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      • KCI등재

        일본의 국가안전보장회의(NSC) 강화와 한국에 대한 시사점

        전권천 국방대학교 국가안전보장문제연구소 2014 국방연구 Vol.57 No.2

        Recently, the uncertainty of future environment on the Korean peninsular is arising when it comes to North Korean issue and power game in region of north-east Asia as well as it negatively affect to our foreign affairs and national security. China and Japan formed the highest level of command center NSC in order to more positively cope with the changing security domestic and international environment and also to integrate and coordinate key diplomatic and security issues. Strengthening NSC is definite demonstration that they will drive their diplomacy and national security policy systematically and integrally, and strong expression that they will embody the intention of national leader powerfully. However, Japan pursues the change of diplomacy and national security policy through new national security strategy and defence guideline and drastically strengthened the organization and functions of NSC similar to the system of USA. But Korean NSC system has been in name only or courtesy title since it was founded in 1963. It repeated rise and fall under the condition of willingness and inclination of each government’s president, the instability of staff organization and conflict between ministries. Therefore, I’d like to explore the message to South Korea which Japan’s consolidation of NSC implies under the hard and fast diplomacy and security environment. 북한의 핵 실험과 미사일 발사, 장성택 처형이후 북한 체제의 불안정성과 급변 가능성 제기, 일본의 군사대국화 추진, 중국의 부상과 팽창주의, 주변국간의 영토갈등 문제등 북한 상황뿐 아니라 동북아에서도 힘과 힘들이 부딪히면서 우리의 외교안보적 입지가 줄어들고 있고 미래 안보의 불확실성이 증가하고 있다. 중국과 일본은 국내 ․ 외 안보환경 변화에 적극적으로 대응하고 주요 외교안보 현안들에 대한 정책통합과 조율을 위해 경쟁적으로 최고 사령탑으로서 국가안전보장회의(NSC)를 창설하였다. NSC체제를통해 외교안보정책을 체계적이고 통합적으로 추진하고 국가 지도자의 의지를 강력하게구현하겠다는 명확한 표현으로 받아들여진다. 특히, 일본은 새로운 국가안보전략과 방위계획대강 등을 통해 외교안보정책의 변화를 추구하면서 과거 NSC체제에서 미국과 유사한 NSC 체제로 조직과 기능을 대폭 강화하였다. NSC체제 효과성 제고를 위해서는국가 지도자의 강력한 의지와 통치철학, 충분한 조직 구성 및 기능, 조직내 및 계선조직간 정책결정과정에서 갈등관리가 주요 핵심 요인이다. 한국의 NSC 체제는 1963년 창설이래 정권마다 대통령의 의지와 성향, 참모조직의 불완전성, 내부 또는 부처간 갈등 등에 따라 유명무실한 기구였다가 다시 명목상의 기구로 바뀌는 부침의 역사를 거듭해왔다. 따라서 엄중한 외교안보 상황속에서 일본의 NSC 체제 강화가 박근혜 정부에서 새롭게 출발한 NSC체제 발전에 주는 시사점을 제시해 보고자 했다.

      • 학술논문 4 : 미국 국가안전보장회의(NSC) 운영시 정책 갈등의 특징 분석

        전권천 ( Kwon Cheon Jeon ),서길원 ( Gil Weon Seo ) 한국군사학회 2015 군사논단 Vol.82 No.-

        Today in Northeast Asia, a new form of political, economic and military power relationship between China and the United States began to form in the region. Meanwhile, China and Japan are vying with each other to take an initiative in responding to the ongoing structural changes within the region. Furthermore, uncertainty and instability in a diplomatic environment of the region including the Korean peninsula are mounting with extremely sensitive and complicated issues such as ROK-US-JAPAN trilateral alliance, development of ROK-CHINA relationship, territorial and historical disputes between ROK-China-Japan, as well as North Korean nuclear issues. In line with the overall situation of the region, Japan and China have prepared a strong institutional system which will be managing national strategy, diplomatic and security strategy, risk management through strengthening their NSC system, which is similar to that of the United States, in 2013 December and 2014 January. An NSC system of the Republic of Korea, with National Security Office of the Blue House in the center, along with those of Japan and China, is equipped with organizational and functional features that enables itself to act as a control tower of foreign affairs and national security. However, an NSC system of the United States has a long history of 70 years, and its structure and size have been changing along with decision making structures of each presidential office, leadership, and diplomatic and security environment. Moreover, there has been a policy-related conflicts among policy makers in decision-making process. Therefore, the aim of this research is to examine theoretical backgrounds of decision-making process and conflicts between policy makers that comes with the process, as well as to examine the policy decision structure of the president`s office and the contents of the conflict that comes with the process. This paper also seeks to analyze and suggest the characteristics of policy-related conflicts in a comprehensive manner.

      • KCI등재

        솔수염하늘소 제어를 위한 소나무림 숲가꾸기의 하한(下限)시기 구명

        전권석 ( Kwon Seok Jeon ),박남창 ( Nam Chang Park ),윤희탁 ( Hee Tak Yoon ),홍성 ( Sung Cheon Hong ) 한국임학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.3

        소나무재선충병의 방제법 중 임업적 방제법을 개발하기 위한 일환으로 소나무재선충의 매개충인 솔수염하늘소가 서식처로 이용할 수 없는 소나무림 숲가꾸기의 하한(下限)시기를 구명하기 위하여 2010년 2월 국립산림과학원 남부산림연구소 진주시험림에 야외그물망 케이지(크기 1 m×1 m×1 m)를 7개 설치하였다. 각 케이지 내에 시기별 숲가꾸기 산물(길이 1.0 m, 직경 5~10 cm)을 5~10개씩 투입한 후 솔수염하늘소의 성충 4~6쌍을 방사하여 후식시켰다. 2010년 11월 각 시료목에 출현한 유충 침입공과 유충서식유무를 조사한 바, 숲가꾸기 시기로부터 성충방사시기 까지 24개월, 18개월, 12개월, 6개월 된 산물을 한 케이지 내에 함께 넣은 경우(처리 1)에는 유충 침입공은 12개월된 산물까지 출현하였으나 유충은 6개월 된 산물에서만 출현하였다. 24개월, 18개월, 15개월, 12개월 된 시료목을 한케이지 내에 함께 넣은 경우(처리 2)에는 유충 침입공은 18개월 된 산물까지 출현하였으나 유충은 12개월 된 산물에서만 출현하였다. 그리고 24개월, 18개월, 15개월, 12개월, 6개월 된 산물을 각 케이지 내에 독립적으로 넣은 후 건조, 습윤구로 구분하여 처리한 경우(처리 3)에는 건조구와 습윤구 모두에서 유충 침입공은 18개월, 15개월, 12개월, 6개월된 산물에서 출현하였으나 유충은 건조구에서는 15개월, 12개월, 6개월 된 산물에서 출현하였고 습윤구에서는 6개월 된 산물에서만 출현하였다. 이상의 제 결과로써 숲가꾸기한 후 24개월이 경과한 산물은 솔수염하늘소의 서식 처로 이용되지 않는 것으로 사료된다. Field Cage plots (1 m×1 m×1 m) were established (7 units) to find the lowest limit time about the tending of red pine forest (Pinus densiflora) which can no longer be used as a habitat by Monochamus alternatus, vector insect of pine wilt disease at the experimental forest of the southern forest research center of the Korea forest research institute in February in 2010. Thinning slashes (length, 1 m; diameter, 5~10 cm) tended at the different times were put in cages, and 4~6 couples of adult M. alternatus were put into each the cage in June. Presence or absence the larval entrance holes and larval were determined in November in 2010. Incase of the combination 24, 18, 12 and 6-month-old thinning slashes from thinning times to the time of adult emergence inside a single cage, larval entrance holes were found in the 6-month-old and 12-month-old thinning slashes but larvae were found only in the 6-month-old thinning slashes (treatment 1). In case of the combination 24, 18, 15 and 12-month-old thinning slashes inside a single cage, larval entrance holes were found in the 15-month-old and 12-month-old thinning slashes but larvae were found only in the 12-month-old (treatment 2). When 24, 18, 15, 12 and 6-month-old thinning slashes with treated dry and humid condition were put separately inside each cage, larval entrance holes were found in the 18, 15, 12, 6-month-old thinning slashes without the relation of the dry and humid conditions. But larvae were found in the 15, 12, 6-month-old thinning slashes in the dry conditions and only in the 6-month-old thinning slashes in the humid conditions. Results indicated the lowest limit time which can no longer be used as a habitat by M. alternatus is before 24 month from the time of adult emergence.

      • KCI등재

        소나무 치수림 가꾸기가 솔수염하늘소의 서식에 미치는 영향

        전권석 ( Kwon Seok Jeon ),박남창 ( Nam Chang Park ),홍성 ( Sung Cheon Hong ) 한국산림과학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.4

        Cage plots were established in 2008 to find the relationship between combination of tended Japanese red pine sapling and the habitation of Monochamus alternatus, a vector for pine wood nematode. Japanese red pine sapling tended at different times were successively put into the cage, and then the adult of Monochamus alternatus was put in June. Presence or absence of the larva was determined November. Sapling tendings were done at seven successive times in 2009, mid- and late February and March, mid-April, May and June. Some saplings were also tended in mid-October of 2008, the previous year of this experiment. The larva was found in all the saplings tended later than mid-March in 2009. No larva was found in the saplings tended in mid-October of 2008 and those in February of 2009. In case of the combination the by-products of mid-February and late March of 2009 and mid-October of 2008, the larva was found in the by-product of mid-February and late March of 2009, but those in mid-October of 2008 was not. When the saplings tended in mid-October of 2008 and mid- and late February of 2009 were put into the cage singly, the larva was found in all the saplings. Results indicated the mixture of the saplings tended at different times affected the habitation of Monochamus alternatus differently.

      • KCI등재

        벌채시기와 그루터기 높이가 소나무재선충병의 매개충인 솔수염하늘소의 서식에 미치는 영향

        전권석 ( Kwon Seok Jeon ),박남창 ( Nam Chang Park ),이성민 ( Sung Min Lee ),최해웅 ( Hae Woong Choi ),홍성 ( Sung Cheon Hong ) 한국산림과학회 2013 한국산림과학회지 Vol.102 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate the effect on the habitation of Monochamυs alternatus, avector insect of pine wood nematode by the tended sound stumps for the developing forestry control methods of pine wilt disease controls. Field cage plots(1m×1m×1m)were established 12 units (Experiment1:4units, Experiment2:8 Units) and were treated 4 kinds(February in 2010, February, April, June in 2011), The adults of M. alternatus were put into 4~5couples each the cage June in 2011. Presence or absence of the larva entrance holes and larva were detailed November in 2011. The larva were appeared in the sound stumps of sapling and young trees tended at February, April, June, the current emergence year of M. alternatυs, but were not appeared in the sound stumps of sapling and young trees tended February in 2010, one year before the emergence of M. alternatυs. The larva habitated in stumps of sapling were likely to be smaller in size in compare to the larva in stumps of young trees. In case of young tree, the larva were found at the cleft part of bark, but were not found at ridge part of bark and between the bark and the woody parts, but were not found at the woody parts. To develop the control guiding principal of sound stump after forest tending tending practice, further experiment need is in existence oviposition and larvae of vectors by height of stemps.

      • KCI등재

        소나무림 숲가꾸기 종류가 소나무재선충병의 제어에 미치는 영향

        전권석 ( Kwon Seok Jeon ),김철수 ( Chul Su Kim ),박남창 ( Nam Chang Park ),허태철 ( Tae Chul Hur ),홍성 ( Sung Cheon Hong ) 한국임학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.2

        소나무재선충병 방제법 중 임업적 방제법을 개발하기 위한 일환으로 위생간벌, 간벌, 어린소나무 가꾸기가 소나무재선충병의 제어에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 야외 그물망 케이지에 소나무재선충을 보유한 솔수염하늘소를 방사하였다. 대조구, 위생간벌, 간벌 처리구 모두에서 공시목의 50% 이상이 고사되었으며, 처리구 간에는 유의성이 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 처리구 내 방치한 숲가꾸기 산물이 소나무재선충병을 확산시키는 촉매제로 작용하였다. 어린 소나무림 가꾸기의 경우 산물을 방치한 처리구가 공시목의 고사율이 90% 이상으로 가장 높았으며, 산물을 케이지 밖으로 들어낸 처리구와 숲가꾸기를 하지 않고 솔수염하늘소의 성충을 방사한 처리구에서는 10% 내외의 고사율을 나타내었다. 솔수염하늘소 우화 당년도인 4월에 위생간벌, 간벌을 실행한 장령목의 벌근에서는 솔수염하늘소의 유충이 출현하지 않았으나, 솔수염하늘소의 우화 당년도인 5월에 숲가꾸기 한 어린나무의 벌근에서는 유충이 출현하였다. 본 실험 결과, 장령 소나무림과 어린소나무림 내에 소나무재선충병이 만연하고 있는 임분의 경우 솔수염하늘소의 우화 당년도인 4월과 5월에 실행한 숲가꾸기는 소나무재선충병의 제어에 아무런 효과가 없었으며 방치한 숲가꾸기 산물은 오히려 소나무 재선충병을 확산시키는 촉매제로 작용하였다. This study was conducted to investigate the effect on pine wilt disease by health-thinning, thinning and sapling tending in red pine forest (Pinus densiflora). As a part of developing forestry control methods for pine wilt disease control. In case of putting in pine sawyer (Monochamus alternatus) with pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), the specimen trees in health-thinning, thinning and control treatment were withered more than 50%, although there were not statistically significant differences in treatments. In treatment site, thinning slashes had influenced on the spread of pine wilt disease (experiment 1). In thinning stand of sapling pine, site with thinning slashes had highest mortality (> 90%). There were approximately 10% mortality in the site of carried thinning slashes from case and the site of non-thinning with released M. alternatus (experiment 2). The larvae had not appeared in young tree stump with health-thinning and thinning at April, the current emergence year of M. alternatus, but there were larvae in sapling tree stump with thinning at May, the current emergence year of M. alternatus. In case of stands with infected young and sapling tree by pine wilt disease, there is no effects of on pine wilt disease control by health-thinning, thinning, saplings tending at April and May, the current emergence year of M. alternatus, and leaved thinning slashes had influenced on the spread of pine wilt disease as habitation of M. alternatus.

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