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        Lycium chinense 의 아배양(芽培養) , Callus 배양 , 원형질체 분리 , 배양 , 융합 , 및 형질에 관한 연구

        주명칠 한국임학회 1992 한국산림과학회지 Vol.81 No.1

        The present study was carried out in order to develop techniques for rapid mass propagation and afford the basic information for somatic hybrid of Lvcium chinense, used commonly as landscape purpose and medicinal resource. Through biotechnology, bud culture, callus culture, protoplast isolation and culture, fusion and gene transformation were examined. Results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. Plantlets were developed from axillary buds attached to the stem of the current year growth collected in early June and cultured on MS media supplemented with 1.0 ㎎/ℓIAA and 2.0㎎/ℓ Kinetin by 56% as the highest yield rate. 2 The highest rate of shoot induction was resulted at 0.5㎎/ℓ kinetin, root induction at MS + 1.0 ㎎/ℓ IAA +2.0㎎/ℓ kinetin(56%) 3. The rate of plantlets formation supplemented with 1.0㎎/ℓ IAA and 2.0㎎/ℓ kinetin was the highest and WPM(60%), MS·SH(50%), B_5 (40%) and GD (30%) media gave the result in descending order. 4. Plantlets (10-12 cm of length ) survived without fail after being transferred to pots with a mixture of perlite : vermiculite : peat (1 : 1 : lv/v/v) . 5. The leaf collected from in vitro cultured plants cultured on MS media without growth regulators supply gave 60% callus formation and 40% shoot induction . 6. The highest protoplast yield and viability were resulted in the treatment plot of 3.0% macerozyme, 1% cellulase R-10, 0.4M mannitol, pH 6.2 and incubation for 6 hours. And the more effective was at the more juvenile leaf tissue. When protoplasts were cultured at 5×10⁴/㎖ density in MSP_(19)M medium, the first budding occurred at 18 days after cultutr and 28 days later cell colony was formed. 7. The highest cell fusion yield was 29.6 between leaf cells and 5.1% between leaf and root cell, using 30% (W/V) polyethlene glycol(PEG ) concentration, 10 minutes treated and 2×10^5/㎖ protoplasts, density from seedlings in vitro. 8. When leaf was inoculated with Agrobacfnrium tumefaciens ATCC 11157, tumour was formed and rooting was initiatied 8 days after inoculation and the growth was continued for 3 weeks. And the rate of turnout formation was 10%. The genetic transformation was confirmed through the opine analysis by the electrophoration.

      • 食用造景樹種의 利用形態 및 活用方案에 관한 硏究 : 광주·나주 아파트단지를 사례로 For example a collective Apt. area in Kwang-ju, Na-ju

        주명칠,김재근,이선자 동신대학교 환경연구소 2000 환경연구 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라의 식용조경식물의 이용증대 및 식용식물을 활용하는데 기초 자료를 제공하고자 광주와 나주지역의 아파트를 대상으로 지역별ㆍ평형별 식재현황을 조사분석 하였으며 식용조경식물의 이용실태를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 5개 아파트내의 식재된 목본성 조경식물은 25과 39속 48종 10변종 2품종으로 구성되어 있는데, 그중 식용조경식물은 9과 11속 13종 3변종 1품종으로 전체수종 중 총 28%를 차지하였다. 식용조경식물의 지역별 식 재현황은 광주지역에서 15종, 2,097주로 전체의 87.89%이다. 그중 곰솔이 15.21%, 잣나무 12.20%, 대추나무 11.82% 순이다 그리고 나주지역의 경우는 7종, 289주로 전체의 12.11%이고, 그중 곰솔 5.87%, 사과나무 2.47%였다. 아파트 평형별 식용조경식물의 특성을 살펴보면, 49 ~ 62평(746주)은 24 ~ 33평(1038)보다 수량은 적었지만 종의 다양성(49~ 62평 11종, 24 ~ 33평 9종)은 49 ~ 62평이 더 높았다. 조사지내의 식용조경식물의 침엽수종과 활엽수종간의 비율은 45 : 55 이였으며 상록수 대 낙엽수의 비율은 41 : 59이고 교목 대 관목의 비율은 67 : 33 이였다. 출현횟수는 4회가 은행나무ㆍ소나무, 3회가 감나무였다. 1회의 출현빈도가 58.82%로 가장 많았으며, 2회가 23.53%, 4회가 11.76%, 3회가 5.88%였다. 식용조경식물의 이용부위별로 보면 과실은 15종, 꽃 7종, 잎 5종, 수피 4종 순이였다. 출현횟수는 4회가 은행나무ㆍ소나무, 2회가 잣나무ㆍ곰솔 등이였다. 1회의 출현빈도가 꽃 57%, 과실 53%, 수피 25%,잎 20% 순으로 많았으며, 2회가 수피 50%, 잎 40%, 꽃 29%, 과실 27%, 4회가 잎40%, 수피 25%, 꽃 14%, 과실 13%, 3회가 과실 7%였다. 광주ㆍ나주아파트 식용 조경식물의 식재현황은 전체수종 60종에 비해 총 17개 수종으로 전체의 28%를 차지하였으며, 식용조경수종 17개 수종 중 일부수종이 대부분을 차지하였다. 이러한 결과 식용조경수종의 식재에 대한 전반적인 검토가 필요하며, 식용조경식물의 보급화와 실용화가 이루어져야 한다. This study is for data base of korean edible landscape woody plants. The aim of research is use increase and application plan of edible landscape woody plants. For activating edible landscape woody plants in Apts researched and analysed by the location and the scale of Apt is 3 Apt in Kwang-ju and 2 Apt in Na-ju. The result are followed. The investigated area have landscape woody plants, 60 taxa with 25 families, 39 genera 48 species, 2 varieties. Edible landscape woody plants that are 60 taxa with 9 families, 11 genera, 13 species, 3 varieties, 1 forms, occupied 28% of the all. Regionally, the planting situation of edible landscape woody plants in Kwang-ju is 15 species, the number of landscape woody plants is 2,097 plants. That is 87.89% of the investigated area. Pinus thunbergii 15.21%, Pinus koraiensis 12.20%, Zizyphus jujuba var. inermis 11.82% in order. In Na-ju is 7 species, 289 plants that occupies 12.11%. Pinus thunbergii is 5.87%, Malus punila var. dulcissima is 2.47%. Regarding as the characteristics of edible landscape woody plants the size of Apts, in the 49 ~ 62pyong Apt (746 plants) are less number of trees than the 24~33pyong (1,038 plants). But the variety is more than the 49 62pyong Apt. Ratio of niddle and broad leaved in edible landscape woody plants researching sections is 45 : 55. That of evergreen to deciduous is 41 : 59, that of tree to shrub is 67 : 33. Frequency of appearance is four times in Ginkgo biloba and Pinus densiflora, three times is Diospyros kaki. One frequency is most of 58.82%, two is 23.53%, four is 11.76%, three is 5.88%. In part of use edible landscape woody plants, 15 species for fruits, 7 species for flowers, 5 for leaf, 4 for bark in order. The planting situation of edible landscape woody plants in Kwang-ju and Na-ju occupy 28% that is 17 species of 60 species plants that is all. Though edible landscape woody plants is 17 species some species are most. The result shows that we need overall investigation edible landscape woody plants species, suply and preacticability of edible landscape woody plants.

      • 全身感覺體驗을 위한 觀光資源의 開發計劃 : 羅州市를 事例로 focus on Naju City

        朱明七 東新大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        This study was carried out to establish the development plan of tourism in the Naju city. In order to cope with tourism of the experience of the whole body, the act of tourism was classified as the sense of sight, taste-smell, hearing, touch, walking, skin, whole body-muscle and mind. This classification was applied to Naju city and results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1. As resources of the sense of sight,Naju city has diverse and abundant cultural assets. As the potentiality of tourism is very high but the development is very low, it should become the core part of investment from now. 2. The diversification and connection of tourism route by the development of the Youngsan river as well as the formation of recreational forest of Mt. Gumsung is necessary. According to these, touristic resources of the sense of sight,taste-smell,skin,whole body-muscle and mind need to be developed. 3. In order to be satisfied for local residents income, the development of local brand,the diversification of tourism products and the establishment of tourism facility is necessary. Making use of Naju pear, melon and other agricultural products,resources of the sense of taste and mind would be developed. 4. Attention to the development of resources of the sense of hearing and walking,the muture assistance had to be achieved for the experience of the sense of whole body.

      • 표고버섯생산을 위한 세워두기과정중의 管理分析에 關한 硏究

        朱明七,朴泰熙 동신대학교 환경연구소 2002 환경연구 Vol.7 No.1

        표고버섯 생산을 위한 과정중 세워두기 과정에서의 재배현황으로 세워두기의 시기는 1~2월이 24.6%로 가장 많았으며 세워두기 장소는 환경을 고려한다가 70%였다. 세워두기시 접종당년의 뒤집기의 횟수는 1회가 53.1%로 가장 많았고, 세워두기시 표고골목의 피음조건은 자연 숲속에 차광망을 덮는 경우가 32.3%였다. 차광망의 높이는 2~3m가 50.5%, 3~4m가 32.8%로 주로 사용하는 높이로 나타났으며 가뭄때 인공살수를 하여 습도조절을 하는 재배자가 84.2%로 주종을 이루었다. 버섯수확을 위하여 1년간 살수타목 등 발생조작은 몇회 하는지에 대하여 1회가 80%로 가장 많았고, 표고버섯시설의 형태로는 비닐하우스에 차광망을 좌우는 경우가 81.8%였다. 재배자의 연령은 60대 이상의 고연령층이 가잠 많은 47%였으며, 표고재배의 형태에는 크게 주농업, 부표고버섯재배가 62%로 부업적인 성격이 많았고 표고버섯재배를 주업으로 하는 재배자도 38%로 비중이 높았다. 버섯생산 실험에서는 침수후 기간별 수확량은 35일인 경우가 18.18kg로 가장 많았는데 휴식기간이 충분할수록 수확량이 많았다. This study was carried out to offer the successive method of cultivation and increase the productivity of mushroom yield with good quality through the elevation of rate of spawn development on Lentinus edodes in the laying yard. Studied about the analysis of current management of actural cultivation, a base of these, researched and presented for the upward method of productivity through an experiment of the high rate of spawn development and cultivation, putting first cultural environment. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The season of the standing bed log is most many time from Jenuary to February a 24.6% and the deciding place with concern environment is a 70%. There is most many of the standing bed log, number of the reversing to the by the 1 time a 53.1%. 2. There was the most case to cover the light by the shadow net in the nature forest a 32.3%. The height of the shadow net appeared to the height to use chiefly to the by 2~3m a 50.5%. The artificial water sprinkling and to do the humidity control consisted the most by a 84.2%. 3. We were high to the 18.18kg when we did the rest interval in a mushroom manufacture experiment to 35 days, there was more mount of yield as the rest period longer. 4. As the result of the analysis of current management in actural cultivation, many cultivators had a tendency to neglect managements of cultivation in the laying yard. These were reason for the deficiency of lab our, funds and the lack of knowledge of cultivation, etc.

      • 枸杞子 組織培養에 있어 器官分化에 미치는 IAA 및 Kinetin의 效果

        朱明七 東新大學 1990 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The present studies were carried out in order to develop vegetative propagation techniques of Lycium chinense by means of in vitro culture. Explants of axillary buds were cultured on media in which IAA and Kinetin were added to determine optimum concentration and media for organogenesis. 1. Axillary buds of new stems collected from 8-year-old trees were succeed in plantlets formation when cultured on MS media supplemented with 1.0 mg/ℓ IAA and 2,0mg/ℓ Kinetin at 56%. 2. The best result of shoot inductior was at 0.5mg/ℓ Kinetin (100%), root induction was at 1.0mg/ℓ IAA and 2.0mg/ℓ Kinetin (56%) on MS media. 3. The rate of plantlets formation supplemented with 1.0mg/ℓ IAA and 2.0mg/ℓ Kinetin was better in the descending order of WPM (60%), MS · SH (50%), B_5 (40%) and GD (30%) media. 4. Plantlets (10 ~ 12cm long) survived 100% after being transferred to pots with a mixture of perlite : vermiculite : peat (1 : 1 : 1 v/v/v).

      • Lignin 反應에 依한 主要 針葉樹種의 解剖形態學的 特性에 關한 硏究

        朱明七,朴敎秀 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1990 農林科學 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Observation was carried out to find the morphological relationship and to get the data of breeding resistance of thirty four coniferous trees in the native and introduced, and the results were summarized as follows: Fifteen species belong to the mono-vascular bundle, the other side nineteen species was the bi-vascular bundle. Species the number of resin duct from none to five were twenty eight and irregularity were six. Species could not observe the endodermis were ten. In the mutual comparison among the characteristics, there were differences on Epidermis Width/Epidermis Length, Endodermis Width/Endodermis length and Epidermis thickness/Epidermis length in the each species, smilar relationship on Endodermis Width/Epidermis Width, Xylen Length/Epidermis Width and Phloem Length/Epidermis Width in the each taxon, and a few differences on Endodermis Thickness/Epidermis Length, Xylen Length/Phloem Length and Endodermis Thickness/Epidermis Thickness.

      • 韓國産 Abies 7種의 解剖形態學的 特性에 關한 硏究

        朱明七,朴敎秀 동국대학교 대학원 1989 東院論集 Vol.2 No.-

        Some anatomical and mutual comparative characteristics of seven Abies species in Korea were investigated to find the characteristics and the taxonomical relationship among the species. The results were summarized as follows: There was difference in three characteristics such as epidermis thickness, endodermis length and xylem length and simillar in seven characteristics among nine characteristics between the species. In the mutual comparison among the characteristics, epidermis width/ epidermis length, xylem length/phloem length, xylem length/epidermis thickness/epidermis thickness and epidermis thickness/epidermis length were more effective than others. A. holophylla and A. nephrolepsis showed differences in the mutual comparison among characteristics, A. koreana was two, A. koreana for. nigrocarpa and A. koreana for. chlorocarpa were one and other species and characteristics showed a few differences.

      • 錦城山의 植生構造 및 主要樹種의 Biomass에 關한 硏究

        朱明七 동신대학교 환경연구소 2002 환경연구 Vol.7 No.1

        온대남부지역의 주요 식물상을 보유하고 있는 금성산에 대한 식생구조 및 주요수종의 biomass를 조사하였던 바 조사지내 補物柳은 111 科, 271 屬, 351 種, 3 品種, 39 變種 인 총 354종류가 분포하며 소나무림과 참나무림이 주요한 식물군락으로 구성되어 있었다. 소나무의 건중량비는 봄에 0.4773, 여름에 0.4431, 상수리의 경우 봄 0.4344, 여름 0.5046 그리고 졸참나무에서는 봄 0.4481, 여름0.4449로 평균 건중량비의 변화가 거의 없었다. 상수리나무의 봄 잎 면적지수는4.8199, 여름은 4.9469로 봄, 여름의 변화가 거의 없었으며, 졸참나무의 경우 봄 5.3200, 여름은 5.6316으로 봄과 여름의 차이는 상수리에서처럼 거의 없었으나 상수리나무에 비하여 다소 높은 잎면적지수를 나타내었다. This study was carried out to investigate the vegetation and the biomass of major trees in Mt. Gumsung and to provide the fundamental information for the conservation of natural ecosystem and the plan of this site. The results obtained from this study were as follows : 1. The investigated area have flora ; 354 taxa with 111 family, 271 genera, 351 species, 39 varieties, 3 forms in the site of Dongshin Univ. in Mt. Gumsung. 2. The typical community fauns of this study sites are mixed mutually canopy and lower story of tree stratum ; canopy were Pinus deniflora, Pinus rigida, Alnus japonica, lower story were Alnus japonica, Quercus spp.. Typical subgroup were Phyllostachys pubescens, Pseudosasa japonica, Ilex cornuta, Styrax japonica. 3. Species diversity(H') showed from 0.082 till 0.120. The most high value of species diversity were 3, 9 and the lowest of it was 8 in the investigated area. 4. Dry weight of Pinus densiflora is 0.4773 in spring, 0.4431 in summer. Quercus acutissima is 0.4344 in spring, 0.5046 in summer and Quercus serrta is 0.4481 in spring, 0.4449 in summer. 5. Leaf area index of Quercus acutissima is 4.8199 in spring, 4.9469 in summer and Quercus serrta is 5.3200 in spring, 5.6316 in summer.

      • 壁面綠化用 덩굴植物의 利用實態와 利用力案에 관한 硏究 : 光州·靈岩地域을 事例로 Centered in the case of Kwangju and Yeongam areas

        주명칠,이대운 동신대학교 환경연구소 2001 환경연구 Vol.6 No.1

        도시 내에서 부족한 녹지공간을 확보하여 환경을 개선하고, 주거의 질을 향상시키기 위한 방안으로 이용되고 있는 벽면녹화를 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 기초 자료를 제공하기 위해 광주와 영암지역을 대상으로 벽면녹화용 덩굴식물의 이용실태를 조사한 결과는 벽면녹화용 덩굴식물의 이용에 있어 계획적인 검토를 통해 녹화공간의 선정과 적절한 식물을 선택하여 종의 다양성을 높이고 벽면녹화가 활성화되고 확대·보급된다면, 생태학적인 측면과 도시기후학적인 측면에서도 긍정적인 효과를 가져와 도시환경 개선에 크게 기여할 수 있으리라 기대된다. As a result we studied the actual use condition of Facade Greenery that used climber plants to effectively utilize wall spaces as a method of securing city greening spaces, the study result is as follows. The plants that were used for greening at 3 places of research object were 13 families and 23 species. Among them, the species appeared at Hwajeonngl-Dong were used much for greening in the order of 3 families and 5 species (Cucurbita moschata, Rosa L., Parthenocissus tricuspidata) 47.16% among 11 families and 20 species, and the species appeared at Yeongam-Eup were used much in the order of 2 families 3 species (Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Cucurbita moschata, Vitis vinifera) 52.81% among 8 families and 14 species, and the species appeared at Keumjeong-Myon were used much in the order of 2 families 3 species (Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Cucurbita moschata, Vitis vinifera) 74.40% among 8 families and 15 species. As a result we put the results of 3 research places together in regard to growth type of Climber plants, it showed that the greening was much done by Twine round plants with the order of Twine round type 53.91%, Adhesion type 37.97%, other types 7.83% and Hanging down type 0.29%. Plants were more used than trees as Climber plants for greening, and in case of trees, deciduous trees were more used than indeciduous trees, and in case of plants, annual plants were more used than perennial plants. Therefore, in order to maintain the stable and continuous greening, it is desirable to green centered in perennial plants, and the plan that reduces fluctuation of greening rate by seasonal change through mixed greening is required. The present condition by greening space showed 50 buildings 15.43% at building's wall, 204 buildings 62.96% at fence and 56 buildings 17.28% at roof, and thereby it showed that the fence is much used as greening space.

      • 潭陽歌辭文化遺蹟地의 植栽樹木관한 硏究

        주명칠 동신대학교 환경연구소 1999 환경연구 Vol.4 No.1

        우리나라의 傳通的 가사문화권인 潭陽유적지에 식재된 木本性 造景植物은 38과 49속 55종 2변종 2품종으로 구성되어 있었다. 유적지별 수종의 다양성은 환벽당, 소쇄원, 죽림제가 47.5%, 독수정 30.5%, 식영정 27.1%, 명옥헌 18.6%, 송강정 16.9%, 면앙정 13.6%, 수남학구당 10.2%, 향교 5.1% 順이였다. 조사지내의 침엽 수종과 활엽수종간의 비율은 17 : 83이였고 상록수대 낙엽수의 비율은 32 ; 68이였다. 조사지에서 수종별 출현빈도는 9회 배롱나무, 8회 소나무, 7회 은행나무, 6회 느티나무, 감나무, 모과나무, 5회는 목련, 동백, 매화, 단풍나무였다. 造景樹木의 식재에 있어서 무계획한 식재와 외래수종들은 가능한 원래의 향토수종으로 대체함이 필요하였으며, 수목관리기준에 의한 철저한 관리가 필요하였다. This study was to analyze the planting status of land cape woody plants at cultural relicts of the old form of Korean verse in Damyang, with the purpose to provide the fundamental informations which can be used to the landscape architecture of the traditional planting. The investigated area have land cape woody plants ; 59 taxa with 38 families, 49 genera, 55 species, 2 varieties, 2 forms. Species diversity showed from 5.1% till 47.5% ; Hwanpaukdang, Sosehwon, Juklimje(47.5%), Docsoojung(30.5%), Sicyoungjung(27.1%), Mungoukhun(18.6%), Songgangjung(16.9%), Munangjung(13.6%), Hakgudang(10.2%), Hyanggyo(5.1%). The rate of niddle to broad leaved trees was 17 : 83, evergreen to deciduous trees was 32 : 68. The rate of the frequence of species was 90%(Lagerstroemia indica), 80%(Pinus densiflora), 70%( Ginkgo biloba), 60%(Zelkova serrata, Diospyros kaki, Chaenomeles sinensis), 50%(Magnolia kobus, Camellia japonica, Prunus mume, Acer palmatum). The introduced and planless species need change to native species, manage following the standard of tree management.

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