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        표준장례비용 산정에 관한 연구

        이필도 ( Lee Pil-do ),김미혜 ( Kim Mi-hye ) 한국보건사회연구원 2009 保健社會硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구는 수도권단위의 장례비용 실태조사를 통해 장례서비스의 이용현황 및 장례비용 실태를 파악하고, 장례비용 실태조사 자료를 근거로 표준장례비용의 합리적인 기준을 제시하고 활용방안을 모색하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 장례비용 실태조사는 장례식장, 묘지, 화장시설, 봉안시설을 대상으로, 표본을 추출하여 방문조사와 우편조사 및 전화조사를 병행 실시하였다. 비용조사 항목 내용은 장사시설별로 구분하여, 장례식장의 경우 장의용품 구입비용과 염습비용, 장례식장 사용료와 조문객 접대관련 비용, 운구비용으로 구분하고 있으며, 묘지관련 비용은 초기 구입비용과 유지관리비로 구성되어 있다. 봉안관련 비용은 봉안시설 사용료와 관리비로 구분하여 조사하였다. 장례비용은 실태조사 자료를 기초로 세부 항목을 보편타당한 선택 범위 내에서 우선순위를 두어 설정하고, 조사결과에서 평균비용, 최빈비용, 중위수 비용을 산출하였다. 또한 가중치 비용은 평균 비용을 일정한 비율로 반영하고, 최빈비용은 실제 빈도비율을 사용하였으며, 나머지 비율을 중위수비용으로 하여 세부 항목별 비용을 합산하여 산정하였다. 표준장례비용은 장례비용의 적정수준 및 항목별 산정기준의 표준화를 유도하며, 장례서비스 비용에 관한 종합정보를 제공하여 공정한 거래질서의 확립을 가져오고 장례서비스의 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. This research is aimed at furthering the understanding of use of funeral services and their charges by regional investigations in Korea. The data from the research is to come up with a way to calculate standard funeral service charges, which will help prepare a proper and rational guideline for funeral service charges applicable in a wider area. The concept of standard funeral service charge can be defined as an average cost needed to hold a funeral service, with general conditions for it fully secured. Centered on some basic investigations on the use of funeral services, the rise and decline of the costs to use funeral facility including funeral homes, and so on, this research also utilized relevant documents and statistical data while studying the costs bereaved families actually paid at each funeral home or facility. A funeral service can be defined as consulting prior to a service, holding a rite within a given time, providing related facility, articles, and extra service which are necessary. By the way, the whole procedure mentioned is subject to the limitation of time and space, leading to the difficulty of its standardization. Furthermore, in spite of the variety of provided articles and facility, service users` lack of knowledge and information prevents them from making a rational choice in terms of price, quality, etc. shows the objects, method, procedure, details, and limitation of the investigation, analyzing the resultant funeral charges both categorically and collectively. The researchers conducted their task by visiting, mail, e-mail, and phone. They conducted their research in order of preliminary, main, and complementary investigations. Based on the result of the investigation, Section 4 decides which comes first among the details needed for a funeral service while calculating 4 model funeral service charges referring to the result of the service charge investigation.

      • KCI등재

        입원진료비 상승요인 분석

        한혜경 ( Hye-kyung Han ),이필도 ( Pil-do Lee ),노인철 ( In-chul Noh ) 한국보건사회연구원 1990 保健社會硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        입원진료비의 상승은 높은 약제비 비중, 병원의 높은 수술률, 종합병원 이상의 검사비 등의 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 횡단면 다중회귀분석에 의한 입원진료비 결정요인은 입원일수, 전문의수, 의료장비수, 연령, 수술여부 등인 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 45세이상 연령층의 만성질환으로 인한 입원진료비가 더욱 증가할 것이라는 전망에 따라 약제비 및 검사비에 대한 대책, 의료자원의 효율적인 사용을 위한 병원기능의 전문화 등 입원진료비의 경제성을 도모하기 위한 다양한 대책이 요구된다. The rapid increase in medical care costs have become a growing problems since health insurance was introduced. In particular, medical care costs for in-patients have tended to rise at a faster pace than those for out-patients. For example, while the out-patient costs in 1989 increased 3.32 times over those in 1983, the hospital care costs increased 3.75 times during the same period. Furthermore, the scale of hospital care costs continued to rise from about 33 percent in 1983 to 36 percent of the total expenditure in 1989. The principal cause of these increase was related to a considerable rise in medical care costs for out-patients less than 14 years old. Recently, however, the ratio of in-patient costs has risen markedly due to a sharp increase in the costs related to cancer and to chronic diseases of the circulatory system for those over 45. Since this age group continues to increase, it is expected that this pattern will continue as a leading factor in the increase in medical care costs. The concern over rising costs and a search for ways to control these costs are now stimulating interest in the development of public policies. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to examine factors giving rise to the cost escalation of hospital medical care and also to provide insight into the policy implications for containment of these costs. The data used here was obtained from a survey of the monthly insurance bills (13,532 cases) presented to the National Federation of Medical Insurance in February 1990. This group represented the employees and dependents of private companies as well as self-employed people. The main results and their implications are as follows : 1. The important factors which have influenced the increase in the medical care costs for in-patients was revealed as a high medication ratio, more examinations, a longer stay, and a high frequency of surgical procedures in the hospitals. 2. The portion of medication and injection costs was found to be extremely high. Medications constituted 37 % of total hospital care costs in excess of 500,000 Won per case. These extraordinarily high expenditures are due to excessive consumption and high prices. One alternative to limit expenditures on drugs is to establish a list of essential drugs as chosen for cost-effectiveness (low price with equal efficacy). Thus drugs not on this list would not be cove-red by insurance. Also important is the control of pharmacists` mark-ups, drug prices, and advertising expenditures by pharmaceutical firms for sales promotion. 3. The ratio of examination costs was about 30% of the total medical care costs per in-patient case, which was observed to be correlated mainly with the length of stay and the number of examinations, and the quantity of medical equipment in hospitals, so that in recent years the problem of excessive examinations has emerged particularly in both tertiary and general hospitals. The tertiary hospitals are prohibited from offering out-patient care. A committal order written by a physician in a clinic is required for a patient to receive hospital medical care. Both because of the poor flow of information between primary physicians and hospital physicians, and because outside physicians do not have access to superior hospital equipment, hospitals repeat many diagnostic examinations already performed by physicians prior to hospitalization. In fact, such duplication adds to the length of stay and ultimately to medical care costs. In addition, excess investments in such high- tech equipment as CT Scanner, MRI, and heart transplant equipment tend to result in new cost increases, so specialized central examination facilities with high-tech equipment should be established at the district level, both to share inforamtion and their use and to avoid duplication or excessive use of medical procedures and diagnostic tests. 4. The portion of medical procedure and operation costs in hospitals was relatively higher than those in both general hospitals and tertiary hospitals, which appeared to be associated with the high frequency of surgical produres in hospitals. The costs of medications and examinations were, however, shown to be highest in general and tertiary hospitals. One interesting result indicates that there is a negative correlation between surgical procedure costs and examination costs, suggesting that more examinations might reduce the frequency of surgery. 5. To cope with the soaring medical care costs, less expensive service facilities as are used in the developed countries ought to be developed or introduced into the health care sector. For example, there are day care centers, geriatric day hospitals, hospice systems, ambulatory surgical centers, nursing home care and home health care, which can be substituted for expensive hospital services. In addition, surgery and hospital admission and discharge can be managed in a rational manner to curb long-term hospital stays. For example, admission and discharge adjudication committees, composed of doctors including physicians in charge, and nurses and other medical care personnel should be set up in each hospital to check the condition of in-patients periodically to decide on whether they can be discharged.

      • KCI등재

        도시(都市) 근로자가구(勤勞者家口)의 경조김(慶弔金) 지출규모(支出規模) 분석(分析)

        배화옥 ( Hwa-ok Bae ),이필도 ( Pil-do Lee ) 한국보건사회연구원 1998 保健社會硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        과거 혼례, 장례 등 가정의례에서 相扶相助의 의미로 주고 받던 慶弔事金이 최근에는 가계경제에 부담이 될만큼 과다 금액이 지출될뿐만 아니라 일부 계층의 지위나 권력의 과시수단과 사회적 연결망의 확장수단으로 변질되어 社會的 違和感을 조성하는 逆機能性을 내포하게 되었다. 현행 가정의례에 있어서 파생되는 경조금 문제는 개인 또는 가족에게 국한된 것이 아니라 사회적 현상으로, 경조금 문제에 대한 접근도 사회현상의 일부로 이해하고 그 원인과 대책을 강구하는데 초점을 맞추어야 할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 가정의례에 있어서 도시 근로자가구의 경조금 지출수준을 살펴보고 어떠한 요인들에 의해 경조금 과다지출 문제가 발생하는 지를 분석한 후, 분석결과를 토대로 건전한 경조금 지출관행의 정착을 위한 정책수립의 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 건전한 경조금 지출관행의 정착을 위해서는 먼저 건전한 慶弔事文化를 정립해 나갈 수 있는 방안이 마련되어야 할 것이며 구체적으로는 무분별한 하객 초청 행위와 신문 등 인쇄물을 통한 訃告行爲 제한, 경조금의 부담 범위와 규모를 제한하는 조치, 사회지도층을 포함한 공공부문 종사자의 자발적인 참여 유도 등의 방안을 들었다. 경조사와 관련된 制度改善의 실현은 일반 국민들이 이를 실천하겠다는 의지를 가질 때 결실을 맺을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Mutual aid, which has been given as a means of congratulations or condolences at various family rituals in the past, has recently taken to being a ostentation means of sharing social status and power and being an extension of the social network. The distored custom of giving money at family rituals has resulted in as increased household expenditure and feeling of social class discrimination. Therefore, the mutual aid expenditure problem should be approached concentrating on finding the cause and working out counter-measures from a societal perspective. In this study, we try to identify the present situation of the distored mutual aid customs, to analyze main causes of the problem, and to provide policy measures regarding the practice of prudent family ritual customs. To identify the mutual aid expenditure problem, we utilized raw data from the 1996 Family Income and Expenditure Survey conducted by the National Statistical Office, targetting information on the congratulations and condolences expenses of a total of 3,935 urban households. The study results show that each urban household had an expenditure of 39,300 won per month and 472,000 won per year for mutual aid, in 1996. The amount comprised 1.8% of the monthly average income (2,152,700 won) of urban households. Thus, the grand total of mutual aid of urban households is estimated to be more than 4,177 billion won, when the yearly expenditure of 472,000 won is multiplied by 8,850 thousand households with more than two persons, in 1996. The mutual aid expenditure was reviewed, considering various economic and socio-demographic factors. The result was that those aged over 50, with high income and consumption and with an educational level of college and university in the Seoul metropolitan area reported a expenditure of mutual aid than those aged less than 50, with low or middle income and consumption and with an educational level of middle and high school graduation in all other cities. Men expend much more for mutual aid than women and dual income earners` households expend much more than single income earner households in urban areas. Public officials, administrative and clerical workers expenditure of mutual aid is double the amount of casual and manual workers. In particular, public officials pay the highest mutual aid expenditure among the work groups. This suggests that settlement of sound mutual aid customs could be obtained targetting the public officials group. For policies, first we suggest the prohibition of inviting excessive guests to ceremonies and the noticing of weddings and deaths in newspapers. Another suggestion is to persuade those working in the public sector, including high ranking officials and leaders, to participate voluntarily in practicing prudent family rituals by limiting the amount and scope of mutual aid. The implementation of prudent family rituals will be obtained through the strong will of the general people.

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