 고찰 - 『NHK日本語発音アクセント新辞典』의 数詞 1~10을 중심으로 -

        최건식(Choi, Kun sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.69

        Focusing on 5 types of reading types of numbers 1 to 10 corresponding to 258 classifiers found in “NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent New Dictionary”(published in 2016) and 1,6,8,10 for sokuon form reading. The observation results are summarized as follows. 1) Perfect matching between classifier vocabularies and their corresponding numeral readings was extremely limited. In most cases, mixed reading was performed using Chinese numerals and Japanese numerals regardless of the classifier (246 words, 95.3%). The reason is that the reading of Japanese numerals 4 and 7 is generalized. 2) In most cases, mixed readings are mainly Chinese numerals, but specific numbers ─ 4 (ヨ / ヨン), 7 (ナナ) ─ are Japanese numerals, but the aspect of additional intervention of Japanese numerals by word type classifiers, is showing a slight difference. 3) In the case of 4, since the pronunciation of the Chinese numeral reading シ (四) is the same as that of シ (死), which means death, They disliked this and used the Japanese numeral ヨ. Since then, it is confirmed that ヨン was used with classifiers around 1920. And in the case of 7, there is a risk that the Chinese numeral reading シチ will be confused with 1 (イチ) in pronunciation, so it was converted to Japanese numeral reading ナナ. 4) In each note, the Japanese and Chinese numerals such as ヨン, ナナ, and キュー for 4, 7, and 9 in the 4合 (条), 7条 (寸), and 9条 (尺 / 重) of the new dictionary are written in each note. It should be noted that it is traditionally explained that it is also referred to as シ, シチ, or ク. 5) The classifiers 1, 6, 8 and 10 that start with the beginning non-sound (カ行, サ行, タ行, ハ行) correspond to the sokuon form, but it is noteworthy that the classifiers of サ行 and タ行 and the correspondence of 6 appear as non-sokuon forms.

      • KCI등재

        上代神名の樣相 : 古事記·日本書紀における對比的命名法を中心に

        崔建植(Choi Kun-Sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.21

        This study compares aspects of contradistinctive naming of gods according to age order and monosyllabic morphemes in Kojiki and Nihon-shoki with those of contradistinctive naming of persons. It reveals the following differences and similarities: First, naming of gods and persons shows a difference in contradistinctive naming according to age order. Examples of contradistinctive naming according to 「兄─弟」 are found in personal names while no such examples are found in god names since there seems to be no need to be ordered according to age or power in the god's world. Some examples using 「大─若」 are, however, found in god names. It seems that they are allowed because they are originally euphemistic expressions. Second, naming of gods shows other characteristics. Some of the god names are from their birth places or stages of action while others are from expressions that describe their mythical plots. God names that are from seasons are also found, which seems to show that the god's world and human world are closely related. Third, naming of gods and persons shows a similarity in contradistinctive naming using monosyllabic morphemes. Like personal names, God names can also be contrastively distinguished by presence and absence of certain monosyllabic morphemes, two different monosyllabic morphemes, and the two different connective particles no(の)and tu(つ)in their names.

      • 上代日本語의 人名 語構成要素로서의 一音節語 形態素

        崔建植(Kun-Sik Choi) 동북아시아문화학회 2001 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.- No.-

        This paper discusses the functions of monosyllabic morphemes such as tu and others belonging to na and ta paradigms in Ancient Japanese person's names. Choi(200l) argued that Particle tu is grammaticalized to function as a constituent used in person's names. This paper shows that monosyllabic words belonging to na paradigm as well as ta paradigm, which is regarded as allomorphs of tu, has the same function as tu. The reasons why noun connecting particles among other monosyllabic morphemes are employed are as follows: (i) Most of names, especially female names such as //me// and //maro//, are followed by family names; and (ⅱ) the main part of names, which monosyllabic words belonging to na and ta paradigm are attached to, mostly consists of one or two syllables so that one need a morpheme to help us distinguish the main part of names from the rest. This paper shows that Particle tu and its allomorphs are closely related to Old Korean Particle s by considering ta(da)-tu(du)-te(de) as well as ti(di), to(do) and to found in Ancient Japanese literature. While Particle s was phonetically realized as /t/ in Korean, it came to be phonetically realized as various allomorphs in Japanese because /t/ should always be followed by a vowel in Japanese. It is assumed that shi used in person's names that follow place names as in // shigashime (a woman from Shiga) and notoshime (a woman from Noto) //as well as other person's names as in// ineshime, inashime, tamashime, yabushime and toyoshime //is also closely related to the Korean particle s: The different Chinese characters for s used in Old Korean literature had the same pronunciation /∫i/ in Ancient Japanese.

      • 日本語의 「數詞+助數詞」 읽기에 대한 고찰 ― 『NHK日本語発音アクセント新辞典』의 数詞 1~10을 중심으로 ―

        최건식(Choi, Kun sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2021 No.10

        In the appendix of 『NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accents New Dictionary』 published in 2016, there is a list of 258 Japanese counter suffixes, along with readings of the numeral. Of course, as it is an accent dictionary, pronunciation and accent marks are the main purposes, but it contains the readings of numeral and assistants that cannot be found in general dictionaries, so it can be said to be useful for practical purposes in everyday conversation and Japanese language education. In this presentation, we analyze and observe the characteristics of the word shapes in the readings (word form) of the numeral 1 to 10, which correspond to the 258 words of the counter suffixes in the new dictionary. Let"s take a look at the aspects of each investigation.

      • KCI등재
      • カラ~コロ及びクル系派生オノマトペの 意味変化に関する考察

        竹下知佳(Takeshita Chika),崔建植(Choi, Kun-Sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2018 No.10

        This diachronically deals with semantic changes of the onomatopee with the deribation of kara ,koro and kuru. In this paper, we present the meanings in modern languages and the meanings in classical literature (from the Ancient to the Middle Ages), and discussed the common points and the differences. In the Ancient Japanese, the adjectival base kara and koro has the core meaning of "sounds of hard objects touching". koro also has the meaning of "to rotate" like kuru. kara originally depicted ‘sounds of hard objects touching’, which was semantically extended to ‘a big laugh’ in the Middle Japanese. On the other hand, kuru, whose core meaning was ‘to rotate’, was semantically extended to ‘Speaking smoothly’ and further to ‘moving in a hurry’. koro also has the meaning of ‘to rotate’. However, it is a meaning derived from the adjectival base kuru. Both of them differentiated from the originally meaning of ‘to rotate’, kuru became the meaning of "spining", and koro took on a different meaning of "rolling".

      • KCI등재


        竹下知佳(Takeshita Chika),崔建植(Choi, Kun-Sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.62

        This paper deals with semantic changes of the derivative words with the alternation of yura and yuru from the perspective of cognitive semantics. This paper suggests a new interpretation of the derivatives of an adjectival base of yura, in the Ancient Japanese, which has been interpreted as expressive of ‘the sound of shaking’ in prior studies, but thus meaning not only ‘shaking’ but also ‘relaxing sound’. This can be inferred from the fact that yuru, which shows vowel alternation of yura, means ‘relaxing’. However, the auditory meaning of yura, an adjectival base, disappears in the Early middle Japanese literature. Afterwards, yura not only evoked the visual image of ‘shaking’, but also included the meaning of ‘relaxation’ stemming from that in the Ancient Japanese literature. Especially during the Late middle era, yurari strongly conveyed the meaning of ‘relaxation’ but not ‘shaking’, but during the Early modern era, the image of ‘shaking’ has been restored, and while the meaning of ‘relaxation’ did not disappear, it has become less common. That is, yura has connotations of ‘relaxation’ beside its main meaning of ‘shaking’. Meanwhile, the objective base yuru has always conveyed ‘relaxation’ and its meaning has not changed much from this image. In the literature of the Late middle era to the Edo Era, it is possible to observe the onomatopoeia yuru-yuru, which expresses ‘shaking’. As this is also derived from the verb yuru (=shaking) derived from yura, it has no direct relationship with the yuru attested in Ancient Japanese literature. It is possible to observe yoro-yoro, a vowel gradation of yuru-yuru in medieval literature, whose principal meaning is ‘shaking’ from yura.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Impacts of Depression Among the Aged in the Long-Term Care

        김경우(Kyung-Woo Kim),최건식(Kun-Sik Choi) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2012 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.17 No.11

        본 논문은 노인 장기 요양기관에서 노인들의 우울증에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구로서 서울시에 소재하며 노인 장기요인시설에 수용되어 있는 360여 명의 노인을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 한국노인복지학회의 통계에 의하면 65세 이상 노인 우울증환자의 수는 13%에 이른다고 보고한 바 있다. 여기에 사회적 지지가 이러한 정서적 불안을 해소하는데 주요한 관건으로 보고 있다. 그 결과 인지된 사회적 지지와 우울증과의 관계가 강한 정을 나타내고, 그 다음으로 건강상태와 우울증이정(+)의 관계였다. 그리고 높은 건강상태는 낮은 정도의 우울증을 유발하고 네트워크의 크기나 접근의 빈도는 노인우울증과는 관련이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 노인 장기요양기관에 종사하는 사회복지사에게 사회사업실천에 있어 사회적 지지 프로그램을 어떻게 실천하여야 하는가를 암시하고 있다. This research study was to examine the relationships of social supports and depression among long-term care center residents. Depression of long-term care center residents is the most common mental health problem confronting older adults. It is estimated that 13 percent of people aged 65 years and over have a major depressive disorder in Korean Society of Welfare for the Aged. Social support is a key ingredient in dealing with emotional distress and a critical in helping people to cope with all kinds of extreme circumstance. As the result of this research, Perceived social support was found to be related to depression. However, network size was not a predictor of depression, and high health status is accounted for a lower portion of the variance in depression., the poor health status was one of the most powerful predictors of depression, From results of this research study, for social workers who are employed institutional-based agencies.

      • 上代日本語における母音の属性と意味分化との関係 -上代文献に現れるオノマトペを対象として-

        竹下知佳(Chika, Takeshita),崔建植(Choi, Kun-Sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2019 No.10

        A lot of research has been done on the relationship between external derivation and meaning in modern Japanese onomatopoeé. But it is easy to overlook the relationship between the inner derivation that to derive a new word by altering vowels in the Ancient Japanese and its semantics. However, onomatopoeé pairs in vowels alternation, which ate still used in mordan Japanese, have different meanings due to different viewpoints. This is different from the semantic differentiation by external derivation of modern Japanese. On the other hand, like the alternation of yura and yara which are the adjectival base, yara disappears and newly another type of apophony like yoro may occurs. So, we have to consider not only the vowel-alternating forms found in the Ancient literature, but also the correspondence relationships between the onomatopoeés that are in the newly generated vowel-alternating relation.

      • 日中漢字音の対比研究

        JIAO LI-XIN,崔建植(Kun-Sik Choi) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2018 No.10

        As we all know, there is a close relationship between Japanese and Chinese. Therefore, there are many related researches. Based on the research of seniors, I intend to re-explain the correspondence between Japanese pronunciation and different pronunciations in Japanese and Chinese from the perspective of phonology and acoustics. Both Japanese and Chinese are the voices developed on the basis of ancient Chinese in ancient times. Although Japanese has experienced many developments and changes for a long time, Chinese is the root of Japanese, and the two languages still have voice. Multiple connections. This thesis will focus on the 272-word polyphonic words in Japanese pronunciation, and explain the relationship between Japanese and Chinese characters from the Japanese and Chinese syllables, Japanese consonants and Chinese consonants, Japanese vowels and vowels. Correspondence relationship. The correspondence relationship mainly explains the development process of Chinese Pinyin in different historical periods and the correspondence between Japanese Wuyin, Hanyin, Tang and Song Dynasties, and idioms. The main purpose of writing this paper is to discuss the subtle relationship between Japanese and Chinese speech, find out the corresponding relationship, and discuss the reasons for formation as much as possible.

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