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      • KCI등재

        해양스포츠 종목별 이미지 속성에 따른 포지셔닝 전략

        전익기 ( Ik Ki Jeon ),양걸 ( Yang Girl ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2009 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구에서는 해양스포츠의 이미지를 구성하고 있는 속성들에 의해 소비자에게 어떤 해양스포츠의 종목이 동질적으로 인식되고 있는지를 다차원척도법을 이용하여 해양스포츠 종목간의 위치를 파악하고자 한다. 이는 해양스포츠가 소비자에게 차별화된 이미지를 정확하게 소구하고 있는지를 파악함으로서 해양스포츠 종목별 마케팅 전략 수립에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 본다. 조사대상은 새로운 소비집단으로 각광받고 있는 대학생 집단 중 연구자의 편의에 따라 경기도에 소재하고 있는 K대학과 S대학에 재학중인 학생 300명을 선정하였으며 이 중 불성실한 응답을 한 6부를 제외한 294부를 본 연구에 사용하였다. 조사도구는 설문지를 이용하였고, 해양 스포츠의 종목은 비교적 소비자들의 인지도가 높다고 판단되는 해양 스포츠를 전문가와의 협의를 통해 선정하였으며 선정된 해양 스포츠의 종목은 윈드서핑, 스킨스쿠버, 해양레프팅, 수상스키, 바나나보트, 요트이다. 또한 해양 스포츠에 대한 이미지 속성은 각종 리서치 기관에서 일반적으로 사용되는 마케팅 스코어링의 변수를 사용하였고 변인의 신뢰도 계수는 α=.932로 나타났다. 본 연구의 자료처리는 응답자들이 인지하고 있는 유사성 거리에 기초하여 마케팅 전략 수립을 위한 포지셔닝 맵을 도출하였다. 분석방법은 MDS의 방법 중 PROXCAL분석기법과 다중회귀분석을 이용하였다. 연구결과, 스트레스 지수가 .003으로 나타나 본 자료는 매우 적합함을 알 수 있었고 연구자가 선정한 6개의 해양스포츠종목은 일정한 유사성 거리를 확보하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 회귀계수를 통한 속성벡터에 의한 속성선을 통해 수상스키는 강하고 젊은 이미지, 스킨스쿠버는 대중적이고 인기있는 이미지, 해양레프팅은 친근하고 가족적인 이미지, 바나나보트는 보수적이고 전통적인 이미지, 요트는 고급스럽고 여유로운 이미지, 윈드서핑은 멋있고 세련된 이미지로 인식되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 나타난 해양 스포츠의 종목별 이미지 속성에 따라 새롭게 변화하는 해양 스포츠 소비자의 욕구에 대응하는 차별적 마케팅 시장의 세분화 전략을 수립하고 목표고객의 선정과 평가를 실시하여야 할 것이다. This study aims to determine how the consumers evaluate marine sports by the properties that constitute their image and which items are recognized identically through identifying their position among marine sports by their image properties using multi-dimensional scaling. This attempt will help with establishing marketing strategies of companies to gain competitive advantages and differentiation by identifying if the marine sports are equipped with their own differentiated image to the consumers. The survey samples were selected with convenience sampling among college students K univ. and S univ in Gyeong-gi, who are gaining much attention as a new consumer group. Total 300 students were surveyed and among them, 294 surveys were collected and used in this study. The survey tool used was a questionnaire, and the marine sports were selected after discussion with experts to find the water sports, wind surfing, scuba skin, marine rafting, water-skiing, banana boat, the yacht who have relatively high awareness from the consumers. The Image Properties for marine sports, various research organizations commonly used in the marketing and use a variable of scoring shown to be α = .932. The data processing of this study was based on the similarity distance recognized by the repliers, and the positioning map was drawn for marketing strategies. For the method of analysis, PROXCAL analysis technique was used among the methods in MDS. Using the value of the property vector found in regression analysis, the results showed that water-skiing is strong and young images, skin-scuba is popular and public images, marine rafting is family and friendly images, banana boat is conservative and traditional images, yacht is elegant and comfortable images, wind surfing is beautiful and stylish images. Therefore, the marine sports in this research, the new changes to the property of the great image that corresponds to the needs of consumers and discriminatory marine sports marketing strategy and target market segmentation of the customer`s selection and evaluation will be conducted.

      • KCI등재
      • 태권도장의 효율적인 운영을 위한 마케팅 믹스

        전익기(Jeon Ik-Ki),김은철(Kim Eun-Chul),조성균(Cho Sung-Kyun),곽정현(Kwak Jeong-Hyeon) 한국체육과학회 2002 한국체육과학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        This Research has been for the purpose of presenting the marketing strategy to run the Taekwondo center with effect, based on things that the owners have to do the first thing when they got started planning the center. So, multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling(MSCRS) has been used as a way toward parents who have nowadays had their children participated in one of the centers in Suwon, Kyung-Ki Do. For the survey, I made and used a questionnaire as it follows. First of all, I looked into some documents and reports. Secondly, on the basis of the four marketing strategies factors. I make the concept and boundary of this research concrete. Thirdly, I was two times through Delphi analysis. Finally, to reduce the scores of results, I used SPSS/PC+ 8.0 version for Windows and GOD(Generate Orthogonal Design), and these methods result in a questionnaire. As for data analysis, with sub-factors of marketing strategy which has been early made in this study and Descriptives, I extracted the average and standard deviation, used One-Way ANOVA, and put Duncan's multi-category in effect with the post-sensorship. This research drew three decisions. First of all, marketing strategy which has been early prepared in this study according to the statistics showed a few differences in part so that first given subject could be partially supported. Secondly, the subject of this study was concluded like the following. These four marketing strategies are Product, Place, Price, Promotion. Product means, that is, the strategy that the managers can provide human educations and weekly program with people for the most part. Place is the strategy that they have to be able to locate their center near the housing area and the building for ther education. Price Contains the one that they can allow the customers to pay the fee a month later. Promotion is that they can equip the facilities and brought up the players to prepare for the coming games. I want to insist that these factors be effective strategies for running the Taekwondo center.

      • KCI등재

        여자골프선수 이미지 속성에 따른 포지셔닝 전략

        전익기 ( Ik Ki Jeon ),양걸 ( Girl Yang ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2008 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구에서는 국내 여자골프선수의 이미지를 구성하고 있는 속성들에 의해 소비자는 국내 여자골프선수를 어떻게 평가하고 있으며 어떤 선수들이 동질적으로 인식되고 있는지를 다차원척도법을 이용하여 이미지 속성에 따라 국내 여자골프선수간의 위치를 파악하여 작성하고자 한다. 이는 국내 여자골프선수들이 소비자에게 차별화된 이미지를 정확하게 소구하고 있는지를 파악함으로서 차별화와 경쟁적 우위의 획득을 위한 기업의 인도스먼트 전략 수립에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 본다. 조사대상은 새로운 소비집단으로 각광받고 있는 대학생 집단 중 연구자의 편의에 따라 200명을 선정하였으며 이 중 187부를 본 연구에 사용하였다. 조사도구는 설문지를 이용하였고, 국내 여자골프선수는 비교적 소비자들의 인지도가 높다고 판단되는 선수들을 전문가와의 협의를 통해 선정하였으며, 이미지 속성 변인의 신뢰도 계수는 α=.804로 나타났다. 본 연구의 자료처리는 응답자들이 인지하고 있는 유사성 거리에 기초하여 인도스먼트 전략을 위한 포지셔닝 맵을 도출하였다. 분석방법은 MDS의 방법 중 PROXCAL분석기법을 이용하였다. 연구결과, 스트레스 값이 0에 가깝게 나타나 본 자료의 적합도는 거의 완벽하다는 것을 알 수 있고 박세리와 김미현이 유사한 집단으로 나타났고 미셀위와 안시현은 다소 거리가 멀게 나타났다. 회귀분석을 통한 속성벡터의 값을 이용해 분석한 결과 신뢰와 신용 등의 요인에서 박세리가 가장 높게 위치하고 있음을 알 수 있었고, 섹시함과 세련됨 등의 요인에서는 미셀 위가 가장 높게 포지셔닝하고 있었다. 또한 우아함과 매력적임 등의 요인에서는 안시현이 가장 높게 포지셔닝하고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 국내 여자골프선수의 이미지 속성에 따라 기업에서는 제품과 기업이미지에 적합한 인도스먼트 전략을 수립할 필요가 있고 이를 통해 소비자에게 자사 브랜드를 보다 가치있도록 하여야 할 것이며, 지속적인 관리를 추진하여 브랜드가 지니는 힘을 강화하여야 할 것이다. This study aims to determine how the consumers evaluate Korean female golf players by the properties that constitute their image and which players are recognized identically through identifying their position among Korean female golf players by their image properties using multi-dimensional scaling. This attempt will help with establishing endorsement strategies of companies to gain competitive advantages and differentiation by identifying if the female golf players in Korea are equipped with their own differentiated image to the consumers. The survey samples were selected with convenience sampling among college students, who are gaining much attention as a new consumer group. Total 200 students were surveyed and among them, 187 surveys were collected and used in this study. The survey tool used was a questionnaire, and the Korean female golf players were selected after discussion with experts to find the players who have relatively high awareness from the consumers. The reliability coefficient of the factors in image properties was shown to be α = 0.804. The data processing of this study was based on the similarity distance recognized by the repliers, and the positioning map was drawn for endorsement strategies. For the method of analysis, PROXCAL analysis technique was used among the methods in MDS. Using the value of the property vector found in regression analysis, the results showed that Si Hyun Ahn was at the highest positioning in confidence and trust, and Michelle Wei was positioned the highest in sexiness and beauty. Also, Seri Park had the highest positing in experience and professionalism. Therefore, this study showed that companies need to establish appropriate endorsement strategies for their product and corporate image according to the image properties of Korean female golf players. Through this effort, they should try to make their brand more valuable to the consumers and enhance their brand power by pursuing consistent management.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 지도자의 인터넷 이용에 따른 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 효과

        전익기(Jeon Ik-Ki) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2003 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        본 연구는 태권도 지도자들의 인터넷 이용실태를 분석하고 태권도마케팅기업과 태권도 지도자들 간의 홈페이지를 통한 마케팅커뮤니케이션에 대하여 내용효과, 형식효과, 상호작용효과를 도출해냄으로써, 태권도지도자와 마케팅기업 간의 쌍방향커뮤니케이션을 통한 태권도의 질적ㆍ양적 발전의 기틀을 마련하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 대상은 K대학교에서 실시된 "경기도 태권도 고급지도자과정"에 참여한 관장 및 사범 등의 태권도지도자를 대상으로 하였고, 단순무작위추출법을 이용하여 표본을 추출하였으며 배포된 550부의 설문지 중 불성실하게 응답한 자료 22부를 제외한 528부를 최종분석 대상으로 하였다. 연구의 결과, 조사대상자의 일반적인 특성에 따른 마케팅 커뮤니케이션의 효과는 태권도장 컨설팅 기업에서 제공하는 홈페이지의 내용이 가장 중요하며 그 다음으로 형식을 들 수 있겠고, 마지막이 상호작용으로 나타났다. 또한, 태권도 컨설팅기업과 태권도 지도자들 간의 홈페이지를 통한 마케팅커뮤니케이션 효과를 분석한 결과 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, 숙련도 요인에 따라서는 중숙련자들이 저숙련자들보다 상호작용효과가 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 정보의 필요성 요인과 정보의 활용도 요인에 있어서는 내용효과와 형식효과 및 상호작용효과 등 모든 요인에서 홈페이지 정보의 필요성을 많이 느끼는 사람들일수록 커뮤니케이션효과가 크게 나타났다. 셋째, 이용시간 요인에 따라서는 하루에 1시간 이내의 인터넷을 사용하면서 필요한 내용효과만을 습득하는 사람들에게 있어서 커뮤니케이션의 효과가 크다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 본 연구를 진행하면서 얻은 결과와 같이, 인터넷을 이용하는 태권도 컨설팅 기업의 웹 사이트가 현재까지는 태권도 지도자들이 수용함에 있어서, 내용측면에서의 커뮤니케이션 효과가 크게 나타났으나 가장 중요한 상호작용 효과가 낮았으므로, 내용효과를 더욱 강화하는 한편, 상호작용 효과를 증진할 수 있는 방법모색에 전력투구해야 할 것이다. The major purpose of this study was to determine the effect of marketing communication of Key wordsTaekwondo Instructors' through Internet using. The total sample consisted of 528 Taekwondo instructors who participated in Instructors' Seminar, which provided by Kyunggido Taekwondo Federation. Of the total sample, 390 masters and 138 instructors were chosen by virtue of their answering the questionnaire. The data were obtained through questionnaires, which were modified and collected by the researcher. A number of statistical procedures were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to develop a descriptive profile of the subjects. SPSS for Windows 11.0 Version T-test and One-way ANOVA procedures were applied to analyze the data related to the marketing communication effect. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. First, the factor of skillful with using Internet, more using Internet, and more interaction effect come out among Taekwondo instructors. Second, those who need more Homepage information, more communication effect come out among Taekwondo instructors. Third, there is much communication effect for those who using Internet within an hour daily among Taekwondo instructors.

      • KCI등재

        공공 스포츠센터의 서비스품질, 고객만족도, 관계마케팅 및 소비행동의 관계

        전익기(Ik Ki Jeon),강지현(Ji Hyun Kang),양걸(Gilr Yang) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.42

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Relation Marketing and Consumption Behavior in Public Sports Center. The subjects of this study were customers of public sports center in Seoul, Gyunggi and Pusan samples of 783 questionnaires by convenience sampling was used as final research materials. The results by using exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis with SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0 are as follow; First, the service quality of Public Sports Center has the Influence on the customers` satisfaction. Second, the service quality of Public Sports Center has the Influence on the relation marketing. Third, the service quality of Public Sports Center has the Influence on the consumption behavior. Fourth, the customers` satisfaction of Public Sports Center has the Influence on the relation marketing. Fifth, the customers` satisfaction of Public Sports Center has the Influence on the consumption behavior. Sixth, the relation marketing of Public Sports Center has the Influence on the consumption behavior.

      • 태권도학과 재학생들의 라이프스타일에 따른 진로의식성숙도에 관한 연구

        전익기(Ik-Ki Jeon) · 라정현(Jung-Hyun Ra) 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원 2008 태권도과학 Vol.1 No.1

        This research is conducted by distributing 300 surveys to students that take Taekwondo as a speciality in a full 4 year University in Seoul or in Gyeonggi area. Among the surveys that were distributed 253 were retrieved, and excluding surveys that were useless or had too much error, 218 were used in this analysis. And according to this data we were able to come to these conclusions. First, in order to define the difference in lifestyle and a sense of awareness in course of direction we used an independent T-test and One-Way ANOVA, and in order to prove that there was a noticeable change we used Scheffe's post modern verification and came to find that there was noticeable changes in the lower level of factors of the demographie. Secondly, in order to find the relationship between lifestyle factors and a sense of awareness in course of direction factors we use a Correlation Analysis and found out that there was a high level of correlation. The overall conclusion of this study is that there is a positive and negative relationship between ones personal lifestyle and the lower levels of ones sense of occupation maturity awareness. Thus, since the preference and occupational awareness of each student varies, the Taekwondo departments in colleges should come up with plan to provide the information regarding such work areas in relation to the aptitude test which is taken during admission and should continuously consult with the students so that the students will receive proper courses and reduce the possibility of error during job selection.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 유학생의 태권도인식이 국가 이미지에 미치는 영향

        전익기(Ik Ki Jeon),양걸(Girl Yang),오철희(Cheol Hee Oh) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.42

        Effects of the above project for Taekwondo, informed as a world-wide sport, would be various like this, but this study has focused on the national image because we live in the society, which stresses on image, so that it can be said that we live in the society of image. In case of impressing others with positive image, they also respond positively, while in case the appearances seen to the public are positive and satisfying then the organization, group, company and country also would have positive images. Image is considered more important in case of country. Since many countries put efforts to improve their images as more people get thinking that national image is national competition. Based on precedent studies about national image, this study is to see how foreigners think of Korean image and how Taekwondo awareness influence on the image. The purpose of this study is to see what is needed to create positive image of Korea out of the drawn data, and to offer basic data to get a more efficient way to improve Korean image in the international society. To reach the purpose of this study, foreign and interchanging students of K, Y and S university in metropolitan area were chosen as a population, and samples were extracted by Convenience Sampling Method among them. Data were processed by Frequency Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Independent Sample T-Test, Post-Hoc, Correlation Analysis and Multiple regression analysis, with SPSS/PC+ 17.0K Version for Window users. As a result of the study, comprehensively seeing the influences on the national images followed by Taekwondo awareness as external factors, the more they trained the better image they had. In evaluating factors for national image, the more the recognized about Taekwondo the more positive it was found out to influence on the national image. In the field of future-oriented factors of the national image, the more recognized and trained about Taekwondo the more they were found out to influence on positive image of the country. In the field of negative factors for the national image, the more recognized and trained about Taekwondo the more they were found out to influence on negative image of the country.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠매장의 배경음악에 따른 소비자의 쇼핑 감정과 매장태도 및 접근행동의 차이분석에 관한 연구

        전익기(Jeon IK-KI),오철희(Oh Chul-Hee) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to know consumer’s shopping emotion, attitude to store and access behavior depending on the background music that gives a significant effect to store atmosphere. In other words, the study tried to provide basic data for marketing that is discriminated from rival companies, meets consumer’s desire level and enables consumer to visit store more easily by researching the difference of two stimulations through the experiment based on tempo (fast/slow) of background music that is encountered in store easily. For data processing and analysis, SPSSWIN Ver. 18.0 was applied to perform frequency analysis, reliability analysis, one way ANOVA and post-hoc. The study results are as follows. First, for consumer’s shopping emotion depending on the tempo of background music in sports store, it was high in order of fast music, slow music and no music. Second, for consumer’s attitude to store depending on the tempo of background music in sports store, fast music and slow music were higher than no music. Third, for consumer’s access behavior depending on the tempo of background music in sports store, it was high in order of fast music, slow music and no music.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 스포츠의류 소비자의 구매결정요인이 브랜드자산에 미치는 영향

        전익기(Jeon Ik-Ki),오철희(Oh Chul-Hee) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to define the relationship between purchase decision factor of unversity student sports wear consumer and brand asset. For the purpose, with convenience sampling method, 250 samples were collected from the students of K, Y and S university, which are located in Gyeonggi-do. Excluding 1 sample, which was not proper for the study, a total of 235 samples were used as final effective samples. For data processing, PASW Ver. 18.0 was used to perform exploratory factor analysis, reliance analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The study results are as follows. First, it was found that among the sub factors of brand asset, brand loyalty factor gave a positive effect to quality factor, brand factor and advertisement factor out of the purchase decision factor of sports wear consumer. Second, it was found that among the sub factors of brand asset, brand attitude factor gave a positive effect to quality factor, brand factor and advertisement factor out of the purchase decision factor of sports wear consumer. Third, it was found that among the sub factors of brand asset, brand image factor gave a positive effect to quality factor and brand factor out of the purchase decision factor of sports wear consumer. Fourth, it was found that among the sub factors of brand asset, brand recognition factor gave a positive effect to quality factor, brand factor and advertisement factor out of the purchase decision factor of sports wear consumers.

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